GRP Statecom Minutes 2018-09-30
Attendance: John Andrews, Matt Andrews, Roni Beal, Hal Brown, Brian Cady, Charlene DiCalogero, Danny Factor, Joshua Gerloff, Dan Kontoff, David Rolde and Elie Yarden.
Quorum: With 11 out of 14 Statecom members, quorum is reached!
Guests: Terra Friedrichs.
Approve agenda:
- Add Co-Chairs report
- Remove discussion of Ballot Question 2
- The agenda is approved as modified
Summer 2018 statecom minutes are approved by consensus..
Next meeting:
- Charlene and Sean Connell nominated to facilitate Winter 2019 meeting. ACTIONS: Charlene will contact Sean. They will work with others to determine the location, date and time. Danny Factor will look into Assabet River Valley t location, Matt A will look for Boston area venues.
- All members except for Matt Andrews could attend a Saturday January 12, 2019 meeting.
- All members except for Hal Brown could make a Saturday January 26, 2019 meeting.
Chapter rotation hosting of StateCom meetings:
- CMGR 4/18/18
- North Shore 7/18/18
- PVC 9/30/18 (however, no PV members attended)
- South Coast
The next teleconference will be Wednesday November 14, 2018. Everyone present at this meeting can attend.
Action item: Josh will contact absent Statecom members regarding Winter Statecom attendance.
Possible proposal to change GRP Standing Rules so that teleconference facilitators don't have to be the same facilitators as the last meeting.
Co-chairs report:
- Matt: We had our first telecon for dues implementation. The YGUMB forum was excellent and featured Jill Stein, Jamie Guerin, Jed Stamas, Danny Factor and Matthew Moncreaff. He will send out an email blast soon regarding the Women's March on the Pentagon.
- Charlene read a statement from North Shore chapter founding female co-chair Bea Reardon about the Salem witch trials and how witch hunts continue even today and we need to engage with people who don’t agree with us on issues or viewpoints without demonizing them or letting ourselves be demonized.
Election reports:
- Josh: Statewide candidates are busy with press releases, events, and questionnaires for various organizations’ voter guides. We have reached out to Jim Braude, who hosts the show “Greater Boston” on WGBH-TV to debate opponents.
- Charlene reports that State Rep candidates are active and volunteers are out representing these candidates.
- Matthew Moncreaff is running in at two-way race against a Republican in the First Worcester District.
- Danny is running in a two-way race against a Democrat in the 14th Middlesex District. Campaign volunteers will be tabling every weekend until the general election.
- Action item: Please hold signs with ARVC on 1. Thursday October 18 6:15 p.m. at Acton Town Hall for a League of Women Voters Forum. Danny and ARV Chapter endorsed independent State Senate candidate Terra Friedrichs will participate. 2. Candidate Forum at Congregation Beth Elohim Sunday 9am 10/21/18.
- Danny asks that GBC members travel to the 14th Middlesex District (Concord, Carlisle, Acton amd Chelmsford) to hold signs on election evening..
- Action items please like their Facebook pages and please contribute to their campaigns.
Treasurer search
- The second email blast yielded three candidates
- Matt, Charlene and Josh interviewed 2 candidates.
- Jeff (add last name) doesn't want the job.
- Patrick Powers backed out but we can keep him on the back burner. He doesn't want the assistant position. Josh referred him to the GBC FB page and talked about the Women's March on the Pentagon.
- Debbie Clasby is a resident of Whitinsville, Massachusetts. She was treasurer for the Mendon Food Co-op. She owned a small business. Raised 7 kids. Her daughter supported Jill Stein in California and suggested that Debbie to get involved.
- Action item: Charlene will call a special Statecom telecon for Thursday, October 25, 2018 for first half-hour of the Adcom call to approve this appointment.
- Action item: Charlene will call Debbie and will forward her resume to Statecom.
- Elie: We are lowest tier Nation Builder plan. We currently pay $96 / month. In order to track membership and dues cycles using NB, we could pay $208 a month.
- John A: we need to review all our data management policies, password management. We need a level of functionality; how are we going to get the job done?Action item: Delegate MDVR Committee to draft a proposal including various options and present to Winter 2019 Statecom.
- Hal Brown, registered J, is appointed to Statecom at this meeting. He currently serves as Interim Secretary to the NSC. He also serves on the GRP ANMWG and intends to serve on the Legislative Committee.
Endorsement of Terra Friedrichs
- The GRP endorses Independent Terra Friedrichs campaign for State Senate, Middlesex & Worcester District with 9 voting in favor and 2 abstaining.
Response to WBUR On Point program slander of the Green Party.
- On the August 10, 2018 WBUR show On Point, media analyst Jack Beatty went on an ill-informed rant about the Green Party.
- Matt and Charlene drafted an email to On Point and the WBUR General Manager demanding that they read our letter on air and that they host one of our Co-chairs to speak on the show. They ignored this email.
- Matt followed up by phone, asked for the producer of the show and was sent to voicemail.
- Action item: ask chapters to call and email demanding corrective action.
Annual National Meeting Working Group confirmation
- Statecom created the ANMWG on the Summer 2018 teleconference. Members include John Andrews, Hal Brown, Darlene Elias and Jordan Hodges.
- The GPUS ANM committee wants GRP Statecom and chapter support of the chapter nearest the potential meeting site.
- Our proposal is due October 8, 2018.
- GPUS ANM teleconferences will require a GRP member to be on the call between November 2018 and July 2019.
- 4-5 GRP volunteers must staff desks during the 2019 GPUS ANM Thursday through Sunday.
Action Item: The approval of GRP statements on Ballot Questions 1, 2 and 3 is shifted to the October 11, 2018 Adcom call. Deadline for comments is Monday October 8th 2018 before 9 p.m.
State Com requests that Working Committee and Chapter Reports be submitted via email.
Update on Statecom members joining working committees
- Hal Brown is serving on the ANM working group and the soon-to-be resurrected Legislative Committee.
- Action item Ralph Walton may need accommodation if he wishes to serve on a working committee. Perhaps the participation fund can be used to reimburse Ralph for his phone bill on the teleconferences.
- Action item Brian Cady will write Ralph Walton an email regarding him serving on a working committee
- Elie is seeking a strong female lead with legal background for the Legislative Committee
- David Rolde is willing to serve on Convention Committee and Platform Committee.
- Daniel Kontoff will serve on TGRWG.
Recruiting candidates for 2020 (CDLC)
- Voters are ready for something else. We need to run as many candidates as we can. Ask people to run.
- Action item Talk about running for office in 2020 now with your chapter.
- Action item Josh will ask the Statewide candidates to obtain the voter rolls from the Secretary of the Commonwealth.
Round Robin
State Com voted to Adjourn by consensus.
2018 Summer Statecom & Aug Telecon Minutes
DRAFT Statecom Summer 2018 minutes,
July 14th, No. Shore U.U. Church, Locust st. Danvers, MA.
In Sum:
People Present:
David R,(stacker, facilitator) Joshua G(facilitator), Dan K, Danny F, Elie Y, Ralph W(vibes?), John A, Charlene D, Brian C.(notes) Manny P. (by phone for part).
Topics Discussed:
See final agenda, below:
Time |
Duration |
Item |
08:30 AM |
30 |
Setup |
09:00 AM |
30 |
Registration & Credentialing / Refreshments |
09:30 AM |
10 |
Call To Order, Co-Chairs' Welcome |
09:40 AM |
15 |
Meeting Administration Secretary’s confirmation of quorum Identify and Confirm: Minutes Taker, Timekeeper, Vibes Watcher Stacker Parliamentarian, seating alternates (if needed) elect new statecom members (if any) |
9:55 AM |
5 |
Response & Discussion of Co-Chairs’ Welcome. |
10:00 AM |
5 |
Approve the day’s agenda |
10:05 AM |
5 |
Approval of Spring 2018 State Committee Meeting Minutes: |
10:10 AM |
5 |
Approval of Fall 2017 State Committee Meeting Minutes: |
10:15 AM |
30 |
Reports from officers co-chairs: 5-10 minutes each treasurer and budget: 5-10 minutes secretary: 5-10 minutes |
10:45 AM |
35 |
Reports from Committees (5 min each) Candidate Development & Legal Team Green-Rainbow Working Group Communications & Media Convention Planning Fundraising & Finance Membership, Diversity & Volunteer Recruitment GPUS national committee Each Statecom member, unless an active candidate or co-chair of a chapter, is required to be active on one to two working committees. |
11:20 AM |
20 |
Chapter reports (3 min each) Assabet River Valley Central Mass Greater Boston North Shore Pioneer Valley South Coast Young Greens U-Mass Boston
11:40 AM |
15 |
Selection of Fall 2018 State Committee Location: Boston? South Coast? Berkshires? Date Co-Facilitators Next StateCom teleconference |
12:05 PM |
30 |
Lunch |
12:35 |
15 |
Speaker: Damon Jespersen, Newbury Select Board member, J registered |
12:50 PM |
60 |
Old business Petitioning Report Discussion on Statewide Ballot Questions and Possible Vote |
1:50 PM |
10 |
Break |
2 PM |
60 |
Urgent Matters (Items TBD by StateCom) Proposed Executive Session: Complaint Against a State Com Member |
3:00 PM |
- |
Elections of GRP Officers, GPUS Committees, etc. MAAPL GRP Rep and Alternate |
4:00 PM |
15 |
Meeting quality feedback |
4:15 PM |
Adjourn and clean up |
Decisions Made:
-Failed to Pass: Agenda Modification: Delete ‘Complaint against Statecom Member’.
Vote: 1:7:1 Yes:No:Abstain
-Agenda modified to include response to Co-Chair’s Welcome Message, by consensus.
-Agenda modified to open (non-executive) session first, MP to set from then on, on ‘Complaint against Statecom Member’ Vote: 6:2:1 Yes:No:Abstain
-Jed Stamas declared Statecom Alternate.
-Approved: 2018 Spring Minutes.
-Approved: 2017 Fall Minutes.
-Accepted: Young Greens of UMB as chapter by GRP
-Statecom asks Adcom to take up Participation Fund application and decision process guidelines
-Agenda further modified: ‘Elections’ moved to 3pm.
-Next Statecom Facilitator: Brian Cady & ____
-Next Statecom Date: 1st choice Sept 30th, 2nd choice Oct 13th, 2018
-Next statecom telecon: Wed. August 29th
-Ballot Q? #1: Yes, with stipulation: a statement saying that we support the ballot question even though it fails to address funding, workers rights, and the systemic problems with the healthcare system being for profit. We decided that Danny F and DR will draft the statement. : 7:1:1 Yes: No: Abstain
-Ballot Q? #3: Yes passes by consensus (retains law) DR will draft statement.
-Ballot Q? #2: Tabled due to time.
-Failed to Pass: Temporarily Suspend Manny P: Vote: 2:5:1:1 Yes:No:Abstain:NotVoting
-Minutes to PV Chapter by Wednesday July 18th
-Passed: Letter of Recommendation from Statecom to Steering Comm about David Gerry. JA will write.
-Passed: Letter of Recommendation from Statecom to Nat’l. Platform for Joanna Herlihy.
-Passed: Jordan Hodges joins Adcom as YGUMB rep.
-Passed: Lois Gagnon in Adcom from PVChapter
-Passed: Re: MAAPL representative: Broadcast request for GRP Representative and GRP Alternate to MAAPL
Rough Transcript:
Co-Chair’s Welcome:
Mass Power Forward coalition member attended Mass. House session, where person at podium (not the Speaker) falsified votes, other votes reported as unanimous that should not have been on major climate legislation, according to this person. The Speaker himself never appears on the floor of the House.
Mass. Democratic party corrupt beyond most citizens’ knowledge. None of this reported even when it’s out in the open.
MPF to Emergency Rally July 19th, conduct Civil Disobedience July 25th, State House.
DF: lost
EY: re: Mass Democ: MA considered progressive can mean corrupt.
JA: Mass Legislature like organized crime - Democ. Caucus like secret session - much hypocracy - GRP needed.
DR: Thanks, Charlene - Smizik is zionist - climate activism very white, not anti-imperialist enough.
Approval of past minutes
Discussion on timeliness of minutes approval
DF: Delay OK - important to get right
JA: Delay not OK - stops subsequent decision making until official minutes out.
Officer Reports:
Co-chair: CD: Learning curve steep starting co-chair job - adcom achieves quorum, functions well - chapter and working committee reports will now alternate at adcom meetings, since most meet monthly anyway - Chapter visits by co-chairs in planning stages - Brian D Crawford = still Treasurer, sez ‘is two-person job,’ gave suggestions as to how an Assistant Treasurer would help - Shift from Santander to Berkshire Bank on hold, Berkshire unhelpful & new treasurer location uncertain - Limited # of banks can host depository accounts, which is what state parties need. 1st job of Fundraising & Finance Committee is to support Treasurer.
DF: (Adcom reviving Working Groups) gone well - after new treasurer found, adcom returns to this task, including Platform comm.
DR: Wants to revive/chair Platform Com
Secretary Report: JG:
emailed report of new officers to Sect’ry. of Commonwealth, which is required ASAP after officer changes.
Official New Chapter: Young Greens of UMB.
Much email traffic at [email protected]
EY: Suggests that Secretary be emphasized at website.
DF: Too much work for Secretary to respond to everything. Have Membership respond instead of Secretary to membership-type inquiries.
CD: Josh G doing great job as Secretary.
DR: Some don’t like us - we should ID disruptors & react differently to them.
CDLC Report:
CD: Statewide candidates will be reported on by TGR. Three State Rep candidates on Ballot, each encouraged to do facebook page, bio page - CDLC has only 3 current members. Need more members. Please recruit in your chapters
DK: letter to chapters re: committee members needed.
CD: co-chairs in-person visit planned, plan to recruit for Working Comms and State Com as well.
DF: CDLC in touch with existing elected officials? (9)...
CD: quarterly reports requested from GRP officials to CDLC, & to their Chapter. Will forward one from Lancaster Library Trustee as model.
DF: Newsletter needed Statewide
DR: Appointed officials?
CD: Yes there are appointed & elected given in report, is posted online. Chapter can guide choices for their members about which offices they could go for. (Wayne Miller - Beverly Parks Commission)
Team Green Report:
JG: signature gathering is focus - Press Release: Jed, of Quasi-public agencies(?)
Convention Comm Report:
JG: Convention Committee has not met since before Convention. The North Shore Chapter created a Place Finder role, filled by Gail Gouveia, to casually research future locations for Statecom / Convention / Chapter meetings..
DF: GBC discuss annual convention site? Members present said they would.
Fundraising & Finance Report:
BC: Serena Newman’s life unsettled. Can’t do Fundraising Dir. job now, doesn’t know when she can.
DF: We need a firm yes or no. Ask her to take a leave of absence and recruit new FR Director?
CD: Not sure that’s useful. Could do soft recruit with 2nd round of Treasurer/Ass’t Treasurer recruitment email. Dues proposal being worked on by Matt, others. Why press Serena N? - priority Treasurer eblast could recruit for Fundr & Fincomm.
DR: Manny improperly dismissed from Fundraising Director position
MDVR Comm Report:
BC:.Meeting monthly. Wish I knew how to better recruit vols.
JG: gateway Cities proposal going to Chapters.
DR: GBC working on this.
JG: John B. taking pix to put merch on online store. Gretchen can help.
CD: Diversity is also in mission of MDVRC - Volunteers not separate from members, need to connect them with chapter and/or Working Committee. - ladder of levels of involvement – registered J or supporter of candidate or party and/or donation > join chapter > join working committee> join State Com. How do we connect with members? [Newsletter? BC]
DF: How to go from chapter to working group? - Assabet Chapter reports on State GRP bodies - Ch. Cochairs re: Diversity(?). Part of Chapter co-chairs’ job is to connect chapter with state-level activities.
DF: Just convention is not enough to connect our larger membership to activities. Statewide caucus for women, POC, LGBTQ, etc.
CD or DF: MDVRC should set up diversity sector/group facebook pages. (Brian C take note)
EY: Once local chapters engaged with/fought for local issues. Website recruits volunteers for elections. It could do more in terms of party building. Website should help build chapters.
GPUS Report:
JA: 4 voting GRP members at National level, Johanna H, John A, David G, Juan S. - see report, attached. - Annual National Meeting starts July 18th
[Participation fund discussion - statecom asks Adcom to take up Participation Fund’s application & decision-making process] Ask new Treasurer to work with Gretchen to set up form on site.
CD: we might want to survey members: would you attend a chapter meeting, Working Comm, State Convention, State Comm if you could get $ help with transport, childcare, phone call,…
JA: publicize criteria for distributing $ for which costs. Reserve; partial help; priorities: comm members, diversity.
Chapter Reports:
AssabetRVC: 1 elected official, - priority: State Rep race: already in 1 of 3 debates.
Central Mass: 4 elected officials, avg 8 at meetings, 2 state rep candidates ~700 signatures gathered - 5 on state working groups.
GBC: ~10 mostly white men - many endorsements, participated in Boston May Day Coalition, Boston March against Monsanto, Boston Free Julian Assange & Justice4Siham campaign. DR is secretary. Female co-chair not at last couple of meetings.
No. Shore Chapter: Signature gathering ongoing, mostly done by Josh – Bonnie, women’s march on Pentagon - Hal Brown calling on behalf of Freedom for All (Ballot Q 3). Gail: made NS banner.
PV: no rep on StateCom.
SC: absent.
YGUMB: Summer Recess - officers will meet.
Boston Wards & City Comm.: no report
Comment: Ward & City Comm should be on GRP website local page. [Brian C take note]
EY: How do we handle Ward, City comm Statecomm Representation?
Others: can apply to be chapter, so you can get a voting member on AdCom.
agenda modified: Elections at 3pm
-lunch break-
Next Statecom: Facil: Brian C & _______? , Location probably Lothrop Room, Northampton MA - date see decisions made., above.
Next statecom telecon: Wed. August 29th
Petitioning Report: 4,889 not-yet-certified plus 1,722 certified (4,889 times 85% + 1,722 = ~ 5,878)
BallotQ?#1: per-nurse patient # limits. Yes, with additional statement.
BallotQ?#3: gender identity anti-discrimination veto referendum question.
Yes by consensus
BallotQ?#2: Tabled
Damon Jespersen interview with Statecom.
DJ: serves as Newbury Town Select Board Member, now for ~6 years. - ~7K residents - funny shaped town, strongly divided along internal region boundaries. Fairly conservative. Party irrelevant to voters, communication important. Job takes 10-20 hrs/wk.
DF: nexus to green-town issues? Living Wage? Immigration?
DJ: Newbury doesn’t engage with ICE - School District regional (Multi-town) - state aid supposed to be 75%, they pay 27% - cuts slated, as fund-maintaining override failed in 2 of 3 towns - active PTA in Newbury. DJ thinks of serving in higher than town office. Lennie ___ & Bruce Tarr state reps. State Reps and Congress both very Republican.
CD: Pretense, no reality to ‘Mass Dems better than Reps’ - in 2016, 2/3 of races uncontested - Only GRs = clean $ party, will oppose MA Dem Machine.
JA: Cambridge School Comm factions rejected former elected GRP member’s ideas because he didn’t negotiate with the factions.
DJ: Newbury history: one family controlled - getting to Newbury reg’nl. faction roots took a year. Regional School Com of 3 has 1 elected from Newbury.
EY: Pop’n #s stable?, local issues? RCV?
DJ: Most in town don’t want to be bothered, involved - Letter to selectman could make RCV public issue by discussing on camera at a meeting - appointed commissions hard to staff.
DF: Town Clerk has Green voter rolls - ‘Run for State Rep.’
DJ: Ran ‘cuz wanted to replace old select board - energy interest - troubled by Oil & Coal industry juggernaut
DF: In Concord: Envir. Sust. Plan = criteria for all town decision-making - In Acton, making this plan a priority.
-End Damon Jespersen interview
Urgent Business: Complaint about Statecom Member.
Manny Pintado joins statecom by phone:
JG: Hello
MP: Hello
DF: Hears wonderful things about MP all the time. good activist, compassionate.
JG: & CD: [explain executive versus open session, implications]
MP: wants record open/public
DR: Supports MP - Against this racist charge, which should be publicly recorded..
MP: GRP shouldn’t go after me, should go after white racist, Thank you DR.
DF: [MP history of threatening] Feb. 2011 arrest for threatening Florida congressperson William Snyder, served probation - Nov 2016, while Fundraising Dir threatened woman on Facebook - adcom found him unrepentant. Rec’d. statecom dismiss - Statecom dismissed MP as Fundraising Dir. - Manny shoud be temp suspended or dismissed from Statecom.
DR: vibes - DF being racist. He did nothing wrong.
MP: complainant ‘Jay’ threatened MP online during current issue, ‘This man wrote ‘I’m going to come and cut your neck’. I didn’t threaten complainant. ... there’s a lot of hate out there. ...they’ll try to divide us.
CD: Non-violence = a GRP 10 key value? Racism does terrible things to people in this country. Was chased down street by person thought CD lesbian
MP: Understands that nonviolence = no physical violence = use of force, & no mental violence
CD: When someone uses phys/mental violence, they are treating others like an object. We must be non-violent with people who want to hurt us...Agrees with MP. Unfortunately CD sees threat of physical force here. You threatened complainant and children - GRP Statecom Members should be/are representing, have responsibility to other GRP members. Why didn’t you call police?
MP: MP blocked ‘Jay’, so all of message lost.
BC: what is meaning ‘... going to expose you, especially to your children’.
MP: Some racists are hiding their racism from their families. Meant to say this racism should be exposed.
DK: gotta be careful about what’s on Facebook....I have to be very careful what I post, because it’s not just about me, it’s about the homeless I’m feeding. We don’t win by lowering ourselves to their standards.
JG: Can you get screenshots? If he made threats...
MP: [Blocking someone loses all messages between them and you].
