summer 2016 minutes
Draft Green-Rainbow State Committee Meeting of July 17, 2016
Location: Camelot Co-housing, 22 Village Lane, Berlin, MA
John Andrews – First Boston Metropolitan Region
William Ashley – Western Region
Angel Ayala – Western Region
Roni Beal – Central Region
Owen Broadhurst – Western Region
Brian Cady – First Boston Metropolitan Region
Charlene DiCalogero – Worcester & Middlesex District
Darlene Elias – Western Region
Danny Factor – Middlesex & Worcester District
Ian Jackson – First Boston Metropolitan Region
Daniel Kontoff – First Boston Metropolitan Region
Merelice - First Boston Metropolitan Region
Joyce Palmer Fortune – Western Region
Manny Pintado – Western Region
David Rolde – West Metropolitan Region
Nancy Slator – Western Region
David Spanagel – Worcester & Middlesex District
Daphne Stevens – Western Region
Ralph Walton - First Boston Metropolitan Region
Gregory Williams - First Boston Metropolitan Region
Elie Yarden - First Boston Metropolitan Region
Alan Alcombright – Western Region
Dawn Bennett – Western Region
Arthur Conquest, III – First Boston Metropolitan Region
Richard Purcell – Western Region
Quorum established - 21
Co-Facilitators: Joyce Palmer Fortune & Daphne Stevens
Vibes watcher – Greg Williams
Stacker – Brian Cady
Parliamentarian – Merelice
Timekeeper – Manny Pintado
Minutes – Roni Beal
Approval of Meeting Agenda:
Additions to Agenda
John Andrew – requested the remainder of time allotted for the 2016 proposal focus on implementing committee meetings.
David Spanagel – inquired about the piece of action assigned to committees and how will the work be accomplished.
Meeting agenda approved with amendments by consensus.
Schedule Autumn 2016 State Committee Meeting:
Joyce offered to assist with arrangements at a Holyoke site.
Date of next StateCom meeting: Saturday, October 1
Facilitators: Bill Ashley, Ian Jackson (Ian volunteered to co-facilitate after StateCom meeting to give Joyce a break)
Approval of Spring 2016 State Committee Minutes:
April 2, 2016 minutes – The following amendments were made:
Danny - call for approval from elected three StateCom representatives.
David, add that Ian was re-appointed as treasurer
Merelice - appreciated addition of senatorial districts with member names. Second paragraph – spelling of ward and Acton.
Danny - list is still missing state senatorial districts for some members. Roni will update list.
Elie suggested posting StateCom representatives along with phone, email contact information on website.
Merelice – provide a complete list of StateCom representatives with contact information.
Greg – noted that he has experienced difficulties locating items on website.
Charlene – Search button will aid in locating items
Danny – GOP and Democrat websites list state committee members and this should be the goal of the GRP.
Manny – requested that all members be listed on the minutes.
Minutes approved with amendments by consensus
June 5, 2016 Teleconference Meeting Minutes
Concerns: David Rolde noted concerns on the GRP website which will be added to the June 5 minutes. Amendments from David Spanagel will be added to the minutes. Minutes approved with amendments by consensus
Diversity Reps for AdCom: none
New chapter representatives for AdCom:
Nashua River – Carol Sotiropoulos chapter representative to AdCom end of August.
Assabet River – appointed Danny Factor chapter representative to AdCom.
State Committee approved chapter representatives by consensus
GPUS committee:
Joanna Herlihy – appoint to Platform Committee of GPUS.
Elie – noted that Joanna is a delegate to GPUS.
Joanna Herlihy’s appointment to the GPUS Platform Committee was approved by consensus. Roni will notify the GPUS secretary.
Mailing List Administrator:
Brian Cady volunteered to be email list administrator.
Approved by consensus.
Treasurer Report:
State Starting Balance 6/1/2016 $3,072.80 Donations $393.07
Fund Raising $9.15
Bank Fees $0.00
Events $0.00
Postage $9.80
Candidate Contributions $0.00
Legal $0.00
Refund $0.00
Office Supplies $0.00
Nation Builder
Participation ? Meetings $0.00
Convention ? Food $0.00
Convention ? Rent $0.00
Events $0.00
Convention ? Supplies $54.14
State Com ? Food $0.00
State Com ? Rent $0.00
Printing $0.00
Ad $0.00
State Ending Balance 6/30/2016 $3,392.78 Donations $125.00
Fund Raising PayPal Fees $0.00
Bank Fee $0.00
Events $0.00
Postage $6.45
Candidate Contributions
Refunded Contributions
Office Supplies $0.00
Nation Builder $89.00
Internet $49.95
Participation ? Meetings $800.00
Convention ? Food $74.90
Convention ? Rent $0.00
Convention ? Speaker $0.00
Convention ? Supplies $0.00
State Committee ? Food $0.00
State Committee ? Rent $0.00
Printing $0.00 0
AD 0
Federal Ending Balance 6/30/2016 $2,946.03
Description 2016 Budget
Starting Balance 1/1/2016 $3,416.24
Donations $6,980.37
Fund Raising $151.48 5.11% 200
Bank Fees $39.00 1.32% 70
Events $200.00 6.75% 500
Postage $247.85 6.75% 300
Candidate Contributions $0.00 0.00% 1200 Legal $0.00 0.00% 0 Refunded Contributions $0.00 0.00% 0 Office Supplies $26.74 0.90% 50 Nation Builder $719.00 24.25% 972 Internet $224.98 7.59% 500 Participation ? Meetings ? NC $0.00 0.00% 1000 Convention ? Food $519.44 17.52% 600 Convention ? Rent $100.00 3.37% 250 Convention ? Speaker $200.00 6.75% 500 Convention ? Supplies $10.04 0.34% 200 State Com ? Food $0.00 0.00% 300 State Com ? Rent $125.00 4.22% 500 Printing $150.88 5.09% 500 Ads $250.00 8.43% 500 Material (Bumper stickers, T-shirts, Poster, Buttons, etc.) $0.00 0.00% 500
$2,964.41 8642
Ending Balance 6/30/2016 $7,432.20
Prepaid Rent
Donations/Per Month for Goal 720.17
YTD Donation Target 4,321.00
Donations above YTD Target $2,659.37
Convention Net 419.01
Ian posted treasurer’s report to website for StateCom meeting.
He noted that funds available are not enough to run a state Party.
Funds were provided to delegates for travel expense to National Committee
Manny is the GRP Finance Director
Report includes May 2016 state convention expense.
The majority of fundraisers are conducted on line.
Danny - the Party received almost $7K in donations.
Ian – there are many expenses for upcoming month. GRP received re-occurring donations from a new monthly donor.
Danny – asked StateCom to remind chapter members about monthly giving
Merelice – Participation Meetings – where does it stand?
Ian – NationBuilder has list that shows donations
Nancy – what does percentages on report represent?
Ian – line item of total spending
Manny/Ian – a few expenses deducted from donations are mailing costs and PayPal percentage payments.
Daphne – is the total of state convention expenditures on report?
Ian – State convention expenses are listed near the end of the report.
Treasurer’s report approved by consensus.
Reports from Committees:
Candidate Development and Legal Com:
David S. – CDLC Committee list has been re-organized. It still has some missing information, such s a few elected officials’ term ends which requires follow-up. Tracking is a high priority.
Manny – who are candidates?
David – names are not published of people who have not announced candidacy.
Danny – re: candidates are not endorsed until October. If Charlene and he are not endorsed until October, do they have the ability to post events on social media?
David S – both candidates have gone through the process to be candidates, they may proceed with events. Only time there would be an issue is if there is a write-in candidate.
Merelice – would like to see a revision of nominating and endorsing in bylaws. Both candidates are nominated rather than endorsed. This information should be included in the bylaws. The current guidelines do not consider these variations. GRP must have the ability to recruit volunteers for both campaigns (no need for party approval).
Ian – questions resources for candidates and will follow-up with CDLC.
Communications & Media – Currently this committee has no chair. Joyce sends email blasts for GRP. Danny noted that AdCom assigned liaisons to committees. Danny is liaison to Communications & Media.
Convention Planning Committee:
Roni reported that she sent an email to recruit members for the 2017 state convention planning committee. Joyce was the only person to respond. Roni will continue recruiting members for the Convention Committee.
Fundraising & Finance:
Manny – there is a list of members who have donated to GRP. He recommends sending a note of appreciation for donations. Roni reported that she is sending thank you letters. Merelice suggested a format for thank you letters and referred to Jill’s letter as an excellent example of a fundraising letter. John noted that Jill’s fundraising letter was written by a professional writer.
Membership, Diversity & Volunteers:
Brian reported that there are PDF forms available for membership on line and to contact him for statistics on membership sign-ups, which do not reflect in volunteers.
Brian displayed a graph that showed a dip in membership from winter to spring (G, J. F registered voters). The July 2016 report was created prior to Bernie Sanders endorsement of Hillary Clinton. Voters who are un-enrolled will most likely remain un-enrolled
Charlene added that she attended the Socialist Alternative Party of Worcester. There are five volunteers from Socialist Party willing to support GRP/GP campaigns.
In summary, Brian would welcome a member from each chapter to participate in Membership Committee teleconference meetings. Danny, suggested co-chairs attend membership meetings.
Bill Ashley reported that there are no co-chairs on the Platform Committee.
Danny is Adcom liaison and he is impressed with Platform progress thanks to Bill, Elie Yarden, and Jeff Stamas, who focus on growth and structure.
GPUS National Committee:
Elie reported that GPUS Platform is ready and posting on website. There are three openings on the Steering Committee. He requested direction in from StateCom. GPUS is affected by media nonsense. A large portion of GPUS representatives are supporting the Stein campaign.
David S. noted that Darlene has been invited to be a delegate to Steering Committee.
Elie added that Massachusetts will most likely have representative on the GPUS Steering Committee.
Action Committee:
Manny reported that Darlene organized a rally in Holyoke. Angel Ayala participated. Jill Stein, who attended the rally, spoke about Black Lives Matter and police actions.
Ian announced that videos of the rally may be viewed.
Elie inquired about Springfield chapter status.
Manny reported that they collected names of people interested in GRP.
Danny inquired what should one or two interested people do to help with events, but not be considered a committee? Answer: Contact Brian Cady for assistance. There is a list of Action Committee tasks on the GRP website from January 20, 2015 meeting.
Merelice reported that a Spectra pipeline rally will be held in Boston. She inquired about GRP taking a position and sending a press release in opposition to pipeline. She volunteered to write press release and forward to co-chairs for approval. There were no concerns in sending press release.
David Rolde voiced a concern about no responses in regard to a Black Lives Matter press release.
Ian responded that resources are limited and that the Party needs a Communications director.
Manny announced a Puerto Rico event on July 20.
Legislative Committee:
Ian thanked Charlene for MAAPL action. He recommended writing about issues that relate to GRP. Ian found a law about imminent domain.
Merelice suggested tracking legislation and making recommendations to the Legislative Committee.
Charlene advised being strategic about legislation. She noted that it is time consuming and there are many pitfalls. She suggested finding a sponsor in the House and to also to look at national focus.
Elie reported that the State House offers a course in state legislature, which is published on the government website. Both Charlene D. and Bryan Moss (Nashua River chapter members) have attended the state legislative workshop.
David S. - one delegate was not responsive. PCWG replaced Thomas Dalton with Samuel Fishman as an Alternate to GP National Convention.
Ian – Ballot Access Committee of the National Party need help with gathering signatures in CT, NH, VT, RI. In addition, help is needed with Jill’s rally in Philadelphia.
John – noted that the Dem and GOP kept GP off the ballot. Judges are beginning to speak out that third Party’s have a right to be on the ballot.
Presidential Election Plan
It is fiction that electors are chosen on the popular vote. In order for the GP candidate to appear on the ballot, 11 people must agree to vote in the nominee. Ian received the signature form for signatures and addresses to insure the GP candidate is on ballot. AdCom approved a back-up list of 14 names, which includes diversity. People on back-up list should be nominated.
New list of nominations
Merelice – nominate Mel King – new Ian Jackson – second
Merelice – nominated all women on the back-up list David Spanagel – second
Roni Beal
Darlene Elias
MK Merelice
Joyce Palmer Fortune
Daphne Stevens
Danny Factor– nominated Charlene DiCalogero Greg Williams – second
Danny Factor – insure nominees are J voters
Bill Ashley nominated Danny Factor and Ian Jackson Daphne Stevens– second
Daphne Stevens nominated Manny Pintado Joyce Palmer Fortune– second
Ian Jackson nominated Greg Williams, Angel Ayala and Mike Heichman
Joyce Palmer Fortune - second
Thirteen nominees – 6 men, 5 women
Joyce volunteered to step down
Ian volunteered to step-down
Ian Jackson – MA law require signatures for back-up list.
Danny Factor – proposed that Joyce be added back on list and he will step aside.
Elie Yarden – nominator may withdraw nomination if need be.
Ian Jackson – stated that he will withdraw Mike Heichman.
Joyce – Can we vote by acclamation?
20 = Yes
1 = No
0 = Abstain
Nominees are:
Angel Ayala
Roni Beal
Charlene DiCalogero
Darlene Elias
Daniel Factor
Melvin King
MK Merelice
Joyce Palmer Fortune
Manuel Pintado
Daphne Stevens
Gregory Williams
2016 Ballot Questions:
Bill Ashley received four recommendations on the ballot questions. Yes, no or take no position on proposed questions. There has been a great deal of on line discussion regarding questions.
David Rolde – noted that he is unclear about the Charter School plan.
Explanation: Charter schools are presented as a new way to educate children. Recommendation is to try new techniques rather than build more schools. Currently, there are 101 Charter schools in MA. Public funds have been given to the Charter school system. If one student attends a Charter school, town money is given to the school.
Ian Jackson – how do we as a Party make a recommendation and meet GRP values?
Act to Prevent Cruelty to Animals
Nancy Slator – there are no factory farms in MA.
Joyce Palmer Fortune – we should value family farms and non-cruelty to animals. State regulations possibly cause hardship for family farms.
Danny Factor – right of people as living things includes animals. His understanding is that Massachusetts lags in protecting animals.
Daphne Stevens – spoke about violence of treatment to animals.
Elie Yarden– this is a good opportunity for ideological stand.
John Andrews – the Green Party values the way we treat other species overall. Food raised outside of MA using cruel methods should be banned in MA.
Owen Broadhurst – who supports and provides funding this initiative?
David Rolde – expressed more concern with human treatment than animal treatment.
Dan Kontoff – we support small business.
Ian – the initiative is funded by US Humane Society.
Merelice – communicate to public that the GRP advocacy is to help small farms with animal cruelty prevention.
John Andrews – California law protects big factory farms that put small farms out of business. Small farms are more likely to treat animals well.
Nancy Slator – 18 x 12 cages provides room, but chickens unable to flap wings. This law affects the small farmers.
Greg William – StateCom may want to vote no opinion on this ballot issue.
Joyce Palmer Fortune – take a straw vote
Straw vote:
Yes – 12
No – 6
Opposed – 0
Charlene – commented that legislation questions can be manipulated. The title of this proposal does not match legislation and promises more than it can deliver.
Elie Yarden– this will be a problem because legislators stand for interests.
Amendment is to take no position.
Take no position – 13
Against taking no position – 6
2/3 vote
Darlene Elias expressed a concern with taking no position on the ballot question. We need an explanation on why we are not taking a position.
Bill Ashley agreed that it is important to explain why we are not taking a position.
Vote on taking No Position
Yes – 11
Opposed – 8
Abstain – 2
No action – the vote did not pass. StateCom still in deliberation.
Regulation and Taxation of Marijuana
Ballot question is regulated by someone who does not believe in regulation. At the last minute, the title was changed to Legalization which has been added to the title.
Darlene Elias is opposed to regulation and taxation that businesses support based on benefiting financially.
Manny Pintado – is opposed to taxation.
Elie Yarden – regulation is subject to interests.
Dan Kontoff – control over medical marijuana apt to cause corruption. Incarceration issue has already been reduced.
Greg Williams – say “yes” to government oversight.
Merelice – for who would marijuana be illegal?
Ralph Walton – expressed discomfort voting for this particular ballot question that includes text that has not been researched.
Angel Ayala – agrees with medical marijuana to relieve pain and suffering. He referenced the monetary section of the ballot question that requires research.
Ian Jackson stood aside on his concerns that Tax/Regulation was different than stated platform position on Marijuana for “Regulation and Taxation of Marijuana”.
Consensus vote to approve ballot question.
Charter schools
Bill Ashley – Charter schools take funds from public schools. There is a need for leadership and more privatization.
Danny Factor – supports a no vote. Charter schools are not public and public schools need our support.
Merelice – some Charter schools are run by towns and families. There are differences in Charter schools.
Charlene DiCalogero – 82% public schools lose funds because of support to Charter schools.
The poorest Charter schools are mostly impacted.
David Rolde – public schools need public support.
Darlene Elias – there are no unions in Charter schools and there is poor management and oversight. Charter schools use the lottery system. Charter schools defer children with problems back to public schools.
