According to bylaws 7.6, on 11-11-21, AdCom voted to send a recommendation to the State Committee to post a notice to the GBC regarding disaffiliating the chapter. State Committee then voted at the second session of Fall 2021 to post a statement that the GBC will get to respond to.
The statement is as follows:
The GBC had been dysfunctional and continues to be harmful to the GRP, its recruitment efforts, and its stated positions. The reasons for disaffiliating the GBC include:
Complaint #1: GBC/GRP resources have been used to promote ideas and behaviors that are contrary to the positions of our state party. Chapter meetings have been held to promote Covid ideas and behaviors contrary to the positions of our state party. These discussions have promoted no light and much heat.
Possible Resolution: The chapter must decide to prohibit future discussions that promote ideas and behaviors that are contrary to the positions of our state party.
Complaint #2. GBC 2 email lists, especially the Discuss list, have been used to promote Covid ideas and behaviors contrary to the positions of our state party. David R is the major, but not only, violator. For a longtime he has used the Discuss list to invite those on our email lists to attend the weekly national meeting of “Greens and Allies Against Covid Oppression”. He has invited our members to attend demonstrations, like the recent ones against Boston Mayor Michelle Wu, for her policies (consistent with GRP position).
Possible Resolution: The chapter must decide to prohibit future use of the chapter’s email lists that promote ideas and behaviors that are contrary to the positions of our state party.
Complaint #3: For quite some time, the chapter has been dysfunctional and the atmosphere at meetings and on email has often become toxic.
Possible Resolution 1: The chapter must use its energies to come up with a political program that is consistent with the values and principles of our state party. That would include working with other organizations and encouraging and supporting our members to run for political office.
Possible Resolution 2: The moderator(s) of the two GBC email lists should enforce the GBC email guidelines to make sure that they are used to promote ideas, actions and behaviors consistent with GRP values, principles and values.
Complaint #4: There is no one more responsible for the current state of our chapter than the mis-leadership of David R, the Male Co-Chair of our chapter.
Possible Resolution 1: At our upcoming chapter meeting on 1/11, David R must not be allowed to serve in any leadership capacity (including an officer and as the co-moderator of the 2 GBC email lists.)
Possible Resolution 2: For the elections of officers and other important tasks of the chapter (or the selection of a transitional team), no one can be included who will agree to NOT oppose GRP policies on Covid. (Note: The new leadership team does not have to agree with GRP policies on Covid. They just have to agree not to use their positions to oppose GRP policies.)
Summary: Despite multiple statements from the state GRP and national GP, the GBC has continued to hold the COVID Pandemic in complete disregard. Several members of the GBC, including leadership, have claimed that the entire pandemic is a hoax and that to support vaccinations is akin to supporting Nazi like regimes. Several members of the chapter are calling for a fresh start noting the unrepairable dysfunction of the GBC. Several members of the State Committee also have expressed concerns that leadership (David Rolde in particular) in the GBC is counterproductive to the aims and values of the Green Rainbow Party.
Boston will have chances to respond and reconcile concerns.
Accordingly, the discussion to disaffiliate the GBC will continue at the winter 2022 StateCom
Showing 4 reactions
COMPLAINT 2: Announcements of events, rallies, etc should be on a "Business list, not a “discusssion list”. Since the State Party has a position on Covid and public health repsonse to the Public Health crisis of Covid, it is reasonable to prohibit either list from such announcements. Problem:Where is the sp
COMPLAINT 4: Agree. However, Possible Resolution 2 is totally confusing.
In Summary: This notice of potential disaffiliation falls far short of a substantive, meaningful notification of potential decertification. It is not anchored in specific policy violations other than language referring to repectful, civil dialogue amongst members. If other policies are not written, then how can we enforce them. Disrepectful, disruptive behaviors are the cruxt of the problem as well as his contrarion views on public health and the party’s reposne to the pandemic via written guidelines on this issue. Both have led to the inability of the GBC to function effectively in the Bosotn community and need to be rectified. It should just be done in a more effective, appropriately anchored complaint.
Perhaps it should, also, be reformatted as a formal proposal since StateCom is to vote on it.
StateCom is rightly concerned about the undemocratic situation in the Greater Boston chapter and may need to disaffiliate that chapter on grounds of this situation, including specific acts, such as the male co-chair’s abuse of power in disrupting part of the December 14 chapter meeting and his reiteration of his name-calling of another member as a “CovidNazi.” The co-chair has also stated falsely that the GRP co-chairs’ statement on Covid has no standing in the state party.
The text of this proposal would require significant rewriting. Complaints #1 and #2 are flagrantly in conflict with the value of grassroots democracy, calling for suppression of discussion of a political issue. Complaint #3 is hopelessly vague, and #4 is vague and inappropriately directed against an individual.
David Keil, West Metro region and member, GBC