GRP Adcom Minutes 2020-07-23
These minutes may not be available until approved by Adcom.
GRP Adcom Minutes 2020-06-25
Decisions Made:
- All: please forward Participation Fund applications to chapters.
- All: Let chapters and committees know that if they want to be an alternate, we need to know soon!
- All: Remind chapters and committees to pay dues!
- Brian and Mike V volunteer to transfer Participation Fund applications into a spreadsheet and organize the info!
- Josh will call SOC re that darn voter file.
- David Keil volunteers to draft a 5G statement for GRP website.
- Add John Blumenstiel’s letter re GRP Decision Making Processes letter to next Adcom agenda.
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GRP Adcom Minutes 2020-06-11
Decisions Made:
- The May 28, 2020 Minutes are approved by consensus.
- John B letter tabled for next meeting.
- Adcom supports asking GRP volunteers to collect signatures in Rhode Island to get the GPUS Presidential Nominee on the ballot.
- Danny will get a name from the GPUS Ballot Access Committee. Let them know we will volunteer, try to get people.
- Adcom approves GRP Listserv Observer Policy as amended. Proposal is actionable by Techcom but Statecom may comment on it in a future meeting.
GRP Adcom Minutes 2020-05-28
Decisions Made:
- 5/7/2020 and 5/14/2020 Minutes approved.
- Joshua G and Mike V will draft a policy re Observers on listservs.
- Mike V joins the convention committee.
- Cochairs will issue email blast statement to forward with GPUS National Black Caucus statement re the murder of George Floyd.
- Maha will call Heather Ford.
GRP Adcom Minutes 2020-05-14
Decisions Made:
- Reminder David Keil (and John Blumenstiel and Paula Charbonneau?) must be appointed by Statecom.
- Approval of May 7, 2020 Minutes tabled for next time.
- Minutes 2020-04-23 approved.
GRP Adcom Minutes 2020-05-07
Decisions Made: None
Read moreGRP Adcom Minutes 2020-04-23
Decisions Made:
- New Adcom/Statecom number: (978)990-5362 code: 4572343# Administered by the Cochairs
- PNC Plan is approved. Make “Will Attend” column uniform.
- Metro West Chapter Certification is unanimously approved. Josh will notify.
- Danny volunteers for reader/speaker role on Statecom Orientation meeting 2020-04-29.
- Charlene and Brian will draft an email re next meeting?
- Brian volunteers to co facilitate. Wed April 29, 2020.
GRP Adcom Minutes 2020-04-09
Decisions made:
- Brian C will bring next $800 challenge draft to co-chairs for approval & email blast distribution
- Josh and Brian will consult with others re Boston Regional Convention results.
- John will bring the Covid-19 & Economic Collapse essay to Adcom list.
- Joshua G will set up model of minutes blog.
GRP Adcom Minutes 2020-03-26
Decisions Made:
Josh and Maha volunteered to work with Eilene Wheeler-Sheehan to help the South Coast Chapter organize their Regional Convention.
Charlene will ask CMGR members to contribute content to statement re: Candidate Signature Collection. Brian will also contribute and Maha will compile.
Everyone read the GRP Bylaws!
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