Co-facilitator asked if anyone had a concern with taking a “no” position.
There were no concerns. A no vote was approved by consensus.
Act Relative to Expanded Gambling
Co-facilitator asked if there were any concerns with taking a no stance.
There were no concerns. No vote was approved by consensus.
Taking positions on 2016 Ballot Questions
It was recommended that publicizing GRP positions should be conveyed by email and press releases.
Danny Factor – co-sponsored Taking Positions on 2016 Ballot proposal. He noted that it was less controversial, depending on that Proposal One be addressed first.
Ian Jackson – it is less controversial to use free media first, and then revisit printing costs.
Co-facilitator asked if there are any concerns with addressing Proposal One first?
Charlene requested that title be changed on Proposal Two.
There were no concerns. The proposal was approved by consensus.
2016 Presidential and State Legislative Candidates
Ian Jackson– elected to be the Shepherd of this proposal.
Danny Factor – described the proposal as an opportunity to grow the Party and share values. What will GRP do to accomplish its goals? One way is to implement by adopting a multi-faceted strategy. There are suggestions on communication, fundraising, action, etc. Committees can accomplish with working committees and delegating work. There are financial benefits to the Party in succeeding with these action items.
Elie Yarden – read John’s list. Where do we get people to do work, such as communication? It is essential to reach out to other people to accomplish goals.
John Andrews – there is no central person or committee to contact. This is an issue that must be addressed. The Green Party’s on- line fundraising raised over 300K, media inquiries are overwhelming, and editorial boards requesting interviews.
The presidential campaign objective is to raise more funds and resources. It is up to us to collaborate. John requested two text changes.
Merelice – recommended separating the proposal and implementation. This would be a voted amendment. The implementation should not be part of the proposal. It is a contradiction to show fundraising of $5,000 and a list of expenses in the proposal.
David Rolde – the proposal supports three candidates, Jill, Charlene and Danny.
David Spanagel – Seconds Elie’s earlier comments about workload.
Darlene Elias – we must be realistic. We need people who are action oriented. One of the first things to address is how many MA citizens uplifted Jill and helped get her nominated. Create a statewide meeting in central location to draw people in to volunteers to help. Offer ways to get involved. Have a pre-planning meeting.
Ian Jackson – the goal of $5,000 is unrealistic. People say what they are willing to do. For example, Ian offered to have a house party. On August 6 Jill will be the nominee. Assabet chapter offered to help get Jill on the ballot.
Danny Factor – part one is related to NationBuilder. Until funds are raised we have a set of existing funds to use.
Greg Williams – suggested that the Action Committee conduct meetings in more than one part of the state.
Merelice – suggested that John write an amendment to the proposal to present to StateCom.
New wording: The State Committee adopts, in coordination with the campaigns, multi-faceted strategy to promote the presidential ticket and state legislative candidates.
Darlene Elias – hold a rally and plan possible dates for a central meeting to draw volunteers.
John Andrews – the GRP will get funds. He suggested that GRP ask for funds once plans are made to hold a meeting, a debate inclusion, etc. This requires a quick reaction. The challenge is to activate supporters. The GPUS Steering Committee will respond to requests.
Darlene Elias - there is no debate. What can I do to make an event happen? Merging two proposals causes confusion. We should move forward with Steering Committee.
Ian Jackson – first we need to create steering committees to work and plan activities to support candidates, in writing. Presidential steering and support for state legislative candidates. The two categories must be separate for financial purposes. $5,000 for party building and enrollment should appear on literature.
Brian Cady – suggested a counter proposal whereby Darlene take the lead on the Stein campaign and David Spanagel lead the State Campaign.
Elie Yarden– the National Committee is not equipped to handle the entire workload. The amount of work varies from state to state. The GRP is the chief opposition to Democratic Party.
Charlene DiCalogero – the heart of this proposal features all three candidates. The ballot question brochure should feature the state candidates, but not federal candidates. There are issues of spending across state and federal candidates that could create a problem. The Stein campaign will still benefit from such a brochure even if not mentioned..
David Spanagel – first, the Steering Committee already has three members. Second, this is half a parallel group. The GRP supports the State Campaign Working Group. David does not want to be the Czar of the new SCWG.
New wording for Implementation:
Create a steering committee of 3-5 individuals to do election work for the State campaigns analogous to the role that the PCWG has for the presidential campaign.
The intent is to have a set of leaders who can react quickly to the pace of a campaign and effectively make things happen. Charlene, Greg and Manny volunteered to help.
We aspire that:
The communications committee prioritizes…
Vote to adopt the proposal. Co-facilitator inquired about any concerns to make changes
Vote on amendment in bold italic.
John Andrews noted a concern about fragmenting to have a single coordinated function. The presidential campaign is well staffed. He votes against amendment.
Danny Factor requested the addition of one line that the SCWG will work in collaboration with PCWG. SCWG will coordinate with PCWG when ever that might be fruitful.
20 – Yes
Opposed –0
Abstain – 1
David Rolde offered to stand aside after he expressed his opinions about repression of people labeled as “mentally ill” and on Palestine and Zionism and Jewish supremacism.
Opposed – 1
Abstain – 1
Chapter Reports:
Nashua River
Met 4 times
Average 10 members each meeting
Chapter worked on Charlene’ campaign
Also worked with Clark University students
Pioneer Valley
Met 2 or 3 times
Chapter meets on third Tuesday every month
Three new members – all in involved in communications, including college instructors.
Assabet River Valley
Numbers stable – 3 to 7 people
Chapter involved in Danny’s campaign
Chapter members collected all signatures on Danny’s petition
Work with disabilities, Black Lives Matter issues, funding for anti-bias education in Acton and Boxboro area.
Danny spoke at Black Lives Matter rally in Lowell
Greater Boston
Meeting regularly every month
Bernie supporters are attending meetings
Chapter is planning a collaborative effort with Socialist group to address upcoming presidential election.
Greg is conducting workshop on campaign
Mass Brookline Group– meets once a month – Arthur Conquest pointed out they are an in-group and referred to 10 key values.
Dan Kontoff – working on building chapters
Round Robin:
David Spanagel –Greg Williams is best vibes watcher ever
Ian Jackson – hope for love in the room
John Andrews – still waiting for sign-ups
Joyce Palmer Fortune – encouraged members to visit agenda and make comments rather than raise items at the StateCom meeting
Darlene Elias – Jill’s campaign trending – we need to do what we can now.
John Andrews – August 6th GP party for the revolution in Houston. See information sheet about holding house parties, either host or help. Live stream activities in Houston, some entertainment. Need people to sign up. Have 100 house parties so far. Instructions are posted on line – do soon. Ballot access is high, check in with Ian. (See handout for website)
July 25th – there will be a power rally outside Dem convention in Philadelphia. Camp will be set up across the street; Jill will speak at the rally. Information is on line.
Bill Ashley – good meeting
Manny Pintado – learned more about ballot questions, spoke with Greg about event in Boston.
Elie Yarden – good meeting. He advised communication via email where protocols must be followed. StateCom is not a place for private grievances.
Nancy Slator – Good meeting
Charlene DiCalogero – appreciate good will, also Darlene’s explanation between a summit and rally.
Danny Factor – great things occurring nationally – good things happening locally.
Dan Kontoff – learning to grow as a result of Party – growing process, he will do his part
David Rolde – will better prepare for upcoming meetings.
Merelice – we agree on GRP values and see the Party grow and appreciate what we have in common.
Daphne Stevens – thanked Charlene for meeting site. Praised Darlene for her pro-active participation in Holyoke rally.
Greg Williams – here to make a revolution happen and they can be difficult. We need to be united.
Roni Beal – took round robin time to ask list of nominees to sign Election form when meeting adjourns.
Angel Ayala – honored to be green. Dedicate time to promote Jill and continue working with StateCom members.
Darlene Elias – participated in Valley Free Radio interview and to promote GRP. Take time to increase visibility of the Party. Be kind and gentle, we all believe in the same values.
Meeting adjourned 4:51 pm
Next State Committee Meeting, Saturday, October 1, 2016 in Holyoke area.
Spring 2016 meeting minutes
Green-Rainbow Party
Organizational and Spring State Committee Meeting
April 2, 2016, 130 Dartmouth Street, Boston, Massachusetts
Organizational Meeting
Present State Committee Members (Town/Region/State Senate District):
Charlene DiCalogero (Berlin/ Central/ Worcester & Middlesex)
Danny Factor (Acton/ Metro-West/ Middlesex & Worcester)
David Spanagel (Lancaster/ Central/Worcester & Middlesex)*
*--by phone.
Guests: Ian Jackson, Joyce Palmer Fortune, MK Merelice, Daphne
Stevens, Brian Cady, Roni Beal, Charlene DiCalogero, Owen Broadhurst,
William Ashley, Greg Williams, Angel Ayala, Darlene Elias, Elie Yarden, Nancy Slator,
Dawn Bennett, Manuel Pintado, David Gerry
The meeting was called to order at 9:32 A.M
It was determined that quorum of 2 was met. (There were 3 in attendance, including one by phone.)
David Gerry and Roni Beal were re-appointed as co-chairs by consensus.
Ian Jackson was re-appointed as Treasurer by consensus
Danny Factor was re-appointed as Secretary by consensus.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:37 A.M.
State Committee Meeting
Present Members (Town/Region/ State Senate District):
Ian Jackson (Arlington/ Greater Boston/ 4th Middlesex)
Joyce Palmer Fortune, (Whately/West/Hampton. Franklin & Worcester)
MK Merelice (Brookline/Greater Boston/1st Middlesex & Norfolk)
Daniel Factor* (Acton/Metro-West/ Middlesex & Worcester)
Daphne Stevens (Northampton/ West/ Hampshire, Franklin & Worcester)
Brian Cady (Boston/ Greater Boston/ )
Roni Beal (Westminster/ Central/Worcester & Middlesex)
Charlene DiCalogero* (Berlin/ Central/Worcester & Middlesex)
Owen Broadhurst (Holyoke/ West/ 2nd Hampton & Hampshire)
William Ashley (Holyoke/ West/ 2nd Hampton & Hampshire)
Gregory Williams, (Boston/ Greater Boston/ )
Angel Ayala, (Holyoke/ West/ 2nd Hampton & Hampshire)
Darlene Elias, (Holyoke/West/ 2nd Hampton & Hampshire)
Elie Yarden, (Cambridge/ Greater Boston/ )
Nancy Slator, (New Salem/ West/ Hampshire, Franklin & Worcester)
Dawn Bennett, (Holyoke/ West/ 2nd Hampton & Hampshire)
Manuel Pintado,
Arthur Wellington Conquest III, (Brookline/ Greater Boston/ 1st Middlesex & Norfolk)
John Andrews (Lexington/ Greater Boston / )
Present Alternate: Ralph Walton (Boston/ Greater Boston/ )
[Note, some member regional info needs to be added.]
*--Was State Com member prior to the meeting
Other members and alternate were appointed during the meeting
Guests: David Gerry
The meeting was called to order at 9:38 A.M
The party co-chairs welcomed everyone to this meeting.
Appointment of State Committee Members
The following twenty proportional members were appointed to the State Committee
Ian Jackson (Arlington/ Greater Boston/ 4th Middlesex)
Joyce Palmer Fortune, (Whately/West/Hampshire. Franklin & Worcester)
MK Merelice (Brookline/Greater Boston/1st Middlesex & Norfolk)
Daphne Stevens (Northampton/ West/ Hampshire, Franklin & Worcester)
Brian Cady (Boston/ Greater Boston/ )
Roni Beal (Westminster/ Central/Worcester & Middlesex)
Owen Broadhurst (Holyoke/ West/ 2nd Hampden & Hampshire)
William Ashley (Holyoke/ West/ 2nd Hampden & Hampshire)
Gregory Williams, (Boston/ Greater Boston/ )
Angel Ayala, (Holyoke/ West/ 2nd Hampden & Hampshire)
Darlene Elias, (Holyoke/West/ 2nd Hampden & Hampshire)
Elie Yarden, (Cambridge/ Greater Boston/ )
Nancy Slator, (New Salem/ West/ Hampshire, Franklin & Worcester)
Dawn Bennett, (Holyoke/ West/ 2nd Hampden & Hampshire)
Manuel Pintado,
Arthur Wellington Conquest III, (Brookline/ Greater Boston/ 1st Middlesex & Norfolk)
Daniel Kontoff (Boston/Greater Boston )
Richard Purcell, (Holyoke/ West/ 2nd Hampden & Hampshire)
David Rolde (Weston, Metro-West/
Alan Alcombright, (Savoy/ West/ Berkshire., Hampshire, Franklin and Hampton)
The following alternate was appointed to the State Committee
Ralph Walton (Boston/Greater Boston/ )
Determination of Quorum
Danny (Party Secretary) determined that with the State Com roster currently having three members, with the appointment of twenty members, State Com now has 23 members and
that the quorum is 12. Quorum was met with 18 members present.
Appointment of Members Arriving Later During the Meeting.
John Andrews (Lexington/ Greater Boston/ ) and Ralph Walton (Boston/Greater Boston
) who arrived later to the meeting were appointed to the State Committee by consensus, John Andrews as a delegate and Ralph Walton as an alternate. As a result, Danny determined that the State Com roster increased from 23 to 24 members, increasing quorum from 12 to 13. Quorum continued to be met with 19 delegates and 1 alternate present.
Merelice suggested that the GRP send out a press release stating that a new State Committee had been elected.
All State Committee members gave introductions about themselves
Choosing of Timekeeper, Vibes, Stacker and Parliamentarian
Ian was chosen as Timekeeper
Daphne was chosen as Vibes Watcher
Joyce was chosen as Stacker
Merelice and David Gerry were chosen as Parliamentarians
Danny as Party secretary assumed duties as Secretary
Approval of Agenda
Angel wanted to raise the matter of the State Committee deciding to meet more often than four times per year. Consensus was agreed to approve the agenda was one addition: that there be a ten-minute agenda item at the end of the meeting in which members can raise any topic, where Angel could raise that topic if he chooses to.
Summer, 2016 State Committee Meeting
It was decided by consensus that the Summer, 2016 State Committee Meeting will take place on Sunday, July 17th. Joyce and Daphne will co-facilitate, and the Nashua River Chapter will assist with administrative duties. The proposed location was Camelot Co-Housing in Berlin. It was suggested that Bill and Dawn might co-facilitate the October State Committee meeting, however this would not be decided until the July meeting.
Approval of Winter, 2016 State Committee Minutes
The Winter, 2016 minutes were approved with no corrections. Owen stated that he had a concern, but he would stand aside.
Introduction to the State Committee
David G. explained what our State Committee (State Com) is:
David stated that State Com is the highest collective body in the party, except for the annual State Convention. The State Committee directs the Administrative Committee (AdCom) and our working committees. The responsibilities of State Committee members include reading State Committee emails and responding, occasionally serving as co-facilitator, proposing creative proposals, and thinking about what the party is doing and how we can improve it. It is expected that State Com members be at least on one working committee (exceptions being if you are on AdCom, are candidate or a chapter co-chair, or a member of a National Committee) State Com members should also be generally familiar with our bylaws.
David explained that the GRP uses the consensus process to make decisions. One of the advantages of consensus is that the end result is one in which everyone is satisfied.
Greg commented that in order to have consensus, one needs to have the right mindset: sometimes what looks like consensus is really not. One needs often to truly lay ones position aside to reach consensus. Charlene says that for consensus to truly work, participation and ‘speaking up’ is necessary. Elie says that a conventional consensus is like habit, like going out for dinner, but a rational consensus is more difficult because it involves setting policy which requires convincing reasons. Elie said that everyone should have the opportunity to say what they think and feel.
Merelice stated that State Com members are put on two email lists, State Com Business and State Com-Discuss. Merelice asked that members please take seriously what is on the State Com business list. The Discuss list has to do with things that people should be aware of, and there is no obligation to participate. Merelice further stated that discussions can rile people, and one or two people should not dominate a discussion, so one must be aware of netiquette rules. Merelice also stated that if no consensus can be reached, the matter falls to a vote. Merelice further stated that there is a big difference between unanimity (which is not consensus) and working to a solution--- which is consensus.
Ian stated that if someone sends an email to the Business list that a decision needs to be made, you should try to participate. Ian also stated that State Com members can call for a special State Committee meeting if needed.
Manny asked for a further explanation about the difference between majority vote and consensus. Arthur and Merelice pointed out that in a consensus discussion, the minority view is heard and respected, and that consensus decisions tend to be more inclusive to people of color and women. Owen pointed out that in such a discussion, we should keep our eyes out for those who are hesitant or someone who seems uncomfortable. Elie pointed out that sometimes one person’s objection can bring on a whole new consensus.
Danny pointed out that the GRP already has listeserve guidelines which are on our website.