DF: When MP said ’...Want to meet so I can show you how I handle racist fucks.', what did you mean? Was this invitation to conversation? Are you really saying that your intention was to be peaceful?
MP: I was raised in the Bronx. Did you grow up in the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens or Manhattan?
DF: Yes I did.
MP: If so, you would know that when people say they’re going to meet it doesn’t mean that they are going to shoot or kill each other, it means they are going to talk first.
CD: Do you have PTSD?
MP: Yes.
CD: How are you trying to heal yourself at this point? Can we help you connect with support groups?
MP: treating by doing activism, defending Puerto Rico, taking meds, joined anger management & VA support groups. National situation horrible- MP threatened, manhandled, everyday by others online. You made me realize how we represent the GRP.
CD: Would you think about taking a year long break/ leave of absence from Statecom? GRP to be healing force. Getting support from folks in similar situations.
MP: will think about this.
DF: CD, are you saying suggest it, or statecom initiate
DR: Don’t let them push you off statecom.
MP: DR we have to think about the party.
CD: suggestion: Invite MP to take year long break from Statecom, until Ann. Convention 2019
EY: Speaking to Statecom: Can’t in good conscience participate in this decision...I will not participate.
DR: Propose getting PoC involved: Mediation by Ebony?, Jamie McLaughlin?
CD: ask MP consider leave of absence, notify [email protected] ... More like suggestion than proposal - Could have PoC involved.
MP: 1st talk with PVchapter, with statecom meeting minutes sent to them, then MP proposes to take leave of absence until next year’s convention.
MP: Open meeting, open minutes of PVchapter.
DR: Point of order: co-Chair doesn’t have the power to overrule us and do the negotiation.
EY: Who is facilitator:
DR: I am [one] and statecom shouldn’t have this racist witchhunt on the agenda.
MP: PVC meets next week. OK.
EY: addressing Statecom: Think that this is a very Bad Idea: sets threats from inside party OK, threats outside not OK - EY has received threats of physical force in party -
CD: Then you should report...
EY: I will not, because the threatener has no choice.
CD: That’s your choice.
DF: MP are you saying that you will
MP: want to discuss with PVC first on Wednesday. Then will write up email to take leave of absence until next year’s convention.
JA: Concerned that, without statecom decision, CD, DF are negotiating with MP, as if for Statecom, when really no statecom decision has been made. - Record incomplete, & Manny wasn’t in an official GRP role when incident occurred. - concerning, uncomfortable with this type of investigation ‘Where do we stop?’ - Bad process of statecom. we should consider this to be a conversation, not a statecom negotiation.
CD: This is a conversation. Stan Rosenberg incident similar in some ways. As GRP member-elected representatives, statecom must keep higher standard. We can’t ignore this.
DK: I can’t run for office now, issue would hurt party. Wish you luck.
EY: friend is VA nurse, says PTSD treatment at VA hospitals best avoided.
DF: All MP incidents happened in political conversations. ‘what do we stand for if GRP elected reps tolerate threatening?'
MP: to put DF at ease: I haven’t heard anyone say that no action would be taken.
DF: Proposal: Year suspension from statecom until ann. convention. GRP wants to assist with mediation between GRP and MP. Adcom to discuss with MP
DR: Fault now with this statecom, not with MP.
EY: not qualified to vote on this.
JA: MP used intemperate language, not GRP role to determine private conversation right and wrong. doesn’t support sanction.
Motion: Temp Suspend MP until Ann. Convention: Fails
CD: motion failed, minutes of this statecom meeting to PVChapter by 18th. [Brian C take note]
MP: Please understand - MP not letting statecom push me out - If PVchapter decides, MP decides to leave of absence of his own accord - MP Understands 10 key values, that GRP stands behind MP if MP threatened by white supremacists- MP felt threatened. Many threaten GRP. I will always stand for Peace and Justice.
-End MP phone call-
Urgent Matters: GPUS Steering Comm election soon. David Gerry running.
JA: Seeking statecom support for letter expressing statecom confidence in DG abilities & suitability for Steering comm co-chair role.
DR: DG apolitical? what faction gets support if DG elected?
DF: uncomfortable with ‘support’ wording
DK: DG willing to do work
EY: DG committed to state & Nat’l platforms, rises above political factions - EY comfortable with DG political positions.
JA: Some on Steering Comm block for personal agenda, DG’s approach welcome, needed.
CD: Supports DG because of what CD has seen at Nat’l Meeting.
EY: GPUS’s Steering Comm = GRP’s Adcom - Steering Comm. not decision-making body, like Statecom - Nat’l Council = decision-making body at USA level - has 7 members, members can be re-elected. Steering comm apolitical
DR: last years Newark election was quite political...[?]
Passed: JA writes letter of recommendation/support/
Joanna Herlihy seeks recommendation to Nat’l Platform Comm.
CD: in favor, & would like reports back to Statecom.
EY: Joanna doing much work with National Platform Comm
DR: part of Marathon bombing cover-up? but stands aside from a blocking concern
Jordan Hodges seeks Adcom membership
CD: better statecom 1st, adcom later, adcom is a heavy lift, but if JH enthusiastic, OK
EY: Statecom must review bylaws so that each local chapter doesn’t need adcom representation.
CD: Adcom needs every chapter represented - must think of hierarchical ladder of state level connection progression.
DF: likes every chapter on adcom
CD: adcom meetings open
Louise Gagnon in Adcom from PVChapter
MAAPL rep issue:
CD: representatives CD & DK stepping down. replacement reps sought. -1st fridays 1-3pm in-person or online meeting in Boston, typically at ABCD, & 3rd Friday telecon - MAAPL GRP rep role should be rotated - Law on tenants side actually - Banks breaking law - work super important especially in Worc. County - MAAPL coalition needs strengthening - lots of work needed here. Let’s ask a GBC member to be rep.
EY: MAAPL = GRP + initiative, Legislators fighting law
RW Accept[?]
Round robin evaluation
2018 Aug 29 Statecomm Telecon Minutes
*Members in attendance:
John Andrews, Matt Andrews, Roni Beal, Brian Cady, Sean Connell, Charlene DiCalogero, Danny Factor, Josh Gerloff, David Rolde, and Elie Yarden.
Guests: Darlene Elias and David Gerry.
*Topics discussed:
PROPOSED AGENDA for GRP Statecom telecon , Wednesday August 29, 2018, 7:30pm
1. Roll Call and determination of quorum. 5 minutes
2. Approve the meeting agenda. 5 minutes
3. Appointing people to GRP officer and director positions and other positions. 5 minutes
• 3a. appointing an Interim Membership Director . We have at least one nomination already: Brian Cady who is already interim chairing the Membership Committee
4. Ballot Questions
• 4a. Discussion of Ballot Question 2 for the Massachusetts state government to create a committee to recommend how to change the U.S. constitution to outlaw corporate personhood and regulate campaign contributions and spending. Should GRP endorse, oppose or take no position? 15 minutes
• 4b. Moving forward, per decision from the July Statecom meeting, on a GRP statement in support of Question 1 to implement patient assignment limits for nurses in hospitals. 5 minutes
• 4c. Moving forward, per decision from the July Statecom meeting, on a GRP statement in support of Question 3 to uphold the 2016 Massachusetts bill prohibiting discrimination based on gender identity in public places. 5 minutes
5. Financial report and account balances from Brian Crawford. 5 minutes
6. Motion for GRP to send a letter of interest to host the GPUS 2019 Annual National Meeting. 10 minutes
7. Motion for GRP to endorse the National Prison Strike. (presented by Matt Andrews). 5 minutes
8. Team Green-Rainbow Working Group
• 8a. Report from the working group presened by Joshua, Charlene and/or Danny Factor. 5 minutes
• 8b. Motion to move $500 from the GRP General Fund to Candidates Fund to assists our statewide candidates in the final two months of campaigning. 5 minutes
9. announcements. 10 minutes total
• 9a. We need a new party treasurer and an assistant treasurer. Please look for GRP members who could serve in these positions
• 9b. State Committee members should serve on at least one working group or be an electoral candidate for government office or chair their local GRP chapter. If you want to serve on Membership & Diversity Committee contact Brian Cady. If you want to serve on Communications Commitee contact Gretchen. If you want to serve on CDLC contact Charlene. If you want to serve on Convention Planning Committee contact ?. Elie is trying to start the Legislative Committee. David Rolde is trying to restart the Platform Committee. If you want to serve on the Tech Committee contact David Gerry. Fundraising & Finance Committee contact ?
• 9c. GRP has a fund to provide financial support for people who need help to be able to afford to attend meetings and events. Support can be for travel expenses, childcare expenses, etc. Meetings and events can include State Committee and other meetings, state and national GRP & GP conventions, events GRP has endorsed such as the Women’s March on the Pentagon, Etc. People who need this financial support should contact Adcom to apply.
10. Wrap-up and meeting evaluation. 10 minutes
Total time: 90 minutes
*Decisions Made:
By Consensus: Interim Membership Director: Brian Cady
Passed by Consensus: no position on Ballot Question #2: John and David R will work on statement
Accepted by Consensus: Treasurer/Financial report
Passed by Consensus: send letter of inquiry into hosting 2019 ANM to Steering committee.
Passed by Consensus: support prison strike Matt A will do press release for/with Gretchen
Passed by Consensus: $500 moved to candidates fund
2018 Spring Statecom Minutes
State Committee Minutes of April 7, 2018
Worcester Friends Meetinghouse, 901 Pleasant St., Worcester, MA
(Approved by StateCom July 14, 2018)
Voting Members Present:
John Andrews - First Boston Metropolitan Region
Matt Andrews – First Boston Metropolitan Region
Roni Beal – Central Mass Region
Brian Cady – First Boston Metropolitan Region
Sean Connell – South Coast Region
Brian Crawford – Western Region
Charlene DiCalogero – Central Mass Region
Danny Factor – Western Metropolitan Region
Josh Gerloff – North Shore Region
Daniel Kontoff - First Boston Metropolitan Region
David Rolde - Western Metropolitan Region
Ralph Walton - First Boston Metropolitan Region
Elie Yarden - First Boston Metropolitan Region
Established at 13 voting members
Facilitators: Brian Crawford and Joyce Palmer-Fortune
Notes: Roni Beal
Timekeeper: Josh Gerloff
Vibes watcher: Danny Factor
Stacker: Brian Cady
Parliamentarian: John Andrews
Brian Wheeler, graduate student at Boston University
Serena Newman & Larry Newman
Sean Connell – secretary, South Coast chapter
Justin Rocha – co-chair, South Coast chapter
Eileen Sheehan – secretary, South Coast chapter
Elizabeth Humphries – Pioneer Valley chapter
Tiffany Moncreaff & children
Danny Factor
Jamie Guerin
Yasmine Khdeer
Matthew Moncreaff
Juan Sanchez
Jed Stamas
Agenda concerns:
Matt – concern with time allowance for committee reports, some committees may need more time to report
Approval of Minutes from Previous Meeting:
Approval of January 20, 2018 StateCom meeting minutes.
Amendments :
Membership merchandise is vegan and not wool. Vegan relates to tee shirts only.
Assabet River Tar Larner is a member of Concord Housing Authority.
Minutes approved by consensus with amendments.
Approval of October 15, 2017 minutes in Holyoke tabled until July StateCom meeting
Fundraiser Director:
Joyce explained possible change in model for positions with added responsibility. Joyce recommended that StateCom members speak with each other about paid directorships. Advisory only – no proposal formulated.
Serena Newman, Fundraiser Applicant
Serena Newman lives in Bernardston, MA. She described past experience in fundraising in business, not political. Serena reported that she did fundraising for three animal rescue societies. There will be a learning curve fundraising for a political party. She worked in an election forum in Brattleboro, Vermont and had telephone and mail contact with voters as well as selling Party merchandise to attract people.
StateCom Responses
Joyce - noted that experience with raising funds and website knowledge will be beneficial.
Charlene - talked about working with Gretchen in communications.
John – noted that email fundraising important and added that the Stein campaign was successful raising funds via email that resulted in immediate feedback. People with writing experience will be an asset with paper mailers.
Brian Cady - shared a vision of a strong fundraising committee with representatives from each chapter. Membership committee has inventory of GRP merchandise to attract people.
Matt – suggested appealing to people on how their donations will help the Green-Rainbow Party and to develop outreach to people in multiple ways.
Charlene – reported that the GRP database needs to be updated. Candidates are the best way to motivate people to donate to Party.
Elie – suggested submitting a budget because the GRP operates under some constraints.
Brian Crawford – made a motion from the floor to nominate Serena Newman as fundraiser director. Danny seconds the motion to nominate Serena.
Concerns: There were no concerns.
Vote: StateCom approved Serena Newman as Fundraiser Director by consensus.
Advice to StateCom about a Paid Fundraiser
Brian Crawford and Roni Beal agreed that fundraiser director should be compensated.
John Andrews and Danny Factor – noted that an executive director take on all tasks and assigned tasks. They suggested a stipend and reimbursement for expenses.
Ralph Walton and Elie Yarden – agreed there are constraints with funds.
Charlene DiCalogero and Josh Gerloff – noted that fundraising and communications directors are in similar positions which could be an issue.
Matt Andrews – recommended discussing other vehicles available to use for fundraising, such as a stipend option.
Brian Cady and Justin Rocha – were favorable to compensation.
Sean Connell and Joyce Palmer-Fortune – were favorable to pay, but had concerns with sustaining funds to pay.
Nomination to StateCom:
Danny nominated Sean Connell as a StateCom representative. Sean will represent the South Coast chapter on AdCom. South Coast is officially approved as a certified Green-Rainbow Party chapter.
Vote: StateCom approved Sean Connell to be both an AdCom and StateCom representative by consensus.
Report from Officers:
Co-chair, Matt Andrews – reported that AdCom is involved in upcoming state convention and Party candidates.
Brian Crawford reported tracking state limit of $500 compared to federal government view that the state decides contribution limits.
Brian is trying to convince OPCF to change state vs. federal limit.
Brian suggested that Party members donate money to candidates.
Joyce reported that the Pioneer Valley chapter formed separate bank account. The Pioneer Valley PAC supports Green candidates.
Danny approves of $500 limit which he suggested discussing at another meeting.
Josh reported that North Shore chapter seeks advice regarding setting up a bank account.
Treasurer's First Quarter Report
1 January 2018 – 31 March 2018
Row Labels |
Sum of total |
Santander - State |
$ 6,671.54 |
Santander - Fed |
$ 3,260.92 |
PayPal |
$ 125.05 |
Grand Total |
$ 10,067.51 |
2018 Budget
Category |
total |
Budgeted |
Pct % |
Sustainer Donations |
$ 508.36 |
$ 1,404.00 |
36% |
Bank Fees |
$ (24.47) |
Misc Donations |
$ 35.00 |
$ 500.00 |
7% |
Candidate Contributions |
$ - |
$ (300.00) |
0% |
Legal |
$ - |
$ (150.00) |
0% |
Nation Builder |
$(694.20) |
$ (700.00) |
99% |
Office Supplies |
$ - |
$ (40.00) |
0% |
Participation – Meetings |
$ - |
$ (500.00) |
0% |
Postage |
$ - |
$ (100.00) |
0% |
Printing |
$(913.75) |
$ (200.00) |
457% |
Web Domains |
$ - |
$ (60.00) |
0% |
State Com |
$(230.00) |
$ (450.00) |
51% |
Merchandise - Purchasing |
$ - |
$ (1,000.00) |
0% |
Merchandise - Sales |
$ - |
$ 1,000.00 |
0% |
Convention - Donations |
$ - |
$ 1,800.00 |
0% |
Convention – Rent |
$(425.00) |
$ (400.00) |
106% |
Convention – Speaker |
$(511.60) |
$ (300.00) |
171% |
Convention – Food |
$ - |
$ (420.00) |
0% |
Convention – Supplies |
$ - |
$ (100.00) |
0% |
Campaign School - Donations |
$ - |
$ 260.00 |
0% |
Campaign School – Food |
$ - |
$ (100.00) |
0% |
Campaign School – Rent |
$ - |
$ (100.00) |
0% |
Campaign School – Supplies |
$ - |
$ (50.00) |
0% |
Reports Filed
- January 31 Year End - 03/30/2018
- February 20 - 03/30/2018
- March 20 - 03/30/2018
- None
Important Things to Note:
- Still in the process of changing our banks from Santander to Berkshire Bank. Both the state and federal accounts have been set up. In the process of changing getting them as depository accounts with OCPF and FEC.
- The candidates fund has $565 in it.
Since the January 7 StateCom meeting, Roni reported that she took minutes at four AdCom telecon meetings, plus one StateCom telecon meeting on March 7. She responded to several GRP office phone calls, including a call from a woman in San Francisco and forwarded two email messages to Committee directors. Roni notified AdCom that the South Coast membership submitted required documents to be certified as a chapter. She invited South Coast members to attend the next AdCom meeting and notified StateCom to add South Coast certification to the April 7, 2018 agenda.
Committee Reports:
Candidate Development Legal Committee:
Charlene is recruiting members for CDLC. She read CDLC report. Nine GRP candidates are running in 2018. Seven of the nine candidates are collecting signatures.
Team Green-Rainbow Working Group:
Josh reported that petitions have been distributed to chapters, but some chapters have not appointed a team leader. Kickoff for statewide candidates takes place on April 27 & 28. Gretchen Clarke is the point person for campaigns.
David Rolde noted conflicts with April 27 & 28 dates with other events in Boston area. He added that Terra Friedrich is a candidate and that additional information would be provided later.
Communications & Media:
Gretchen was not present during committee reports.
Convention Planning:
Josh reported that Cindy Sheehan agreed to be keynote speaker. She will address migration crisis as well as the October 21, 2018 Women’s March on the Pentagon. Gretchen reported updating the GRP website and emailed information about Cindy Sheehan. Roni reported there will be three guest speakers, four workshops and seven tables at the convention. She also reported difficulty in scheduling speakers and workshop leaders because the convention takes place during the Memorial Day weekend.
Fundraising & Finance:
Not active. New director appointed today.
New GRP merchandise will be sold at the convention. Mel King is donating books for sale. Membership may lead a workshop on how to form a chapter. New membership brochures will be distributed to chapters at convention. Danny recommended that the Membership Committee track Party banners.
Platform Com: not active
Green Party United States (GPUS) National Committee:
Elie reported a National Committee discussion about amendments, which is a six week process for the GPUS platform committee. The chief problem is disregard for formatting. Dealing with chapters and submissions totals about 40 amendments. Elie will add to GRP website how to participate on National Committee. John Andrews reported four active delegates. The Election National Steering Committee led a terrible campaign with misinformation and lacking insight. They endorse a counter rally to Trump’s military parade in the fall. People will demonstrate against glorifying militarism. John Andrews, Elie Yarden and David Gerry plan to attend the upcoming National Committee meeting. John has an email invitation he can send to StateCom.
Elie commented that the Green Party is flooded with members who are not well informed about Green Party politics, causing factions within the Party. There is no mechanism to deal with new ideas. Danny commented that these issues warrant a larger discussion. Anyone who wants to attend the Salt Lake City convention and requires financial assistance from the Participation Fund should contact AdCom. Sean inquired about the Youth Caucus. John reported that all caucuses are an issue because of mixed opinions and misunderstanding about what the Green Party stands for. Charlene recommended additional help to orient new people about what the Green Party stands for and have conversations. Matt commented that he feels disconnected from the GPUS and internal debates. Dan Kontoff commented that attending the National Conference helps build the Green Party and networking.
Chapter Reports:
South Coast – Sean reported working on networking and holding regular meetings. Alan Silvern (?) recruited Ian Tompkins to challenge the GOP incumbent. Last year the South Coast chapter helped Sean with his campaign and working on Ranked Choice voting.
Pioneer Valley:
Joyce reported that Pioneer Valley chapter members focused on candidates in Pioneer Valley area. The chapter has also been tabling with Voters Choice Mass. The next meeting takes place in Holyoke.
North Shore:
Josh reported that the founding co-chair, Bea Reardon, is stepping back. Chapter members elected new co-chair, Deb Dell Piana. Residency now includes a few more surrounding towns. The chapter formed a petitioning team and will table at the Salem State Environmental Fair and Voter Choice Mass event on April 21. Two members are active with the March on the Pentagon. Brian Cady questioned tracking chapter funds and suggested following up with OPCF for guidelines.
Greater Boston Area:
GBA chapter is planning a Boston May Day event. David Rolde reported holding a chapter movie of month, ongoing coalition work and national coalition activity, plus activism. GBS now has three co-chairs in chapter. Danny inquired on number of people who attend meetings. David reported about 12 members per meeting. Danny inquired about chapter discussions about running candidates for office? He noted a lack of interest in members running for office.
John noted that members can decide which chapter they will join, not by region. Charlene added that some chapters are covering a large area. The Party should help grow each chapter so new chapters can be created.
Central Mass Green-Rainbow:
Charlene read chapter report. Two new members: Yazzy Khdeer and Matt Moncreaff held standouts in May.
Assabet River Valley:
Danny reported that Assabet River Valley chapter meets once a month at the Acton library and holds one teleconference. They now have six active members who are out petitioning today. The chapter endorsed Terra Friedrichs, registered Independent who runs on the Green Party platform. Tar Larner is organizing tenants at Concord Housing. Members were involved in the last town meeting and voted for water conservation. Acton received new sanctuary town status. Sean inquired if a chapter is allowed to endorse Independents. Danny responded that it is okay on a municipal level, but not for state house. John added that GRP can endorse Independents, but it is questionable whether it is worth the time to endorse candidates in another party.
Lunch break - noon
Endorsement and Nominations of Candidates:
Danny Factor – is running for state representative of 14th Middlesex County. He has a background in activism and serves on the Board of Directors for Green Acton. He promotes a message of dignity, inclusion and love. Maximum donation is $88 per person, which is the average daily wage of workers. Goal is to end poverty by 2030. See Danny’s handout for details.
Q&A: Elie – what does Danny propose about taxes, free university education, infrastructure, roads?
