Boston Pride is right around the corner. Since our founding, the Green-Rainbow Party has supported equality for everyone. This Saturday, we will be marching along with our candidates, Danny Factor for Secretary of the Commonwealth, Ian Jackson for Treasurer, Merelice for Auditor, and Jason P. Lowenthal for U.S. Congress. We would love your company in the parade and afterwards at the festival to collect signatures for our candidates. Show your Green-Rainbow pride, your support for our GBLT brothers and sisters, and help out our candidates!
The Green-Rainbow Party Contingent in the Boston Pride Parade will be meeting near the statue in front of the Prudential Center, on Boylston Street between Fairfield and Gloucester Streets. To march with us, come as early as 9 AM (but no later than 10 AM.) After the parade, even if you didn't march, join us at the Boston Pride Festival at Government Center from noon to 6 PM to help gather nominating signatures for our candidates! If you've already been collecting signatures, bring your sheets with you to turn in to us!
Join our GRP contingent on Facebook (don't forget to invite your friends!):
For questions regarding the parade, call Frank Jackson at 339-707-5212.
For questions regarding the festival, call Mike Heichman at 617-543-6801.
Schedule for Saturday, June 14:
Parade Setup: 9am (Copley Square)
Parade Start: 11am
Festival: 12-6pm (City Hall Plaza)
Official Boston Pride Website:
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