Appointment of Diversity Representative(s) to Administrative Committee
Arthur asked for a definition of what the GRP means by diversity representative, stating that he was concerned that the State Committee and the GRP is not diverse enough yet. Merelice stated that references to diversity in the GRP bylaws can be found in bylaws 9.6, 9.7, 8.5.3. Darlene and Angel stated that they might be willing to become a diversity representative, but there was concern stated by Charlene and Danny that we also will be asking State Com members to volunteer for working committees later in the day, and that perhaps it is a priority to populate these committees first. David G. stated that he would be more comfortable if Darlene and Angel would be willing to join a working committee before being on AdCom. It was agreed to consensus that the mater of electing diversity representatives to AdCom would be tabled until after State Com members assign themselves to working committees.
Officer and Committee Reports
Administrative Committee (AdCom) Report
Adcom submitted the following report:
Administrative Committee Report
2016 Spring State Committee Meeting
Voting Members
Roni Beal, Co-chair
David Gerry, Co-chair
Ian Jackson, Treasurer
Danny Factor, Secretary
Daphne Stevens, Diversity Representative
Nonvoting Members
Brian Cady, Membership Director
For the past 3 months the Administrative Committee has been
overseeing the regional conventions. This task was successful in 6
of the 8 regions. AdCom continues to work on seeing that a
convention will be held for the South Metropolitan and Southeastern
regions before the next State Committee meeting in July. This would
have been a much smoother process if the chapters had sent
representatives to serve on AdCom.
An initiative was taken for the 2016 Presidential Primary. The
city/town clerks of all 351 Massachusetts communities were contacted
and asked to provide unofficial results. This proved to be very
successful as nearly 200 clerks responded within 48 hours of the
During the primary there were a few complaints of voting
irregularities some of which are still being addressed.
A place has been secured for the GRP to participate in the Boston
Pride Parade on June 11.
Without a Fundraising & Finance Committee or Fundraising Director
AdCom has to perform those duties. These include writing the
letters and e-mails, the mailing and follow-up.
AdCom also has to do the work of the Communications & Media
Committee and the Communications Director. AdCom is taken up with
having to write press releases and e-mail blast, creating and
updating content on the website. Media outlets such as FaceBook and
Twitter have been left to languish.
It is clear that AdCom cannot fully attend to its responsibilities
while having to perform the duties of two other committees.
Secretary Report
Danny described his responsibilities since the last State Committee meeting. Roni has graciously agreed to be delegated to take AdCom minutes, and Danny has been archiving them. Danny has fielded phone requests from GRP members, often referring those interested in the GRP to the Membership Director. He has communicated with the state Elections Division with matters such as clarification of deadlines, misinformation about the GRP given out by certain towns, and informing them of errors in election tabulations. The matter of misinformation and errors was handled well by the Elections Division, i.e. any corrections were made timely. Per State Com’s instructions, Danny wrote a letter to the Secretary of the Commonwealth requesting that the Commonwealth better provide voters information about all of their options including the GRP. The Elections Division wrote back, refusing to change their policies.
Treasurer‘s Report
Ian submitted the following Treasurer’s Report
Description Credit Debit
State Starting Balance 6/1/2016 $3,072.80
Donations $393.07
Fund Raising $9.15
Bank Fees $0.00
Events $0.00
Postage $9.80
Candidate Contributions $0.00
Legal $0.00
Refund $0.00
Office Supplies $0.00
Nation Builder
Participation ? Meetings $0.00
Convention ? Food $0.00
Convention ? Rent $0.00
Events $0.00
Convention ? Supplies $54.14
State Com ? Food $0.00
State Com ? Rent $0.00
Printing $0.00
Ad $0.00
State Ending Balance 6/30/2016 $3,392.78
Donations $125.00
Fund Raising PayPal Fees $0.00
Bank Fee $0.00
Events $0.00
Postage $6.45
Candidate Contributions
Refunded Contributions
Office Supplies $0.00
Nation Builder $89.00
Internet $49.95
Participation ? Meetings $800.00
Convention ? Food $74.90
Convention ? Rent $0.00
Convention ? Speaker $0.00
Convention ? Supplies $0.00
State Committee ? Food $0.00
State Committee ? Rent $0.00
Printing $0.00 0
AD 0
Federal Ending Balance 6/30/2016 $2,946.03
Description 2016 Budget
Starting Balance 1/1/2016 $3,416.24
Donations $6,980.37
Fund Raising $151.48 5.11% 200
Bank Fees $39.00 1.32% 70
Events $200.00 6.75% 500
Postage $247.85 6.75% 300
Candidate Contributions $0.00 0.00% 1200
Legal $0.00 0.00% 0
Refunded Contributions $0.00 0.00% 0
Office Supplies $26.74 0.90% 50
Nation Builder $719.00 24.25% 972
Internet $224.98 7.59% 500
Participation ? Meetings ? NC $0.00 0.00% 1000
Convention ? Food $519.44 17.52% 600
Convention ? Rent $100.00 3.37% 250
Convention ? Speaker $200.00 6.75% 500
Convention ? Supplies $10.04 0.34% 200
State Com ? Food $0.00 0.00% 300
State Com ? Rent $125.00 4.22% 500
Printing $150.88 5.09% 500
Ads $250.00 8.43% 500
Material (Bumper stickers, T-shirts, Poster, Buttons, etc.) $0.00 0.00% 500
$2,964.41 8642
Ending Balance 6/30/2016 $7,432.20
Prepaid Rent
Donations/Per Month for Goal 720.17
YTD Donation Target 4,321.00
Donations above YTD Target $2,659.37
Convention Net 419.01
Ian Jackson
Ian further commented that we are generally on target with our spending, however there is an increased expense for Natation Builder software.
Membership Committee
Membership Director Brian Cady submitted the following report:
State Committee members,
Since winter 2016 State Com meeting, the membership committee met monthly and distributed literature to a new member in Lynn, MA.
Attached is a chart in pdf format of recent year's membership numbers. (I hope to, by Saturday, have further-updated party membership numbers, dependent on David Gerry's skilled and arduous efforts at conversion of the recently received Mass. State data set).
Brian supplemented his report with the following email:
Membership committee members also acquired 867 new GRP member email addresses, after updating Nation Builder files with the Jan 2016 state voter rolls, converted by David Gerry into a usable format.
Brian further supplemented his report with the following e-mail:
Hi Folks,
Attached are the most recent membership numbers from the state, via David Gerry, with chart, as well as a separate chart of these numbers. One can see a discouraging and unexplained drop over the recent months. We could guess that Bernie supporters have left the GRP recently, but this is only a guess.
Date J Active J Inactive J Total G Active G Inactive G Total F Active F Inactive F Total Active Inactive Total
22/02/12 3797 1305 5102 388 159 547 36 17 53 4221 1481 5702
19/06/12 3543 1845 5388 342 194 536 30 22 52 3915 2061 5976
21/08/12 3966 1742 5708 347 198 545 29 23 52 4342 1963 6305
23/10/12 4878 1461 6339 412 172 584 32 18 50 5322 1651 6973
03/03/14 5152 1346 6498 399 133 532 35 12 47 5586 1491 7077
08/09/14 4330 2014 6344 380 162 542 36 13 49 4746 2189 6935
08/12/14 4359 1681 6040 422 139 561 34 12 46 4815 1832 6647
23/03/15 4183 1400 5583 413 104 517 32 8 40 4628 1512 6140
04/01/16 4108 1677 5785 386 120 506 32 9 41 4526 1806 6332
21/03/16 3743 1400 5143 339 98 437 32 10 42 4114 1508 5622
Ian commented via email:
But it looks to me That Green-Rainbow Party is higher in 2016 than 2012. March 2016 5143 as opposed to February 2012 5102. Thank you Brian. We need to focus on what we have control. Before we throw out theories as why the Green designation dropped in membership we should decide it is worth the effort.
Ian Jackson
Brian commented that the Membership Committee tries to increase membership, and help volunteers and increase diversity within the GRP. The Membership Director is elected at the GRP State Convention. Brian stated that it was an accomplishment that we got 860 new names into Nation Builder, since this is central to building our party structure.
Candidate Development and Legal Committee (CDLC
CDLC submitted the following report:
General activities, First quarter 2016
CDLC reorganized Dec 2015/Jan 2016. The co-chairs are Charlene DiCalogero and Nat Fortune, the administrative secretary is David Spanagel, and general members are Maureen Doyle and Jonathan Martin. Our liaison from Ad Com is David Gerry. We now meet the 4th Tuesday of the month from 7:30 -9 PM by teleconference. In our January 2016 meeting, we reviewed lists of potential and suggested candidates. We assigned (or confirmed) CDLC liaisons to names on these lists, tasked each liaison with getting updated information for the lists, and discussed how we might persuade candidates and potential candidates to stay in better contact with their liaisons!
In our February 2016 meeting, we discussed how we could be more successful in recruiting and developing candidates. We generated a series of ideas that could easily overwhelm the time available from our members and are now considering how to prioritize our efforts. Local chapters and town/ward committees will be key to the success of such efforts, which is why we have developed a Candidate Recruitment Manual and why we will offer workshops at the annual convention both for candidates and for candidate supporters. We also reconfigured our candidate and prospective candidate lists, to make it easier to distinguish and track prospective candidates, active candidates, elected officials, and former officials; to connect them with local members; and for future reference when opportunities develop, to identify their state representative and senate districts in advance. In our March 2016 Meeting, we discussed and are beginning to make changes in how we make contact with potential candidates. We hope to complete these changes by the annual convention.
Our goals are to: get more useful information from potential candidates on first contact; provide quicker responses to inquiries; publicize opportunities for working on campaigns; and
help connect candidates/potential candidates with their ward and town committees and/or chapters.
We’d also like to learn earlier from members of opportunities for entry-level offices (such as planning boards, boards of health, representative town meetings, school committees and select boards for towns and corresponding offices for cities) and plan to survey attendees at the upcoming annual convention. We would be happy to engage chapters and town/ward committees in a discussion of how we can help them to encourage, support, and identify candidates and potential candidates, as well as inform them of the resources CDLC has to offer campaigns. Items on the agenda for our upcoming meetings include the possibility of offering campaign and/or messaging schools this fall and coming year, how such a school could be structured and what would be required to make it of greatest benefit. Your input is welcome.
Elected officials who are members of the Green-Rainbow Party: We seek the help of State Com members in helping us identify people currently in elected office. We are currently aware of two select board members, seven currently serving elected town meeting/town council representatives, and one housing board representative, not counting former elected officials no longer holding office.
Green-Rainbow Party candidates for office: We are currently aware of two committed candidates and six additional prospective candidates for state representative. We are also aware of five GRP members actively considering running for local select board, city council, town council and mayoral positions. We seek your help in identifying qualified candidates for local office!
Respectfully submitted by Nathanael Fortune, CDLC co-chair.
Convention Committee
Roni stated that the Convention Committee consists of Dave Spanagel, Carol Sotoropolous, and Joyce and Roni. The convention will take place on May 21, 2016 in Worcester and the committee has also found a good possible facility for a possible Boston convention in 2017. Jonathan Simon will speak on election fraud and there will be a focus on Black Lives Matter. Roni also stated that we will need help with registration, and kitchen and silent auction. We will need volunteers to get there early.
Fundraising and Finance Committee
The committee is not active. It was agreed upon by consensus that discussion regarding the budget and the possibility of hiring a fundraiser would be tabled, to be discussed at the agenda item where the Treasurer’s report would be discussed.
Platform Committee
Bill reported that the Platform Committee’s active members are Bill Ashley, Jed Stamos, and Elie Yarden, and Danny F. acts as liaison from AdCom. The Platform Committee has been asked by State Com to advise State Com on positions that it should take on the November, 2016 Ballot Questions. Bill reported that the Platform Committee plans to make these recommendations at the July, 2016 State Com meeting, once the measures that become certified as ballot petitions are announced.
Technical Committee
David Gerry submitted the following written report:
Technical Committee Report
2016 Spring State Committee Meeting
Two updates to the state-wide voter registry data have been
received. The first for Jan. 4 and the second for Mar. 21 the latter
is stilled being processed for importing into our database.
There was one issue with lack of access to cPanel on a2hosting that
was cleared up in less than 24 hours.
The past 3 months has shown that many mailing list administrators
require training.
There is currently one outstanding issue having to do with the
mailing lists that is being tracked.
David also explained that the Technical Committee works on the look (but not the content) of the website, and handles database issues such as voter rolls.
Legislative, Action and Communications Committees
The Legislative, Action and Communications Committees are inactive, hence there were no reports from these committees
Merelice pointed out that the GRP should find ways to use GRP members as volunteers who don’t necessarily want to—or can’t be a part of a working committee but can take on a particular individual task helping the GRP.
The meeting adjourned for lunch at 12:33 p.m.
The meeting convened again at 1: 20 p.m.
A sheet was passed around asking State Com members to sign up for a working committee.
State Com members signed up for the following Working Committees:
Action: Darlene Elias, Dawn Bennett, Manny Pintado
CDLC: John Andrews, Charlene DiCalogero, Ralph Walton
Communications: Owen Broadhurst, Nancy Slator, Joyce Palmer-Fortune
Convention: Roni Beal, Joyce Palmer-Fortune
Fundraising and Finance: Bill Ashley, Ian Jackson, Merelice
Legislative: Angel Ayala, Darlene Elias, Greg Williams, Ian Jackson, Dawn Bennett
Membership: Brian Cady, Daphne Stevens, Elie Yarden, Manny Pintado
Platform: Bill Ashley
Tech: David Gerry
Regional Convention Reports
Western Region
Joyce reported that The region (almost all members of the Pioneer Valley Chapter) used GRP membership lists to advertise the convention. Outreach was made to partner groups such as the International Socialist Organization (ISO). 19 people attended and 12 were nominated to the State Committee. There were three speakers at the convention.
Central Region.
Charlene reported that the region (members of the Nashua River Chapter) did a press release announcing announcing the event and made other announcements such as at the Naomi Klein speaker event. Region members distributed fliers. About 20 individuals attended the convention. (More information contained on the Nashua River Green-Rainbow Chapter report submitted in writing—see below)
Metro West & Northeast Regions
Danny reported that emails were sent to all GRP members in our database for the regions. Coordination took place between the Assabet River Valley Chapter and the Reading Green-Rainbow Town Committee. The meeting was held in Reading. 10 members attended, 9 in person and 1 by Skype. Barbara Clancy spoke about the movement against the Trans- Pacific Partnership. Terra Friedrichs spoke about the Pass Mass Amendment. Tar Larner, a GRP elected member of the Concord Housing Authority spoke about being an elected GRP member. One member, David Rolde, of the Metro-West Region was nominated to the State Committee by consensus.
Greater Boston Region
Brian reported that speakers spoke about the Black Lives Matter movement, and police treatment of people of color, and our 10 Key values. 7 members or the State Committee were nominated.
Town and Ward Committees
Danny, the Party Secretary, reported that three town and ward committee were elected: Acton, Reading and Boston Ward 11 (Jamaica Plain). The committees will be filing the requisite paperwork with the Elections Division, OCPF, the party and their respective municipalities. The Whately town committee did not receive the requisite five votes to become a Town Committee. There is also possible interest in a possible ward committee in Holyoke. It was noted that these committees have the option of using the process of creating the committee without being elected, but simply by filing the paperwork with the appropriate offices.
Chapter Reports
Assabet River Valley
The chapter (meetings range from 3-7 people) meets twice per month, one in-person meeting per-month at the Acton Memorial Library., and once per month by teleconference. Much of the focus has been supporting Danny Factor in his State Rep. campaign, in areas such as platform development and collecting signatures. Chapter members have also been involved in community groups such as Green Acton, the local Pass Mass Amendment Group, and the local Move to Amend chapter, the Acton Commission on Disabilities, the Acton Boxborough Diversity Coalition, and the Fostering Racial Justice Group. Chapter members speak out regularly at Acton Board of Selectmen and Town Meeting, in particular on issues having to do with curbing growth and renewable energy. An Acton Green-Rainbow Town Committee was elected. The chapter’s one elected member to the Concord Housing Authority, Tar Lanner, would like to see more low-income housing in town but the housing authority seems challenged to accomplish this.
Greater Boston
Merelice stated that the chapter is struggling but had a strong regional convention. The GBC has had a lot of campaigns and that has distracted them from doing much else. The GBC is not back on track in having regular meetings yet .Merelice said that it has been suggested that the chapter could hold more activities in Jamaica Plain and Roxbury, and grow from there. Arthur and Merelice are very involved in Brookline. Dawn asked about to what extent there is contact with the African American and gay and lesbian community. Greg, Merelice and David G. gave some history of the Rainbow Coalition beginning with Mel King’s run for mayor in the 1980’s. Arthur expressed confidence that we will get there because people don’t know where else to turn as they are getting screwed. He said that we represent all the colors of the rainbow.
