Emergency Teleconference to Interview and Vote on Appointment of Debbie Clasby as GRP Treasurer
Attendance: John Andrews, Matt Andrews, Roni Beal, Hal Brown, Brian Cady, Charlene DiCalogero, Danny Factor, Joshua Gerloff and Elie Yarden.
Quorum is : With 9 Statecom members in attendance, quorum is reached!
Guest: David Gerry, Jordan Stewart, Lois Gagnon.
Facilitator: Matt Andrews.
Notes: Joshua Gerloff
Questions for Debbie:
Q: Do you know the job?
A: She spoke with Brian Crawford and is aware of what is entailed.
Q: How did you hear about the Green Party?
A: Her daughter volunteered for the Jill Stein for President campaign in California and urged Debbie to get involved.
Q: Are you registered J?
A: Yes. A couple of weeks now.
Q: What are your feelings of the GRP? Would you have registered if this opportunity had not arisen?
A: She needs to feel personally comfortable with the people she votes for. She isn’t a confrontational person. But she agrees with the 10KV.
Q: Treasurer is a mandatory member of Adcom. Debbie must be available to attend Adcom twice a month. The Treasurer is not required to become a member of Statecom, which meets 4 times a year in person and via telecon 4 times a year, but it would be problematic if treasurer wasn’t able to attend most Statecom meetings.
A: Debbie: “No problem!”
- Members vote unanimously in favor of appointing Debbie Clasby to be the Treasurer!
- “Appointment to take effect Thurs, November 8, 2018.” Party status may change Nov. 6
Other business
ANM Committee Site Visit to Salem State University.
- John Andrews reports: Tamer Yager will fly in to conduct a site visit of SSU 11/6-11/7 then fly back to Virginia 11/10. She’ll stay at a Bed and Breakfast, walk around the SSU campus, and go around to off campus venues. Probably have dinner with the GRP ANM Working Group and the GRP NSC to talk about how to make the ANM successful. Tamer will also visit Red Sun Press in JP to nail down printing.
- David Gerry reports that GPUS has approved ANM happening at SSU.
Danny Factor for State Representative
- Danny is tabling for his campaign at 4 PM Saturday in Chelmsford. A Lowell Sun reporter will take pics and write an article about his campaign for State Rep.
- Also tabling Sunday 1 pm.
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