Danny – loan forgiveness, all deserve safe infrastructure, end corporate subsidies, tax burden on carbon emitters, pay at federal level, cut military spending and work on peace spending.
Sean - are there political opponents?
Danny – this is Danny’s second run as state representative. The incumbent is retiring and three democrats running.
Donations go to “Factor Committee”
No concerns nominating Danny Factor as candidate.
Yasmine Khdeer – is running for state representative in the 2nd Worcester district. Yasmine lives in Winchendon. She expressed the need for true grassroots party that will listen to what people have a say about policies that affect their lives. She promotes running clean campaigns and that are not beholden to corporate funds. Yasmine is an advocate of campaign donation reform. She is passionate about public education. Wealthy communities benefit because of high tax rate. All schools should be publically funded. School choice is reliant on providing transportation. Poor children are victims of lack of school funds and choice options.
Q&A: Sean - asked for Yasmine for more background.
Yasmine was a teacher in Kuwait.
David Rolde – curriculum is also an issue.
Yasmine – need reform for funding and let teachers be the leaders.
Charlene – working women have a struggle balancing work and family life. Will she address Muslim religion during campaign?
Yazzy – she does not consider religion to a problem.
David Rolde – what about Middle-east issues?
Yasmine – she is against corporate power that affects people in Middle-east, i.e. corporate take-over. Mine team vs. your team.
Motion to Nominate Yasmine – any concerns?
Dan Kontoff – current policy in Middle-east.
Yes – 13
Opposed – 1
Abstain – 0
Ian Tompkins
7th Bristol – Ian was unable to attend meeting and can wait until convention or July for endorsement. Sean is Ian’s campaign manager.
Juan Sanchez – is running for Secretary of State. He was born and raised in Holyoke. He is involved in community projects. Last election he ran for state representative and received 30% of the vote. This election is running against an incumbent. Voter education is key – bi-lingual information. He promotes Ranked Choice Voting, overturning Citizens United and buying votes. He supports recording corporate crime. He cited a long political dynasty in Boston that affects the underprivileged.
Q&A: John Andrews – what can he do first week?
Juan – translate handbooks in other languages.
Elie – will he promise to debate any future opposition?
Juan – has taught opposition response
Donation checks to “Committee to Elect Juan Sanchez”.
No concerns in nominating Juan as a candidate.
Jamie Guerin – is running for State Treasurer. Jamie grew up in western Mass. She now lives in Northampton. She has been a life-long activist for peace. She cited a corporate stranglehold in Mass. Independent watch-dogs are accountable to people, not the 1 percent. She promotes building healthy green communities and is a public banking advocate. North Dakota has a state bank. Jamie supports public bank Mass that will invest back to people and includes citizen participation. She supports health care for all; student loan forgiveness; clean renewable energy; and pro-peace. Shift power to hands of people and invest in ourselves.
Q&A Sean – how qualified is she to be treasurer? What are her credentials?
Charlene – Jamie is a mother of five and knows how to manage funds.
Jamie – I know how balance household – she always in invests in her children and she will invest in you.
Joyce – donate to “Friends of Jamie Guerin” and give checks to Elizabeth Humphries.
No concerns in nominating Jamie as a candidate.
Jed Stamas – is running for State Auditor seat. He has been involved in activism and human rights all his life. He is an educator and teacher and lives in Northampton. Jed cares about people, future generations and wants to provide children with healthy planet. He sees an economic decline and government service decline for low income. He wants to give people another choice as state auditor. There is a need for new leadership in this position. He promotes an internal audit of the state police, as well as child abuse incident audits that are currently inadequate. He cited ongoing DCF problems. He would be independent watch-dog to oversee that Democrats & the GOP do not misuse tax payer dollars.
Q&A: David Rolde – does the DCF audit abuse in foster families?
Jed - responded that the current auditor made recommendations that were handed over to Baker administration. The current auditor is not working with the administration to resolve issues. Auditor Bump only looks for financial issues, not the realm of issues.
Elie – would he favor continuous audit of state agencies to avoid waste?
Jed – the auditor has limited funds. He would advocate ongoing audits of agencies that have had issues. Community college audits are not as urgent as other agencies.
John – auditor audit programs – what about tax expenditures or tax breaks? Would Jed consider auditing to insure programs use funds appropriately?
Jed – Absolutely
Charlene – How would he audit tax breaks?
Jed – state auditor oversees state agencies, tax breaks are more of a DOS job.
Jed requested that donations be withheld until he contacts OPCF.
No concerns in nominating Jed as a candidate.
Matt Moncreaff - Lives in Princeton and runs a yoga & martial arts studio in Acton. He is running for state representative. He cited that the two party systems represent the 1 percent. Matt holds corporations responsible. For example, major incentives are given to doctors who prescribe opioids. Tax money should not be paid for a problem not caused by citizens. Private equity companies drive struggling companies into the ground. Two party systems did nothing to eliminate private equity firms from reaping wealth from bankruptcies. Matt will run for the 99 percent.
Q&A: Dan Kontoff – how will Jed run against opposition?
Matt – this is the first time in 8 years the incumbent has an opponent. He is a Boston insider. He would hold constituent meeting in the library rather than a restaurant.
Danny – Democrats may be deterred from voting for a Green as opposed to a GOP. Will he reach out to Democrats?
Matt – He will work with Democrats. He has received positive feedback from Democrats.
Charlene – How will he support small business owners in the state?
Matt – small business loans will be set up if not already available.
Matt – it is possible that a Democrat may run, but time is running out.
Juan – how long has Matt been a GRP member?
Matt – responded that he voted Green for years, but recently got involved in the Party. Both Matt and his wife are environmental advocates.
David Rolde – will Matt encourage more business and corporations including military contractors and other harmful industries? Will Matt try to close military bases?
Matt – he runs a family business. He supports less Walmart stores and more family run operations. He researches issues carefully.
Any concerns?
Yes – 13
No – 1
Abstain – 0
Break: 2:15 pm
Team Green
The Statewide Candidate Recruitment Working Group (SCRWG) was established to recruit candidates. SCRWG will retire and a new working group and Team Green is proposed to be established.
StateCom members break out in groups to discuss the proposal.
Quick summaries of proposal:
Sean – approved the proposal.
Charlene – is unclear on fundraising criteria – criteria of who candidates will receive donations from.
Josh – name of committee – consider adding Rainbow.
Ralph – better option than “scrooge”.
Danny – John approves the proposal. 3D. Coordinate slate efforts with local GRP candidates.
Team Green and GRP, separate entities. Gretchen and other directors are for the Party, not the candidates. Danny is involved in his campaign. The remaining members are John, Josh, and David.
Brian Crawford – continue Green Team, there is no need to terminate.
David Rolde – working groups may or may not have another SWCRG.
Josh – working group could begin work earlier, if it doesn’t have to re-establish.
Charlene – proposal is a Google doc proposal and will be activated based on calendar and need to populate the working group. CDLC will manage.
Matt – clarification about Green Team working group – who has authority to make decisions?
Danny – during campaign some activities were a joint venture. He had his own campaign, but participated in joint efforts.
John – encourage candidates to work together. Report to Team Green regarding resources. Team Green is a volunteer organization.
Sean – the working group helped campaigns run smoothly.
Concerns with passing proposal:
Matt – Funds – specific funds for candidates. Do all candidates agree with arrangement?
John – Team Green will decide how funds will be disbursed in place of CDLC. Team Green will take care of details and inform CDLC.
David Rolde – had a concern with name of the committee.
John – the name is internal – friendly amendment add Rainbow.
Number 5 – shall become inactive until further action is required. Proposal most likely will be re-written.
Elie – wanted to be politically sensitive by adding Rainbow
Vote: No concerns – approved by consensus.
Proposal to Change Website Home Page to Promote Candidates
Gretchen proposed changes to website – join the GRP party revolution. The next item will be an ad for state convention. Gretchen will list state candidates with links.
David Rolde – had an issue with the four pillars and requested focus on GRP key values.
Gretchen - will send out two proposals for review.
Matt – suggested adding a “Join the Party” button.
Gretchen – when update is complete improvements will be made.
Joyce – send any suggestions to the Communications Committee.
John Andrews made a motion to approve members of AdCom. He requested a receipt from South Coast chapter approving Sean as the South Coast representative. David Rolde had a concern with backing a Democrat candidate which was mentioned earlier.
Vote: Sean approved as AdCom representative after receipt of South Coast approval.
ABC’s of Signature Collecting:
Joyce explained signature collecting process.
- May 24 is the half way target.
- July 29 deliver sheets to town halls – check with town clerks before the 29th.
- Gather and certify June through early July.
- Campaigns go into high gear.
- Team coordinators: each region has one coordinator that oversees other helpers.
- Designated drivers to drop off petitions at clerk’s offices.
- Can collect signatures on public property.
- No writing on side of petition.
- Write and print formal name with home address – no PO Box – only the address where you are registered to vote.
- Any registered MA voter is okay.
- Strategy: Grocery stores - go consistently every weekend.
- Outside of a town meeting is okay.
- Goal is collect signatures – don’t waste time arguing with people.
Petitioning volunteer form goes to point person in each chapter.
Elie suggested making copies of petitions before submitting to town clerk.
Joyce advised to get receipt from town clerk for submitted town clerks.
Will need a statewide coordinator soon. Joyce is interim coordinator.
Next StateCom Meeting:
July 14 or 15, 2018 North Shore – Lynn – Josh will find location
Co-facilitators: David Rolde and Josh Gerloff
StateCom telecon:
Wednesday, June 6 at 7:00 pm
Send feedback about meeting to Brian Crawford.
Meeting Adjourned at 4:22 pm
PROPOSAL: Team Green-Rainbow 2018
[Adopted by consensus of State Committee, 4/7/18 ]
TITLE: Team Green-Rainbow 2018
SPONSORS: John Andrews, Josh Gerloff
SHEPHERD: Josh Gerloff
SUMMARY: This proposal establishes a new working group, Team Green-Rainbow, to ensure success of the slate effort that is running three 2018 statewide candidates.
On January 20 of this year, StateCom established the Statewide Candidate Recruitment Working Group (SCRWG) to recruit GRP candidates for statewide office in 2018. On March 7, StateCom approved a petitioning effort on behalf of a slate of three candidates recruited by SCRWG. StateCom also asked SCRWG to plan and launch the petitioning effort and to report back on April 7. Because the recruitment phase of the 2018 effort is completed, this proposal dissolves SCRWG and establishes a successor working group to complete the petitioning effort and to support the slate campaign.
1) StateCom thanks the SCRWG for their successful recruiting effort and hereby dissolves the SCRWG.
2) StateCom hereby establishes the Team Green-Rainbow Working Group ( “TG” or “TGWG”). StateCom asks that TG be supervised by the Candidate Development and Legal Committee (CDLC), subject to the provisions of this proposal.
3) The charter of the TGWG shall be as follows:
- a) To manage and coordinate the 2018 slate effort for the GRP. Slate candidates are asked to work through the TGWG whenever possible rather than independently setting up lines of communication with the various party entities. This is intended to ensure fair treatment of candidates, to promote coordination, and to allow proper reporting.
- b) To manage and coordinate the petitioning effort required to ensure that the names of the slate candidates appear on the ballot in November 2018. The TGWG shall hire and manage any staff recruited to coordinate the petitioning effort or to collect signatures.
- c) To manage disbursements from the GRP Candidate’s Fund to the slate candidates or to the petitioning effort. This shall be done in consultation with CDLC to ensure compliance with campaign finance laws and to ensure that only funds designated for the slate campaign are disbursed for slate purposes.
- d) To coordinate the use of GRP resources by the three campaigns, including the GRP website, GRP mailing lists, support from GRP working committees, and support from local GRP chapters. To coordinate slate efforts with local GRP candidates.
- e) To develop and communicate a common slate campaign message that builds positive awareness of the Green-Rainbow Party among the voters of the Commonwealth. Each candidate may have their own unique message elements, but the candidates are urged to take advantage of the synergism of having a consistent GRP message underlying their campaigns.
- f) To work with the candidates to develop a common set of fundraising criteria so that it is clear that the slate upholds a clean money standard that contrasts with our opponents.
- g) To build the electoral strength of the slate candidates with the objective of having at least one of the candidates receive more than 3% of the statewide vote, thus restoring party status to the Green-Rainbow Party. To this end the TG may work with the candidates in several ways, such as assisting in message development, fundraising, press, social media, and Get-Out-The-Vote efforts.
- h) To ensure post-campaign integration of campaign databases into the GRP databases.
- i) To provide a post-campaign assessment of the slate races to State Committee.
4) All members of the SCRWG who wish to serve on the TG are hereby appointed to that working group. In addition, the three slate candidates -Juan Sanchez, Jamie Guerin, and Jed Stamas - are appointed. Additional members may be appointed by a 2/3 vote of TG members in any meeting that has quorum or by appointment of the Administrative Committee. Members may be removed with a 2/3 vote and concurrence by the Administrative Committee.
5) The TGWG shall become inactive on the day after the winter 2019 StateCom meeting and shall be reactivated by decision of either StateCom or CDLC.
The approved text shall be implemented by the TGWG with assistance as required by other party entities.
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
2018 Winter Statecom Minutes
State Committee Meeting of January 20, 2018
(Approved by Statecom April 7, 2018)
First Community Church, Boston
565 Boylston St, Boston, MA
John Andrews – First Boston Metropolitan Region
Matt Andrews - First Boston Metropolitan Region
Roni Beal – Central Region
Brian Cady - First Boston Metropolitan Region
Brian Crawford – Western Region
Charlene DiCalogero - Central Region
Danny Factor – Western Metropolitan Region
Josh Gerloff – North Shore Region
Patrick Patterson, Alternate - North Shore Region
David Rolde - First Boston Metropolitan Region
Ralph Walton - First Boston Metropolitan Region
Elie Yarden - First Boston Metropolitan Region
Gretchen Clarke, applicant for Communications Directors
James Barrett Morison, active in Green Party in Florida
Robert Hanson, Party secretary applicant
Brian Cady
Charlene DiCalogero
Roni Beal
Welcome: Matt Andrews welcomed everyone to the meeting and invited attendees to participate in the Justice4Siham rally on Saturday, January 27 from noon to 2 pm at the JFK Federal Building in Boston.
Timekeeper: Brian Crawford
Vibes watcher: Elie Yarden (morning session)
Stacker: Josh Gerloff
Parliamentarian: John Andrews
Election of Alternate:
Patrick Patterson, North Shore Chapter member was seated as an Alternate by consensus.
Introductions were made for benefit of new members attending meeting.
Electing Members to State Committee:
Brian Crawford was elected as State Committee member by consensus
Approval of Meeting Agenda:
Danny requested the following amendments:
Correct chapter name from Assabet chapter to Assabet River Valley on agenda.
Add reports from city and ward committees
Add reports from GRP Elected officials in MA
Agenda approved with modifications by consensus
Spring 2018 StateCom Meeting:
Date: Option 1 – Saturday, April 7, 2018
Option 2 – Saturday, April 28, 2018 (alternate)
Location: Worcester – Friends Meetinghouse – check with Karen Sargent for availability
Co-facilitators: Brian Crawford agreed to co-facilitate the April StateCom meeting. Brian Cady or Charlene DiCalogero will contact Joyce Palmer Fortune about serving as co-facilitator at spring meeting.
Approval of Minutes:
July 8, 2017 minutes
Danny requested the following change under chapter reports for Assabet River Valley: “A total of three chapter members are elected or appointed in municipal government.”
The summer minutes were approved by consensus with amendment.
October 8, 2017 minutes
The October minutes were tabled until spring 2018 StateCom meeting.
Elect Interim Party Secretary:
Charlene made a motion to elect Roni Beal GRP secretary. StateCom approved by consensus.
Elect Diversity Representatives to AdCom:
Charlene explained diversity criteria. Matt explained responsibilities of AdCom members. Elie expressed concern with absence of diversity in StateCom. Charlene noted a variety of ways to invite new members to AdCom, such as personally contacting potential representatives. Elie offered to contact a few people. John read the bylaw about diversity criteria that includes geographic location. StateCom members are encouraged to invite people to the May State Convention.
Approve New Chapter Representatives:
Josh Gerloff was appointed as North Shore Chapter representative to AdCom by consensus.
Appoint Members to GPUS Committees:
Officer Reports:
Co-chair Report
Matt reported the interview process for new Party secretary, fundraiser and communications directors, including separate email blasts seeking applicants. He has been conducting phone interviews with applicants. He spoke with Gretchen Clarke regarding the Communications Director position. There were good responses to the email blasts. Most applicants are GRP or Independent voters.
Brian sent an email attachment of Treasurer’s Fourth Quarter Report (1 October 2017 – 31 December 2017) to StateCom members prior to the meeting. He also provided copies of the report at StateCom meeting. Brian reported:
State, Federal and PayPal total - $10,898.12
Year to date sum of deposits - $8,409.52
Sum of withdrawals - $6,072.71 .
Brian filed OPCF report prior to deadline. Merelice name will remain permanently as first contact and current and future treasurers must be added as a second user on the account. Danny noted that Merelice’s name can be removed by providing a copy of the death certificate to PayPal and offered to help with this procedure. Brian noted that the report reflects refunded donations that were made in 2017.
There is an OPCF restriction of $500 per person donation for PACs and $1,000 limit for each candidate. Brian will obtain clarification about $1,000 limit for a Party. Danny reported that the Secretary of State’s office considers a political designation as a PAC. There are questions about limitations which must be pursued for clarification. John reported that states cannot impose restraints on political parties. Danny made a motion to add OPCF limits to AdCom’s agenda for further discussion and ideas. Danny’s motion was approved by consensus.
Candidate Development & Legal Committee (CDLC):
Charlene reported a busy and successful year. There were four actives CDLC members in 2017. The members are: Nat Fortune and Maureen Doyle (CCC representative) along with co-chairs, Charlene DiCalogero and John Andrews. CDLC had 12 candidates run in 13 elections, all local seats. Charlene emphasized the importance of registering as “J” voter. There were two legislative races – Ian Jackson and Charlene DiCalogero and three city council candidates. Charlene noted good media coverage of her campaign. Two CDLC workshops were held at the 2017 state convention. See website for details.
Charlene noted that it is difficult to obtain political designation from candidates. Danny made a motion not to count elected GRP candidates until their political designation is confirmed.
Votes: 6 yes votes to confirm J designation of candidates
Opposed: 5
Abstain: 0
Motion passed with majority vote.
State Convention Committee Report:
Roni reported that payment is enroute to reserve the First Unitarian Church for May 26, 2018 state convention. She welcomed StateCom to members to join the convention planning committee and to make suggestions regarding convention theme, speakers and workshops.
Josh distributed copies of updated membership brochures to StateCom members. He demonstrated how to download QR code into Smartphone. QR links to website, pictures, etc. Josh asked for input from StateCom members and approval for links and to send suggestions to him by February 1st. Josh will send an email to StateCom with reply email address.
Charlene recommended a contact in Western MA regarding language in flyer. She also recommended that permission be sought to use pictures of people featured in flyer.
Membership has been researching print shops and embroiderers to replenish our material supply. Danny noted, to ensure “no animal products were used in producing this merchandise”. Josh reported that only organic materials used in t-shirts. Danny inquired about GRP merchandise and winter hats with green pom-poms.
Platform Committee:
Not active
GPUS report:
John reported no urgent news.
Elie reported this is the season for amendments. The GPUS Platform Committee is working on amendments and will notify StateCom. He added that the process is not fully in place. No more amendments can be submitted to GPUS at this time.
Danny inquired if all three proposals were added to agenda. Charlene responded that the intention is to include third proposal.
Tech Com:
Brian Cady reported recent problems with NationBuilder updating their software. Further work is required – Brian will update the theme. He noted that the email list is a separate issue. David Gerry is working on the email list (H2 hosting). Brian Crawford offered to help with technical issues.
Elie noted that NationBuilder was not designed for GRP. He added that NationBuilder is a restrictive service. Danny suggested that Brian Cady, Brian Crawford and David Gerry form a Tech Committee. Privacy issues were raised by Danny – check with NationBuilder policy regarding privacy. Matt expressed need for a webmaster to oversee GRP website. Matt mentioned other alternatives to NationBuilder such as Open Source. He added that we should maximize the usage of NationBuilder. Please forward suggestions to Brian Cady and David Gerry and see Brian Cady about signing up to help.
Candidates for Party Secretary:
Matt reported that six people responded to the email blast for secretary position. He interviewed Lloyd Hart from Martha’s Vineyard and Sally Laporte from Worcester. Sally has some experience taking minutes; however she has conflicts with attending weekend meetings. Hal Brown opted out due to secretary responsibilities with the North Shore chapter. Matt had a brief conversation with applicant, Efrain Arias. Robert Hansen from Boston is new to politics and has experience as a former reporter. Matt is arranging a phone interview with Zach (last name unknown at meeting time). Matt is not prepared to nominate any of the applicants.
Charlene suggested that candidates be invited to the April StateCom meeting and take notes and ask questions. John suggested that applicants be asked to take minutes for an AdCom meeting with back-up minutes from current secretary. Danny noted that officer terms end on May 26 and he would like AdCom to focus on who will run for office in May. Gretchen Clarke suggested picking a small project for each candidate. Matt will follow up with applicants.
James Barrett Morison inquired what will happen next if applicants do not fill open position. Matt noted that AdCom would address whether or not to send more email blasts.
Fundraiser Director:
Matt notified StateCom that Gretchen would be leaving meeting soon. Gretchen has a background in communications, but not with NationBuilder. She also has experience in social media. Matt reported that Lloyd Hart (secretary applicant) responded to the communications email blast. A few other applicants responded as well. Gretchen noted that more than one person could fill the position. Danny commented that a communications committee will work on content and a committee can operate without a director. Matt reported that recent email blast was written for a fundraiser. Charlene noted that the fundraiser and communications functions overlap. Technically, the responses were directed to the fundraiser job. Brian Cady noted that chapter suggestions are welcome regarding communications.