Nashua River Green-Rainbow Chapter
Report to State Committee for Spring 2016 Meeting
Number of chapter meetings held during this quarter: 2.5
Roster of 12 active members, officers (current GRP committee assignments):
- Roni Beal (GRP Co-Chair, StateCom rep, AdCom rep, 2016 Convention Planning Chair)
- Gordon Davis
- Charlene DiCalogero, NRGR Co-Chair 2015-16 (CDLC co-chair, StateCom rep)
- John Helfrick, NRGR Treasurer
- Mark Laserte, NRGR Co-Chair 2016-17
- Bryan Moss, elected Town Meeting Rep, Shrewsbury
- Sharon Moss, NRGR Secretary
- Karen Sargent
- Carol Sotiropoulos, NRGR Co-Chair 2016-17 (GPUS delegate, 2016 Convention Planning)
- David Spanagel, NRGR Co-Chair (StateCom rep, CDLC Admin Secretary, 2016 Convention Planning, PCWG convener from summer onward)
- Dick Vaillette (StateCom rep)
- Sheryl Vaillette
[Note: 7 of these 12 active members also represent GRP- recognized Diversity categories: women, race, immigrant/ non-English as a primary language, GLBT, youth, low-income, and disability.]
January through March were largely focused on arranging and promoting the Region 2 (Central MA) convention, which has 64 cities and towns in it.
Carol Strauss Sotiropoulos established contact with the leadership of the youth-founded and -led “Solar for Our Heroes” nonprofit, staffed by Clark U. students, and recruited them to staff an information table at our convention.
January – Carol and Charlene, phone conference with United Neighbors of Fitchburg/ Cleghorn community organizer Eric Rodriguez to discuss assisting with UNF’s public transit organizing and to ask him to consider being a speaker for the regional convention.
Feb. 23, 2016: On a last-minute basis, Charlene DiCalogero publicized and hosted a meet and greet event with one of the five GP presidential candidates, Sedinam Kinamo Cristin Moyowasifza Curry, at New City Microcreamery in Hudson. The event was well-attended by members of the NRGR, Assabet Valley, GBC and other area GRs.
March –Charlene DiCalogero and David Spanagel both won official election to the GRP State Committee on the March 1, 2016 presidential primary ballot (38 and 36 votes respectively, Worcester & Middlesex State Senate district).
Regional convention: March 5, 2016, Worcester Public Library.
Our convention by the numbers:
- Theme: “Stand Up for the 99%: Go Green in 2016”
- Two speakers: Phil Stone, Quaker Network for Ending Mass Incarceration (QNEMI); Elaine Mroz, anti-gas-pipeline activist.
- Number of media outlets sent press release or announcement, some with followup contacts: approx 46
- Number of known publications of our announcement/press release: 6, including the Clark campus groups newsletter, newspapers and event websites
- Number of folks doorknocked or called from J voter lists: 120-150
- Announcement, public events: 1, Naomi Klein talk, Clark U. (app. 350-400 att)
- Number of flyers distributed to regional libraries: 20 (= 29% of all county libraries, including the main branch of the Worcester library). Plus posted at a few businesses and Clark University.
- Number of FB posts, plus NRGR website: 3 + 1
- Number of attendees registered J, and total attendees: 14/20 (our goal was 100), (plus 3 people tabling for Solar for Our Heroes group)
- Number of additional StateCom reps elected: 1
Lessons learned (tentative list, since we haven’t yet had a post-convention wrapup):
- Teams worked pretty well for messaging/publicity, and direct contact efforts.
- Two speakers worked well. Three would have been too much to organize and too much time in the program.
- The Worcester library was a good facility; we need to do more intensive recruitment/ relationship building and publicity in the city of Worcester or wherever we hold the convention.
- Start regional convention planning earlier? Particularly for speaker recruitment, outreach to campuses and neighborhood orgs, and publicity.
- Get photos and bios of speakers early on.
- Bring ¼ page flyers to hand out at public events.
- Since we could not locate materials from 2012, we created new ones. We are working on putting these up on Googledocs so they can be retrieved for 2020.
- Keep in better touch with speakers once they’re on board.
For most of the rest of the year, we expect to be involved in a campaign for State Rep, for which we started collecting signatures in March. We are a quarter of the way to getting 200 signatures to get Charlene on the ballot in 12th Worcester.
Chapter Report submitted by Charlene DiCalogero.
Pioneer Valley Chapter
Joyce reported that the chapter is looking to have regular meetings with speakers. There is the possibility of establishing a ward committee in Holyoke. Darlene is interested in educating on Green values, such as discussing what does it means to be Green. Manny is interested in the chapter talking about the issue of student debt.
Berkshire & South Coast Chapters
Both chapters are currently inactive. Nat Fortune from the Pioneer Valley regions has made some phone calls to former members of the Berkshire Chapter. Ad Com has emailed to the Berkshire Chapter e-mail list and tried to contact members of the South Coast Chapter all with no response.
Proposal- BallotvAceees Working Group
Sponsors: Ian Jackson
Floor Manager: Ian Jackson
Background: We should form a Ballot Access Working Group. The working group will coordinate assistance with other State Parties and Green Party US at gaining access for Federal Candidates
Ian described the benefits of the proposal as helping the Green Party gain ballot access while at the same time, the GRP forms relationships with other Green Parties, such as in New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts and Connecticut. Danny, Owen and Charlene expressed concerns about creating a committee that we are not able to staff, when we have many vacancies in our established committees. John thought that the proposal creates an opportunity to engage young people and other people excited about the presidential election, and Darlene pointed out that doing this kind of work might be someone’s strength. Joyce agreed saying that she didn’t think that it would pull away from our working committees, since it is a different way of engagement. Merelice suggested amending the proposal to keep it in the context of the 2016 election and make it more specific, geographically. Manny thought that it should be a temporary committee. David G. thought that the number of electors in the states that we choose to concentrate on was relevant. Merelice proposed an amendment that would limit the proposal to the year 2016, and to “nearby states”. The amendment passed by consensus, and the proposal as amended passed by consensus both with Owen expressing concerns but standing aside.
Strategy for 2016: Supporting Presidential Nominee and State Candidates
Charlene and Danny discussed their plans to run for State Representative in their respective districts. Charlene is running in the 12th Worcester district which consists of the small towns of Berlin; Boylston; Clinton; Lancaster and parts of Northborough and Sterling. The incumbent is Harold Naughton, a long term Democrat who is often not present because he is in the military. The campaign will focus on economic and environmental issues. Danny is running in the 14th Middlesex District in a more affluent district which includes Concord, Carlisle and parts of Acton and Chelmsford. Danny’s campaign will be focus in on environmental issues e.g. climate change and combatting growth, income inequality, racial justice and democracy. Danny has two opponents, Democrat Cory Atkins who is an established incumbent who is the head of the Tourism Committee, and also a Republican opponent.
There was discussion on what the goals should be for campaign 2016. Greg thought that we should reach out to communities of color, with the message that you, too, can run for office. Greg also thought that we should hold candidate forums. John thought that we should highlight the elimination of student debt and focus on getting 3% vote in the presidential election so that the GRP does not lose official party status. Manny thinks that we should educate people so that more people know what the GRP is. Letting people know what we stand for the GRP is and what we stand for. Manny also thought that we should work on issues like racial profiling and tell people that we are working on these issues, “getting to the heart of what people need.”
Merelice said that we should develop a theme that is cohesive. Green New Deal is the closest, but it is very broad. It could be that “the system is rigged” or “People, Planet Peace and a Green New Deal.” Merelice recalled that when she ran for State Auditor being asked about the military budget. She stated that Massachusetts is a major national center for health care, and the military budget should be redirected to treat our veterans well. Merelice said that we don’t have to be producing military weapons. Merelice stated that we need to be good at social media, and would like to see in each of our campaigns, “Where’s the love?” Merelice hopes Jill will campaign in Mass. If Trump is candidate we need the spoiler argument.
She has wire frames and dowels.
David G. thought that we should follow the GPUS Congressional Campaign Committee’s recommendation on issues based on the four pillars.
Angel said that our goal should be to reach people though talking to the people, and using radio and newspapers. Angel also thought that we should also target national events, such as the upcoming Puerto Rican parade in NYC on the second Tuesday of June.
Darlene agreed with Merelice on having a cohesive theme, and wants to make it clear to others that “the GRP is the answer”, and make sure that we will be visible, creating opportunities to be in the streets.
Danny thought that each of our working committees, in particular Membership and Communications should come up with a plan in which they can best help the 2016 campaign.
Joyce thought that we could focus on this topic at out convention.
Bill stated that disaffected Bernie people are young and we need to think about young issues, especially climate disruption.
Elie said that we should do what nobody else does. Draw the connections. You can’t deal with poverty without climate change and the reverse is true. The repudiating of student debt will get rid of the military bases. Draw the connections. Nobody else is doing it.
Time Allotted for Delegates to Bring Up other Topics
Angel thought that State Com should meet more often. Darlene suggested that State Com consider meeting every two months. Ian and Danny thought that working committees should be allowed to do most of the work. Greg thought that meeting more often was a nice idea, but a bridge too far. Merelice brought up that proposals must be posted thirty days ion advance, so 60 days comes up rather quickly. She also suggested that we see how our working committees function first, and not take time away from our working committees. Elie stated that to get a working committee functioning you often have to meet weekly. No action was taken on this matter.
Meeting Evaluations
All the evaluations of the meeting were positive. Joyce thought that it was a nice meeting and that people were polite. Roni thought that it was a wonderful meeting and she felt proud.
Bill thought that we are “great people” and Owen said “aye.” John thought it it will be a great campaign. Elie was looking forward. Angel thought we should keep working. Darlene thought it was a very good diverse meeting and we should be active. Dawn enjoyed the meeting very much. Manny said the meeting was good. Merelice liked that there were “new folks” at the meeting. Daphne thought the meeting was great, and learned a lot. Brian thought it was a good meeting. Ralph said he was glad. Greg said it was a good meeting. Charlene said she was glad to meet new people. Danny said that the new people and diversity gave him hope, and he liked how we got along.
The meeting adjourned at 4:35 p.m.
Statecom Minutes 2016-01-09 (rev. Mar 28, 2016)
Present Delegates: Ian Jackson (co-facilitator), Joyce Palmer Fortune (co-facilitator), David
Gerry,Joanna Herlihy, Merelice, Danny Factor, Daphne Stevens, Brian Cady,
Roni Beal, Jed Stamas, Charlene DiCalogero (became a delegate at this
meeting), Maureen Doyle and John Andrews
Guests: Bennett Childs (Town of Hanson) Jay Williams (Town of Rockland)
The meeting commenced at 9:06 a.m.
Determination of Quorum
Danny (Party Secretary) determined that State Com has 21 members and 2 Alternates, and that the quorum is 11. Quorum was met with 11 members present.
Choosing of Timekeeper, Vibes, Stacker and Parliamentarian
Roni was chosen as Timekeeper
Jed was chosen as Vibes
Daphne was chosen as Stacker
Merelice was chosen as Parliamentarian
Danny as Party secretary assumed duties as Secretary
New State Com Members
Charlene DiCalogero was voted in as new State Committee delegate by a vote of 10-0-1.
Charlene stated that she has been a long time GRP member. Charlene is co-chair of Nashua River Chapter and Co- Chair of the GRP Candidate Development and Legal Committee (CDLC).
Proposed Changes to Agenda
David proposed adding an item about the GPUS. Danny proposed that there be a report time scheduled for GRP elected officials report. These additions were agreed to by consensus.
Date for April State Com Meeting
It was decided by consensus that the Spring, 2016 State Committee meeting will take place on Saturday, April 2nd in Eastern Massachusetts, and the GBC Boston Chapter will help with this event. Danny and Charlene were chosen as co-facilitators.
The minutes for the August 9, 2015 State Com teleconference were accepted by consensus.
As to the minutes for the Fall meeting of the State Committee, Merelice suggested not including a listing of absent members in the minutes, and adding that Danny was the note taker. The minutes were approved by consensus with these changes.
Diversity Representatives and Chapter Reps to AdCom and GPUS Committee Members.
There were no candidates put forward for Diversity Rep. Chapter Rep. to Adcom, or for GPUS Committee members. David stated that only two representatives and two alternates are participating as GPUS National Committee representatives.
AdCom Report
David reported that AdCom voted for the GRP to endorse two events, the Nov 21st Massachusetts Peace Action Event and the Northeast Climate event. In addition AdCom endorsed the idea of the GRP signing on to an Amicus Brief in which the New Hampshire Libertarian Party is suing the State of New Hampshire in Federal Court because it claims that the New Hampshire ballot access rules are unfair. AdCom members have been trying to fill in for the vacant Communications, Fundraising and Tech Committees. Adcom is trying to keep in touch with GRP chapters but have had limitations communicating with the Pioneer Valley and Berkshire chapters. AdCom will be looking for delegates to the Presidential Nominating Convention and presidential electors. Our Party Secretary has presented the Elections Division with the list of presidential candidates to be in the March 1st GRP Primary ballot. AdCom members attended the drawing which determined the ballot order. Daphne is the new State Com listserve administrator.
Treasurer Report
Ian submitted the following Treasurer’s report:
Federal Account
State Account
Combined Federal and State Accounts
Federal Account
Description | Credit | Debt |
Federal Starting Balance 1/1/2015 | 2948.14 | |
Donations | $2,384.05 | |
Expenses | ||
Fund Raising PayPal Fees | $96.11 | |
Bank Fee | $25.50 | |
Events | $490.00 | |
Postage | $220.06 | |
Candidate Contributions | ||
Legal | ||
Refunded Contributions | ||
Office Supplies | ||
Nation Builder | $1,199.00 | |
Internet | $429.76 | |
Participation – Meetings | ||
Convention – Food | $224.73 | |
Convention – Rent | ||
Convention – Speaker | $103.27 | |
Convention – Supplies | ||
State Committee – Food | ||
State Committee – Rent | $45.00 | |
Printing | $993.44 | 1786.57 |
Federal Ending Balance 12/31/2015 | $1,705.63 |
State Account
Description | Credit | Debit |
State Starting Balance 1/1/2015 | $772.34 | |
Donations | $6,014.69 | |
Expenses | ||
Fund Raising | $59.64 | |
Bank Fees | $48.00 | |
Events | $25.00 | |
Postage | $54.75 | |
Candidate Contributions | $2,100.00 | |
Legal | $250.00 | |
Refund | $30.00 | |
Office Supplies | $21.24 | |
Nation Builder | ||
Internet | ||
Participation – Meetings | $128.88 | |
Convention – Food | $285.00 | |
Convention – Rent | $250.00 | |
Events | $25.00 | |
Convention – Supplies | $129.47 | |
State Com – Food | $281.00 | |
State Com – Rent | $395.00 | |
Printing | $993.44 | |
State Ending Balance 12/31/2015 | $1,710.61 |
Combined Federal and State Funds and Budget
Description | Credit | Debit | Percentage | 2016 Budget | |
Starting Balance 1/1/2015 | $3,720.48 | ||||
Donations | $8,398.74 | ||||
Expenses | |||||
Fund Raising | $155.75 | 1.79% | 200 | ||
Bank Fees | $73.50 | 0.84% | 70 | ||
Events | $515.00 | 5.92% | 500 | ||
Postage | $274.81 | 5.92% | 300 | ||
Candidate Contributions | $2,100.00 | 24.13% | 1200 | ||
Legal | $250.00 | 2.87% | 0 | ||
Refunded Contributions | $30.00 | 0.34% | 0 | ||
Office Supplies | $21.24 | 0.24% | 50 | ||
Nation Builder | $1,199.00 | 13.78% | 972 | ||
Internet | $429.76 | 4.94% | 500 | ||
Participation – Meetings | $128.88 | 1.48% | 500 | ||
Convention – Food | $509.73 | 5.86% | 600 | ||
Convention – Rent | $250.00 | 2.87% | 250 | ||
Convention – Speaker | $128.27 | 1.47% | 500 | ||
Convention – Supplies | $129.47 | 1.49% | 200 | ||
State Com – Food | $281.00 | 3.23% | 300 | ||
State Com – Rent | $440.00 | 5.06% | 500 | ||
Printing | $1,786.57 | 20.53% | 500 | ||
Ads | 500 | ||||
Material (Bumper stickers, T-shirts, Poster, Buttons, etc.) | 500 | ||||
$8,702.98 | 8142 | ||||
Ending Balance 12/31/2015 | $3,416.24 | ||||
Prepaid 2016 Rent | 215 | |
Ian stated that the biggest expenses in the budget are what we spend on Nation Builder and our Candidates Fund. Much of the money was allocated from the state fund, since most of our candidates are statewide candidates.
Merelice stated that she would like to see a breakdown of the money spent and raised on our fundraiser and our convention. Joanna stated that she can help with the fundraiser mailing. We discussed the importance of having a Fundraising and Finance committee.
Candidate Development and Legal Committee (CDLC)
There are two new co-chairs, Nat Fortune and Charlene. There are 67 candidates either elected or considering future run. There will be GRP Members running for state rep. CDLC would like feedback about the Candidate Recruitment Manual. At our Convention Jonathan Martin and Charlene will lead a workshop on using the candidate recruitment manual to recruit more candidates.
