Proposed Agenda for April 6, 2014 State Committee Meeting (Revised March 30, 2014. To be presented on April 6, 2014 for approval)
9:00 am – Registration
9:30 am – Secretary announces if we have met quorum / Introductions
9:40 am – Identify notes taker, vibes watcher, time keeper and stacker
9:50 am – Approval of Agenda
10:00 am – New Appointments to State Committee
10:10 am – Seating of Alternates
10:20 am – Decide on location / facilitators of Summer 2014 State Committee Meeting
10:25 am – Approve draft minutes from January 11, 2014 meeting
10:30 am – Approve minutes of the special March 2, 2014 Teleconference [see below]*
10:35 am - Election of AdCom Officers
10:40 am – Report from AdCom / Co-Chairs
10:50 am – Treasurer’s Report
11:00 am – Adoption of GRP Fundraising policy [see text below] **
11:30 am – Coffee Break
11:45 noon – Nomination of JP Lowenthal, Congress, 7th Congressional District
12:15 pm - GRP Regional Maps Update / Discussion
12:30 pm - Membership Brochure Update / Discussion
12:40 pm - Slate Update (Candidates / Siggy Meilus / Mike Heichman)
1:15 pm – Lunch / Public Outreach / Signature Gathering / Voter Registration
3:30 pm – Working Committee Reports (EAWG, CDLC, ComCom, Platform, Membership, Convention Planning
4:00 pm – Set Date for Annual Convention
4:10 pm – Chapter Reports – (including Welcome New Assabet River Chapter!)
4:30 pm – Climate Convergence – Jill Stein
4:45 pm – GRP Meeting Calendar – John Andrews
5:00 pm – Round Robin
5:15 pm - Adjourn
*Fundraising Guidelines
The State Committee adopts the following language as a fundraising
standard for all GRP candidates.
• /Our campaign does not accept contributions from registered lobbyists
and from officers of for-profit corporations that hire registered
/• We strongly oppose attempts to influence the election by independent
expenditure organizations (such as "SuperPACS") which evade normal
donation limits or keep their donors and expenditures secret until after
the election./
b) The text above should be posted verbatim on online donation pages and
printed on all fundraising literature. Additional explanatory text can
be added if the candidate wishes.
c) Candidates who wish to decline donations based on additional criteria
are asked to first discuss these criteria with the Candidate Development
and Legal Committee to ensure that such criteria are clearly formulated
and to understand the political and financial implications of such
criteria. The exact wording of any guidelines can produce unintended
legal and implementation implications, so careful review is advisable.
d) Any candidate seeking a nomination or endorsement from State
Committee shall be asked to make a commitment to the standard
guidelines. (Note: Failure to make such a commitment shall not preclude
the nomination or endorsement, but may influence the assessment of the
application by State Committee members.)
e) The same standards, appropriately worded, should be applied to
fundraising for the Green-Rainbow Party funds. -
** Minutes of March 2, 2014 Teleconference
DRAFT Minutes of Sunday, March 2, 2014
State Committee of the Green-Rainbow Party
Present at teleconference meeting were: John Andrews, Roni Beal, Maureen Doyle, Danny Factor, Joyce Fortune, David Gerry, Mike Heichman, Joanna Herlihy, Denis Melican, Merelice, Siggy Meilus, Rick Purcell, David Rolde, David Spanagel, Gus Steeves, Daphne Stephens, Dru Tarr, Dick Vaillette
Quorum was met
Approval of Agenda:
Agenda was approved by consensus with no changes.
Report of Electoral Action Working Group (EAWG):
John reported that EAWG spent over two months recruiting candidates and conducting telephone interviews. Merelice was interviewed by phone to run for State Auditor.
Statement of Candidate:
Merelice stated that she is honored to accept the nomination to run as State Auditor as a Green Rainbow candidate. Helping Merelice with her campaign are Mel King, Campaign Manager and Nat Fortune, Treasurer as well as Frank Sullivan and Wes Nickerson who have helped collecting signatures. She noted that a GOP candidate is also running for State Auditor, which could result in possible debates. Merelice briefly described some of her ideas on affordable housing, environmental ways to use state owned land, investing in youth, helping people fulfill their dreams and making GRP values visible
Proposal 1: Nomination for State Auditor
Proposal: The Green-Rainbow Party hereby nominates M.K. Merelice as the Green-Rainbow Party’s 2014 candidate for the office of State Auditor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. It is understood that her acceptance of this nomination indicates her agreement to run in collaboration with the Party’s 2014 slate of statewide candidates.
Sponsors of proposal (EAWG and StateCom members): John Andrews, Daniel Factor, Nat Fortune, Mike Heichman, Frank Jackson, Jill Stein
Proposal 2: GRP Secretary
Proposal: The State Committee appoints the following person to fill the current vacancy in the office of Secretary of the Green-Rainbow Party: Roni Beal
Sponsors of proposal (EAWG and StateCom members): John Andrews, Daniel Factor, Nat Fortune, Mike Heichman, Frank Jackson, Jill Stein
Roni expressed her interest in serving as GRP Secretary and doing her best in this position. Merelice noted that training for the secretary is very important. Danny stated that both he and Frank will help Roni with the transition. A Change of StateCom Officers report must be sent to the Secretary of the Commonwealth.
Voting results on Proposals 1 & 2
Name |
Present? |
Proposal 1 |
Proposal 2 |
Andrews, John |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Beal, Roni |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Doyle, Maureen |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Factor, Danny |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Fortune, Joyce |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Gerry, David |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Heichman, Mike |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Herlihy, Joanna |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Melican, Denis |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Merelice, MK |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Meilus, Siggy |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Purcell, Rick |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Rolde, David |
Y |
A |
Y |
Spanagel, David |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Steeves, Gus |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Stephens, Daphne |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Tarr, Dru |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Vaillette, Dick |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Yay 17 18
Nay 0 0
Abstain 1 0
Other Business:
Candidate websites are in place and donations can be made to all three candidates, which also include a monthly donation option plan. John stated that three candidates must share expenses. Websites are:, and
Meeting adjourned at 6:40 pm
Showing 1 reaction
observers could gather nomination signatures from registered voters.
It would be great if we could to allocate no less than one hour for the
purposes of signature gathering, and 5 minutes for explanations on how
to gather signatures appropriately.
The candidate’s campaigns are asked to provide the state committee
members with the nomination papers.