Statecom Minutes 2019-11-07

GRP Statecom Minutes November 7, 2019

Statecom People Present: John Andrews, Matt A, Roni B, Brian C, Garrett C, Linda L, Danny F, Dan K, David R, Mike V, Joshua G, Elie Y, Jed, Charlene.

Non-statecom People Present: Maha Vishnu Gray, co-chair, GRP, Sedinam Curry, CA; David Gerry, GRP member and GPUS Secretary; Chad Wilson, TN; Arthur Conquest, past State Com member).

Topics Discussed:

Draft agenda 11/7/2019 7pm

Attendance/quorum 5 min

Determine roles: notes, time, vibes. 5 min

Approve agenda 10 min

Treasurer's budget report 10 min

Urgent matters: Investigate GPUS conduct re: presidential campaign. & content GRP March 2020 Primary Ballot, - 20 min.

Old business: Maha for Senate Signature Gathering Plan. 20 min

Chapter reports 2 min each: Pioneer Valley, South Coast, Central Mass, Boston, North Shore. 10 min

Committee reports 2 min each: Membership, Convention, Legislative, Fundraising, CDLC, Renaming, Retreat. GPUS Coms? 15 min

Round Robin 1 minute

Adjourn approx 830 pm


Decisions Made:

Danny F. Agenda addition: ‘& content GRP March 2020 Primary Ballot,’ - PASSES

JohnA, no

MattA yes

Roni B no

Brian C no

Garrett C yes

Danny F yes

Joshua yes

Dan K yes

David R yes

Jed yes

Linda no

Mike v yes

Elie Y yes

- 9 yes 4 no 0 abstain. Danny F addition PASSES

Approved modified agenda by consensus.

Danny F.’s Motion

  1. Respects the right of whistleblowers to come forward.

One of the more fascinating aspects of State Committee meetings — perhaps something better done in chapter meetings, but less political —- is the opportunity to learn and observe political behavior, Make no mistake by believing that language is unimportant. It can be used to reveal as well as conceal, but in ‘traditional’ politics is used to persuade others to take sides by the ‘speech act’ of voting. One of the important sources of the ‘new politics’ that developed in the course of World War II was the formalization of ‘content analysis’. The role of linguistics was politically fertile , and especially so in the politics of its developers who were actively involved in perpetrating a moetiv rhetoric in democratic decision-making, It is with this in mind that I find the use of the term whistleblower —used to refer to Lois Gibbs (Love Canal), the ‘voice’ that revealed Nixon’s role in the Watergate burglary, Chelsea Manning, Edward Snowden—-applied to anyone filing a complaint about individual treatment, or about group treatment by a body that not only fails to conceal its actions or the motive of such actions but pulcizes them is an abuse of language that interferes with democratic decision making. In fact, there is no resemblance between the revelations of David Rolde and those of Cjelsea Manning, or those of Ms Curry, both of whom I have had as much experience as they allow us, which brings me to the matter of ad hoc.

  1. GRP Concerns taken seriously.
  2. GRP form ad hoc committee.
  3. Special statecom in-person. in time.
  4. report back from ad hoc 

While an ad hoc differs clearly from ad hominem. Ecological Wisdom or, for that matter any wisdom ,may suffice The most serviceable antonym for Wisdom is Stupidity. When I characterize an action as stupid, Iam indicatin not that it merely ‘unwise,’ (Earlier usage had Folly aas the antonym for Wisdom — in the Erasmus :”Shpi of Fools” but I am trying to conform to current good usage for the sake of communicative clarity. Similarly if I charge Danny Factor with obfuscation in his use of whistle blower, U am speaking openly of someone who I know to be a protector of the injured, a kind person who likes to see no one suffer, amd ready to sacrifice his own comfort to help another. However meritorious this should never be confused with compassion, The possibilities of precedent — ad hoc, or other — are a poor guide to sound ecological observation of human social behavior is to inform our democratic decision making. This is especially true — as Charlene pointed out — when we sit in State Committee (or in National Committee) as representing the wishes of others including complainants as a socium rather than as individualists and, thus some time would be socialists. EY\\

 je Statecom may take action,

  1. discussion, formulate criteria… for candidate primary.
  2. chose candidates on primary ballot 2020.

Danny’s F’s 4 part proposal: vote: FAILS

John A. no

Matt A no

Roni B. -

Brian C. no

(Charlene D. joins – all review 4 point motion.)

Garrett C yes

Charlene no

Danny yes

Josh yes

Dan K Abstain

David R yes

Jed yes

Linda no

Mike v yes

Elie Y no

6-yes 6-no 1-Abstain - FAILS

The following motion passed by a vote of 8 yes out of 8 voting members on the call at the November 7, 2019 State Com Teleconference:

Statecom will convene a special in-person meeting prior to the deadline to submit our list of GRP presidential primary candidates to the Elections Division of the Secretary of the Commonwealth. The purpose of the meeting is to a) Discuss the email sent by 5 Green Party presidential candidates and b) Approve a 2020 GRP Presidential Election Plan which will include criteria for inclusion of GRP presidential primary candidates on the March, 2020 ballot.

Note: there was an additional consensus that 1) part (a) does not preclude State Com from passing a motion to take action as a result of the discussion (e.g. vote to contact the GPUS in regard to the letter) 2) The State Com meeting shall be facilitated by the facilitators from the last State Com meeting (Josh & Dan K.) and that the facilitators shall send a doodle poll to state com members to determine the date of the special meeting. The party secretary shall remain in contact with the Elections Division in regard to the determination of the deadline to submit our list of candidates.

Vote on Have next meeting special statecom meeting addressing complaint - (date TBD) - PASSES


John A.- yes

Brian - yes

Danny - yes

Josh - yes

Dan K - yes

David R - yes

Mike V. - yes

Elie Y - yes

- 8 yes – PASSES

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