Communications Committee
AdCom members have been filling in for the Communications Committee. The Communications Committee has not been meeting and the Communications Director, Kati Betrovski has reasons. Ian has been filling in as temporary webmaster, and Danny has been making occasional posts to the GRP Facebook page.
Convention Committee
The Convention Committee consists of Dave Spanagel, Carol Sotiropoulos, Joyce and Roni. The convention will take place on May 21, 2016 in Worcester and the committee has also found a good possible facility for a possible Boston convention in 2017. Possible themes for the 2016 are: GRP Rising or Go Green. The committee is focused on getting good speakers for the convention. They are looking into having two speakers and 4-6 workshops. The committee is looking into possible presentations about Animal Rights, Black Lives Matter, and the Kinder Morgan Pipeline. The committee plans to keep fees the same at $25, $40 for those who want to sustain others and lower fees for those of limited income. Free childcare will be offered. There will be time for presidential candidates or their representatives to speak. There may not be enough people to conduct a silent auction. Brian stated that he may be able to supply a list of volunteers to the committee.
Fundraising and Finance Committee
Right now no committee exists. Discussion regarding the budget and the possibility of hiring a fundraiser was tabled, to be discussed when we discuss the budget under a separate heading.
Membership, Diversity and Volunteer Recruitment Committee.
Brian apologized that he doesn’t have membership numbers or t-shirt inventory. He has begun advertising on volunteer website for volunteers, and interns. He is looking for people to guide interns and orient volunteers. The goal would be that these volunteers could help populate our dormant working committees.
Platform Committee
Danny handed out the Platform Committee report which explained that the Platform Committee has conducted some research on the ballot questions but does not support making recommendations to StateCom about the ballot questions until at least April, since the list of ballot questions which will appear on the ballot have not been finalized by the Commonwealth. Danny and Jed initiated discussion about the possibility of the GRP coming up with our own ballot questions in the future. Joanna wants to express skepticism about large groups such as Raise Up that use middle class focus groups to make determinations, as opposed to listening to the community at large.
Presidential Campaign Working Group (PCWG)
All deadlines have been met, and our candidates are on the ballot. PCWG is recruiting delegates for the Presidential Nominating Convention in Houston. There was discussion about having financial assistance for those who need help to get to Houston.
GPUS National Committee Representatives
The National Committee has appointed new members to a number of committees including Maureen at the Campaign Coordinating Committee (CCC). The Credentials Committee will evaluate our delegates. The 2016 budget has been approved. The Apportionment Committee was finally appointed, one year overdue. There is a proposal to form Animal Rights Committee. There was discussion within the National Committee about the GPUS logo.
There were no reports from the Legislative, Action and Tech committees which are inactive.
Regional Conventions.
Joyce explained that purpose of our Regional Conventions is to elect state com representatives.
The Central Region has chosen a theme, “Stand up for the 99%. Go Green in 2016”, and they have organized into teams for the purpose of organizing their convention. Both the Central Region and Boston region are discussing how best to contact their membership. Joyce states that the Western Region will have a convention but expects it to be “the bare minimum”. Danny stated that the Assabet River Valley Chapter is in discussion with the Reading Town Committee about having the Metrowest/Northeast convention in Lowell. Regarding the South/Southeast Convention, Jed has sent out some letters to people in his town for response and has received one or two responses. Merelice suggested the possibility of traveling convention where the same program could take place at multiple conventions. Charlene talked about the possibility of having our own elected officials speak at our regional conventions.
There was discussion of sending out a post card to all GRP registered voters to let them know about primary and regional conventions. There was also discussion about requesting that the Secretary of State send out a card to all individuals registered GRP. David G. thinks that social media will also not yield a high response. John thinks that Facebook is cost effective because you can target posts to certain regions: $75 can reach 7500 people. Straw polls were taken 7-4-in favor of using Facebook to promote our Regional Conventions and 10-0- in favor of requesting that the Secretary of State notify our membership in regard to our primary. Danny, as Party Secretary, will make that request.
Danny suggested that we increase participation fund from $500 to $1000 and raised the question of whether we want to hire an individual to do outreach or fundraising. John said that it might be valuable to have tiered budget where a second tiered budget represents more aspirational goals. Brian stated that hiring a fundraiser on commission is frowned upon and Maureen stated that it could be antithetical to our 10 key values. John agreed, but stated that a salaried fundraiser could still have goals that when met are rewarded with a bonus. Merelice moved that the Participation Fund be increased from $500.00 to $1,000.00. Danny seconded and this was agreed by consensus.
Reading Town Committee
Danny confirmed that he has received the required paperwork to certify the existence if the Reading Town Committee. He has been in touch with Andy Friedmann of the Committee and has confirmed that the committee has met a number of times. They would like to find GRP candidates to run for office. The Reading Town Committee was recognized by consensus.
Chapter Reports
The Assabet River Valley Chapter meets twice per month, once in person at the Acton Memorial Library and once by phone. Meetings have had attendance of between 4 and 7 people. The chapter continues to be active voicing concerns about unregulated growth in our region, poverty and homelessness and is assisting Danny in his planned run for State Representative. Danny sits on the Acton Commission on Disabilities and Tar is an elected member of the Concord Housing Authority.
As far as can be determined, there has not been organization of GRP South Coast members since Sean Connell’s campaign for office. Jed stated that he will try to grow this area.
The Greater Boston Chapter GBC meets once per month. The GBC was active in the fall with Plinio DeGoes’ campaign. There were plans for a “Save The Forest” campaign. Some GBC members were involved in particular projects, such as working on establishing a public bank, and in Brookline, working on race issues, affordable housing and greensave issues. Joanna mentioned involvement in the Massachusetts Alliance Against Predatory Lending (MAAPL). There was a nice holiday party.
The Nashua River Chapter meets monthly and has an average attendance of 9.5 members with 12 active members. Bryan Moss is elected as a Town meeting member in Shrewsbury, Gus Steeves is on the Southbridge board of Selectmen (where he is advocating for cleaning up the dump) and David Spanagel continues as Town Moderator of Lancaster. Chapter members play an overwhelmingly large role on our Convention Committee, The chapter has continued its practice of giving out the Green Awards & Rainbow Awards to community members. They are working with MAAPL.
Joyce stated that the Pioneer Valley Chapter was quite active supporting candidate Darlene Elias for Holyoke City Council, but has not been very active since then.
AdCom has made attempts to contact individuals who made up the former Berkshires Chapter, but there has been no response.
Amicus Brief in Ballot Access Lawsuit
Danny described the circumstances regarding the Amicus Brief that the GRP has been asked to sign. The new ballot access restrictions in New Hampshire are severely restrictive. It used to be that a party had around 18 months to gather what is usually around 40,000 signatures to get on the ballot. The new law changes this period to around three months, much of it during the harsh winter. The NH Libertarian Party has filed a lawsuit in Federal Court’s First Circuit (which includes Massachusetts) challenging this law. The Amicus brief is likely to be signed by most small political parties in New England including the Maine Green Independent Party. Consensus was reached that this is a good idea to sign onto the brief, publicize the GRP’s involvement and have the final decision to sign the brief made by AdCom, after their review of the brief
Merelice described how the vast majority of foreclosures were done illegally, and how the new law severely curtails the amount of time that a homeowner has to challenge a foreclosure. She urged GRP members to be involved in the effort to get signatures to overturn this law.
Intervenor Status on Pipeline.
Ian described how FERC allows entities to intervene in regard to approval of the Kinder Morgan Pipeline. Reasons to intervene can include living near the pipeline or that you might be taxed. There was consensus that the GRP should file to intervene and publicize this. Jed will scribe the first draft and send it to AdCom by January 11th and AdCom will draft the final product and file it by January 15th.
Ideas to promote primary
It was discussed that if finances are available, all GRP members should receive notice of the regional convention and primary. It was also agreed that there should be press releases, email blasts and a Facebook boost Charlene volunteered to come up with a few memes for an email blast.
GRP Ballot Access in New England
John stated that right now the Green Party does not have ballot access in Vermont, New Hampshire and Connecticut. Nationwide, the GPUS expects to get ballot access in 44 or 45 states. John is asking for support in gathering signatures, either for Jill Stein or for the Green Party, depending on what the best strategy is to get the Green Party on the ballot in November for the particular state. The next day in which there will be an organized effort to collect signatures in New England will be February 9th in New Hampshire.
Round Robin.
The Round robin evaluation of the meeting elicited positive reviews with no concerns stated.
The meeting adjourned at 5:03 p.m.
Statecom Minutes 2015-10-17
Green-Rainbow Party Fall, 2015 State Committee Meeting
October 17, 2015, Holyoke Rows, Holyoke Massachusetts
Attendance: Present were Ian Jackson, David Gerry,Joanna Herlihy,Merelice, Dan Kontoff,
Danny Factor, Joyce Palmer Fortune, Wes Nickerson, David Spanagel,Daphne
Stevens, Elie Yarden, Brian Cady, Rick Purcell, Roni Beal, Mike Heichman, Darlene
Elias, John Andrews, Angel Ayala and Jed Stamos, a total of 17 Members, 0
Alternates, and 2 Observers.
facilitators: joyce and Wes
Minutes: Danny
Both observers, Angel Ayala and Jed Stamos became State Com members during
this meeting, making a final attendance total of 19 State Com Representatives and
0 Alternates present.
The State Com Representatives that were absent were Maureen Doyle, Siggy
Meilus, Kati Betrovsky and Plinio DeGoes. The alternates who were absent were
Nat Fortune and Gus Steeves.
The meeting commenced at 9:06 a.m.
Determination of Quorum
Danny F. (Party Secretary) determined that State Com has 21 members and 2 Alternates, and that the quorum is 11. Quorum was met with 17 members present.
Choosing of Timekeeper, Vibes, Stacker and Parliamentarian
David S. was chosen as Timekeeper
Daphne S. was chosen as Vibes
Brian C. was chosen as Stacker
Merelice was chosen as Parliamentarian
New State Com Members
Angel Ayala and Jed Stamos were voted in as new State Committee members by a vote of 16-0-1 with David G. abstaining. The vote took place after the responsibilities of State Committee members were explained. Before the vote, each State Committee Candidate had an opportunity to state that they can make this commitment. With this vote the total membership of State Com increased to 23 members and 2 alternates. Quorum increased to 12. This quorum continued to be met with 19 State Com members present.
Proposed Changes to Agenda
Danny proposed changing the order of the Ballot Question item and the Legislative Committee item but Merelice and Mike H. thought it should remain as is. Danny withdrew his suggestion. Elie asked that a matter regarding GPUS delegates be added. Danny asked that a report from Elected Officials be heard. The changes to the agenda were agreed to by consensus.
Date for January State Com Meeting
it was decided by consensus that the Winter, 2016 State Committee meeting will take place on Saturday, January 9th (snow date January 23rd) in Worcester. David S. will inquire about use of the Unitarian Church, Ian J. and Joyce F. volunteered to be facilitators.
The minutes for both the summer, 2015 and the August 9, 2015 State Com teleconference were accepted by consensus.
Diversity Rep & Chapter Reps to AdCom.
There were no candidates put forward for Diversity Rep. or Chapter Rep.
Danny F. raised the issue of whether Kati Betrovsky should be dismissed as Diversity Rep. from AdCom because she had missed most AdCom teleconferences. There was a brief discussion about the role of the diversity representatives. Merelice stated that according to the bylaws, Kati B. automatically loses her seat on AdCom after she has missed three meetings in a row, hence no action needs to be taken.
Appointment Members to GPUS Committee
David Gerry was appointed by consensus to the GPUS Bylaws, Rules, Policies & Procedures Committee.
Elie Yarden was reappointed by consensus to the GPUS Platform Committee
State Com Listserve Administrator
It was agreed by consensus that AdCom can within its responsibilities chose a listserve administrator, provided that the administrator is a member of State Com.
AdCom Report
The co-chairs did not have a report. As a result, AdCom's report consisted of a Secretary and Treasurer’s report.
Danny F. gave a Secretary’s report stating that most of his responsibilities have consisted of communicating with the Secretary of State’s Office about procedures and deadlines regarding the 2016 Primary and General Election. He has also fielded phone calls and emails to the party, referring members to the appropriate party individuals. He has delegated the responsibility of note-taking at AdCom meetings to Roni B. who he thanked.
Ian J. submitted the following Treasurer’s Report, which is as of 10/12/2015:.
Federal Starting Balance 1/1/2015 2948.14
Donations $2,382.14
Fund Raising PayPal Fees $94.20
Postage $220.06
Nation Builder $800
Internet $409.76
Events $490.00
Bank Fee $18.00
Convention $328.00
State Committee $45.00
Printing 1786.57
Federal Ending Balance 10/05/2015 967.87
State Starting Balance 1/1/2015 $772.34
Donations $5,195.11
Bank Fees $40.50
Rent $340.00
Postage $54.75
Contributions $2,386.86
Legal $250.00
Refreshments $281.00
Office Paper $150.54
Convention 285
Refund 30
Fund Raising 3.15
Events $25
State Ending Balance 10/12/2015 $2743.58
Ian J. commented that it would be advisable to ask people to donate while informing them about our primary, targeting people who have voted in our primary. Dan K. stated that we should remind people that there is not a risk of losing Massachusetts. Brian C. stated that the crowdfunding fundraiser raised $220.00 for Sean Connell, $210.00 for Plinio DeGoes and a similar amount for Darlene Elias. As it cost $1,200.00, it was not successful. John A. stated that Jill Stein recently raised $14,000.00 from Massachusetts residents online with fundraising email, using a Facebook meme and encouraged the GRP to be the same. Danny F. brought up that we need to populate our dormant Fundraising and Finance Committee.
Regional Conventions
David G. reminded us that we have new districts, and we have to think about organizing these conventions. Merelice stated the importance of GRP members running for State Committee in the March primary. David S. stated that he and Charlene DiCalogari are quite hopeful that they will get enough signatures to be on the ballot. Danny F. was also hopeful about obtaining the signatures to run for State Committee.
Merelice stated that the new GRP districts should be as close as possible to Senatorial districts. Joyce F. reminded State Com members that the districts had been voted on, and that the borders are similar, except there were some changes made where the shapes of the districts were irregular. Merelice said that these irregularities could have been included in our districts. Merelice wants to create a printed list where a GRP member could tell which of our districts corresponds to their State Senatorial district.
It was decided that there would be five regional conventions:
1. West- Angel A., Joyce F., Darlene E. and Rick Purcell would coordinate.
2. Central- Roni B. and Charlene DiCalogari will coordinate
3. Metro West & Northeast Danny F., Barbara Clancy and Andy Friedman will coordinate. They will also check with Dru Tarr.
4. Metro South. Jed S. will coordinate and touch base with Siggy Meilus and Sean Connell.
5. First and 2nd Boston—Brian C. and Merelice will coordinate.
Bylaws Proposal
Merelice describes these changes to our bylaws as addressing “no-brainer” changes, many of which we are already doing now. For example, the convention does not in reality create its own agenda. The proposal addresses how we act if the primary date changes. It allows us to remove someone from the State Committee who leaves the state. It changes what qualifies as an emergency, and allows reinstatement a member if they miss three meetings and then attend the next meeting. David S. asked to amend the proposal by adding language making it clear that State Com members can be reinstated at the “fourth meeting. “ Wes N. asked to amend the proposal to replace “2008” with “in any year.” Part 5.3 was deleted because we already have a voting fallback process. The proposal was adopted by consensus with the amendments proposed by David S. and Wes N. .
Canvassing for Darlene Elias for City Council Campaign
Darlene E. prepared the State Committee for canvassing on behalf of her candidacy, speaking about how her message was one of being accessible to the people, transparent, honest, servicing the people and also “pushing our values.” Most State Com Members then proceeded to canvass in Holyoke.
Presidential Campaign Working Group ECWG
David S. stated that the PCWG is in the process of vetting presidential candidates for the purposes of which Green Party candidates will take part in the March 1, 2016 GRP Primary. Depending on how you count them, there are between 8 and 12 names, and maybe more. PCWG will have final recommended list by early December. Determining what is a serious candidate includes verifying that they have filed with the FEC, and that they have obtained the number of signatures to be registered with the GPUS. Danny F. stated that the Secretary of State Elections Division has given him a template of a letter which is to be used to inform the Elections Division of the names of the candidates by December 31, 2015. David S. stated that PCWG will provide a list of recommended candidates for AdCom to approve by December 10th. Mike H. states that it is important to strictly follow the rules as far as determining who is a serious candidate.
Legislative Committee
Danny described how GRP passed a proposal to have a legislative committee, but despite attempts, the party has not formed the committee. State Com members contributed ideas to grow the party and take stances on current issues.
Jed S. suggested an outdoor park event with families, music, activities and media coverage. Also focus on ballot initiatives are the pulse of politics. Most important is education. Black Lives Matter is the name of a movement but we may want to call it police accountability. Get money out of politics. Co-op power.
Angel A. suggested educational videos be put on our website about legislative process.
Wes N. said that this should be done at the committee level by the Legislative and Platform Committees.