John suggested creating a list of tasks that require immediate attention and request for volunteers within the Party for help. Matt commented that we need a person to focus on social media and share. Another skill set is traditional news. A third position is NationBuilder tasks. One person is unlikely to have all three skill sets.
Elie commented that a communication committee requires leadership. Gretchen added that social media and brochures are not separate projects. A well rounded communications director is able to manage all aspects of communication. Gretchen offered to help Josh with membership brochures.
Break for lunch at 12:10 pm. Resume meeting at 12:50 pm.
Chapter Reports:
Greater Boston Chapter (GBC):
Elie reported no women were in attendance at recent GBC meeting. Jill Stein and Jamie McLaughlin are co-chairs of GBC. New officers have been elected for the chapter. Members are involved in the May Day coalition – DACA and International Women’s Day forum. A film series is being hosted at Community Church on February 13. (3rd Thursday of month)
Assabet River Valley Chapter (ARVC):
Danny reported four core members are active in the chapter. Tar Larner is a member of Concord Housing Authority. The chapter advocates for people who have disabilities, regarding physical access and mental disabilities. Danny is running for the open seat for state representative in his district.
North Shore Chapter (NSC):
Josh reported members have volunteered to serve on chapter committees. They are working on outreach in the Haverhill area.
Central Mass Green-Rainbow Chapter (CMGRC):
Charlene reported that a new chapter member is running for state representative. Charlene also reported that her campaign highlighted some positive results with media coverage and stand-outs. CMGRC plans to hold a meeting in Worcester with a guest speaker to attract new members.
Pioneer Valley Chapter (PVC):
No report – no representative attended meeting.
Ward Committee (Boston):
Ralph Walton reported that the Ward Committee put the City Committee on the map. Brian Cady received F, J and G voter rolls and will use the data-base to invite people to City Committee.
Urgent and Old Business:
Danny reported that a political party must earn 3 percent of the vote to maintain party status. State auditor, state treasurer, secretary of state are examples of positions that will garner 3 percent of the vote. David Rolde reported difficulty in obtaining 3 percent during a presidential election. John and Danny are recruiting candidates to run for office as GRP. 5,000 signatures are required for state officer positions. Federal and State papers will be available on February 13 and the last date to submit for statewide is around mid July. May 8th is deadline to submit petitions to town or city clerks.
Charlene reported that the odds are that someone we already know is the best bet to run for state auditor and this is an opportunity to attain 3 percent of vote. This would be a low budget campaign. Everyone who is Green should be asked to collect signatures – all chapters, email blasts, whatever it takes. This would not be a stealth campaign. David Rolde reported that Jed Stamas is interested in running for office. Danny offered to help CDLC with recruiting. David Rolde will forward Jed’s info to John and Danny.
Danny is not interested in supporting the US Senate seat. The focus should be on state auditor, secretary of state (SoS) and treasurer which are the best option for GRP. John added that StateCom should talk about issues that SoS, auditor, treasurer can address. We are capable of collecting 9,000 signatures. Candidates must be up-to-date with issues. Many votes come from people who are looking for a Party outside of Democratic and Republican Parties. Elie recommended Nat Fortune as a candidate. Brian Crawford commented that Democrats will work to get a Democrat as governor. Best candidate is someone who has elected office experience. Concentration should be on local candidates who can be promoted to higher officer. Matt, suggested that Jill Stein would be best person to approach a person to run for office.
Charlene recommended that Senate candidates contact CDLC. Danny asked for volunteers to help with recruitment. David agrees that we need experienced candidates. David and Josh volunteered to help John and Danny with recruitment.
Danny made a motion to ask CDLC to form an AdHoc Committee to establish a recruitment group that consists of John Andrews, Danny Factor, David Rolde and Josh Gerloff. The motion was approved by StateCom by consensus.
Brian Crawford presented StateCom with budget line items that were previously emailed to AdCom. There is no historical data to show inventory items that were sold by membership in past years. Danny noted that past budgets were separated by budget A and budget B. Danny asked if $4,000 was based on last year. Brian reported data comes from the past two years. There is an average of 60 people in attendance at state convention who paid $30 each. Danny inquired if the budget could be based on $6,000 to allow for membership merchandise purchases. Brian responded that the current budget is based on a deficit that can be covered.
Elie suggested the budget be planned on $600 for membership. Elie made a motion to approve $600 for membership. Josh requested $700 for membership for hats, beanies, hoodies, totes, etc. Josh bases purchases on bare minimum orders of 24.
Matt suggested that membership have their own budget. He agrees with Brian about breaking even with budget. Danny asked to amend Elie’s motion to $1,000 and replenish tee shirts, contingent on sales. Elie ordered two bundles of GPUS “Green Pages” a newsprint publication that he volunteered to purchase with his own funds. Brian Crawford asked Elie for details for reporting purposes. Elie clarified that his purchase is a personal purchase and not an in-kind donation and should not be reported to OPCF.
John supports increasing the membership budget to $1,000 and asked Elie if would amend his motion from $600 to $1,000. Elie accepted the friendly amendment. $1,000 will be designated for merchandise. The membership brochure is separate expense.
Brian Cady called for a straw poll on membership budget increase to $1,000:
Yes: 9
No: 1
Abstain: 0
No concerns about amendment to budget.
Brian Crawford reported the Candidate fund is $565. David Rolde noted that the Party would attract more diversity if we offer child care services and parking. There is $500 in the Participation fund. Charlene requested clarification about the Participation line item. Danny explained that if anyone who needs financial assistance to participate in meetings can make request to AdCom.
Brian Cady asked if there were any concerns with the amended budget. There were no concerns. Amendment to budget was approved by consensus.
Proposal 1 - Telecon Meetings:
John presented his proposal to modify the Standing Rules of StateCom to specify how telecon meetings will be scheduled and managed. Copies of the proposal were distributed to StateCom members. Brian called for a straw poll for the Telecon Meeting proposal.
Straw poll:
Vote: 9
No: 1
Abstain: 0
Not present to vote: 1
Charlene questioned part D of the proposal regarding waiting 10 days (per bylaw) to reschedule the meeting. Danny suggested changing the bylaw to 7 day waiting period. Elie supports the proposal because it addresses the urgency to meet. Brian Crawford recommended changing spelling from telecom to telecon. David Rolde proposed that bylaws cover telecon calls. Charlene explained that telecon meeting’s purpose is to cover issues remaining from regular StateCom meetings and are not categorized as Special or Emergency StateCom meetings.
Brian called for a motion to pass the proposal as amended. StateCom members voted to approve by consensus.
5 Minute Break
Proposal 2 – Membership Dues for 2018:
Matt Andrews presented his proposal regarding membership dues to raise money and recruit committed members.
Elie requested that membership cards be issued to contributors. Danny inquired about other contributions made by members, such as monthly contributions, convention registration. Charlene requested that a sliding scale be applied to options. She suggested a friendly amendment to name donors as contributing members. If a person is registered GRP and does not pay dues, would they would be offered a waiver? Would people who do not pay dues be a voting member? Matt there is no mention in the proposal that registered Greens who do not contribute would be prevented from voting at state convention. Brian Crawford offered that we provide a digital membership card. He added that incentives could be donating $10 – pen, $20 – tote bag, etc.
David Rolde supports sliding scale for memberships. He disagrees with paying dues to be a GRP member. Elie noted that most GRP voters do not have time to be a chapter member, but would be glad to make a contribution and receive a membership card. John reported that the bylaws may not be consistent with the voting laws. Let membership address membership card and gifts (tee shirts, etc). State convention contributions are considered dues and the person is automatically a member.
Danny recommended amendments to the proposal: – under test of proposal AdCom will set dues for 2018 by sliding fee scale. Delete - members is in good standing. Any contribution to GRP will go toward dues and apply to attending state convention. Amendment - Any contribution a member makes to GRP will first go toward fulfilling the dues requirement. Matt noted that the donor must state if contribution goes toward dues. A distinction must be made by someone making a contribution vs. paying dues. Roni noted that contributions for dues made throughout the year would be difficult to track for convention headcount.
Straw poll supporting membership dues proposal:
Yes – 10
No – 1
Abstain: 2
Brian Cady asked for concerns. David reported that the proposal is not changing the bylaws, that members are still a member even they do not pay dues. David approved amendments and the proposal was adopted by consensus.
Schedule Telecon Meeting:
First suggestion, March 4 (Sunday) 7 pm – 8 yes votes
March 5 (Monday) – 7 pm – 8 yes votes
March 7 (Wednesday) – 7 pm - 9 yes votes
StateCom telecon meeting is scheduled for March 7, 2018 at 7 pm.
Elie announced the GPUS Steering Committee seeks approval to send minutes to StateCom. StateCom approved receiving minutes by consensus.
Proposal 3 – Motions from the Floor/Facilitation Review:
This proposal clarifies the handling of motions from the floor and specifies how a decision of the facilitators may be reviewed. Copies of the proposal were distributed to members. John described the purpose of the proposal which addresses standing rules and how they will resolve issues that can arise at StateCom meetings.
Straw poll on proposal 3:
Vote Part A:
Yes – 10
No – 2
Abstain: 0
Vote Part B
Yes – 11
No – 1
Abstain: 0
Danny co-sponsored this proposal that is a mid-way check and balance and includes democracy and trust in facilitators. Opposition to the proposal was discussed. Matt expressed frustration with increase in rules, especially for new members who are eager to be involved in the Party.
Charlene encouraged members to send feedback via email about the proposal.
Round robin:
Danny Factor thanked everyone for their time and patience.
Patrick Patterson compared consensus with Roberts Rules. He recommended the consensus procedure be published.
Josh Gerloff enjoyed meeting and progress.
Matt Andrews is still frustrated with time spent on procedures. He was happy that two proposals were approved. He expressed disappointment that Darlene could not attend meeting because of lack of parking.
John Andrews noted that StateCom is a legislative body not a state body and concentrates on changes to rules and bylaws. Work should be done by committees, not micromanaged by StateCom.
Brian Crawford is looking forward to being a co-facilitator at April StateCom meeting.
David Rolde noted it was a terrible meeting and he was not pleased that his proposal about military budget was not addressed. David wants to see more diversity at meetings. He is an advocate of rules.
Brian Cady thought meeting was okay
Charlene DiCalogero noted that she learned more about co-facilitating and thanked Brian for his efforts in organizing the meeting. A great deal was accomplished along with a broad range of business.
Roni Beal talked about a sixth extinction on planet Earth and Green-Rainbow addressing environmental issues. She noted there have been five extinctions on the planet and a sixth extinction is probable with current human activity and increased pollution. (Recommended reading, “The Sixth Extinction” by Elizabeth Kolbert).
Charlene asked Danny to publicize Participation fund description to inform people that help is available.
Brian made a motion to adjoin:
Meeting adjourned at 4:30 pm
PROPOSAL: Telecon Meetings of StateCom
[As adopted by State Committee on 1/20/18]
TITLE: Telecon Meetings of StateCom
SPONSORS: John Andrews, Roni Beal
SHEPHERD: John Andrews
SUMMARY: This proposal modifies the Standing Rules of StateCom to specify how telecom meetings will be scheduled and managed.
StateCom has decided to have a telecom meeting in between each regular meeting. However the procedures for holding a telecon meeting have never been clearly defined. It is not advisable and not practical to apply all the procedures that are used for face-to-face meetings. This proposal adds appropriate language to the Standing Rules to ensure that telecom meetings can be properly planned and conducted.
The following text shall be integrated into the Standing Rules of State Committee:
Telecon Meetings
a) At each regular StateCom meeting, a motion will be entertained to set a date for a telecom meeting before the next quarterly regular StateCom meeting. The purposes of this telecom meeting shall be to complete business left over from the previous business meeting, to exercise routine StateCom duties such as making appointments to vacancies in officer positions or committees, to approve state convention plans, to take final action on proposals discussed at the previous business meeting, and to take timely legal actions.
The co-chairs may approve additional agenda items to be taken up as urgent business or as “advisory discussions”. “Urgent” means that the item cannot be delayed to the next regular business meeting without doing clear harm to the Party. An “advisory discussion” does not make official decisions but allows StateCom to provide guidance regarding a question.
New proposals, not discussed at the previous business meeting, shall not be placed on the agenda of the telecom meeting unless they are classified by the facilitators as “urgent business”.
There is no “proposal ranking” process such as that associated with proposals to the regular business meetings - the facilitators determine the order in which items are addressed.
b) The facilitators of the preceding regular business meeting will be the facilitators for the telecom meeting unless they withdraw or unless StateCom appoints new facilitators at their regular meeting. The GRP Co-chairs shall make appointments to fill vacancies in the co-facilitator positions, including replacing a co-facilitator who fails to call in to the telecon.
c) A requirement in these Standing Rules that notice be given to StateCom may be satisfied by sending an email to the State Committee business list. However if this list is nonfunctional for some reason, the notice may be mailed directly to all the member email addresses listed in the Secretary’s official list of State Committee members.
d) The facilitators shall send out an email notice of the telecom date and time immediately after the StateCom regular meeting that set the date. A reminder notice with an agenda shall be sent out prior to the meeting. If both facilitators agree that the planned meeting date is infeasible, they may set a new date. Note that the advance notice specified in the GRP bylaws must be observed but the notice time does not apply to reconvening a paused meeting.
e) The sections of the Standing Rules that govern regular business meetings shall also govern telecom meetings with the following special stipulations:
1) The standard agenda need not be followed.
2) All votes shall be by roll call of all members who have declared themselves to be present. At the end of the roll call, the facilitators shall ask “Is there any member present whose name was not called?” Such persons shall then be permitted to vote.
3) The required quorum shall be the same as the quorum for the previous business meeting unless the Secretary provides the facilitators with a new quorum number. The existence of a quorum for any vote shall be determined by the total votes cast. To allow a proper tabulation, all members present should vote either “aye”, “nay” or “abstain” during the roll call.
4) If technical difficulties prevent the meeting from continuing, the facilitators shall adjourn the meeting. After consultation with the co-chairs they shall either reschedule the meeting (providing as much notice as possible) or send out notice that all further business will be postponed to the next regular quarterly meeting.
The approved text shall be integrated into the Standing Rules of State Committee
[1] Standing Rules of State Committee (as downloaded 1/10/18)
Statecom Minutes 2017-10-15
Minutes Fall 2017 GRP StateComm meeting, 25 Jones Ferry Rd., Holyoke, MA, Oct 15th.
(Approved by Statecom July 14, 2018)
People Present:
Statecom Members: clockwise, from inside: Danny F., Dan K., Charlene D., Matt A., Joshua G., David R., Jen H., John A., Roni B, Brian C, Daphne S, Joyce PF – Outside: Darlene Elias, Guests: Maha Gray, Tom Gryzbowski, Rick Purcell, Angel Ayala, Frank Jeffers,
Topics discussed:
Agenda, modified to include: Request to co-sponsor UU MassAction voting Event.
Time (HH.MM)
Register. Pick-up materials. Get coffee.
- Appoint Notes Taker - Secretary verifies quorum - Seat alternates, if any - Appoint Notes Taker, Timekeeper, Vibes Watcher, Stacker, Parliamentarian - Appoint new StateCom members, if any |
Approve Meeting Agenda
Approval of Summer 2017 State Committee Meeting Notes
Remembering Merelice
Co-chairs' Message
Selection of Winter 2018 State Committee Location, Date and Co-Facilitators
APPOINTMENTS to vacant posts: AdCom diversity reps, Fundraising Director, Comm Director
APPOINTMENTS to GPUS committees.
• Frank Jeffers, Eco-action Committee * David Gerry, Diversity Committee, BRPP(reappoint) * Elie Yarden, Platform Committee (reappoint) |
Reports from officers (co-chairs,treasurer, secretary) <4 min each>
State Convention Planning (report of the Convention Committee, approval of convention plans)
LUNCH - at Holyoke Rows
Developing a GRP Strategic Plan (D. Factor)
Old business: None currently known
• Revisions to StateCom Standing Rules (20) • Request from Libertarian Party of MA (10) • Request to co-sponsor UU MassAction voting Event
• Candidate List Report (10) • Campaign School Plans (10) • Recruitment of Statewide Candidates for 2018 (20) |
• Charlene Dicalogero (State Senate) |
REPORTS - COMMITTEES: 2 min. each unless prior arrangement with facilitators)
• Candidate's Fund Procedures |
REPORTS: From chapters, candidates, elected officials (2 min. each)
Meeting Wrap-up and Feedback
Extra Time Available for Allocation/Overruns
Clean-up room
Leave room
Decisions made:
Joshua Gerloff appointed to Statecom, by consensus.
Agenda accepted as modified, by consensus.
Past minute’s acceptance deferred to Winter 2018 Statecom.
Manny P, Dan K, Matt A, Brian C volunteer for Winter 2018 Statecom Planning committee. Dates
mentioned: Jan 6th/7th, 20th, 21st; to be finalized by winter statecom planning comm by Nov. 30th.
Charlene D, & Brian C, will co-facilitate Winter 2018 Statecom meeting.
Statecom Teleconf Nov 30th, 7:30pm set by consensus, John A to facilitate.
Proposal, Accepted by consensus, with modification: Ask Adcom to prioritize filling, adverize & recruit
for vacant positions, esp. CommDir and FundRaising Dir.,
“Between now and the January, 2018 State Com meeting, it should be a chief responsibility of Adcom to take actions to recruit GRP members to populate our working committees and fill any vacant director and officer positions.”
Frank Jeffers: Appointed by vote, to Eco-Action Comm of GPUS: vote results: 11 in favor, 2 opposed, none abstaining.
David Gerry: Appointed, by consensus, to both Bylaws, Rules, Policies and Procedures Comm, and to Diversity Comm. of GPUS.
Elie Yarden, appointed by consensus to GPUS Platform Committee
Proposal from floor: treasurers report to include list of gov’t reports filed, overdue, pending. (Straw poll: 12 in favor...Minutes gap here, please help...)
Decided by consensus: Candidate's Fund Procedures proposal to be considered at Nov. 30th Statecom telecon.
discussion re: 2018 State Convention -
Decided: Joshua G, Matt A and Dan K join Joyce PF and Roni B on Convention Committee to prep for late spring Annual Convention in Boston or Lynn.
Strategic Plan Comm to consist of: Danny F, Charlene D, Matt A.
Endorsed by consensus: ‘ How to Restore the Republic’ Friday Oct 27th, 2017, Hudson, MA
Motion under New Business:
Note: This motion is written in the format of a formal proposal but will be addressed as "New Business".
TITLE: Revisions to Standing Rules
SUMMARY: Certain revisions and additions are made to the Standing Rules in order to improve the functioning of State Committee.
This proposal contains four parts, each of which makes a separate change to the Standing Rules of State Committee. Separate "Background" sections are included for each proposal. The sponsors intend to remove any part that does not seem to have adequate support.
The following text shall be added to section IV of the Standing Rules of State Committee:
The Secretary is expected to provide the first draft of the minutes ("notes") for a StateCom meeting no later than two weeks after the meeting. The draft shall be posted online and its availability shall be announced on the StateCom business list.
Background of Part 1: Decisions are often made by StateCom that require timely action. GRP members involved with implementing the decision need to have a clear record of what was decided and who is responsible. Not all such people are in attendance at the StateCom meeting and not everyone leaves with their own clear notes on any particular agenda item. When minutes are late, it delays start of work on the action items. It also creates difficulty for the co-facilitators in assembling the agenda for the next meeting (since they have to determine which agenda items were continued or tabled for the next meeting). There have been times recently that minutes of one meeting were released only a week before the subsequent StateCom meeting. This leaves little time to take action on decisions.
The Standing Rules of State Committee shall be modified as follows:
a) The current text in section IV that establishes an "expedited round" shall be deleted in its entirety.
b) The following text shall be inserted:
Approximately three days prior to the meeting, StateCom members will be invited provide their rating of the submitted proposals on the following 1-5 numeric scale:
How important is it to take up this proposal at this meeting?
5 = Critical. Not acceptable to delay.
4 = Important. Clear need to consider at this meeting if possible.
3 = Desirable. Should consider if time is available.
2 = Not important. Little concern if delayed.
1 = Undesirable. Proposal should not be brought to the floor at this time.
The facilitators, in consultation with AdCom, and after inspection of the results of StateCom ranking shall define the order in which submitted proposals will be considered, using descending order of their average pre-meeting ranking unless a clear reason can be given to depart from this ranking. This order shall be announced before the meeting if possible but no later than the time the agenda is up for approval. Approval of the agenda will constitute approval of the announced order of consideration. However the co-facilitators can alter the approved order if events during the meeting make a change necessary.
The section on the website that asks visitors to rate proposals as "good, bad, important, easy, impractical" shall be removed since these inputs are usually ignored, they aren't modified as the proposal evolves, and they create confusion about whether usable feedback has actually been given.
Background for Part 2: The "expedited round" concept has failed repeatedly to achieve its purpose. The premise on which it is based is that when members declare "no concerns" prior to the meeting, the proposal can be passed quickly without discussion. In practice, as soon as an expedited proposal is put on the floor, discussion ensues and concerns emerge. At times, an expedited proposal has generated a long discussion and then has had to be moved to the regular round for resolution. The expedited round process prioritizes less important proposals that no one really cares about - which is counterproductive. We need a new process that makes sure that truly high priority proposals are taken up first when there is still time to give them proper consideration.
This proposal gives StateCom members themselves the primary role in prioritization. However the co-facilitators can alter the ordering if there is a clear reason to depart from the pre-meeting survey order. At the meeting, the StateCom members present can vote to alter the order if they wish, but hopefully the co-facilitators will devise an ordering that meets with approval.
