Statecom Minutes 2019-08-29

People Present: Dan K, Roni B(facilitator), Joshua G(stacker), Danny F, (David G), David R, Brian C(notes), Priscila E, Elie Y, Charlene D, Hal B,


Topics Discussed:

- ‘Ban Legalized Euthanasia and Doctor-Assisted Suicide’ Proposal

- Eliminate Military Proposal


Decisions Made:


Re: Ban:

Consensus fails – roll call vote:

Roni No

Hal No

Brian No

Charlene No

Priscila Abstain

Danny F No

Joshua G No

Dan K No

Elie Y No

David R Yes



Call for the Total Elimination of the US Military:

Straw vote requested, done by roll call:

Roni B No

Hal B No

Brian C Abstain

Charlene No

Priscila No

Danny F Yes

Joshua Yes

Dan K Abstain

David R Yes

Elie Y Abstain

3-4-3 Straw vote result

Tabled -


Proposal: Both Vegan and No Military proposals tabled as old business.

Consensus fails:


Roni B No

Hal B Yes

Brian C No

Charlene Yes

Priscilla Yes

Danny F Yes

Josh G Yes

Dan K Yes

David R Yes

Elie Y No


Both 'Eliminate Military' and 'Go Vegan' Proposals tabled as old business for Fall Statecom .


Round robin meeting evaluation…

Hal: was surprised and excited that so many of us can fall on different sides of issues with constructive intent.

David R: StateCom members in favor of killing people.

Charlene: you know that’s not true.

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