Merelice gave MAAPL as an example of a group that has filed and advocated for multiple pieces of legislation to keep people in their homes. Merelice said that we can seriously make a difference, but she cannot be the sole liaison. We need a group following this. Also City Life is involved in eviction blockades. The issue can appeal to both activism and legislation. If we want people to support us, we need to support them. We have limited people power, but we could help collect signatures for a ballot question after we see what is on the ballot.
Rick P.—We should advocate for a $15 minimum wage, legalization of marijuana, 100% renewable energy and cooperatives.
Elie Y.—We should advocate for a $15 minimum wage, but not incrementally, but rather, now.
Danny F.—We should advocate to end poverty, 100% Green, safe, Renewable energy by 2030,
We should call for racial justice reform and to get the money out of politics.
Darlene E.—We are putting the cart before the horse. We are spread out thin. Focus needs to be on recruiting from the local level. Agrees with Jed about having an event. Have a common day that Greens get together to work on local issue. Training about the legislative process is important. We need to focus on issues. Black Lives Matter is about fighting systemic issues. We need to focus on police brutality, affordable housing, and fair taxes.
Mike H.—Likes different people on different issues. He will work on Public Education
John A.— Supports focusing on student debt and defending Public Schools. Thinks we have good issues but could use a women’s strategy. Would like us to advocate for something controversial.
adcom will follow up on this matter. (add chart or Ian's notes or both)
Ballot Question Proposal
Mike H. introduced the proposal which seeks the GRP to take stances on 2016 Ballot Questions. Dan K. stated that the GRP should vote on Ballot Questions where other groups have asked the GRP to take a stance. Jed thought that this was a great proposal. Darlene E. stated that she applauded Mike because we need to take a stand. Joyce suggested that we focus on the time constraints since it might not be possible in the time allotted to talk about specific ballot questions.
After further discussion, including mention that Bill Ashley and Jed S. are interested in re-starting the now dormant GRP Platform Committee, Mike H. withdrew the proposal. Instead, it was agreed to by consensus that the Platform Committee would be charged by State Com to evaluate the 2016 Ballot Questions and to make recommendations as far as what stances the GRP should take, in time for the January, 2016 State Com meeting.
Committee Reports
The Membership Committee attempted a crowdfunding campaign, printed more flyers, and created a Spanish language flyer. Inventories are generally good except for Spanish language flyers.
CDLC had a subcommittee revise a candidate recruitment manual.
Communications did not give a report.
Convention Committee continues to look for locations in Boston for the convention. Mike is concerned about accessibility to T. Dan K said it has underground parking. Dan K. thinks we
should consider Old South Church. Merelice suggested the Lewis Center. Ian expressed concerns about the cost of a Boston convention. Joyce says we have to try once. Joyce F., Dan K. and Danny F. thought we need to be open to earlier dates. SEIU and Roxbury Tenants of Harvard were also suggested as locations. We decided that there would be a fallback plan using David S.’s church in Worcester.
Fundraising did not give a report due to the fact that the committee is inactive, Chris Dreher having resigned. There was agreement that a fundraiser should be mailed out at the beginning of 2016.
In regard to the Platform Committee, Mike H. will assist Jed S. and Bill Ashley.
In regard to GPUS committees, it was reported that there is now a Latin Caucus. The move to Nation Builder has created problems with communications for the GPUS. The GPUS Platform committee is in relatively good shape and is asking for the responsibility of writing part of the GPUS platform. Elie Y. expressed concern about members of our delegation being absent. It was agreed that he will discuss the matter with AdCom.
Chapter and Elected Official Reports
Nashua River Chapter continues to have higher attendance. They had 17 people attend their awards dinner and attendance at the last few meetings have ranged from 6 to 10.
Pioneer Valley Chapter members continue to work on the Darlene Elias Campaign.
Greater Boston Chapter is trying to create visibility for candidate Plinio DeGoes. He is struggling with running a campaign, holding down a job and being a new dad. There is an eco-crisis group that has formed about saving greenspace in the Mystic Valley watershed. Merelice, as elected Town Meeting member in Brookline is active, sponsoring a warrant article to have town employees reflect the diversity of the people that we serve. She feels that this can be done in more towns.
Assabet River Valley Chapter remains stable and is looking forward to having an Acton Town Committee and the possibility of Danny F. running for State Rep in 2016. They were active opposing the establishment of an asphalt plant in Westford. Tar Larner, elected GRP member to the Concord has requested that Concord make a special application to house a Middle Eastern refugee.
The South Coast Chapter in-formation had no representatives from the chapter attending. Sean Connell is running for School Committee. Jed S. in Taunton will try to form a ward committee and network with Southcoast and CDLC.
Round Robin Evaluation/Adjournment
The Round robin evaluation of the meeting elicited positive reviews with no concerns stated.
The meeting adjourned at 5:03 p.m..
Aug 15 telecon meeting
August 9, 2015 teleconference meeting of Massachusetts Green-Rainbow Party State Committee:
Attendees: David Gerry, David Spanagel, Brian Cady, Danny Factor, Maureen Doyle, Merelice, Daphne Stevens, Wes Nickerson, Roni Beal, Ian Jackson, Joanna Herlihy, Elie Yarden, Dan Kontoff, Sean Connell, Gus Steeves [more than the 12 required for a quorum]
Maureen Doyle called the meeting to order 7:35pm.
- Discussion and vote on Sean Connell’s request for GRP endorsement of his Fall River School Committee campaign
- Sean introduced himself and his campaign.
- Gus S asked why Sean decided to run for school committee. Works with kids in after school program. Wants to bring his youth.
- David S asked about nominating papers status. Sean submitted his signatures. About 75 were validated (50 needed). 9 candidates are on the ballot, so all will go to the November election. No preliminary.
- Merelice asked how many incumbents? All 6 current office-holders are running for re-election. There are 3 challengers, including Sean.
- Dan K asked how the campaign team looks. Has a manager, plus Siggy M. as his treasurer, 8-10 other volunteers.
- Danny F asked Mike H’s question about party building without Sean being registered J. Sean’s sense of the local political climate involves rampant antipathy to the party system in general. We (Green-Rainbows) are a values movement, and that is what he is running to represent.
- Elie and Dan K engaged on both sides, respectively, with Sean’s reasoning.
- Ian J: Why seek the party’s endorsement? Sean’s views are Green-Rainbow views, not ashamed of that.
- David G asked what Sean meant on his form by referring to having been “unenrolled” involuntarily as a Green-Rainbow voter.
- Merelice asked if the GRP endorsement will be listed on his literature? Yes. Will Sean have time and energy to actively campaign? Yes – that is why Sean stepped back from other party responsibilities.
- Dan K spoke in favor of revolutionary ideas and positive candidates in the GRP [urged that we vote yes to endorse Sean].
- Gus S asked about Sean’s experience in local government in Fall River? Internship with Coalition for Social Justice, involvement as a community activist, the Fall River mayoral recall.
- Danny F noted that the same issue [the candidate being an unenrolled voter] did not evidently block endorsement on July 19 of Darlene Elias, and he hoped we would not be consistent in our demands on candidates. Then Danny asked about Sean’s feelings about all the detailed educational issues platform positions that the GPUS and GRP have articulated? Sean wildly and wholeheartedly supports all the specific positions Danny listed. Sean added that he is particularly focused on teaching critical thinking and citizen engagement; he embraces positive value of diversity; but is opposed to privatization/corporatization, the erosion of arts education, and the widespread practice of high-stakes testing.
- Daphne S asked how he will spend his time as a school committee while he also works at a new job. Sean will continue to curtail other commitments.
- Maureen D asked about Common Core standards. Sean explained the rational impetus for those standards, and the sloppy implementation which has been punitive and damaging.
- Gus S: School choice? Curriculum for climate change? Sean has concerns about voucher approach. Does see some good examples of charter schools, but wants to ensure access to universal public education.
- Wes N asked about Sean’s past difficulties as GRP Treasurer with some of the Federal elections paperwork requirements. Sean shared his views about how campaign financing laws should be an issue for our party to challenge, but assured us that he is on top of his own campaign finance filings.
Roll call votes on the endorsement
David Gerry abstain
David Spanagel yes
Brian Cady yes
Danny Factor yes
Maureen Doyle yes
Merelice yes
Daphne Stevens yes
Wes Nickerson yes
Roni Beal yes
Ian Jackson abstain
Joanna Herlihy yes
Elie Yarden yes
Dan Kontoff yes
Sean Connell yes
Gus Steeves yes
Request to endorse was thus approved by a vote of 13 in favor, 2 abstaining (more than 2/3rds of the delegates present).
The meeting was adjourned at 8:25pm.
Minutes submitted respectfully by David Spanagel
summer 2015 minutes
July 19th Summer 2015 GRP Statecomm minutes
People present: Roni Beal, Joyce Palmer-Fortune. Daphne Stephens, Mike Heichman, Wes Nickerson, Ian Jackson, Darlene Elias Angel A. David Spanagel, Joanna Herlihy, John Andrews, Kati Betrovsky. David Gerry, Dan Kontoff, Maureen Doyle. Gus Steeves Merelice, Brian Cady, Plinio De Goes,
Notes: Brian C. Timekeeper: Merelice. Stacker: Gus Parliamentarian: David S.
*Decisions marked with an asterisk.
New members elected & Seated: David K, Kati B, Ian J. Darlene E.?
Agenda: added:
1) MAAPL item,
2) swap afternoon slots for round robin on our vision for GRP in next two years and reports from shepherds of past proposals
Oct statecom usually at Pioneer Valley Holyoke Rows Oct 17th 2015
Co-facilitator: (Joyce: Local arrangements) and facilitation Kati & Wes,
Old minutes: Spring 2015
Daphne: Many issues discussed, little decided.
Merelice: Minutes didn’t show who attended, (website does) adcom didn’t return to minutes.
Minutes approved with addition of attendees, and approval of Winter Statecom minutes.
David G: 3 men form Eastern MA, 2 elderly women from central MA,
Merelice: 3 directors are non-voting members
Joyce: Wait to nominate Kati until she reads duties.
Ian: wait till after Holyoke election
Mike H: as adcom diversity rep, Kati is young this is good.
Darlene asks for Holyoke city council endorsement would be 1st Latina, reason Darlene is a green, agrees with the key values. Housing key focus of her action. Lyman Terrace advisory comm. serves on New Hope Housing board. Segregated city. 40 year city resident. little Latina repres. in Holyoke. plans registration drive there. Outreach for green. Comm. Organizing core value. Wants to increase PV Chapter activity, create opportunities for involvement.
Mike H. Local chapter support? Build party? Why unenrolled?
Darlene E. political strategy: many more unenrolled in Holyoke trying to increase chances to get elected. Demographics: Upper Holyoke richer conservative.
Lower wards: 2K voters, poorer
Merelice: please work with CUI in campaign. John A drafted.
Darlene: Likes CUI Holyoke exec dream team = puppet masters behind the scenes, CUI identifies leaders to uplift themselves.
Gus: Unenrolled & on Southbridge city council. Outreach to downtown important.
Darlene: Uplift not on agenda of existing Latino
Dan K: Want major name endorsements with endorsements,
Darlene: fundraising through GRP.
*Darlene Elias endorsed --
Plinio: Brazilian native, worked for Asbestos defense (of corporations), didn’t like. aimed for teacher position, moved to East Cambridge. Community MAPS mass alliance of portuguese speakers. E. Cambridge is target community to be transformed into ___gentrified. firm getting around anti-condo law in E. Cambridge(?) Aims to be wrench in ‘innovation city’ plan.
Kati B. : party? Who do you hope to represent?
Plinio: Affordable housing, address problematic ‘innovation city’ plan.
Mike H.: Plinio to help build Mystic Chapter.
David S.: ‘Candidate in Cambridge!’ he wrote back after email to him. Concern: need campaign treasurer,
Plinio: CPFB candidate legal entity created: OCPF Candidate committee doesn’t need treasurer.
Dan will connect with people in Cambridge.
Ian: (OT) Need voter registration drives in Holyoke and Cambridge? OT
Plinio Elie Yarden mentor, Bill Cunningham connection.
Gus: Experience with fundraising?
*Plinio endorsed for Cambridge City Council
Sean Connell
Mike H. We want to encourage people to run, but absence today influential, wants to postpone until Sean C is here.
David G: seconds delay:
Maureen: Sean young, involved in education, would still endorse.
Dan K: would endorse, he still supports GRP should endorse.
Merelice: torn, Oct too late, but He’s known for months, always excuses, apologizes. Treasurer work for GrP problematic. Speaks well, Concerned about meeting deadlines,
Kati B: environmental concern?
Merelice: Serious legal mess left.
David S.: can email/teleconf.(Joyce) statecom endorsement between Oct and now. By endorsing candidate, we let them access to candidate money, at CDLC discretion.
Joyce: move to have someone contact Sean early August. still possible
David S.
Joyce: concerns expressed, will not stand aside; refer to CDLC , teleconf.
David G: ten day notice required for statecom teleconf.
John A.: motion should authorize CDLC to call Aug teleconf.
Joyce: concerns re: authorizing re: setting date statecom teleconf.
Merelice: Let’s decide now....
Joyce timing.
Maureen: concerns: deadlines. excuses
Daphne: if Sean gets to school committee
John A: teleconf quorum, main concern could not ask questions. Could be important race for SE Mass.
Merelice Exec. session? Uncomfortable seconds John A.'s main concern.
Gus - public duty.
*Decided: CDLC will choose date of statecom teleconf Maureen will contact Sean C.
David G. Co -chairs report
Membership drive wanted
Ian: Treasurers report: official federal party designation.
Secretary’s report:
Working Committees reports:
CDLC report: 65 candidates 11 in office
David S explains CDLC report
Brian C explains Membership
Joanna re: Platform & Legislative comm. Issues statements at website need updates. Convention statement. Will follow up with Kati B.
Kati B: Communications: Will set up video interviews at statecomm. What does GRP stand for
Instagram account, twitter account active Facebook. Craft fairs. skype to interview
David G: Comm Director has been inviting volunteers.
Darlene: Internal process for issuing statements? Need to be more regular.... push statements.
Merelice: official spokespeople: = co-chair
Angel :
Kati B.
Presidential election plan:
David s. Joyce PF, Ian J, John A.
John A:
Mike H.: Statecom should delegate to Adcom
John A. Already done in restricted sense.
Accepted: PEP
JohnA. DSP redone in 2012. 11 delegates.
Mike H.:
John A straw poll
proposed change: 4 points for either GRP candidate or officer
Proposed change: switch points for commitment to attend & Falls into diversity
Mike H. : proposed change applicant chooses gives not 30 points but 20 points.
JohnA first set high (30) cuz candidates are elected.
Mike H. Please ask candidates to choose diverse applicants,
*DSP accepted with changes
David S.: Will need more pswg volunteers -will ask in January.
Merelice: 3 ways to get on State Comm:
1) Elected delegates: pres primary ballot in 40 MA senate (80) - 2,2,1,#? get papers in Tues., Aug.4th 2015 collect 50 signatures from “J” or unenrolled & within state senatorial signatures - due in Nov 2015
2) Appointee representatives: supplemented with: by GRP district elections at regional conventions
3) Appointees: Diversity rep.s appointed.
Ian J. planning to run as elected State Senatorial district state comm. Need GRP to run some state comm. members in GRP primaries.
Change source of proportional representatives
We must learn State Senatorial districts [as well as GRP rep. districts.]
Running for Town, Ward, City committees requires 5 'J’s signatures, to form committee one needs three elected.
Who’s considering: David S. David G. Wes N. Joyce PF. Ian J.,Merelice . [Danny F.] Dan K.
Mike H: we have to, after mass primary march, 2016 convene
Mike H. town ward city comm forming directions, should be public info.
Ian J. Federally approved.
Roni B: Past convention planned within two months: venue changed to Worcester
Speakers, worked out, planning conventions important, 2016 convention planners need to be chosen. Have to be prepared, good to have female energy, Roni B.: adcom liaison for 2016
Joyce some convention planning not local, some local.
Roni B:
Mike H: 1) thanks for report
2) timing best: after Nov. election
Questions GBC capacity to plan convention.
Roni B. 1st things needed:, location, budget, date
Merelice: regarding convention timing: statecom decided to convention in 2016 May
Vast majority of GRP members in Boston.
Conventions used to be -100-200. Keynote speaker often book a year in advance.
timing best: Late spring strong preference.
location, Boston better.
Joyce: May saw more young people. late Nov. bad for students. - stick with late spring. Boston better.
David S regional conventions needed to vote statecom members.
Daphne S: Boston’s colleges might be venues.
Dan K. Boston Churches not too expensive. TV Media there too.
Maureen: telegram gazette coverage excellent.
Roni B: May convention would be better. Nov would give 18 month co-chair terms.
Mike H. Boston is our hope? Test: Boston Convention leader, local leader needed.
Merelice: location alone is not total local liaison’s task.
Joyce: today needs one committed Boston person to host convention.
