A candidate for office at any level in Massachusetts can seek the endorsement and support of the Green-Rainbow Party and its regional chapters. Assistance can include help from Greens who have run successful campaigns in the past, signature gathering, fundraising, and publicizing your candidacy. Notably, the Candidate Development and Legal Committee (CDLC) is staffed by seasoned political experts, including co-chairs David Spanagel and Yasmine Khdeer.
To receive the state level endorsement, you will need to complete the "Endorsement form" that the GRP uses to gather information about your goals, background, and the organizational steps you have already taken to kick off your campaign. For municipal and other local offices, you will need to contact your regional chapter to request an appropriate form requesting our endorsement. You may also request endorsement from both state levels.
The CDLC or the chapter will review your request for completeness and alliance with our 10 Key Values. At the state level, (CDLC), will submit the approved endorsement request to members of the State Committee at least 2 weeks prior to a meeting at which they would be expected to vote on a motion to endorse. The CDLC expects to submit its first candidates for endorsement to the Green-Rainbow Party State Committee within the next several weeks.
To seek Green-Rainbow endorsement, find the endorsement application HERE
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