The Standing Rules of State Committee shall be modified as follows:
a) In section IV. Agenda, the following text shall be added at the beginning of the section:
The co-facilitators for a StateCom meeting are responsible for assembling and maintaining a detailed meeting agenda that allocates time according to Party priorities and reflects previous decisions of StateCom. The co-facilitators shall consult with AdCom regarding whether specific items shall be included on the agenda, and shall attempt to implement any specific recommendations provided by AdCom. On the day of the meeting, StateCom itself can vote to modify the proposed agenda before approving it. The co-facilitators may adjust the order and time allocation of agenda items if this is necessary to accommodate developing events (such as running behind schedule, absence of a presenter, technical problems with audio-visual equipment, etc.).
BACKGROUND FOR PART 3: At times, there have been disagreements over whether the meeting agenda was determined by the co-facilitators or by AdCom or by requests from StateCom members. At times the co-facilitators have been pressured by someone to include time to discuss their favorite topic and the co-facilitators have not known what priority to give to the demand for time. Often one or both of the co-facilitators are new to the party and have trouble assessing requests. It seems clear that StateCom should be the final authority when it comes to approving the StateCom agenda. But prior to the meeting, the deciding guidance should come from AdCom, since AdCom consists of officers elected by the state convention and AdCom is responsible for judgment calls in-between StateCom meetings. The co-facilitators are responsible for the details of the schedule such as the order of items and the amount of time allocated to each item, but at the meeting they will normally seek concurrence from StateCom members when making such decisions.
Section "III Credentialing" of the Standing Rules of State Committee shall be modified by renaming the section as "III Credentialing and Membership" and inserting text as follows:
a) The GRP Secretary is asked to maintain a roster of State Committee members that indicates their name, delegate or alternate status, region represented, attendance history, and contact information. This roster shall be updated after each quarterly State Committee meeting and shall be made available to any member of State Committee through an online posting.
b) The GRP Secretary is asked to maintain a list of each recognized GRP local chapter, club, town committee, or ward/precinct committee. This list shall contain the entity name, officer contact information, mailing address, geographic region of activity, and list of any PAC operated by the entity. The list maintained by the Secretary shall be deemed by StateCom to be the official record of currently active chapters or committees. This roster shall be updated periodically and shall be made available to any member of State Committee through an online posting.
BACKGROUND FOR PART 4: Having current organizational lists of these types is important to the proper functioning of the party. Furthermore, when the GRP has party status there is a legal requirements for having an official StateCom membership list. Currently, when the need arises for such rosters we have found that they either do not exist or are outdated. The same local goes by more than one name, which is confusing to all except a handful of insiders. This addition to the Standing Rules simply makes the expectations of the Party clear and asks the Secretary to be the keeper of the two designated lists.
IMPLEMENTATION: The shepherd will produce a revised copy of the Standing Rules that contains all approved revisions.
Section 1 adopted by consensus.
Section 2 adopted by consensus.
Section 3 adopted by vote: 12 in favor, 2 opposed, none abstain.
Section 4 adopted by consensus.
Announced: Green Campaign School Nov. 18th, 2-17, 10:30am – 2:30pm, Make Shift Boston, 549 Columbus Ave, Boston. Volunteers sought.
Endorsed by consensus: Charlene DiCalogero for Worcester & Middlesex District MA Senator in special election Dec. 5th, 2017.
Announced: Nov 3rd. Charlene DiCalogero Campaign Kickoff event.
2017 summer minutes
(Revision of 9/20/17))
StateCom Meeting Minutes of July 8, 2017
Meeting held at Lathrop Community Room, 56 Shallowbrook Lane, Northampton, MA
John Andrews – First Boston Metropolitan Region
Roni Beal – Central Region
Brian Cady – First Boston Metropolitan Region
Charlene DiCalogero – Central Region
Darlene Elias – Western Region
Danny Factor – Western Metropolitan Region
Dan Kontoff – First Boston Metropolitan Region
Joyce Palmer Fortune – Western Region
David Rolde – First Boston Metropolitan Region (attended afternoon session)
Daphne Stevens – Western Region
Ralph Walton - First Boston Metropolitan Region
Elie Yarden - First Boston Metropolitan Region
Matt Andrews – Observer appointed to StateCom
Jennifer Homitz – Observer appointed to StateCom and Party Secretary
Juan Sanchez – GRP candidate for Holyoke City Council
Sean Connell – GRP candidate for Fall River School Committee
Justin Rocha – Campaign manager for Sean Connell campaign
Edward Stamas – Observer and GRP member, Northampton
Quorum established at 12 members
Co-Chair Welcome:
Matt Andrews opened the meeting and made a brief introduction welcoming StateCom members and guests to the meeting
Charlene DiCalogero – Timekeeper
John Andrews – Parliamentarian
Danny Factor – Stacker
Elie Yarden - Vibes watcher
Minutes: Roni Beal
Nominate candidates to State Committee:
Matt Andrews
Jennifer Homitz
Both candidates were nominated to be StateCom members and were approved by consensus to be representatives of StateCom.
Yes – 11
No – 0
Abstain: 0
Approval of Meeting Agenda:
Charlene requested recruitment of an alternate to MAAPL be added to the agenda. There are openings for two MAAPL alternates.
Agenda approved by StateCom by consensus with addition.
Selection of Fall 2017 StateCom Meeting:
Location: Holyoke Rows Boathouse
Date: October 14, 2017 Saturday – campaign for candidates
Date: October 15, 2017, Sunday – StateCom meeting
Co-facilitators: John Andrews and Jennifer Homitz
Darlene recommended contacting other state party’s to obtain a copy of their meeting models. Elie commented that StateCom depends on strong locals for getting out the vote and growth. Elie is willing to stay over the night before a meeting. Danny agrees with John that StateCom support candidates, but concentrate on StateCom business. The focus should be on getting work done, not campaigning. Danny proposed that StateCom meet in Eastern Massachusetts.
Darlene noted that the overall issue is the functional way meetings are conducted. Dan K. agrees to build chapters, provide support. Matt suggested that StateCom meet on another day for candidate campaigning. Brian recommended that the proposal process be presented through normal channels at the October StateCom meeting. Jennifer agrees with Brian to present proposals at a later meeting. John suggested collecting ideas and present to AdCom and then create a proposal. Darlene commented that the issue is more than collecting ideas. She added that we talk, agree, but nothing productive or constructive is accomplished. She recommended more authority be authorized for AdCom to accomplish significant work.
Charlene commented that local chapters accomplish a great deal. Commitments will come from a proposal. She proposed conducting the business meeting on Sunday, October 15 and everyone meet on the 14th to help with campaigns and stay over. Time to socialize will be included for October 14.
StateCom approved Charlene’s proposal to meet on October 14 to campaign and hold the business meeting on October 15 by consensus.
Approval of April 2, 2017 Minutes:
Charlene submitted several amendments. Danny requested that Barbara Clancy’s status be changed from observer to Alternate StateCom member. Danny questioned his listed district area and inquired if there are any objections in changing his district to Western Metropolitan Region.
Minutes accepted by StateCom by consensus with amendments.
Miscellaneous Appointments:
Diversity representatives: None
Appoint new chapter representative to AdCom: Roni Beal (CMGR)
Appoint members to GPUS committees: None
Appoint MAAPL alternate representative: None
Charlene recommended appointing a MAAPL alternate from another chapter outside of CMGR. Elie nominated Danny Factor. Chuck Turner started MAAPL, which is a creation of GRP. Danny responded that he can participate in telecon meetings, but not personal meetings in Boston. Dan Kontoff volunteered to be an alternate. Charlene noted MAAPL is challenging work and it is best to have continuity. Ralph mentioned that he knows a possible future alternate candidate.
Dan Kontoff was appointed as alternate and Charlene was appointed as representative to MAAPL by StateCom by consensus.
Danny questioned the one year term as chapter representative. Elie commented that every chapter has to be represented on AdCom and to evaluate if bylaws are up to date. Joyce commented electing a chapter representative is an opportunity not a requirement.
Candidates Requests for Endorsements:
Two candidates running for local office attended the StateCom meeting made presentations seeking endorsements for their individual campaigns.
Juan Sanchez is running for city council in Holyoke, Ward One.
Juan reported that issues in Holyoke are urban renewal, local business, and home ownership. Public safety is another issue. The Holyoke fire department needs a new truck. The fire department currently has only one engine and ladder truck for the entire city. In January there was a fire where there was loss of life. He reported that the Puerto Rican population not a priority. There is economic development inequality. For example, a new train station was built in poor neighborhood. Juan commented that there is a lack of city council interaction with residence of his district when they should be involved.
Danny praised a video of Juan challenging a councilor about the fire. Danny asked why Juan is a member of Green-Rainbow and his view on the environment, including his view on racism that affects lower income people to exposure of toxins.
Juan was a member of the Party when he was 18 years old. He worked with Darlene. He worked on shutting down the coal plant effort in Holyoke. He has researched government grants to help with environmental issues in his area. His opponent is a progressive Democrat. His opponent is not proactive about resolving issues, even something as simple as posting a sign. Her lack of action as a good public servant causes hardships for low income residents.
Darlene reported that Juan’s opponent refused to take a stand on Lyman Terrace public housing complex or any other building issues in Holyoke. Darlene’s only concern is Juan’s commitment to the Green-Rainbow Party. Juan responded that he will register Green-Rainbow and promote the Party.
Dan K. reported that he wants to see Juan be the progressive candidate. Dan inquired about Juan’s campaign team and asked if he has a treasurer. Dan recommended that Juan always have someone go with him when he is campaigning and that he needs a campaign manager. This is a time to reach out to friends to help.
Endorsement of Juan Sanchez:
StateCom endorsed Juan’s campaign by consensus.
Sean Connell is running for school committee in Fall River.
Sean reported that he is a Green Party member and activist, and member of the Coalition of Social Justice. He is an International Youth Organization volunteer and helps children who drop out of school. Sean is a teacher. He announced that two of his students passed the GED test today.
Fall River has all at-large seats, no wards or townships. Sean was inspired to run for office after the Trump election. There are four open seats and this is good opportunity to be elected. Sean has been active building his local chapter. Justin Rocha is the manager of his campaign. He wants to be the voice of school committee to fund schools. Anti standardized testing curbs curiosity. Kindergarten children are tested 185 hours per year. Today’s education system not operating in the 21st century. Sean has a Facebook site - Sean Connell for School Committee. He asks youth to get involved in his campaign. So far, he has raised $700. He believes the Green Party is the alternative to the two party system. His students are his resource.
Edward Stamas agreed with Sean about conditions in schools.
Sean commented that testing is hurting children’s curiosity.
Elie questioned how to deal with school system (superintendent and school boards).
Sean reported that Fall River hired a new superintendent who supports 1-percent above budget. He will speak out for issues and will help the superintendent with projects that he supports.
Danny reported that there were three suicides in Acton/Boxboro high school, plus other mental health problems. He asked what measures can our public school system take to help with the mental health problem?
Sean noted that he trained for mental health issues. He said there are problems with addiction in Fall River area. We need to implement mental health training in schools. Sean added that referrals to professionals a priority. At core is education and support, both which must be addressed in school system. Sean’s campaign slogan is “Save the Future”.
David Rolde commented that police authority is an issue along with forced mental health treatment issue in schools.
Sean noted that history is a key course that he teaches. People have a right to speak. Understanding history is priority.
Jennifer added that creative play is important for future learning, not testing. Critical thinking should be encouraged.
Darlene inquired about Sean’s stand on Charter schools. Sean is supportive of Charter school concept.
Endorsement of Sean Connell:
StateCom endorsed Sean’s campaign by consensus.
Lunch break
Elie left the meeting after lunch and Daphne volunteered to be Vibes watcher
Reports from Officers:
Co-Chair, Darlene Elias recruited Jennifer Homitz for Party Secretary. There is a possible candidate for communications director.
Darlene spoke with Jill about a fundraiser to generate a few thousand dollars. Darlene requested authority from StateCom to restructure and recruit diversity. The Party must fundraise to hire staff. Jill will help. The unanswered question is when and how? Jill is traveling and it is difficult to meet. People are reaching out and offering to help, but the Party must have on-going communication to attract candidates. Darlene would like Matt to develop system processes. She recommended electing members to StateCom prior to serving as an officer. She supports hiring a fundraiser and spending more time promoting the Party.
Darlene reported that Brian Crawford requested to be appointed treasurer. Brian will sign the FEC reports after he is officially appointed treasurer. Brian is moving in two weeks. He recommends Berkshire bank and either use his new address for GRP mail or rent a Post Office box.
Darlene, Matt and Jennifer will discuss applying for a grant off-line.
Danny noted that the treasurer has other responsibilities. One co-chair and treasure can make monetary decisions. Danny inquired if Brian is registered Green-Rainbow and some other details that Danny missed at state convention in May.
David Rolde declared that he would stand aside because wanted to know more about the treasurer. Sean commented that if Brian is willing to be treasurer, we should support him.
Brian works at Cigna, served as treasurer for toast masters, and he is GRP voter. Darlene explained that Brian changed from secretary to treasurer after state convention.
A motion was made to appoint Brian Crawford as Party Treasurer.
Yes - 12
David Rolde agreed to stand aside
CDLC Report:
Charlene reported a successful first half of 2017. CDLC sponsored two workshops at state convention. CDLC is waiting for report from volunteer workshop. See report. Attach to minutes.
Sharon Moss of the Central Mass Green-Rainbow chapter was elected to Shrewsbury Town Council.
Non-partisan elections help the Party.
There are 45 people on the CDLC list.
Ian Jackson is a candidate for state senate special election on July 25th.
Darlene Elias is a candidate for Ward 3 Holyoke City Council.
Thirteen Green-Rainbow members are currently serving in towns or districts.
Darlene reported a contested race and a large number of un-enrolled voters in Holyoke.
Elie reported that members of the Green Party are paying dues to help members who may have jobs threatened. Register un-enrolled and paid dues people are considered chapter members.
Juan Sanchez noted that Darlene’s challenger is a Goliath opponent.
Dan K. noted that 13 people in office will send a powerful message.
Charlene spoke with person at Mass Alliance who noted that most people do not hear about Party. Political designation is posted on the website. Charlene reported that when she campaigned, it enabled conversations when she announced she was representing the Green-Rainbow Party, not the Democratic or Republican Parties. Five hundred dollars ($500) is budgeted for a campaign school for this upcoming fall. CDLC is working on an email blast to recruit candidates to enable the GRP regains Party status. See contact via GRP website: Run for Office
Elie noted there are Party candidates and personality candidates. Personality candidate violate a green environment.
Dan K. volunteered to be assisted fundraiser director.
2017 State Convention Report:
Matt advocated the state convention focus on business.
Sean prefers workshops and open and network.
Roni noted that the media did not publish an article about the convention that was submitted to the Worcester Telegraph & Gazette.
Jennifer recommended providing a social activity to draw younger population.
Darlene recommended minimal business and convention for outreach.
Matt stated that social and business do not mix. He recommended engaging people to participate in business and politics.
Joyce encouraged StateCom members to join 2018 convention committee.
Membership, Diversity & Volunteer Recruitment:
Jamie reported that she is transitioning into membership director position. She noted that it is essential that chapters are supplied with update literature, such as the GRP Comparison Chart. The Communication committee can take on updating literature. The basic membership packet contains information on how new members can get involved in the Party. Her goal is to travel to Western Massachusetts, the Cape and Islands to promote chapters. Jamie has been in communication with North Shore local members.
Danny commented that he likes the proposed proactive vision and structure presented by the Membership Committee director.
Proposal One: Establish New Chapter Sub-committee for Membership, Diversity and Volunteer Recruitment
Charlene - when people come to GRP without being connected with a chapter, they are not engaged in growing the Party. (see proposal)
Sean Connell – supports the proposal.
David Rolde – Jamie did not mention possible sub-committee in her report.
Justin Rocha – supports the proposal.
Darlene Elias – supports chapter development. Concern with proposal, people sign up for the job and nothing gets accomplished.
Danny Factor – sentiment behind proposal is great. If passed by consensus, he proposed that any working committee has authority to form a sub-committee. He does not want to set a precedent for StateCom approval to form a sub-committee.
John – agrees with Danny. It is not the proper role for StateCom to approve forming a sub-committee. It is the Party Secretary’s responsibility to certify chapters.
Joyce – requested clarification on what StateCom needs to approve.
Charlene – StateCom can charge a committee to form a sub-committee to accomplish a task. Jamie approves of the proposal.
Danny – amend the proposal so that StateCom fully supports Membership forming a sub-committee.
Darlene – asked if this is another committee that is forming or an autonomous committee?
David R. – if proposal is from the Membership Committee, why is StateCom approval required?
Jennifer – inquired who is responsibility for chapter development?
Darlene – recommended writing a proposal on what chapter development means.
Charlene – Party’s are formed through small groups. Ask each active chapter to recruit one member to form the sub-committee.
Joyce – this is a friendly amendment – the state committee fully supports the Membership, Diversity and Volunteer Recruitment Committee’s decision to form a “new chapter subcommittee” which will focus on supporting new chapters in formation to become active in their regions. This subcommittee will work in collaboration with the Membership director and the chairs of the MDVR committee.
Darlene – expressed concern adding more responsibility to membership director and committee members.
Brian – noted that forming new chapters is part of membership responsibility.
Danny – membership mission statement – they need people to populate this committee
Yes – 14
No – 1
Abstain – 1
Proposal Two: Uniting Forces to Challenge the Root Causes of the Migration Crisis and Build the Capacity for a Global Strike:
Matt – provided an overview of how this proposal came about. There needs to be more than protests. Use migration crisis creating a theme, immigrant community involved. Migration crisis connects people and draws people to the Green Party. Climate change, jobs, etc. is the theme to reach out to people to strike – a day without immigrants.
Jen – attended climate march, indigenous people, woman’s movement – take two years to accomplish.
Sean – Inter-sectionality – be a political arm – talk with Unions. Coalition building is necessary. Many organizations will come together.
Daphne – Climate is the top issue. Her concern is manpower to accomplish this mission.
David Rolde – concern war in Syria and issues in China. Are we starting another committee?
Dan K – reach out to other coalitions, such as environmental groups, and not start our own coalition for each issue.
Edward Stamas – migrant crisis – school administration plan to enroll students from Syria. After trump implemented ban, no more communication about foreign students.
Elie – the human species migration is in the future. Capitalism, less need for labor, distributed globally. Where is the labor for strike?
Darlene – the challenge for GRP are human resources to accomplish this mission.
Matt – this about building coalitions, speakers from different coalitions and work with other groups. Outreach to natural allies. Jill Stein is confident she can raise funds to work on this campaign.
John – has a concern with big movement with limited resources. Need a communications director.
Charlene – we have candidates. Promote candidates and how we support coalitions with similar green values. Focus on recruiting candidates from coalition groups. These are non-profit groups and Green-Rainbow is a political party. Focus on how it affects us as a Party.
Dan K – we should work with coalitions, bottom up. May Day event many groups did not show up.
Concerns with passing proposal were noted.
Charlene – proposal should include candidates.
Danny – someone could propose an amendment. Propose that he, Matt and Charlene work on amendment.
Joyce – implementation was sponsored by GBC
Darlene – likes the proposal – the issue is resources. Adding candidates changes the proposal.
Jennifer – think about demand – what is going to happen going forward.
David R – not sure of direction for this proposal.
Elie – friendly amendment – participation by American Unions to see what they would support. See what is feasible going forward.
Danny – recommended taking the proposal off the table and amending as a working group.
Joyce – GBC can move forward – taking up a cause without StateCom approval. Delay proposal for three months.
Matt – these are statewide issues – GBC won’t be able to achieve. Please do not include candidates. Take a position and cast a broad net.
Yes – 13
No - 0
Abstain – 3
Open Positions Within the GRP:
Darlene learned over the past year that StateCom responsibilities fall back to AdCom. There have been dependable members, but we need people to make commitment to follow-through with leadership. She recommended that Matt arrange follow-up telecon meetings to maintain motivation. Darlene is willing to meet, but other people have to step up to the plate.
Elie noted this is the moment to move forward and use teleconferences to stay in communication. Daphne recommended holding eight meetings a year. John stated that GRP is complex. Need clear definition what StateCom should accomplish. Our job is to figure what is wrong and find solutions.
Sean understands Darlene’s concern. We are a volunteer based organization and meeting everyone’s demand is impossible. Boots on the ground and get people elected. Charlene is attending the National Convention in NJ along with Darlene. AdCom can do a highlight of each piece at a time, such as membership, then at another meeting focus on candidates, then move onto fundraising.
Darlene reported that StateCom needs to work on complete projects and dedicate time on one issue. Danny suggested pinning down our StateCom role. AdCom cannot address how to grow working committees and plan to help five or six committees at a time. We need to address the possibility of StateCom hiring a strategic planner from the outside. Jennifer added that recruiting people and action to complete projects is a priority. Darlene recommended focusing on the team getting things done. Matt recommended figuring out how to keep up with projects and evaluate the results at the end of the year. Elie noted that he served on two committees that worked well - CDLC and Platform. CDLC worked well, but the Platform committee required frequent meetings to keep up.
Joyce suggested inter-meetings between two StateCom meetings.
- Teleconference meeting – 1 hour
- Agenda set by co-chairs
- Limit agenda items in some helpful way
- Check in on progress, express needs to StateCom - (who will do what by when)
- StateCom members must go through the chairs to get on the agenda
A suggestion was made to change one AdCom meeting to a StateCom meeting.
Set Date: Monday, August 21 for StateCom telecon meeting at 7 pm
Danny reported that a quorum is required to move forward.
Remove StateCom Member:
Roni requested that StateCom officially removed Alan Alcombright from StateCom. All attempts were made to contact Mr. Alcombright, who has not attended one meeting since a new StateCom was elected or appointed in April 2016.
StateCom approved to remove Alan from StateCom by consensus.
Chapter Reports:
Assabet River Valley (ARVC) – Danny reported ARVC formed Acton as a sanctuary city which will be ratified at town committee in September. A total of three chapter members are employed in state government. The chapter plans to run candidates municipal and state offices in 2018. Chapter members are discussing changing their chapter name to match region. For example, Facebook page Metro West Green-Rainbow members that would include towns such as Framingham and Natick. Creating a social media page is the first step to attract new members.