David. S. 6-8 involved in last few conventions (2-4?) local people needed 1 chief, 1 local host
Kati B. Speakers -
Joyce: Needed: date, local liaison, budget, speaker
Roni B: Theme needed, willing to be adcom liaison
Mike H. Boston speaker needs to appeal to diverse people. Cheri Honkala
Staff: Roni B just liaison, David S. Joyce DanK, Carol Sotiropoulos, Siggy M, Dick V. Joanna H. David G.
Mike H.: Concern, DanK alone from Boston,
David G.: After Memorial day, before
Days that appeal: May 21st, June 4th, June 18th,
Recruit convention volunteers
Reports for proposal shepherds Merelice, , David G, Wes
Merelice: MAAPL founded by GRP, Vida Urbana, ... Crisis continues. re: reactivating MAAPL engagement by GRP. MAAPL now has 70+ member organizations
MAAPL should address Fitchburg Leominster area on responding to foreclosure.
Do we re-commit to MAAPL?
More recently shepherd legislative Working committee....
Other natural legislative foci: ...pipeline,
Joanna: Legislative survey had 5 people, 2 responded, couldn’t agree on date to meet.
Mike H.: interested in legislative comm in a tech way to build alliances with different groups
getting our members involved in small ways. example. contact a state rep’s GRP constituents.
David G: shepherd bylaws change:
1) rapid response protocol empowering officers to OK special events. comments?
2) Membership plan implemented Membership Comm. expansion plan
Mike H. need to convene Legislative comm. Education focus
Joanna: willing to convene phone conference.
Tax expenditures $ tax breaks given
Researching styrofoam
Public bank
basic income
corp influence on politics
climate change
police oversight.
rent control
Plinio: campaign kickoff party 9:30pm Wednesday 1124 cambridge street,
Ian: see party flush with agenda to move
Merelice: Action not rhetoric, get youth involved
Gus: elected
Maureen:more environmental
Dan K: focus on rainbow part of GRP
Kati B. youth at colleges
John A: sees dozen green-rainbow chapters at colleges, The path to acheive the impossible
David G Cadidates, candidates, candidates.
Davd S.: meet Bernie Sander s challenge positively and productively
Wes: GRP become irresistable.
Mike H: 1) better job of implementing decisions we make.
2) green vs green-rainbow
Daphne: ...
Joyce: local chapter
Roni: getting everything organized. better transition of co-chairs.
David G: Nat’l Delegate report: Nat’l Comm switched from forum back to mailing list. voting on steering com members. Detroit and Houston considered for PNC.
Gus: Elected official report: Southbridge landfill still in process, long range plan to expand. denied landfill expansion requirement once. current deadline 2017. leachate plant proposed.
Merelice: Elected official report: town employee living wage with exceptions, exceptions to be expanded. success: (too many people cobble together part time work to make full time life.) huge improvement. Green Caucus of Brookline town Meeting members growing. May 2016 facing re-election
Chapter , town ward comm. reports:
PVC: July 12th supporting Darlene Elias. plan to Saturdays register Holyoke voters. next meeting: August 1st or 22nd,
Nashua river avg. 10 people at monthly meetings: Nashua award process continuing
Assabet chapter: twice month once telconf. once in person, Tar Larner Acton town committee,
Supporting Westford activists, Sept 24th....
GBC: no elected officers for a while. spinning our wheels locally. last meeting excellent Plinio endorsed. Joint meeting with Silver Maple Forest group probably in Sept.
Focus on Cambridge events while Plinio runs.
GreenFest no tabling clipboards. End of August.
Merelice: Greenfest bigger than chapter. Statewide membership opportunities need to be approached statewide. many. What would most benefit Plinio’s campaign. statewide races good time to go to massive big events. GBC Priorities: Abolish poverty,
Wes: congratulate support merelice’s campaign, Mass peace action attended, tabled, March againts Monsanto, Pride, Dykemarch
Mike: GBC regional chapter establishing Mystic river chapter, plinio as focus suggest emphasis on Cambridge.
GreenFest Aug 21-23rd.
Joyce: Greenfest? Otherthings? Can’t decide now.
Kati: hard to register people at events they want to think about it.
Dan K disagrees who wants to ...
Joyce: who’s point person for GreenFest.
*clipboarding at GreenFest Kati and Dan K co-ordinate.
Closing statement. Cochair: hope next April-2016 new co-chairs walk into a functional group.
Closing roundrobin:
Darlene Elias for Holyoke city council facebook page.
Committee to elect Darlene Elias
POB 10505
Holyoke, MA 01040
Spring 2015 Minutes
Uncorrected Minutes of StateCom Meeting of April 11, 2015
Observer Ian Jackson
The April 11, 2015 State Committee meeting took place at the Roxbury Community College, 1234 Columbus Ave, Academic Building (Building 3), Room 306, Roxbury Crossing (Boston) 02120
Arts Performer:
Ben Beckwith, an Observer at the StateCom meeting opened the meeting with a few folk songs:
This Land is Your Land
We Shall Overcome
Report from Male Co-Chair:
Frank updated StateCom on fundraising and climate change. We need a revolution and encouraged every StateCom member run for office.
Call to Order:
The Secretary called the meeting to order.
Parliamentarian: David Spanagel
Stacker: Brian Cady
Timekeeper: Joyce Palmer-Fortune
Vibes Watcher: Mike Heichman
Seating Alternates:
Check Joanna’s status as Member or Alternate. Appoint Joanna as StateCom member.
Yes = 14
Opposed = No
StateCom approved Joanna’s status as a StateCom Member by consensus.
Ian is comfortable with Observer status
Quorum was met with 14 delegates
Approval of Agenda:
John Andrews added announcement about the National Party
Selection of Next Co-Facilitators and StateCom Meeting Location:
Next StateCom Meeting, Sunday, July 19, 2015 in Central Mass
Joyce Palmer-Fortune and Daphne Stevens, co-facilitators
Approval of January 10, 2015 StateCom Meeting Minutes:
No action
Elect Diversity Members and New Chapter Reps to AdCom/National Committee Appointments:
Frank suggested asking Bill Ashley to join AdCom as Diversity rep. Bill is located in western part of Massachusetts and was treasurer for Danny’s campaign last fall. Priya Gosh and Gabby Corbera were also recommended as possible Diversity representatives.
Bill Ashley - Joyce informed StateCom that Bill is a qualified candidate for treasurer and long time GRP member.
Gabby Corbera – Frank stressed need for leadership development. Gabby lives in Franklin, MA. Mike supports both Bill and Gabby. Joanna asked if there can be an Observer position on AdCom. John pointed out that there are other ways to be involved in Party aside from AdCom. David Spanagel inquired if Gabby is participating in GPUS meetings. Frank replied that Gabby reads GPUS data. Elie commented that people are needed on Membership Committee.
Motion to appoint Gabby Corbera as Diversity representative of AdCom:
Yes: 3
Opposed: 4
Abstentions: 8
Priya Gosh - Organizer of violence presentation, Survivor Bill of Rights at Umass.
Motion to appoint Priya Gosh as Diversity representative of AdCom:
Yes: 3
Opposed: 4
Abstentions: 8
Daphne Stevens - StateCom delegate, who has served as female co-facilitator.
Motion to appoint Daphne Stevens as Diversity representative of AdCom:
StateCom approved appointing Daphne as Diversity Representative by consensus.
Alternate AdCom representatives:
Nashua River alternate – John Helfrick (J voter)
Assabet River Valley – Barbara Clancy (un-enrolled)
Barbara’s appointment is contingent on dues payment
No concerns for Barbara
Consensus vote
National Campaign Committee:
Danny informed StateCom that Bill Ashley would like to be active on National Campaign Committee. Elie noted there may be a bylaw issue for this appointment. David Gerry sent a form to Bill. StateCom approved recommending Bill Ashley as a representative to GPUS at the January 10, 2015 StateCom meeting. Elie stated that Bill could be appointed as an Alternate to GPUS. Danny asked if there were any concerns about appointing Bill Ashley as Alternate to National Committee. John’s concern was GRP endorsement.
Vote to Nominate Bill Ashley as an Alternate to GPUS:
Yes: 11
Opposed: 1
Abstain: 2
AdCom Report:
Frank reported there are a few members who want to run for office.
Ian submitted a written report comparing GRP with other parties.
Mike inquired about hiring a part time staff person to help with convention, campaigns, etc. Ian must be able to provide work hours to support a contractor.
Frank is working on a second fundraising mailer that will be collated at printers. A suggestion was made to hire someone from a college campus 8 hours a week. If next treasurer needs staff help, it will be taken under consideration. Elie stressed attracting people low income members. Frank explained that treasurer’s focus was on filing reports and party qualifications.
Secretary Report:
Roni Beal reported that there have been five AdCom meetings since the January 10, 2015 StateCom meeting. Status AdCom meeting minutes:
1/27/15 – draft, approval postponed
2/9/15 – draft, approval postponed
2/23/15 – minutes approved
3/12/15 – minutes approved
3/23/15 – minutes to be approved at 4/13/15 meeting
Danny made a motion to table 10:45 am Working Groups item and move to Developing Strategy for Print and Social Media.
CDLC Report:
David Spanagel provided a CDLC report listing candidates who are running for election. Eight people are committed to run for office. A great deal of progress has been made with CDLC liaisons. Maureen added that 37 candidates who are running for local office. Next CDLC meeting will be April 21 at 7:00 pm.
Membership report:
David Spanagel briefed StateCom on ups and downs of activity. He stressed that engaging committee representatives from the Berkshires, Pioneer Valley, Assabet Valley and Fall River is imperative to retaining potential new members. David provided a list of recommendations from Membership, Diversity and Volunteer Recruitment Committees (MD&VR).
Danny recommended tabling remainder of reports and move to Developing a Strategy for Print and Social Media which is also known as:
Growing the GRP Reaching Toward the 1 percent Threshold of all Registered Voters in the Commonwealth:
Elie stated that GRP needs to make better use of technology as referenced in 7A on the Strategy handout. Frank noted that there are 2,000 email addresses in NationBuilder that are used for fundraising, press releases, etc. There are many opportunities to make email list more effective. Social Media should prepare for voter registration form going online because enrollment has the potential to grow and the opportunity to grow the Party. A suggestion was made to create a Facebook message to register GRP. Frank recommended NationBuilder training to collect information. He added that GRP information across the state should feed into NationBuilder. John stated that all fundraising in future will be online. Obama campaign had full time staff using online capabilities including list building. Jill Stein has a “tech guru” teaching others how to use online media and recommends making a “Green” tool kit available in a package for future use. Another recommendation is to contact someone at a Liberal Arts campus to provide training. Frank stated that registering college students on campus is important. Danny, noted that lost membership was due to Democratic primary. There is a need to be pro-active on campuses, such as outreach and creating events on campus that lead to a new category on list (9A). Mike cited that there is a need for people on the ground and talking with people one on one. Daphne, asked about training at a StateCom meeting during the summer. David added suggestions and 9A to membership list, including social media and fundraising.
Our GRP Plan for 2015-2016 (11:30 am item)
A Power Point presentation was made about improvements for GRP. Joyce listed suggestions in her computer. Danny requested that the list be sent to working committees and local chapters as a guide. Mike suggested that the list be brought to next StateCom meeting. Roni asked Joyce to email list and she will add to StateCom minutes.
GRP Wish List:
At the Spring Statecom meeting, we did a round-robin of what we all see as important priorities for the next 2 years – we thought we would share it with you.
Merelice: in next 2 years – listen to youth and what they want and bring them on board
Danny Factor: candidates for state rep and state senate in almost all districts, commitments to get signatures to get on the ballot – visibility via candidates running in many districts
Daphne Stevens: Name recognition. I don’t
Roni Beal: more training and organization (our internal infrastructure needs to be stronger, more resilient)
Dave Spanagel: Less slender pyramid – more folks involved in leadership and at every level.
John Andrews: A Practical plan for growth that can be realistically implemented.
Dick Vaillette: organize to keep track of events around the state for us to focus on.
Brian Cady: response from volunteers (who sign up)
Elie Yarden: Party presenting a very distinct alternative to the status quo parties. – extend the imagination of our party members to understand what we could be. Engaging locally
Ben (guest): internet is great, but folks get involved when there are activities and people – more direct communication to people.
Joanna Herlihy: achieve better understanding of the implications of our principles for structuring governments and forming legislation
David Gerry: more people should know and understand the 10 key values.
Wes Nickerson: growth of the GRP and more active membership, not just a thing you are ‘signed up for’. Engagement.
Ian Jackson: candidates who are better looking than myself (hee hee, just kidding. He actually said ‘someone who doesn’t look like me’) for office.
Frank Jackson: Better able to communicate with members; have the resources to hire low income members as organizers; get to 1% voter registration in every town.
Mike Heichman: progress on an agenda for a Green Rainbow commonwealth – have the goal of 1 person running in every district (for rep/senator?) in Massachusetts.
Joyce Palmer Fortune: get the low hanging fruit; get small things on this list done.
Maureen Doyle: not so focused on $$ and technology; focus on what people can do without the latest gadget.
Joyce Palmer Fortune conscripted scribe for the round-robin at Spring 2015 StateCom meeting.
State Convention:
Roni stressed that Convention Committee focus on finding a keynote speaker for the convention. Merelice stated that building emphasis should be on local speakers rather than national level speakers. Danny stated that Black Lives Matter movement is growing and he highly recommends Carlton Williams or someone recommended by Carlton Williams. Mel King was also a suggested speaker.
2016 Presidential Election Schedule:
John made a PowerPoint presentation about GRP activities associated with the 2016 campaign in Mass. GRP is a recognized Party because of 2014 election. There is a need for a delegation for GRP and to build voter registration during the presidential election years. Two plans: Presidential Election Plan and the 2016 Presidential Primary. The presidential support committee is responsible for all the Presidential Campaign tasks for 2016.
Merelice recommended creating social events from ordinary, routine events. Challenges are national deadlines and if the state changes their deadlines. Merelice stated that National party must be informed that the state has deadlines that must be met. If GRP members decide to work for the Jill Stein campaign, it does not imply that GRP supports Jill over other presidential candidates. John commented that the National Party is dealing with 42 states and it is up to GRP to do its own work. Frank, recommended developing a fair policy for every candidate. John pointed out that there are many opportunities to grow Green Party and support in CT, RI, NH and VT.
Establishing a Presidential Campaign Working Group for the 2016 Election
Submitted by John Andrews
The GRP is the state affiliate of the Green Party of the United States (GPUS). The GRP, by virtue of its recognition as a political party following the 2014 statewide election, is allowed to participate in the 2016 presidential primary. The GRP then forms a delegation to be sent to the Green Party Presidential Nominating Convention (PNC). At that convention, the presidential candidate is selected and the national platform is approved. The nominee of the convention is automatically the nominee of the GRP and their name is automatically entered on the Massachusetts ballot for the general election.
The 2016 presidential campaign will provide a number of opportunities to build the GRP in areas such as media visibility, voter registration, developing campaign skills, growth of donor lists, etc. But participation in the presidential campaign requires that the party fulfill certain legal requirements and meet certain legal deadlines for submitting a delegate selection plan, names for the primary ballot, and names of GRP electors. In addition, the party must communicate with candidates, ensure fair treatment, and provide support for the primary and general elections. Failure to perform the required tasks would not only embarrass the party, but would forfeit a valuable opportunity for party growth.
In order to ensure that the required tasks are completed in a timely manner, this motion would establish a Presidential Campaign Working Group (PCWG) that would focus on the relevant tasks. This is what was done in 2011 and documents from 2011-2012 can be used as a starting point for the 2016 activities.
StateCom hereby establishes a Presidential Campaign Working Group (PCWG) that is charged with carrying out tasks associated with the 2016 Presidential campaign.
Text of Proposal
- StateCom hereby establishes a Presidential Campaign Working Group (PCWG) that is charged with carrying out tasks associated with the 2016 Presidential campaign. Members shall consist of GRP members appointed by StateCom or AdCom or CDLC (with concurrence of AdCom). The PCWG shall elect two co-chairs who will be the points of contact for the working group.
- The PCWG is charged with the following responsibilities:
- Communicate as required with the national party regarding the Presidential campaign, ballot access, the nominating convention, and credentialing of our delegation. The PCWG should be in close contact with the Presidential Campaign Support Committee (PCSC).
- Serve as a point of contact for the Secretary of the Commonwealth (SOC) in order to identify and comply with all of the election law requirements and submission deadlines of the Commonwealth of MA.
- Produce an updated Presidential Election Plan and an updated Delegate Selection Plan. Ensure the timely submission of the Delegate Selection Plan to the Secretary of the Commonwealth.
- Communicate with the candidates and potential candidates to make sure that they are aware of all of the requirements and deadlines of the State GRP and SOC.
- Do the preliminary work to prepare the list of names to be submitted for the 2016 Presidential primary ballot. Work with AdCom to ensure that the names are submitted by the legal deadline.
- Recruit GRP members to become applicants to be delegates for the 2016 GPUS Presidential Nominating Convention (PNC).
- Assist any recognized presidential candidates who visit the state in meeting GRP members.
