Summer 2016 proposals

Enter your proposals here for consideration at the Summer meeting.  

Submit up to June 19, 2016

Comments and Vetting through  9am July 14 2016

Amendments through 9am July 15, 2016, Ranking begins.

Ranking closes 9pm July 16, 2016.

Supporting 2016 Presidential and State Legislative Candidates

Revised July 8, 2016


Shepherd: Ian Jackson

Sponsors: Danny Factor, John Andrews

Contact Info: [email protected]

Vetting: CDLC, Communication Committee, Membership Committee, Fundraising and Finance Committees, ActionCom,  GRP Chapters, GRP Town Commitees, AdCom 


This proposal was originally suggested by GRP member Mike Heichman (Boston) who wrote the first draft of the proposal. It has since been revised a number of times. 

1. Thanks to Charlene DiCalogero (12th Worcester) and Danny Factor (14th Middlesex) for being the GRP's two state legislative candidates. We need a plan of how the GRP can support their campaigns. 

2. The GPUS will be holding their Presidential Nominating Convention (PNC) from August 4-7. The GRP will be sending a delegation to the PNC to represent the outcome of the vote in our presidential primary which was held on March 1, 2016.  As of this date, Jill Stein, from our own state of Massachusetts, has already won a majority of the delegates, nationally, and is expected to be our presidential nominee. Given the unpopularity of the presumptive nominees of the duopoly, the dangerousness of their policies, the growing number of people calling for an end to the two party system, and Jill Stein’s bold program for a Green New Deal for environment, economic and social justice, 2016 has the potential for being a breakout campaign for our party’s presidential ticket. How can we take advantage of this opportunity and support our candidates and party? 

From minutes, 2012 Summer Meeting:

Heichman: we should have material to promote the various local & national candidates, and to take positions on ballot questions. Yarden curious about how proposal will be funded. Merelice notes that there is no fundraising committee, suggests language about “conscientious efforts” to raise money. Merelice thinks idea of a leaflet may be too limiting, but supports general idea. Rolde asks whether/how leaflet counts as candidate contribution – Nat clarifies that there is no limit of these types of in-kind donations [7/10/16 clarifying note from C. DiCalogero: from the State GRP or Ward, Town or City Committees] to candidates... Andrews notes that working committees are required to do quite a bit of this work. Yarden notes that it is very necessary to have materials to hand out.

Proposal and Implementation: 


The StateCom adopts, in collaboration with the campaigns,  a multi-faceted strategy to promote the state legislative candidates.

Create a steering committee of at least 3-5 individuals to do election work for the State campaigns analogous to the role that the PCWG has for the presidential campaign.   This committee shall be referred to as the State Campaign Working Group, SCWG.   SCWG will coordinate with PCWG when ever that might be fruitful.

The intent is to have a set of leaders who can react quickly to the pace of a campaign and effectively make things happen.


- Name at least three people for this steering committee, SCWG.

We aspire that:

- The Communications Committee prioritize publicizing our 2016 candidates on the GRP website, and on social media, including Facebook and Twitter, and make it a goal to put out a monthly press release between August and the November election date in regard to our candidates.

- The Communications Committee  prioritize the sending email blasts to our prospect and member lists 3-5 times per month about the 2016 election.

- The Membership Committee supply GRP chapters, Town Committees, and State Com members with updated contact information of GRP and unenrolled members in their region that they may contact via phone or email, to promote our 2016 candidates.

- The Membership Committee and Communications Committee work together in creating printed materials promoting our 2016 Candidates.

- The Membership Department distribute to our candidates a list of GRP members who have contacted the GRP and are interested in helping or joining our campaigns. 

- The Fundraising and Finance department make it a goal to raise at least $5,000.00 between August and Election day, earmarked towards party expenses related to promoting our 2016 candidates. This funding could help pay for printed materials, social media boosts, disbursements to our candidates, and hiring or contracting individuals to do work consistent with the goals of this proposal.

- The Action Committee prioritize the promotion of attendance at events in which our candidates make appearances at between now and election day, e.g. visits to college campuses. 

- AdCom have regular communication with the Stein campaign to facilitate working together.

StateCom recognizes that these actions will no doubt require our Membership, Communications, Action and Fundraising and Finance Committees to grow during the Summer and Fall. These committees should consider strategies to grow these committees in as diverse a way as possible.
Advantages of Proposal: 

1.    These actions will help grow our party, elect candidates and move us closer to furthering the cause of people, planet and peace.

2.       A successful result could result in a) the GRP continuing to be recognized as a political party b) the GPUS being eligible for millions of dollars in federal funds (5% of the presidential vote) and c) move us closer to electing our first GRP member to the State House. 


The GRP should allocate an initial $500.00 towards the creation of printed materials and $500.00 for the payment of one Facebook boost. Funding of any other items in this proposal will be dependent on the ability of the Fundraising and Finance Committee to raise funds earmarked for the purposes of this proposal

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Taking positions on 2016 Ballot Questions

Revised 7/10/16


Shepherd: Charlene DiCalogero (would make more sense to have a Communications Committee member on this proposal) 

Sponsors: Charlene DiCalogero, Bill Ashley

Contact Info: electcharleneisgreen [at ] gmail (dot ] com


Vetting: Legislative, Platform, Communication Committee




At the January 2016 State Com meeting, as a result of a proposal by Mike Heichman, the Platform Committee was asked to review  the 2016 Ballot Questions and make recommendations to State Com regarding what positions the GRP should take. The Platform Committee has now made its recommendation to State Com. State Com is expected to be deciding on which ballot questions to endorse at the July 17th State  Com meeting during an agenda item separate from the time in which we consider proposals.



  1. We propose that the Party publicize its positions on the ballot questions, if any, via the same measures as suggested in proposal #1.


No cost: on the GRP website, FB page, through an email blast, and through summer and fall press releases.


Cost: Printing and distribution of printed material, if possible in conjunction with presidential and state candidate information (see Proposal 1).


This proposal will be implemented by the same committees delegated to implement Proposal #1. Our position on the ballot questions will be added to electronic and printed messages about our 2016 candidates.

Budget Implications:

This would be accomplished within the same budget as Proposal #1


Advantages of Proposal: 

  1. This would demonstrate that we are making a good faith effort to act like a serious political party by taking and publicizing GRP positions on the ballot questions.

  2. This effort would demonstrate that we deserve the support of our members and the respect of the public. We predict that new members would join us during the campaign.

  3. Our positions on the ballot questions would earn the respect and appreciation of progressive allies who are actively supporting or opposing the specific ballot questions. By taking positions on these questions in ways that are distinctive, we would be sharing our values and principles with the public.



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