Central Mass Green-Rainbow (CMGR) – Charlene reported that the average attendance at chapter meetings is eight people. She announced new chapter officers were elected. Chapter bylaws were updated and they will be passed onto the North Shore group as a guide for their chapter. CMGR will be holding their Green and Rainbow awards event in the fall. Members have been active in the gas pipeline protest in Grafton and Shrewsbury. Members of town meetings have voted against these pipelines. Work continues on the anti foreclosure movement.
Greater Boston (GBC) – Jen reported that a speaker from India will talk about hate crimes at an upcoming meeting. Members are involved canvassing for Ian, including door knocking. GBC members were implemental in collecting signatures for Ian. They are working on a statewide campaign for a state bank proposal and ranked choice voting. Ajamu Baraka may be a possible speaker for autumn 2017. Elie reported that Mel King made a request to address gender and racial in-balance in the chapter. Darlene encouraged Ajamu and Mel to meet and help the chapter. Funds will be required to bring Ajamu to Boston.
Pioneer Valley – Darlene reported that the chapter is growing, but problem arose and one co-chair resigned. The Pioneer chapter is working closing with Voters Choice. Joyce has been very successful in collecting signatures for Voters Choice. Darlene reported that offline personal attacks on Facebook page spilled over to the chapter. The co-chair was generous and willing to establish chapter as a PAC group. The chapter is challenged without an active co-chair. Darlene reported that she spoke at United Nations as Green Party co-chair.
Nominate Jennifer Homitz as Party Secretary:
A motion was made to approve Jennifer Homitz appointment as Party secretary.
StateCom approved appointment by consensus.
Ward 11 Boston - Ralph Walton reported there was no activity to report, for the Ward 11 Boston Green-Rainbow Committee, or The Boston Green-Rainbow City Committee. The only exception was that Ralph received access to the spread sheet which shows request for nomination papers, number of signatures submitted and certified from the Boston Election Department.
Round Robin:
Roni – good to see everyone and this would be the last time she would record minutes for a GRP meeting
Jen – productive meeting and nice to meet everyone
Dan K – pleased with progress
Elie – agreed with Dan’s comment
Danny – thanked everyone for their support this past year
David R – meeting okay
Matt – feels more grounded and motivated
John – encouraged with everyone’s willingness to work
Ralph – somewhat confused with some the discussions
Darlene – looks forward to making progress within the Party
Brian Cady – good meeting, good to see everyone
Charlene – enjoyed food and thanked co-facilitators for their efforts
Daphne – see everyone at the October meeting in Holyoke
Meeting adjourned at 4:10 pm
Spring 2017 minutes
Green-Rainbow Party State Committee Meeting of April 2, 2017
Location: Tent City, 130 Dartmouth Street, Boston, MA
Present: Region:
John Andrews First Boston Metropolitan Region
Roni Beal Central Region
Brian Cady First Boston Metropolitan Region
Arthur Conquest III First Boston Metropolitan Region
Charlene DiCalogero Central Region
Darlene Elias Western Region
Danny Factor Middlesex and Worcester Region
Daniel Kontoff First Boston Metropolitan Region
Joyce Palmer-Fortune Western Region
Manuel Pintado Western Region
Nancy Slator Western Region
Daphne Stevens Western Region
Ralph Walton First Boston Metropolitan Region
Elie Yarden First Boston Metropolitan Region
Guests and Observers:
Guest: Adam Friedman – Voters Choice
Guest: Ben Schattenburg – Voters Choice
Matthew Andrews – Observer
Barbara Clancy – Observer (Assabet River Valley chapter)
Megan Corry – Nominee for GPUS Outreach Committee
Jill Stein (by Skype)
Maggie Zhou (by Skype)
Quorum established: 13 representatives, plus 1 alternate
Co-Facilitators: Nancy Slator and John Andrews
Stacker: Manny Pintado
Timekeeper: Charlene DiCalogero
Minutes: Roni Beal
An announcement was made about an upcoming Call to Action and mission statement for an International Workers Day. See May 1 Strike, page 8 for details.
Danny announced that Barbara Clancy of the Assabet River Valley chapter would attend afternoon session of meeting after he leaves the meeting. Barbara will attend as an observer and may request to be a StateCom representative.
Approval of Meeting Agenda:
A straw poll was called to add several new items to the agenda.
- Add discussion of replacing treasurer, re Ian’s resignation
- Straw poll on committee proposal that was tabled from January meeting.
- Electoral action proposal – on political action planning from January meeting.
- Endorsing May 1 Mobilization Rally – John recommended a straw poll and let AdCom make the decision whether to endorse this event.
- Skype – Jill Stein from Dublin and Maggie Zhou in Switzerland. Jill will address recount and campaign.
- Danny – proposed that StateCom make a decision about an email request from Merelice about a date to email the fundraiser letter she wrote or delegate some parameters to AdCom regarding a timeframe to send letter.
Approval of minutes:
Approval of January 28, 2017 minutes were postponed until July StateCom meeting. Charlene emailed revisions to Roni.
Co-chair’s Message:
Darlene welcomed StateCom members to the meeting. She expressed concerns about the issue of State Committee’s productivity and lack of deliverable work. She is concerned about disenchantment with GRP. She noted that players can change and assign blame, but the bottom line issue, are people doing the work. Little productive work is being accomplished. No growth. We are the Party of rhetoric, not the Party of Action. We must work together as a team and on individual projects. We need to pool resources, identify priorities for the GRP and work on the one by one. We must all work together to recruit a communications director. It is overwhelming for only one or two people to accomplish this task. Darlene read Jill’s letter, which does not fully explain the issue of setting up a fund for recount. Darlene explained what took place at AdCom meeting. GRP has its own agenda, and there is a need for mutual reciprocity. Respect is often lacking.
Arthur – inquired about Jill and commented that she that she may have been overwhelmed with demands on her time.
Darlene – reported that Jill had a large team of help. She had people that could have assisted her. It would have been a smoother transition about recount if Jill had contacted John or Darlene or someone on AdCom to the resolve recount issue.
Dan K - reported that he spoke with Ian. There are people who feel that Jill should step down and let others take the lead in the Green Party.
Elie – cannot resolve political action at this meeting.
John – noted there are 30 other state parties, as well as many candidates are asking for Jill’s time. Jill is constantly overextended and this must be taken into consideration in interacting with her.
Summer 2017 StateCom Meeting:
The summer meeting designation is Central MA – need a location
July 8, 2017 Saturday, 1st choice, July 15 alternate date – Joyce will StateCom notify later this week if the 15th is okay.
National meeting – maybe held in New Jersey in July. (Note: Subsequently, the National Committee determined that the ANM will be held in Newark on July 13 – 16).
Joyce volunteered to be co-facilitator for summer meeting. Manny will be co-facilitator.
Possible location for July meeting is the Quaker meetinghouse in Worcester.
Springfield venue was suggested.
Approval of New Representatives to AdCom:
Charlene reported that Mike Resino was to be voted a new AdCom representative to the Central Mass GRP (CMGR) chapter. He recently moved to Connecticut to complete his PhD studies, but remains a member of CMGR chapter. Mike is unable to vote on AdCom because of move out of state and he requested his name not be publicized. Elie, commented that it is not up to StateCom to make a decision. Danny added that anyone can be an observer. Encourage student activities; if someone comes from MA and studies in another state he should be included. Brian suggested remaining open, but decline Mike to be an AdCom representative. Joyce noted that the appropriate role would be an observer. Manny encourages Mike to be an observer. Nancy had a problem with concealing his membership. Elie, according to bylaw, article 5, Mike must be a resident. The main concern blocking Mike’s ability to be a representative is his request not to publicize his name.
Appoint Members to GPUS Committees:
John Andrews submitted an application to serve on Presidential Campaign Support Committee to the Party secretary.
Each state Party is allowed to have up to four members. The purpose of the Presidential Campaign Support Committee is to oversee and recruit candidates to run for president and to monitor and exchange information involving presidential debates.
StateCom approved John’s appointment by consensus. There were no concerns.
Officer reports:
Secretary report
Roni reported that she recorded minutes for six AdCom meetings since the January StateCom meeting. AdCom met on January 12, 26; February 9, 23; and March 9, 23. She responded to 13 phone calls or emails on NationBuilder.
Treasurer report
Ian notified StateCom by email that he posted the March 24, 2017 report to the Green-Rainbow website. (See last page of minutes for report)
AdCom Co-chair:
Darlene reported that AdCom spent time on Rank Choice Voting (RCV) and voter recount money. Darlene expressed concern that more has not been accomplished.
May 13, 2017 State Convention:
The following are suggestions made by members for the May convention:
Cosecha – table on immigrant action in Massachusetts
Climate Action Now table
Sanctuary City Movement table
Create Facebook event – to publicize speakers
Black Lives Matter table – check with Gordon Davis
Mass Action & Police Brutality table
Other convention suggestions:
Encourage candidates to be elected for working committees on the national level. Need capacity. Darlene requested this be part of convention elections.
Danny has a contact to help with forming a sanctuary city and how to become a sanctuary city. Fight Citizens United.
Brian Cady will post notice.
Charlene – posted convention to her Facebook and her campaign page.
GPUS International Committee:
A teleconference call was arranged to speak with Maggie Zhou in Switzerland regarding her application to be nominated to serve on the GPUS International Committee as a representation of the Green-Rainbow Party.
Maggie had no additional information to add to her application since the January 2017 StateCom meeting.
Danny reported an administrative and residency issue was raised at the January StateCom meeting. Darlene checked the minutes and reported that the current bylaw prevents appointment because Maggie is not a resident of MA. A bylaw amendment may be referred to StateCom. Ralph commented that he had no problem with a special registered voter. Maggie informed StateCom that she can vote in MA, but not registered as a voter in a specific town. She still has ties to MA. She is not a Swiss voter. The current bylaw was written at a time when this type of situation was not an issue. Danny expressed no problem with Maggie being a representative, as long as she has a pulse on MA issues. Darlene noted that procedurally, StateCom will need time to amend the current bylaw to allow her to be a representative. There is support for Maggie serving on the International Committee, but legally the bylaw must be amended for this to take place.
Nancy expressed a concern with the candidate. Nancy friended Maggie on Facebook and she read a wide range of conspiracy theories posted by Maggie without documentation for these theories. Nancy reported that she cannot support Maggie’s appointment. Maggie explained that her response to Geoffrey and Nancy was not a good time to answer repeated opposing views. Maggie reported that as representative she would only contribute to issues related to the International Committee. Danny noted that he has concerns with conspiracy theory – assertions regarding murders of Charlie Hebdo journalists in France. We must be critical thinkers, but should not promote conspiracy theories. Charlene explained that she does not know Maggie and she has concerns. Dan K. – Maggie’s list of friends are valid. Her role would be voting on GRP issues, not conspiracy. Manny has concern, about her view on key values. Darlene, read posts, spoke with others and did homework, and reported that it is not fair to Maggie because we do not know her. Sure Maggie knows how GRP functions. Elie, reinforced Dan K. comments that Maggie’ role as a leader in the peace movement in MA. She will participate as a Green. The conspiracy theory issue is a different discussion. Most recent are Noam Chomsky views on the potential risk of overthrow of the US government. John recommended amending the bylaw. He suggested deferring the decision on Maggie’s appointment to next StateCom meeting. Darlene noted that Maggie has been pursuing being on International Committee and to move to amend the bylaw today and vote. Arthur, do something to expedite decision and without further delay. Charlene recommended calling a special meeting to resolve bylaw issue.
Bylaw vote: no concerns
Charlene will draft amended bylaw.
StateCom will hold special meeting to vote on change and then vote on Maggie’s application.
Maggie – did not send any communication to GRP about her personal views. John will send suggestions on wording of bylaw to Charlene.
David Gerry referred to a document in the GRP procedures manual. David reported that he cannot find a copy of the procedures manual. The manual provides deadlines for elections at conventions. He made a request to lower the number of signatures on nomination form for offices from ten to five signatures.
Elie suggested a few organizations to contact for the convention. Mass Peace & Justice and CDLU and inquired how go about soliciting. Tables are free for anyone who registers. Elie volunteered to contact these organizations.
Joyce called for a vote for convention co-facilitators: Rick Purcell and Charlene DiCalogero were approved by consensus. No concerns.
Appointments to GPUS committees (continued):
Megan Elizabeth Corry – attended the meeting around 11:30 am. Megan is registered J voter. Darlene is working on reactivating GPUS committees. Darlene has been impressed with Megan’s enthusiasm to serve on Outreach committee. They have a budget for fundraising and to channel some pilot projects. Megan will play a key role in the Boston area. Darlene and Megan will form a team for outreach in MA along with Brian Cady. Elie commented that Boston area needs help. Megan’s background in marketing, managing campaigns and speech writing will be beneficial in her Outreach role. Manny added that Megan’s experience will help with sanctuary cities and black lives matters outreach. Megan will meet with college age people and a strong core of millennials. Ralph noted that Megan would be an asset to the GBA chapter. Charlene commented that Megan will be key to building the party foundation structurally, and supporting new chapters in MA. Megan’s first step will be contacting chapters. She is currently forming a new Boston chapter with college students and opening the door to a different demographic.
There were no concerns with Megan’s appointment to GPUS Outreach Committee. StateCom approved Megan’s appointment by consensus.
Lunch break:
Ranked Choice Voting:
Voters Choice representatives, Adam Friedman and Ben Schattenburg attended the StateCom meeting to talk about Ranked Choice Voting (RCV).
Adam made a presentation about Voters Choice Massachusetts work on ballot referendum. The Amherst charter commission is a strong case for Amherst to elect RCV voting. Voter Choice is building a coalition and has conducted two light polls. They are capturing names and emails everywhere they visit. Voters Choice Massachusetts has established action teams; they have a treasurer and are in the process of writing reports and posters. There has been exponential growth since last time they spoke with StateCom. The number of volunteers has grown from 210 to 750 people.
Automatic voter registration has appeal for legislative groups. Dan Cohen is conducting a message poll to determine what form of RCV voters will support. There is a great video on RCV, entitled Represent Us. Adam is working on coalition building. He made a presentation to NAACP in Boston. The Mass Voter Table promotes get people out to vote. We the People, MassVOTE, and Common Cause are all enthusiastic about Voter Choice. Adam has been working in Lowell with an Umass student who has list of Bernie supporters.
A letter requesting support was received by StateCom and distributed in the meeting reading package. John reported that if StateCom supports Voter Choice, approval can be passed onto AdCom for final approval. Darlene reported that Adam and Ben have been working with AdCom. Voters Choice is a non-profit and GRP is political party, which are two separate processes. This was clarified at an AdCom meeting. By offering the phone list vs. membership, if we adopt this proposal, it will not be the only issue Party will work on. Coalition building is important. There are some issues about level of investment with this effort. It will take a year to push effort forward to educate people to advocate. Charlene noted that she is in support in principle, but there are some issues. How we phrase the wording is critical, for example, here is the link to Voter Choice site. Charlene is not in favor of giving out the member list for phone contact. Ralph agreed with Charlene about turning over the membership list. Elie noted that he supports the RCV initiative and it is a value to the Party if it understands what it involves in political action. Our values are revealed in our actions. Rob Richy of FairVote is the main source of promotion of RCV. Taking this on as a political party as a matter of principle affords many people who have been excluded from voting to vote.
Matt Andrews stated that breaking up the two party system is a key objective. RCV represents ballot access and clean elections, which are urgent for next election cycle. Darlene a decision must be made on whether or we will provide listserv. Jill Stein’s listserv will be available as alternative. Jill’s list is greater than GRP list. She can also support RCV on the national level. Ben commented that one on one on phone calls is the best approach. The script will include the “GRP promotes Voters Choice”. David Gerry reported that AdCom members have discussed this topic. Manny inquired how will StateCom members separate the two organizations when communicating. StateCom supports RCV actions as listed in the Voter Choice request letter with concerns about the phone list still to be resolved. Darlene suggested that RCV message be reinforced with chapters that we are supporting this effort.
Jill Stein Skype call from Dublin:
Skyped talk from Jill Stein.
Jill talked about exciting energy across US to Europe. Since election continued Green Party growth and enthusiasm is on the rise. DNC refused to ban corporate money. Republicans are having problems. Trump is already a lame duck president. New local chapters are forming. She attended a rally in New Hampshire and chapters are forming as well as in Utah. In California the Bernie Campaign rolled over to the Green Party. She attended CA state assembly in Bakersfield, in the heart of chemical country. There are uprisings – people are going green. The machine pushes back in a corrupt way. The FBI is involved in the recount. There is an ongoing law suit in Pennsylvania. The Green movement is growing in Sweden, Holland, and England. People are standing up to Fascist candidates in Holland where there are two special election candidates, successful in raising money. In Europe, resources have been helpful in answering the call where new parties are located. She has been working with Matt Andrews in building Green coalition in Massachusetts to make GRP visible. Jill endorses the May 1 strike, which focuses on immigrant justice – end of root causes of immigration. Help make GRP visible with street action. She will bring these issues to AdCom.
Darlene informed Jill that Adam Friedman and Ben Schattenburg were in the room talking about Voters Choice.
Jill noted that she is proud to be a part of Voters Choice movement. She will help raise funds and get people excited about RCV. When people hear there is a voting reform, they are open to reform. There is great deal of interest in RCV and get rid of electronic voting machines, we need to liberate our vote. It is critical for all of us.
In regard to recount funds, she apologized for any misunderstandings. It is easy for communication slip ups. She has been on the road and did not realize there was a hang up in MA. She made a commitment to the public on television to return the money in response to media charges of scamming the public by diverting donations to the Party. She has publically stated that if the money not used for the recount, it would be returned to donors.
Darlene reported that AdCom voted to return money. She asked Jill if she will help with fundraiser letter. Darlene noted that the Party needs some operational money for basic activities. Jill agreed she would help with the letter. Fundraise for Voter Choice through GRP. She is glad to apply fundraiser expertise. There is excitement with resistance concerning the climate, war, and immigration. She noted two great visibility ways to raise money. Have a plan in place to write a letter. Writing things down is a lesson for all involved. The draft flyer circulating to StateCom involves a larger proposal, building capacity to strike, a day of mass of non-participation, not a one shot deal. She will discuss at next StateCom meeting. Get GRP to sign on. This is a major pitch to work on.
May 1 Strike:
Matt Andrews distributed a ½ sheet flyer from the May Day Coalition calling for an action on May 1. It includes a Buy Nothing Day on May 1st. Immigrants are being blamed for economic problems, terrorizing groups of people. There has already been a demonstration in Chinatown and protesters marched to the statehouse. Jill spoke at the rally. The two page flyer provided by Jill addresses an associated multi-issue resistance movement that is building toward a global strike for people, planet and peace over profit on May 1st, which includes an event in Boston. BostonMDC and Sanctuary cities are a top issue in the U.S. and worldwide. Jill endorses this rally. This is an issue that connects with other issues, such as environmental, violence, war and resistance to Trump.
30 second comments – Dan K. there will be demonstrations across the state, other towns will be holding May Day events – endorse all. Charlene, many demonstrations, wants action beyond demonstrations. Wants strategy.
Dan K. people are walking to school, other actions going on the same day.
StateCom endorses May 1st strike – any concerns? Darlene concern, we endorse, then what? Each chapter should organize an action to support this effort. Danny and she work on sanctuary movement.
StateCom endorsed the May Day event by consensus.
Old Business:
Recount Funds:
John requested guidance from AdCom. David announced that we need people to help with the work. No one is in authority to make a decision. Charlene noted that Ian wants to step down as treasurer, but will go to the convention. Ian said that he wants this to be a “loving transition” for the Party. Bill Ashley is not sure how he feels about recount funds. He could be the treasurer to work with Ian. Roni noted that Bill Ashley resigned from StateCom because of other commitments.
There are a handful of large donations that should not be difficult to refund. Nancy inquired about who has the passwords to the accounts. David has passwords. Roni, Ian requested help returning funds via PayPal. Roni suggested a workshop to train volunteers for this task. Dan K. – Ian taking is a step back, but not sure he will resign position. Darlene noted that the majority of donations are large, from about 92 people in all. John, AdCom can pursue. Darlene recommended taking a vote on whether or not we will return the funds.
Charlene proposed that StateCom vote to return donations to the donors and let AdCom work out the logistics.
Any concerns: no concerns. StateCom approved proposal by consensus
John asked how does StateCom go about recruiting another treasurer and solutions. Manny noted that Ian is still involved as a treasurer. Darlene noted that Ian did submit a letter of resignation. Elie reported that Ian will wait for state convention to resign from work. Charlene recommended sending an email about current open positions on StateCom. She is happy to share email with other chapters. Someone may be favorable to serve as assistant treasurer. David could send email to different chapters. John asked if we have candidates to fill all the positions on AdCom. Darlene noted that we under utilize membership. Brian reported 6,000 members on listserv. We could advertise on listserv and website. There is a sense of urgency to fill treasurer position, assistant treasurer, communications director and fundraiser director.
Dan K. will create a Facebook page and website on convention and will advertise open positions and send an email blast.
David expressed concern with the amount of work being passed onto AdCom. He added that committees must take on more of the workload.
John an assistant treasurer is worth keeping in mind as an understudy. This person could take a turn as treasurer and train another assistant treasurer.
StateCom thanks Ian for his diligent, dedicated service as treasurer and will work with him beyond transition.
Requirement for Committee Membership for AdCom Members:
Nancy raised the issue of committees. StateCom members serve on one committee (per bylaw). Proposal asked StateCom to also serve on an AdHoc committee. David explained duties of committees. Platform committee is inactive. David noted that he has no idea where the manual is located for Procedures. Bylaws committee was proposed to be an AdHoc committee.
