Attendance: John Andrews, Matt Andrews, Roni Beal, Hal Brown, Brian Cady, Charlene DiCalogero, Danny Factor, Joshua Gerloff, David Rolde and Elie Yarden.
Quorum is 7: With 10 voting members on the call, quorum is reached!
Guests: Debbie Clasby and David Gerry.
Treasurer Progress:
- Debbie: met Brian Crawford at his home and went to Santander, did not have driver’s license, which is needed to get on account. Need documents “Articles of Incorporation.”
- Danny: Probably will need OCPF “Change of Treasurer” form which will be signed by the new treasurer.
ANM Update:
- John: Wrote a report of the site visit and assessment. Tamar Yager, ANM Committee chair, conducted a site visit November 8, 2018 with several of the GRP ANM Working Group members: John, Hal and David Gerry. They walked around the Salem State University campus with SSU Conference Director Debra Melnick, ate in the cafeteria, inspected the dorms, the auditorium and the event room. Tamar was very pleased with the tour. The prices are reasonable. SSU can meet all special requests. Debra Melnick was very positive. The GPUS can now sign the contract. In the afternoon, other GRP members, Darlene Elias, Matt Andrews, Jill Stein, Joshua Gerloff (North Shore Chapter rep) and Manny Pintado, joined for a meeting to discuss “How could GRP interact with ANM and make it successful and benefit from it?” Darlene and Hal have joined the GPUS ANM Committee. Must think more about it toward July 25-27. As date gets closer, we’ll need to sign up volunteers to help with registration. We’ll need ideas for workshops. And we need to determine the theme.
- Matt: We can contribute to the ANM as chapters. We have enough lead time to plan our marketing and fundraising. Bring speakers in, can they afford to get there? If we raise money, we can make this a success.
- John: Thursday night, the GRP can host a public meeting. Can invite as many GRP members as possible. We can profit by selling t-shirts and hats. Snag a speaker for that program. They will let us be in charge of Thursday evening.
Does the GRP sign a letter from the GPUS urging the International Criminal Court to prosecute Israel for Crimes Against Humanity?:
- Elie: Letters to the ICC involve protocols the letter writers were not familiar with. They wanted other parties to sign it, ie EU Green Parties, etc. This is an effort by Margaret Flowers and Kevin Zeese. No reason to oppose the idea. It’s just not being carried out properly.
- Danny: Israel is the top recipient of military aid from USA. Direct nexus to US in Israel's Actions. We support international human rights and international law. We believe that governments must be accountable to the world community. I’m not aware of errors, but absent any significant concern, Danny approves signing the letter.
- David Rolde: GBC endorsed, but the letter should go further, ie ask the ICC to prosecute the US for crimes against Afghanistan. This letter includes historical info. We should sign on. David filled in the Google form on the website with no acknowledgement. Supports signing the letter.
- Matt: This letter is funny. NSA advisor John Bolton was threatening the ICC, threatening sanctions against ICC, threatening judges if they come to USA. ICC is supposed to prosecute government crimes. They are receiving threats from US. How can we expect them to prosecute Israel if they are being threatened?
- John: Who is behind this letter? Kevin Zeese ( and Margaret Flowers are part of a faction that are trying to take over as much of the party as possible and chase out veterans of the party.
- David Rolde: I don't want to vote against something we agree with just because this is written by a conservative faction.
- Danny: If we believe in the content, we should sign. May disagree with motives, but don't disagree with the content. US backs Israel with weapons, so needs to be held to account.
- John: Who are we signing with? Would sign if GPUS International Committee has signed, but if we are supporting a coalition with Pop Resistance, no.
- David Gerry: The letter was drafted by the GPAX com and GPUS endorsed it. GPUS Nat com approved a letter written by GPAX, who would circulate around.
- Roni: Nothing will come of this. The USA is not reprimanding them. Israel doesn’t care.
- Vote to sign: 7 yes, 1 with reservations. 3 no. Vote passes.
Round robin:
- John: let’s get to work.
- Matt: good meeting. Good convo about a political issue. ANM most relevant. Watch this issue. How to address this issue? ICC? GPAX or Int com
- Roni: Good Meeting. Discussion.
- Brian: good
- Debbie Clasby: first meeting. Quite informational. Thank you.
- Hal: good meeting. Important issues. Addressing this to the US government.
- Charlene: sorry so late. Good to hear feedback of the meeting. Pleased
- Danny: It was ok that it took time to reach a decision since in the GRP we try to reach consensus. Also, congrats to the GRP and Statecom for us becoming a state recognized political party again.
- Josh: tense and confusing, but we made the right decision.
- David Rolde: glad we were able to pass this letter.
- Elie: in order to be an effective org, we need more competence.
- David G.: The endorsement is prob unnecessary. GPUS is reaching out to other Nat GPs and prob didn’t need GRP signatory.
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