Legislative - adhoc
Actions - adhoc
Procedures - adhoc
Platform - adhoc
Technical – adhoc
Elie advised that a special meeting be held to discuss responsibilities for each committee. Charlene noted that every committee needs leadership. CDLC is highly productive, but only because she volunteers numerous hours of work. This could change when she is working full-time. Dan K. – works on Platform. Darlene is active with outreach which falls under Membership. The outreach subcommittee is creating a presence, engaging people and recruiting more members. Darlene and Danny are developing a proposal for a strategic plan to communicate with leadership and the public including ways to move forward.
Voting on revised proposal:
John – In today’s world, money is raised on the internet by sending exciting emails describing projects that ask for donations. Money should be coming in via internet, not stamped letters.
Nancy – Asked if there were any concerns with changing some committees to adhoc.
Dan K. – Expressed a problem with eliminating the Platform committee.
Darlene – Recommended that everyone decide today which committee people will work.
Committee Membership
CDLC – Charlene, Nat, Jonathan Martin, Maureen Doyle, John Andrews
Membership – Brian Cady, Darlene Elias, Daphne Stevens, Dan Kontoff
Fundraising –
Communications – Nancy Slator, Joyce Palmer Fortune, Elie Yarden
Convention – Joyce Palmer Fortune, Roni Beal
Ralph Watson – no committee
Dan Kontoff – volunteered to help with fundraising
John Andrews – CDLC
Not present at meeting
David Rolde
Gregory Williams
Voting on revised proposal:
Yes - 9
No – 2
StateCom Barbara Clancy authorized to vote for remainder of the meeting.
Electoral Action Working Group (EAWG) Proposal from January meeting:
Charlene vetted the proposal and she doesn’t want efforts duplicated. She advocated forming a special working group focus municipal and state district elections for 2018. There must be highly capable people on the committee. Each chapter may suggest candidates for state auditor, secretary of state, and treasurer. Nancy asked if CDLC has a pool of people to draw from the EAWG. Charlene explained that the working group mission is to find and support statewide candidates and group to focus on candidates. There might be a coordinator or campaign manager to help. The goal is to activate all our members to participate. Brian voiced concern that we do have not enough people to staff a second group. John noted that when candidates are found they tend to bring in volunteers to help, independently of CDLC. The plan is to form a separate group that is outside of the individual campaigns and will spend time in the group.
Candidates can easily go their own way. Fortunately in 2014 candidates worked together and shared information. If a campaign manager is hired, they may not be familiar with GRP. Darlene expressed two thoughts. She found it a challenge recruiting people to help with her campaign. In nice weather, people are not available to help. She could have used help with press releases and media. As treasurer of her own campaign, she was not familiar with the process. She likes the idea of group help, #4 on the proposal, which must difficult to tap into. A GPUS candidate school and movement school has been created, but is not supported by GPUS. Candidates must be more reliant on their own resources. Charlene has a working relationship with Jordan Berg Powers at Mass Alliance. They do potentially have other resources. The key thing is that GRP Bylaws require us to pursue ballot status. Will we be able to find people from StateCom or chapters to staff campaigns? Elie reported his experience with his campaign. He quickly learned that GRP candidate’s wanted to run their own campaigns.
Charlene, the proposal is for StateCom to address. John commented that if we do not have an established electoral action group, they should consider suggestions in the proposal and report back. StateCom only meets every three months which is inadequate for supporting rapidly evolving electoral campaigns. Candidates report to CDLC with questions being raised at every meeting. Announce a new electoral action committee at convention and recruit staff. John endorses the idea that the electoral action working group should report to CDLC. Charlene recommended that everybody at the StateCom meeting come up with candidate names (green or independent) and have in place by September 1. We have exciting some candidates and people are apt to be enthusiastic. Inviting people to the next StateCom meeting is best way to engage everyone.
Concerns about proposal:
Charlene recommended dropping mention of candidate school
EAWG will report to CDLC
Members must be nominated by StateCom, CDLC or AdCom or chapters.
Election Action Working Group (EAWG) should refer to 1/28 EAWG proposal for possible initiatives.
There was a consensus to adopt proposal with amendments.
Elie asked StateCom to vote for National Committee convention location – Newark, NJ or Portland, OR
Darlene favors NJ because there is an important candidate running for governor in NJ.
There was a consensus to hold the National Committee convention in Newark, New Jersey.
Reports from Chapters:
Dan K. announced Audrey Proctor and spouse started a North Shore local. Fall River is forming a chapter. Megan is working on a new Boston chapter. Barbara, Assabet working on sanctuary town. Darlene would like to see members from Assabet and sanctuary movement attend convention. Charlene read report from central MA GRP. Charlene, CDLC report, average 9 people per liaison. Working on workshops for convention, Mass Alliance training. Charlene recruited at Mass Alliance training. They endorsed Mark Miller a few years ago. Attended Elect Her conference. Darlene recommended contact with LIPPI training of women of color. CDLC has several people committed to running for office. Invite people to people to convention. CDLC vets candidates, but cannot stop someone from running on their own as GRP.
Charlene suggested that all committees post reports on website.
Tax Day GRP will have a table.
Next State Committee: First choice, July 8, 2017
Second choice, July 15, 2017
Location: Central Massachusetts
Meeting adjourned: 4:30 pm
Treasurer report from the web site
Legal expenses are to pay for the Green-Rainbow Party trademark.
If the Party desires to hire staff in 2018, the State Committee needs to work to a plan to show that the Party has the ability to raise funds.
Description |
2017 Budget |
Starting Balance 1/1/2017 |
$8,401.09 |
Donations |
$1,173.36 |
$20,519.48 |
Transfer |
$0.00 |
Expenses |
Fund Raising |
$22.94 |
1.72% |
$300.00 |
Bank Fees |
$0.00 |
0.00% |
$70.00 |
Events |
$0.00 |
0.00% |
$500.00 |
Postage |
$0.00 |
0.00% |
$400.00 |
Candidate Contributions |
$0.00 |
0.00% |
$600.00 |
Legal |
$150.00 |
11.27% |
$- |
Refunded Contributions |
$0.00 |
0.00% |
$- |
Office Supplies |
$0.00 |
0.00% |
$50.00 |
Nation Builder |
$694.00 |
52.15% |
$756.00 |
Internet |
$338.76 |
25.46% |
$500.00 |
Participation – Meetings |
$0.00 |
0.00% |
$1,000.00 |
Convention – Food |
$0.00 |
0.00% |
$650.00 |
Convention – Rent |
$0.00 |
0.00% |
$350.00 |
Convention – Speaker |
$0.00 |
0.00% |
$500.00 |
Convention – Supplies |
$0.00 |
0.00% |
$200.00 |
State Com – Food |
$0.00 |
0.00% |
$200.00 |
State Com – Rent |
$125.00 |
9.39% |
$400.00 |
Printing |
$0.00 |
0.00% |
$500.00 |
Ads |
$0.00 |
0.00% |
$100.00 |
Material (Bumper stickers, T-shirts, Poster, Buttons, etc.) |
$0.00 |
0.00% |
$200.00 |
Volunteer Coordinator |
$0.00 |
0.00% |
$- |
Campaign Events |
$0.00 |
0.00% |
$- |
Volunteer Meetings |
$0.00 |
0.00% |
$100.00 |
MAAPL Donation |
$100.00 |
Campaign School |
$500.00 |
Staff |
$5,803.32 |
Virtual Office |
$250.00 |
State House News |
$218.42 |
$1,330.70 |
$14,247.74 |
Ending Balance 3/24/2017 |
$8,243.75 |
Prepaid Rent |
350 |
Donations/Per Month for Goal |
1,187.31 |
YTD Donation Target |
3,561.93 |
Donations above YTD Target |
-$2,388.57 |
Ian Jackson
[email protected]
Winter 2017 minutes
Winter 2017 meeting posted below are REVISION 1 - 3/12/17.
go Here for Fall 2016 minutes:
StateCom Meeting of January 28, 2017
Location: Camelot Co-housing, Berlin, MA
Present: established quorum at 13
John Andrews – First Boston Metropolitan Region
Angel Ayala – Western Region
Roni Beal – Central Region
Brian Cady – First Boston Metropolitan Region
Charlene DiCalogero – Central Region
Darlene Elias – Western Region
Danny Factor – Middlesex & Worcester District
Ian Jackson – First Boston Metropolitan Region
Joyce Palmer Fortune – Western Region
David Rolde – First Boston Metropolitan Region
Nancy Slator – Western Region
Roger Walton – First Boston Metropolitan Region
Elie Yarden – First Boston Metropolitan Region
Parliamentarian: John Andrews
Timekeeper: Nancy Slator
Vibes Watcher: Eli Yarden
Stacker: Angel Ayala
Co-Chair Welcome:
Darlene welcomed StateCom members to the meeting. She noted that she is still learning about GRP and appreciates everyone’s support. Darlene provided an overview of Jill Stein campaign. She attended the NY briefing on Stein campaign and was appointed national co-chair. She expressed her vision for state party and about a new direction to move forward. Darlene attended the Women’s March in DC which she described as inspirational to have so many people come together.
Darlene noted that it is time to come together and build as a Party. We are only Party that takes a stance on social justice and the environment. There isn’t any clear action with other political parties. These are tenuous times. The question is how do we come together to be effective and align with other social groups. We face challenges – lack of resources to build capacity within the party. We need to go throughout Massachusetts and expose GRP to attract people to take action in the state and national front. Our task is to build our numbers in the party, recruit and be activists.
Four things are optimal: fundraising to pay staff, political organizer/party director, a fundraiser director, and communications person with staff person. We need to implement succession planning for treasurer. Increasing party donations is our number one project. The Green Party has been noted on the national level, it is time to hire staff on national level and a political organizer. There is a surplus of $200K in the national account for outreach. As a committee, we need to prioritize what StateCom will do to identify and bring a fundraiser and a communications person on board. As money comes in we can hire a staff person. We hired Jamie who was dedicated to building the Party with $5,000 from the Stein campaign. Fundraising can help with recruiting people from the Stein campaign. In order to build an infrastructure, it will take money to rent venues and provide food. Differentiate what is going on with the party and bring people in and provide outlet for their ideas. It takes a Green Party training course to interface with the Party. How we recruit and engage new people.
Jill elevated the party to higher degree, raised several million dollars. The recount effort raised even more funds. Successes such as gaining ballot across country, fundraising capacity, social-media vital and promoted the Stein campaign. The recount effort took the party to another level. There has been fragmentation between Jill and Green Party. Jill agreed to help with fundraising for GRP with letters for support. Our first priority is fundraising and outreach, build capacity, and be action oriented in the community. The next step is returning recount donations and request donations for the Green-Rainbow Party.
Darlene reported that she is an action oriented person. She was nominated to the GPUS International Committee yesterday. Her vision is to be out there. She noted that Thomas Peak was guest speaker at Pioneer Valley chapter meeting. Adam Friedman talked about Rank Choice Voting (RCV). Western MA brings manpower to the RCV effort. Rank choice voting is a collaborative effort.
StateCom members sang inspirational song, ‘Aint’s Gonna Let Nobody Turn Me Around’
Approve Meeting Agenda:
Danny noted some members will leave the meeting early and we need quorum for the afternoon session. Four members plan to leave early. Roni verified nine members must be present for quorum. Minor adjustments were made to the agenda. Due to lack of quorum at the October 1, 2016 StateCom meeting, Charlene noted the minutes were notes. Strategy go-around and legislative proposal will be addressed before lunch break. Danny asked to present the Assabet chapter report before leaving at noon. There was a brief discussion about rearranging agenda for allow time for John’s presentation.
Set Date and Location for Spring 2017 StateCom Meeting:
Date: April 1 or 22, 2017
Location: Eastern part of the state - Ralph and Brian will search for a venue.
Co-facilitators: Nancy Slator & John Andrews
Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes:
July 17, 2016 and October 1, 2016 minutes approved by consensus.
Fundraiser Director Steps Down:
Ian reported an issue with appointing an inexperienced person to the fundraiser director position. He explained why complaints about remarks by the fundraiser were reported late to AdCom. Ian read the complaints to StateCom members. Ian noted that the fundraiser did not deny making remarks. Ian explained the problem with making a complaint as an officer is that he or she represents the Party. Charlene noted that it is critical to protect the Party, and that harassing remarks both internally and externally are unacceptable. John agreed that StateCom must take action because it is an ethical issue to use media for harassing remarks. The fundraiser director was elected by the convention. He was given an opportunity to step down. Charlene referred to bylaw 4.3 concerning membership and removing members. Adcom acted as a fact finding committee and followed the correct process in this case. Ian referred to bylaw 9.11 that states a vote of StateCom is required for recall. Ian suggested a request be made for a set of standards about communications and then build a structure we can live with.
Danny explained that AdCom could not make a permanent decision, and made a provisional decision. Steps were taken to remove the Fundraiser Director from all GRP list services and Facebook. Elie asked if the Fundraiser Director was invited to step down. Roni reported that an email and letter were sent to inform the Fundraiser Director of AdCom’s decision and his rights. Darlene reported that since notifying the Fundraiser Director, he has not taken steps to keep his position.
Charlene called for a vote on whether to remove the current fundraiser as Fundraising Director.
Vote to remove the Manny Pintado as Fundraising Director:
12 yes votes
0 no votes
0 opposed
Vote to remove the Fundraiser from StateCom:
Joyce recommended that Manny remain as a StateCom member. This item was tabled to be addressed later. Ian noted that chapter listservs are not managed by GRP. Local chapters need local autonomy. If there is a problem, contact AdCom. Closed session adjourned.
Danny Factor – Assabet River Valley report – the chapter is working on a project to promote Acton as a sanctuary city.
Diversity reps – no action
Appointing a member to GPUS – Darlene Elias was appointed to GPUS International Committee at the January 27, 2017 Special StateCom telecon.
Darlene Elias and David Gerry spoke with David Rolde regarding his concerns about not appointing Maggie Zhou to GPUS IC. Maggie does not meet the requirements to be a Green-Rainbow Party GPUS representative. Darlene reported that Maggie approached Bahram Zandi about being appointed provisionally until StateCom could vote her in. The National Committee has turned over the decision making process to StateCom. Charlene recommended tabling this item until StateCom members have more information to make an educated decision at the April meeting. Charlene asked if there were any concerns about tabling the approval process. John noted that Maggie asked StateCom to make a decision. Angel commented that there is an issue of residency in question. John noted that she would have to be a member of GRP, but we have experience with Maggie. She is not a member of GRP, but we can recommend she is an experienced representative. Darlene reported reading Maggie’s email. She is a MA voter, but she does not list a specific town in MA. She may vote Absentee. She may vote as a Swiss Green. Danny added that Maggie’s admits she does not reside in MA. Danny noted that he is in favor of change in the bylaw at another time. The current bylaw states that we should not approve her request. Danny added that he has a few concerns about some of her postings endorsing conspiracy theories. Danny supports tabling this item. He requested that bylaw amendments be referred to AdCom agenda.
Vote was called to table item to April.
John will stand aside.
Elie will stand aside. He noted that a large number of members to National would be eliminated with current bylaw.
There was a consensus to table Maggie’s appointment to GPUS IC until April StateCom meeting.
Officer Reports:
Ian will wait to present treasurer report under budget item.
Co-chair and secretary reports moved to afternoon session.
Strategy Discussion:
Danny noted that Darlene’s report was on target with current needs. A Planning Committee is needed to help AdCom with short and long terms status of party. He would support a proposal at April StateCom to create a Planning Committee. Darlene agreed that a Planning group is a good idea, but questioned who would do the work. We should start by looking at working groups as action groups with deliverables. Darlene noted that she often takes on projects herself. The question is, what can we do collectively to help with fundraising until someone has been appointed to the position of Fundraiser Director.
A recommendation was made to recruit someone to fill the Communications position and to make sure people who help use good judgment. Darlene noted that it takes a long time to send correspondence out. It takes 24 to 48 hours to email messages. John inquired about our capacity and public dialog for making progress with political power. We need working committees working on projects. In regard to Communications, we must use volunteers until position is filled. Ian noted that we have to decide what political structures we want to set up. A decision must be made if we want to play in the legislative process or build strength. Focus. If we had more Communication volunteers, we could devise a system that does not rely on Joyce, Brian, and Ian to do all the work. Angel suggested organizing come-meet-the-greens activities, make presentations, provide literature, and a video presentation to attract to new people for capacity building.
New stacker – Ian (Angel and Darlene left the meeting)
David Rolde arrived around 11:45 am
Charlene commented that good ideas were presented. She pointed out that it is important to remember that it is all about money and control. Attacks on women, Muslims and agencies that provide services are all a screen for massively collecting public dollars for private concerns. The Green-Rainbow Party runs candidates and is not controlled by “dark money” (reference to Jane Meyer’s book Dark Money).
David Rolde commented that he feels radical activism has left the party. It is difficult to raise an issue that progressive Democrats have not already addressed. We should be attracting marginalized people to the party. He is opposed to the Planning Committee idea, which will most likely languish.
Roger commented that he likes the idea of hiring a staff because answers will come quickly. It is a step in a positive direction. Our successes in marginalized communities are still uncertain. This should be an objective for GRP.
Nancy agrees that fundraising is a key component. Having GRP serve on state level is a good strategy.
Elie commented that if we do not rely on big money, we must rely on people to work on public issues. Our local structures are inferior to the Democratic Party. He wants the same rights he had before and he does not want a higher structure to report to. He wants to be open to others, attend meetings and participate. He commented that it is easy to talk and that it has to be easier to obtain information. We need 40 local chapters in the state with 20 people in each local chapter.
Lunch break 12:15 pm
Rank Choice Voting (RCV):
Adam Friedman, Greg Dennis and Ben Schattenburg representatives of RCV
Presentation by Greg Dennis
A few highlights from Greg’s presentation:
The current voting system does not take in to account the actual will of the people.
Adam Friedman worked with John Andrews in Stein campaign. Greg and Adam work together with RCV effort. Greg was a Nader supporter. More voices, more choices in the race. The system fails to guarantee majority winners. The current system discourages candidates from running for office. RCV means one trip to the voting booth. There is a series of runoffs in one election – three rounds. The first voting round are first choices. No first choices, these are eliminated right away. Voting is done on paper and ballots are scanned. There is a cost associated with upgrading voting machines, scan machines, some other additional costs, but it also can save money. IRV and RCV are top choices of voting systems. RCV has been enacted in Maine. Portland was the first city to use RCV. Maine has long history of governors winning with minority of votes.
Elie added that MA would be a problem because of established Democratic Party system. Fifty percent of winners do not get majority of the vote in MA. There are benefits to third parties that cover more issues, hold more debates, have more candidates, growth, etc. RCV can eliminate the primary race which is a cost savings.
Adam Friedman presented:
RCV eliminates friction between people running and focuses on issues. Democrats make up 80% of the statehouse representatives. RCV will show Democrats they are voting for weaker candidates. When a Green runs, Democrats are not threatened. Democrats can capture the GRP vote as 2nd or 3rd vote.
Charlene commented that RCV offers more choice, but there is no guarantee a Green would vote for a Democrat. John noted that a favorite candidate endorsed by political establishment discourages stronger candidates from running or to be endorsed.
Adam reported that the recent election and results created a dark cloud. There is a kickoff strategy movement with action teams. The list has grown with calls every day. The movement has grown to over 1k people. There were over 400 sign-ups at the Women’s march in Boston. Collect data on an issue and do a poll. Need data. The goal is to raise $30k. They have raised $10k so toward a professional poll. Represent Us is a new group seeking the next big campaign. (Represent Us is located in Florence, MA). They want to hire a campaign manager. There is potential growth with local campaigns. They want to promote IRC with GRP to form a partnership and do fundraising at same time.
Elie requested a form letter from RCI to send to politicians. Polling is first, then send an RFP to pollsters. Ian commented that we can decide before April 1 whether to support this movement. He asked that StateCom allow AdCom to call a Special meeting about RCI.
Urgent or Old Business:
StateCom was asked to formerly dismiss four StateCom members who have missed three or more consecutive quarterly meetings. Roni notified Pioneer Valley and Greater Boston Chapter in writing of member status, per bylaws 8.7.2; 8.7.3; and 8.8.4.
Rick Purcell and Dawn Bennett of Pioneer Valley chapter were removed by consensus vote. Both Rick and Dawn expressed no interest in serving on StateCom.
The remaining two Alternates will be contacted about their interest in serving on StateCom.
David Rolde will contact Arthur Conquest III and follow-up at April StateCom meeting.
Nancy Slator will contact Alan Alcombright and follow-up at April StateCom meeting.
Downgrade Active Working Committee
The proposal recommends changing the status of certain committees from working to adhoc. Action, fundraising/finance, platform, and technical committees will be called on for specific projects. Charlene asked for concerns. Brian asked for a straw poll vote to identify concerns. Elie objects because he did not read the proposal. He inquired about volunteers serving on committees. David Rolde inquired what it means that a working committee cannot report to StateCom. John supports the proposal to focus on active working committee. Active committees should have co-chairs, a note taker and membership.
David Rolde expressed concern that it is not right to amend that StateCom members must serve on two of the remaining committees. Other members should serve on committees in addition to StateCom members. Charlene explained that each StateCom member is required to serve or two current committees or serve on one working committee or one adhoc committee with assigned tasks. Elie noted that his main concern is that inclusion of new people who have little experience with the party are assigned tasks. There were no other changes to the bylaw. Refer to bylaw 10.1 for interpretation of an adhoc bylaw.
Charlene offered an amendment that StateCom members choose one working committee and be encouraged to join a second committee or an adhoc committee.
David Rolde objects to the amendment requiring StateCom members serve on a committee. Elie commented that focus should be to bring in new young people to the party.
Charlene asked if there were any concerns to proposal with amendment.
Vote for amendment
5 yes
4 opposed
The proposal will be tabled until April meeting for revisions. Bylaw 8.4 states that StateCom members will: Serve on either the Administrative Committee, the National Committee, or a Working Committee, unless running as a candidate or chairing a GRP chapter.
Ian withdrew his proposal because StateCom must be advised of recount effort from the Green Party perspective. David Rolde did not review proposals and Elie had a problem obtaining the proposals on GRP website. As an aside, Ian reported that his son, Frank is moving back to MA and plans to work on the Elections Action Working Group (EAWG).
Brian called for a straw poll vote to table action plan for 2018
Majority votes to table proposals to April 2017 meeting.
Ian reported that the budget consists of two parts: Budget and Recount. He explained that Dr. Stein called the co-chairs and treasurer to raise funds for the recount effort. The fundraiser was an overwhelming success that included some large donations. One donation from a former chair of Goldman Sachs who declared self employed. This donation was quickly returned. On the Friday after Thanksgiving, the Stein campaign declared the recount fundraiser a great success and asked GRP to stop requesting donations. There is over $44K in the account. Dr. Stein requested that all remaining money be returned to donors. AdCom recommended GRP return money and this was an emergency situation and it is in the best interest of the party to return funds. Ian asked if there were any concerns with returning the money.
John suggested writing a letter to donors and request how money should be handled using Rank Choice Voting. Excess money could be used in other projects. Ian reported that Jill was emphatic that money be returned. David Rolde commented that Adcom overstepped its bounds by accepting money for the recount. David pointed out that many Green Party members did not approve of the recount.
Ian reported that the treasurer has right by law to accept or reject donations. He opened a bank account for recount donations. He reported that Detroit voting machines are held together by duct tape. There was a link from Jill’s website to GRP and Ohio sites. Donations up to $10k were accepted. The decision to accept donations had to be made urgently.
Charlene asked “whose money is it?” Ian responded that theoretically GRP could spend money. Ian explained that FEC rules state that money can only be used for a federal election. The recount money is in a separate account. Over time, there have been very few recounts and lawyers have managed to use up all the money. He did ask the FEC if the money can be transferred to regular GRP account. Ian also checked with FEC about returning the money. The FEC says we can transfer unlimited funds into GRP account. The question is do we think we should keep this money. What fits the GRP values. Could we find a legal loophole to keep this money.
Elie commented that MA is a state, because of one-party-rule, it is easily studied for wrong doing. Perception is not one to be ignored. He suggested checking with Chuck Turner for his opinion. He also suggested that John be consulted about returning the money. It could represent an opportunity to ask donors what to do with money. John suggested sending a letter to donors explaining that we have not spent all money and will refund money to you or apply to other projects. David Rolde objected to John’s suggestion of writing a letter and returning money to donors. He is okay with asking if GRP can keep money.
Ian will call Mel King for advice; from there he knows what to do. A vote by donors on what GRP should do with money is not advisable. A better plan is to advise donors what GRP plans to do with the money.
Ian provided a brief overview of the budget.
$600 has been designated for CDLC. The state convention is the biggest event of the year. Other expenses are internet services. State candidate expenses are paid from the state fund as well as IRV. Jill has been the only federal candidate.
Ian asked if there was any feedback for the treasurer. David Rolde commented on NationBuilder corporation collecting private data. Ian explained that NationBuilder is a conglomeration website for email lists, tracking system for who donates on a certain page. For example, contributions made to the convention or to regular donation page. NationBuilder is used by many campaigns. The Democrats have their own database. Nat Fortune selected NationBuilder. We have to decide where our resources are used. He asked that additional comments about budget be sent directly to him.
Round Robin:
Ian – meeting multi headed, need more focus so people can do their homework.
Elie – in the past, Greens in Ma had its own staff of website designers at no cost.
Nancy – need more structure. She has difficult time navigating website.
Roger – came to meeting with zero preparation.
David R. – will try to prepare better for next meeting. He suggested providing proposals via email. He added that presentation on RCV was a waste of time and not StateCom business.
Brian – meeting was frustrating.
Charlene – difficult to prepare for StateCom this meeting. We can only accomplish so much in allotted time. She thought the RCV presentation was educational. Great to host StateCom meeting. She was pleased with separate StateCom meeting held for new Greens. Nashua River annual report and CDLC report will be posted.
Roni – agreed with Brian that the meeting was somewhat frustrating. She suggested that StateCom meet more often. There is too much business to conduct in four meetings a year. She asked StateCom members to think about serving on AdCom. Roni reported that AdCom met 12 times since October 1 and that as secretary she responded to 33 voice mail and email messages.
John – suggested that StateCom conduct some business via telecon. He thought the presentation on RCV was timely and he was disappointed an action decision was made. He asked Ben to contact AdCom about RCV and take action.
Meeting adjourned 4:10 pm
Fall 2016 minutes
StateCom Meeting (Unofficial) of October 1, 2016
56 Shallowbrook Lane, Northampton, MA
Roni Beal – Central Region
Brian Cady – First Boston Metropolitan Region
Joyce Palmer Fortune – Western Region
Ian Jackson – First Boston Metropolitan Region
Dan Kontoff - First Boston Metropolitan Region
Manny Pintado - Western Region
David Rolde - First Boston Metropolitan Region
Nancy Slater - Western Region
Daphne Stevens - Western Region
Arrived for late afternoon session:
Charlene DiCalogero - Central Region
David Spanagel - Central Region
Quorum not established at 9 voting members.
There are 25 StateCom members as of October 1, 2016.
Ian welcomed AdCom members and guests to the meeting. Ian noted that a third of Massachusetts voters do not know Jill Stein or have formed an opinion about her campaign. He added that we need to change that view. If people care about the environment they have one choice, the Green-Rainbow Party. After the federal election, we need to think about local elections and gain experience from serving in local offices.
Introductions for benefit of guests:
Jamie Guerin – Massachusetts for Stein Coordinator
Elizabeth Humphrey – friend of Jamie Guerin
Jason King – Greenfield – newly registered Green voter
Diane Poland – volunteer working with Jamie Guerin
Barbara ven den Berg – Amherst Town Ward member
Timekeeper – Manny Pintado
Vibes watcher – Dan Kontoff
Stacker – Brian Cady
Parliamentarian – Roni Beal
Approval of Agenda:
Agenda approved by consensus.
Select Winter StateCom Location and Date:
Saturday, January 7, 2017 - Central Mass with snow date January 21, 2017
Co-facilitators: David Spanagel & Brian Cady
Approval of Minutes:
Amendments to July 17, 2016 StateCom minutes are:
Ian Jackson – He stood aside on his concerns that Tax/Regulation was different than stated platform position on Marijuana for “Regulations and Taxation of Marijuana”.
M K Merelice – Under fundraising/finance report Merelice said Jill’s campaign had good examples of fundraising letters, not thank-you letters.
David Rolde – Requested that his concerns be stated in the minutes. His concerns were about a candidate's (alleged) positions on repression of people labeled as “mentally ill” and on Palestine and Zionism and Jewish supremacism. There, since the proposal implied GRP support for the campaign, he would stand aside during the meeting. In general, the point of not standing aside on concerns is so that the concerns will be in the minutes.
Minutes approved with amendments
Elect Diversity Representatives to AdCom:
No action
Reports from Officers:
The Stein campaign sent $5K grant to the GRP. Ian emphasized the need for a fundraiser and noted that operating a Party on $11K per year is inadequate to accomplish goals. The treasurer’s report is available on-line.
Description Credit Debit
State Starting Balance 9/1/2016 $4,016.56
Donations $160.57
Fund Raising $6.22
Bank Fees $0.00
Events $0.00
Postage $9.80
Candidate Contributions $0.00
Legal $0.00
Refund $0.00
Office Supplies $0.00
Nation Builder
Participation Meetings $0.00
Convention Food $0.00
Convention Rent $0.00
Convention Speaker
Convention Supplies $0.00
State Com Food $0.00
State Com Rent $0.00
Printing $0.00
Ad $0.00
State Ending Balance 9/24/2016 $4,161.11
Description Debt
Federal Starting Balance 9/1/2016 $7,133.87
Donations $103.00
Fund Raising PayPal Fees $1.75
Bank Fee $0.00
Events $0.00
Postage $98.39
Candidate Contributions
Refunded Contributions
Office Supplies $0.00
Nation Builder $89.00
Internet $0.00
Participation Meetings
Convention Food $0.00
Convention Rent $0.00
Convention Speaker $0.00
Convention Supplies $0.00
State Committee Food $0.00
State Committee Rent $0.00
Printing $0.00 0
AD 0
Volunteer Meetings $125
Volunteer Coordinator $1000
Presidential Campaign Events $650
Federal Ending Balance 9/24/2016 $5,922.73
Description 2016 Budget
Starting Balance 1/1/2016 $3,416.24
Donations $12,765.78
Fund Raising $194.78 3.19% 200
Bank Fees $39.00 0.64% 70
Events $325.00 5.33% 500
Postage $404.79 5.33% 300
Candidate Contributions $0.00 0.00% 1200
Legal $0.00 0.00% 0
Refunded Contributions $0.00 0.00% 0
Office Supplies $26.74 0.44% 50
Nation Builder $1,072.03 17.58% 972
Internet $274.93 4.51% 500
Participation Meetings NC $600.00 9.84% 1000
Convention Food $594.35 9.75% 600
Convention Rent $100.00 1.64% 250
Convention Speaker $221.50 3.63% 500
Convention Supplies $64.18 1.05% 200
State Com Food $0.00 0.00% 300
State Com Rent $165.00 2.71% 500
Printing $240.88 3.95% 500
Ads $250.00 4.10% 500
Material (Bumper stickers, T-shirts, Poster, Buttons, etc.) $125.00 2.05% 500
Volunteer Coordinator $1,400.00 22.96%
$6,098.18 8642
Ending Balance 9/24/2016 $11,483.84
Prepaid Rent
Donations/Per Month for Goal $720.17
YTD Donation Target $5,761.33
Donations above YTD Target $2,004.45
Convention Net $397.51
Party Building Grant $3,475.00 Donations to support Presidential Campaign less expenses
Projected Volunteer Coordinator -$1,600.00 Through Nov 15
Possible Event Reimbursement $600.00
Net $2,475.00
Ian Jackson, Treasurer
Ian reported that NationBuilder operates a hosting service with charges based on number of people listed in the system. There is no official enforcement about dues to party. All Stein donations are directed to Jill’s campaign, Green Party donations go to the Green Party. Donations to GRP go to GRP and donations to Town Committee go to Town Committee. Ian offered to answer specific questions via email or after meeting.
Roni reported recording minutes at weekly AdCom meetings and responding to voice mail and email GRP office requests.
Reports from Committees:
CDLC – candidate literature is available.
The Communications Committee is in need of a communications director. Joyce reported ongoing tasks such as sending emails, social media, updating the Facebook page. Press releases are sent to all supporters with a request to forward to supporter’s local press. Tactical teams take on small jobs, i.e. follow-up with media. Dan K. reported that volunteers are signing up for Stein campaign, encourage supporters to join GRP. Brian thanked Joyce for her work.
Roni reported the First Unitarian Church is reserved for May 13, 2017. Cost is $350 to rent all spaces in the church, an increase of $100 from last convention. Roni explained the rationale for renting space at the church for 2017 and exploring options in Boston for 2018, including a fundraiser dedicated to raising funds to rent a space in Boston. Joyce added that convention expenses entail renting a venue, food, supplies, mileage for guest speakers, and occasionally overnight accommodations for key note speakers. Roni noted that the Greater Boston chapter will play a major role in organizing a convention in the Boston area. Joyce encouraged someone to take the lead on finding a Boston venue for 2018. Manny suggested the SEIU 26 West St. Boston as a possibility. There was a short discussion about the pros and cons of holding the convention in Worcester, including the shortage of public transportation, compared to Boston which has train and bus service to most locations.
Joyce proposed that the 2017 state convention be held at the First Unitarian Church on May 13th in Worcester and to begin the search for a venue in Boston for the 2018 convention. Due to lack of quorum, there was an informal consensus by StateCom members in attendance with the proposal. The proposal will be presented to AdCom at October 5 meeting.
Manny reported on plans to set a date to send email blast to donors. There is no cost to send email blast. Ian encouraged new members to donate.
Brian reported the flyer supply is almost depleted and that he plans to print more flyers. Brian had Stein campaign cards printed that include the 10 key values to recruit volunteers. He paid out-of-pocket for the cards. Brian did not have GRP membership total available, but reported that membership has increased. Daphne reported that the campaign flyer required some edits. Brian offered to send a pdf of flyers and cards to members so they can have materials printed at their local copy shop. Cost $75/250 cards. Ian noted that members may submit receipts for reimbursement. Brian commented that bulk rates are best value for printing. The GRP Comparison sheet is out-of-date because Democrats have changed their platform as a result of the Bernie Sanders campaign.
Joyce reported a great deal of platform activity took place prior to campaign action. Bill Ashley, who leads the Platform Committee, was campaigning for Danny and Charlene and was unable to attend the StateCom meeting.
Darlene was unable to attend the meeting. No report.
Brian reported the Action Committee has been conducting standouts.
Ian reported that the Legislative Committee requires structure and attention as the committee moves forward. Diane Poland inquired if ComCom falls under the Legislative Committee. Dan K. noted the Action Committee should be separate from the Legislative Committee, but work in conjunction with Legislative. Ian advocated that Legislative work begin on endorsing bills. He hopes to fill posts at next StateCom meeting. Daphne reported 4,000 statehouse bills are presented each year and within two weeks these same legislative bills require sponsors. The end result is many bills fail. Joyce reported that GRP has had success with MAAPL legislation, otherwise GRP legislature action would not very successful. MAAPL legislature is a good model. Sponsors are required for all Green-Rainbow Party bills. Ian noted there is an investment for the Party to follow-up on the status of a bill. Let’s invest the time. State House News Service (similar to AP), is excellent source of bill information. Ian advised that members check the internet and invest in tools to keep up to date on bill status. He added that there is a cost associated with tools. Diane inquired if GRP has any friends in State House. Manny and Joyce reported knowing state representatives.
Barbara ven der Berg noted that other associations have access to information. Joyce responded that associations such as non-profits may have access that focus on their organization’s interests. Manny receives state house news from a few sources. Brian noted that information is available, but people need to subscribe. Daphne reported Representative Paul Mark, of Peru, MA has a Green Bank House Bill 3532 that focuses on multifamily housing, similar to New York state. Information is available through Telecommunications/Energy Committee.
Presidential Committee Working Group (PCWG)
Joyce reported that this committee worked until the end of August, when it changed to SPCWG. Jamie was hired to take care of tasks of PCWG. Joyce explained SPCWG is no longer needed. Ian noted if Jill wins in MA it won’t be necessary to shepherd Electors to the state house. Electors were selected at last StateCom meeting in July.
Approval Convention Date & Location:
Joyce explained the current status for the upcoming 2017 convention. The First Unitarian Church of Worcester, May 13, 2017, cost $350 for all church facilities. Only down side, the church is not close to train station or public transportation. Car pool arrangements will be made available. Joyce noted Boston would be ideal location, but the local Boston chapter must be prepared to make arrangements. A Boston venue will involve additional work and funds.
Brian commented that the GBC is not organized or prepared to arrange for convention in Boston. We know the Unitarian church works, plus there is ample parking. Joyce, if Jill receives 5% nationwide, we could obtain additional funds to hold the convention in Boston. We could try Boston for 2018. Daphne pointed out Amherst area has many assets for holding a convention. Ian recommended reporting to AdCom to hold the 2017 convention at the Unitarian church. Dan K. agreed. AdCom will be advised to hold the convention at First Unitarian church and work toward holding 2018 convention in Boston.
New Areas for Chapter/StateCom Member Development
Dan K. North Shore chapter is forming which is a possibility for a new StateCom member.
Campaign School
Ian suggested the possibility of holding a campaign school which is open to non-Greens in Boston, rather than convention.
Break for lunch.
After lunch, StateCom took leave from the meeting to standout at the bridge, located at routes 9 and 91. Manny took pictures. Dan K. wins the prize as best standout campaigner.
Breakout sessions:
NationBuilder training – Brian led a training session with Manny, Ian, Roni, Nancy and Joyce. Participants learned how to create district map and list potential Green voters.
Discussion about campaign activities – Daphne, Jamie, Dan, Diane, Elizabeth, Charlene and David discussed holding at least one standout for each region with additional Boston standouts, such as a festival in Somerville and Oktoberfest. They also discussed holding phone banks once a week. The Stein campaign will provide a canvassing guide. Another event is Columbus Day a/k/a Indigenous People Day in Easthampton. Calendar of events will be posted on website. Text banking was suggested as more personal mode of communication than email. Transportation to Super Rally in Boston – buses will come from all over the state. See website for additional events.
Daphne reported members of the Pioneer Valley chapter plan weekly stand-outs and phone banking.
Jason King noted the Green Party of Maryland is well organized and a good model for other states. Meet the Greens (Angel’s idea) along with voter registration, an attractive option for college students who may want to vote at home. There are three write-in states for Jill – refer to ballot access on Jill2016 graphic. Meet the greens is another site worth exploring.
Round Robin
Joyce – Impressed with progress made at meeting.
Roni – great standout at the bridge, good response from drivers.
Ian – disappointed with turn-out of StateCom members – lack of quorum.
Daphne – good energy from new members, especially sitting through business meeting. Good dynamic.
Jamie – encourage members to participate in upcoming standouts.
Elizabeth Humphrey – new participant, ready to help with campaign.
Charlene – came in from campaigning – happy to join larger group at StateCom.
Diane Poland – looking forward to working with Jamie. Fun working with GRP.
Brian – Glad he attended. Good NationBuilder training session.
Jason King – Fully support GRP in the foreseeable future.
David – Drove Charlene to meeting.
Nancy – Liked energy at meeting.
Manny – Happy to be at meeting to have liaison at statehouse. Jill is on the ballot in Nevada. Jill is on the ballot in 48 states.
Dan K. – We are all part of a bigger thing. Party is growing, great potential. There is hope for GBA chapter. Good food.
Meeting adjourned 4:00 pm
Special June 2016 Minutes
Green-Rainbow Party State Committee Telecon Meeting
Sunday, June 5, 2016 at 7:00 pm
State Com Members Present:
Bill Ashley David Gerry, Co-chair facilitator. Stacker and
Angel Ayala Timekeeper
Roni Beal
Owen Broadhurst
Charlene DiCalogero
Darlene Elias
Danny Factor
Ian Jackson
Daniel Kontoff
M K Merelice
Joyce Palmer-Fortune
Manual Pintado
David Rolde
David Spanagel
Daphne Stevens
Elie Yarden
16 members present – quorum established
StateCom Telecon Meeting was called to approve Green-Rainbow Party delegates to the Green Party Presidential Nominating Committee.
David Spanagel presented the process of selecting delegates to the GPUS PNC. The Presidential Working Group received 14 applications to be either a delegate or alternate by MARCH 10, 2016. The applications were processed and data entered into a spreadsheet. Codes were entered that represented points after the presidential primary vote. The results were:
Jill Stein 5 delegates
S. Curry 1 delegate
Uncommitted 4 delegates
DECISION: Massachusetts delegation approved by consensus, as specified below:
John Andrews, Stein
Thomas E. Dalton, uncommitted
Kendrah Davis, Stein
Charlene DiCalogero, uncommitted
John Stephen Dwyer, uncommitted
Darlene Elias, Stein
Daniel Factor, Stein
Joyce Palmer-Fortune, Stein
Ian Jackson, uncommitted
M.K. Merelice, Curry
Charlene DiCalogero: Of the 10 selected delegates, how many will carry proxies and are all the delegates committed to serve?
David Spanagel: NONE OF THE APPLICANTS have been OFFICIALLY CONTACTED YET, SO IT IS HARD TO SAY WHO IS CURRENTLY "COMMITTED TO SERVE." ONE DELEGATE and two alternates INDICATED THAT THEY do not want to travel to Houston. There are two “maybe” responses ABOUT TRAVELING, AMONG THE DELEGATES. Seven delegates, plus two alternates INDICATED willingNESS to travel.
Dan Kontoff: Do we need 14 delegates to attend National Convention?
Joyce Palmer-Fortune: Anyone can attend the convention whether or not they are a delegate. An alternate can attend. GRP has 10 seats.
Darlene Elias: What is the minimum number of delegates to attend convention?
David Spanagel: AT LEAST Half the official delegates MUST appear in person and THEY CAN EACH can carry a proxy vote to represent a delegate not on site.
Ian Jackson: As treasurer, we need to find a way to obtain verification from five people aside from the travel expense.
David Rolde: He did not apply because of expected travel expense.
Elie Yarden: What are the criteria for intention to attend the convention?
David Spanagel: In July 2015 STATE COMMITTEE APPROVED THE DELEGATE SELECTION PLAN DOCUMENT, that spelled out the process and a decision was made about the criteria to attend the convention. AT LEAST Seven (7) people will attend the convention, two MORE maybe replies; one DELEGATE will not attend. The delegation to REPRESENT MASSACHUSETTS AT the convention is the goal.
Darlene: Who are the alternates?
There are four alternates. Their names (as well as all 10 of the Delegates) were listed in the attachment that went out with the agenda for the meeting.
Roni Beal
Steven Ballard
Samuel Fishman
Daphne Stevens
David began to review the points system as specified in the Delegate Selection Plan, as an answer to Elie's question.
20 points were for being named by a candidate as a "preferred" delegate.
7 points were for being the top-scoring delegate applicant from one's Congressional District.
Ian: Decisions (POINTS SYSTEM) DOES NOT FACTOR IN financial need; APPLICANTS may have had expectation to receive some financial aid.
Manny Pintado: Made a request to read the process for selecting delegates once more.
Charlene DiCalogero: Charlene noted that she has had a problem communicating with one person on the list.
David Rolde: David suggested that names be read for voting process.
Roni Beal, Secretary, read the names of StateCom members listed as present at the meeting for a vote.
Vote: Sixteen members voted approval of delegate list.
No member in attendance opposed. No member in attendance abstained.
Meeting adjourned at 7:26 pm