- Take steps to ensure that our members are properly informed regarding the 2016 MA Presidential Primary.
- Based on the vote in the Presidential Primary, execute the procedures specified in the Delegate Selection Plan to ensure that a properly credentialed GRP delegation is appointed to attend the PNC.
- Participate in the raising and allocation of travel funds for GRP delegates who will need financial assistance to attend the PNC.
- Ensure that the GRP submits the names of qualified presidential electors (for the Electoral College) to the Secretary of the Commonwealth.
- Coordinate efforts to promote the national ticket in the Commonwealth with attention given to the goal of winning 3% of the presidential vote and thus retaining ballot status after the election.
- After the election, brief StateCom regarding results of the campaign, lessons learned, and recommendations for the future.
- Attend to any other issues and tasks that arise as a result of the 2016 Presidential campaign, keeping CDLC, AdCom, and StateCom informed of developments.
- In performing its duties, the PCWG will report to AdCom and will accept any official guidance that AdCom provides regarding its membership, structure, tasking, or approach. The PCWG will brief each StateCom meeting regarding its activities.
- The term of this working group shall be from its establishment until the January 2017 StateCom meeting. At that point, StateCom will determine if there is a need to continue the working group for a period of time to address any continuing responsibilities.
Budget Impact
No funds are appropriated by this proposal, although the GRP may later decide to fund certain activities associated with the presidential election, such as travel assistance for low income delegates to the PNC or a statewide pre-primary mailing to GRP members.
- StateCom and AdCom should appoint an initial set of PCWG members as soon as possible, seeking to appoint members of AdCom, CDLC, and the Membership Committee to serve on the PCVWG and thus promote coordination and preservation of institutional experience.
- AdCom should send out a PCWG volunteer appeal to the different GRP email lists and to the local chapters, and post such appeal on the GRP online channels.
- Reading materials should be distributed to PCWG members.
- A listserv should be established for the PCWG.
Lunch break 12:40 pm
Canvassing for Merelice for Selectperson in Brookline
Meeting resumed: 3:45 pm
Art Performance
Ben Beckwith sang a few more folk songs.
Presidential Committee Working Group (PCWG):
Danny made a motion to form a Presidential Committee Working Group and called for volunteers to work in this group.
Volunteers to form PCWG committee are: David Spanagel, John Andrews, Joyce Fortune, and Ian Jackson
Motion made and passed to create a Presidential Committee Working Group.
StateCom Endorsement of Merelice for Brookline Selectperson:
Danny made the motion to endorse Merelice’s campaign for Selectperson of Brookline. Motion was seconded by David Spanagel. The motion passed by consensus.
Committee Reports:
Fundraising Committee:
Ben Beckwith has been helping Frank with fundraising. Ben is now on the Fundraising committee. Mike inquired if bylaws allow StateCom to remove a person from a committee. David Spanagel stated that StateCom can register dissatisfaction with a Chairperson. According to bylaws StateCom can add a new member to committee. Elie noted that StateCom can hire a fundraiser and have done so in the past.
First, Danny made a motion to ask Sean to step down as fundraising chair. Motion was seconded by Joanna Herlihy. Ben Beckwith will be part of the fundraising committee without a chair until a Finance & Fundraising working committee is formed.
Motion for proposal passed by consensus
Platform Committee:
A discussion took place about status of the Platform Committee. Joanna is remaining member of Platform. No report.
Action Legislative Committee:
Joanna Herlihy and Barbara Clancy signed up for the Legislative Committee.
Danny Factor and Brian Moss signed up for the Action Committee
Mike Heichman clarified that he is not on serving on either committee.
Merelice reminded everyone that people can only serve on two committees, including chairing a local chapter. Elie noted that even though he is not working on Platform, his work has not disappeared. Mike is interested in attending combined Action and Legislative committee meeting.
Wes reported that Joyce and Frank are helping with email blasts. Wes is working on Merelice’s campaign and Danny’s upcoming trial. Several people have volunteered to help with communications. Frank volunteered to help Wes recruiting help. Elie, will help with membership communications.
Danny’s Trial:
People can help by visiting his Facebook page and donating to Factor legal defense fund. Danny encouraged people to be involved in local environmental issues.
Pass Mass Amendment Petitioning in Fall:
Danny recommended that GRP create a state constitutional process that requires signatures in the fall to pass Mass Amendment petition. Bill number is located on the website. We the People Act is another source of information.
John announced the Annual National meeting in St. Louis is in July. John plans to attend the convention. David Gerry and Elie Yarden have plans to attend.
Reports from Proposal Shepherds Re: Past Proposals:
Disability Inclusion – Danny is pleased to see disclosure on chapter announcements. David Gerry is an advisor on how to make text readable.
Report from National Delegates:
Delegates reported that activity consists of discussion meetings to appoint people to committees.
Combine Chapter/Town Reports/Ward Committee Reports:
Gail Garrett, of Berkshires appears not to be a registered J voter.
Pioneer Valley – Joyce, no report
Nashua River – met three times with 9.3 average attendance. The chapter treasurer, John Helfrick, collected annual dues. NRGR has two new co-chairs, David Spanagel and Charlene DiCalogero, and Sharon Moss is the new secretary. David has not filed paperwork to be Lancaster town moderator.
Assabet River Valley – now holds teleconference meetings and one in person meeting per month, averaging three to six on a call and four to seven at meetings. The Chapter is involved in Black Lives Matter events. They are also involved in pay-as-you-go-trash system in Acton.
Greater Boston- Merelice thanked Boston Chapter for their help with her campaign. Boston Chapter is focusing on abolishing poverty. Next meeting is next Tuesday in Cambridge. Elie, reported that Cambridge Greens are very active in city politics.
South Coast – no report
Assabet River Valley – Tar Larner still on Concord Housing Board.
Danny is serving on Acton town committee about disability accessibility.
Southbridge - Maureen reported that Gus in very busy on Southbridge town council. Health coverage is also a big issue. Frank suggested a town clinic.
Town Ward Reports:
Danny reported only three to four members are required to form a town committee. Acton town committee received EIN, and they plan to hold a meeting by next StateCom meeting in July.
Closing Statements from Co-chairs
Merelice is grateful to StateCom for their dedication and keeping Party alive.
Round Robin:
Maureen reminded everyone to take VDD on climate change. Meeting good.
Mike – Vibes great – liked moo on Joyce’s laptop
Ian – Treasurer’s report filed
Wes – Good food
David Gerry – After listening to “moo”, he would like to eat a steak
Joanna – Appreciated shepherd’s report
Ben – Enjoyed meeting
Elie – Likes being in same meeting with like minded people
Brian – Good meeting, would like people to be more concise
Daphne –Liked Ben’s folk music
Danny – Thanked Daphne and Ben for their help, listing visions for the Party
Meeting adjourned 5:00 pm
Winter 2015 minutes
Uncorrected Minutes of Statecom Meeting of January 10, 2015
The January 10, 2015 State Committee took place at the Community Economic Development Center, 1285 Acushnet Avenue, New Bedford, MA.
Call to Order:
The Secretary called the meeting to order.
Parliamentarian: David Spanagel
Stacker: Gus Steeves
Timekeeper: Daphne Stevens
Vibes: Mike Heichman
18 members attended the StateCom meeting.
Quorum was met.
Attendance – 18 Members
John Andrews
Roni Beal
Brian Cady
Sean Connell
Maureen Doyle
Danny Factor
Joyce Palmer Fortune
David Gerry
Mie Heichman
Joanna Herlihy
Frank Jackson
Siggy Meilus
Wes Nickerson
Rick Purcell
David Spanagel
Gus Steeves
Daphne Stevens
Ian Jackson
Approval of Agenda:
Agenda approved
Selection of Next Co-Facilitators and StateCom Meeting:
Next statement meeting: Sunday, April 12, 2015
Co-facilitators: Danny Factor and Daphne Stevens
Location: Tent City, Boston
Elect Diversity Members to Adcom:
Current representatives are David Gerry and Dru Tarr. Dru is back in school and busy with academics. Merelice recommended selecting a woman outside the Boston area as representative. Sonya Bykofsky in the Berkshires was mentioned as possible Diversity Representative. David Gerry nominated Maureen Doyle. Maureen declined because of responsibility as Chair of CDLC. David Gerry was reelected as Diversity Representative to AdCom. A decision was made to elect another representative next spring at StateCom meeting.
Vote on David Gerry’s Reelection to AdCom
17: Yes
0: Oppose
0: Abstain
Approval of October 5, 2014 StateCom Minutes:
Minutes were accepted as written.
Mike suggested that AdCom advise Statecom of follow-up items from minutes.
Roni will send a separate list of action items to StateCom.
Co-Chair and AdCom Reports:
There was a discussion about recommending Bill Ashley (Springfield) to GPUS. Bill is registered Green Rainbow. StateCom approved recommending Bill Ashley as a representative to GPUS.
Elect chapter reps to AdCom:
Danny Factor and Barbara Clancy AdCom memberships renewed.
Frank talked about growing GRP and the power to activate enthusiasm to vote green. Every chapter should vote for an Adcom representative. Merelice commented that GRP has a great deal of work regarding transfer of files and learning curve from past AdCom administrations. She noted that banking transition requires immediate attention.
Treasurer report:
Ian reported Spending is under Federal control and that GRP needs more green voters to grow funds.
CDLC Report – David Spanagel
David distributed a report listing Green incumbents in office and candidates considering a run for office. Maureen Doyle, Jonathan Martin and David Spanagel are only members of CDLC. Maureen will be Co-chair this year and this is the first time there has been a female co-chair. CDLC meets the 3rd Tuesday of the month.
Gus suggested contacting potential candidates to help mentor and talk about their experiences running for office. Wes requested bios of incumbents for the website. Merelice recommended transferring files of past campaigns and speeches to CDLC to help future candidates. Danny requested that a message go on StateCom list to adopt a candidate.
Membership: – David Spanagel
Brian Cady, former Chair of Membership is now the Secretary of Membership which is very helpful for David. Membership is made up of five or six people and they need more members to fulfill goals for the year. Membership holds a 1 ½ hour meeting once a month. David reported that Mike Heichman and Elie Yarden very helpful members. David reported that Membership is ready to support campus chapters, but because of limited resources, they cannot choose campuses to start chapters. They can only support chapters that are either starting to form or are already in place on a college campus.
Growing the Green Rainbow Party – Wes Nickerson
Proposal focuses on growing party. Wes noted that in 2016 GRP will likely lose party status because of presidential election. Membership is working with Wes on a proposal to recruit more members. Frank commented that GRP needs to show accomplishments to attract new people. Membership Committee vetted the proposal. David Spanagel invited other StateCom members to participate in Membership teleconference meetings.
Yes: 17
Opposed: 0
Abstain: 0
Proposal passed.
Rapid Response Protocol – Daphne Stevens
This proposal addresses improving GRP visibility and relevance concerning current events by exercising discretion. The main purpose is to become leaner and meaner and ready for expediting endorsements, participating and promoting important, urgent events as they arise.
Article 9.10 amendment – inserted into proposal
Joanna commented on punctuality delegation. Gus recommended that AdCom be responsible for approval and ratification, especially when funds are involved. John recommended that Co-chairs report to AdCom regarding expenditures. Merelice noted that AdCom must notify members in advance of changes in bylaws. Comments were made to correct punctuation and grammatical errors in the proposal.
(See written changes from co-chairs).
Recommended amendment changes:
Under “Duties of the co-chairs shall be to:
Change item 6: Add the word “expediting” before “endorsing, participating in, and promote important, urgent events…
Change item 7 to: Delegate responsibilities as necessary for the sake of punctuality.
Under “The full text of Article 9.10 as amended would read:
Add to last sentence after “co-chairs and treasurer agree, provided such expenditures are ratified at next AdCom meeting.”
Yes: 18
Opposed: 0
Abstain: 1 Sean newly arrived at meeting
Third amendment – ratifying
Yes: 17
Opposed: 0
Abstain: 2 – David Gerry and Sean Connell
Vote on bylaw changes – 9.10
Amendment as proposed
Yes: 16
Opposed: 0
Abstain: 1
Amendment 9:11
Yes: 16
Opposed: 0
Abstain: 1
AdCom Chapter Alternates - David Gerry
This proposal will change the current text of section 9.21 of the bylaws to allow flexibility for chapter members to vote at an AdCom meeting if a regular member is unable to vote. The proposal allows AdCom to actively seek an alternate.
David Spanagel asked that the word “presents” be changed to “presence”.
A few spelling corrections were made to the proposal.
Bylaw change:
Yes: 17
Opposed: 0
Abstain: 0
Formation of an Action Committee – Frank Jackson
An Action Committee will work specifically to achieve goals of the Party.
Merelice voiced concern that proposal should reflect more Community Uplift Initiative (CUI). Intent is implied in proposal, but it does not identify particular communities which need more specificity. Frank responded, that he wanted the proposal to be broad, but is willing to focus on CUI. David Spanagel, expressed concern about limited amount of people available to serve on another GRP committee. Mike stated that GRP needs to stand for something to attract people to the Party. The deadline to file legislation is Jan 16 and there needs to be legislation for validity. Sean likes the broad view because it allows people to choose to serve on committees they like. Merelice noted that the proposal should attract new people and not burden current members. Build on momentum of campaign energy with people who care about the same issues. Filing CUI legislation to obtain state funds and selecting a community where people participate in the process of passing legislation are important. Wes wanted to know if a committee could be created including non-GRP members. David Spanagel suggested giving the proposal a focus to abolish poverty. John recommended a good structure for launching a campaign and the Action Committee could help with this function. John proposed changing Committee to Group. Merelice stated that working groups generally have one task, whereas a committee has multiple tasks. No committee focused on climate change. External Action Committees could address climate change and become part of the Action Committee.
Mike commented that if the proposal passes, StateCom should recruit members today. Greater Boston chapter meeting takes place on Monday and this proposal will be presented at the meeting. Mike hopes to recruit people to get involved. Danny likes the name Action Working Committee. Merelice suggested that local chapters could work on some issues in proposal. Danny does not see the proposal as umbrella for all goals. John recommended that StateCom be practical about what issues are worked on. There was further discussion and editing suggestions.
The following changes were made to the proposal:
First paragraph: An implementation Working Committee will be formed with the purpose to strategize, and organize to achieve defined goals in different campaigns. The existing “abolish poverty”, are “External Relations” Committee.
Limitations: Actions the working Action Committee is involved in will be in accordance with the members understanding of the 10 key values.
Structure: The Action Working Committee will address holistically interconnected issue such as abolishing poverty, environmental justice and the Party Community Uplift Initiative. Membership to the Action Working Committee will be open to any Green-Rainbow Party member interested in implementing elements of the Green-Rainbow platform or agenda in communities in Massachusetts. Non-voting participants (non-GRP members) will be invited and welcomed. An effort will be made to populate this committee with people not currently active in the Party. The Action Working Committee is empowered to form subcommittees as necessary for the purposes of implementing parts of the Party platform.
Lunch Break: 12:15 pm
Meeting reconvened at 1:10 pm
First change, Action Working Committee
Proposed amendment subsume abolished poverty and external relations committee
16: Yes
0: Oppose
1: Abstain
Second amendment: “The existing abolished environmental justice and the Party’s CUI”
16: Yes
0: Oppose
1: Abstain
Third amendment: Non-voting participants welcome
John has a concern – be explicit re non-GRP members cannot vote
16: Yes
0: Oppose
1: Abstain
David Gerry voiced concern about Proposal as an entity because this is a State committee project. David stands aside on vote. Danny stated that Statecom will provide guidance to Action Working Committee.
Proposal passed.
Legislative Working Committee Proposal – Merelice
This proposal is to identify issue in which the Party may develop legislation such as Alliance Against Predatory Lending (MAAPL); an avenue for members who prefer not to attend meetings can participate and get the Party name in the forefront.
Mike commented that this proposal could be an excellent vehicle to involve members in small ways in the Party. Frank added that committee communication can use email rather than meetings. Sean approves of proposal as written. Merelice commented that this committee would benefit from Platform expertise. This is an opportunity to attract people who want to help, i.e., mailing projects, but not be involved in committee meetings. Danny recommends interaction with AdCom and Platform committees. The overall sentiment expressed was that a Legislative Working Committee is a good way to involve non-GRP volunteers. John commented that other groups that GRP may want to include, and that have helped pass legislation, may possibly cause issue, especially if running a candidate opposing another group. Mike has an issue with GRP working with Democrats. Merelice, clarified that StateCom is voting on proposal text only and that StateCom has power to delegate tasks to non-GRP.
Vote on amendment:
16: Yes
1: Abstain
0: No
Accept proposal
No concerns – proposal passed
Let’s Ensure that All GRP Activities are Inclusive and Accessible to People with
Disabilities - Danny
All GRP entities shall thoroughly consider maximum access for people with disabilities. Currently nothing is in writing to consider about planning an event.
Merelice stated that it is GRP policy to hold meetings in wheelchair accessible facilities. Maureen commented that it would be helpful to know what the need is from person requesting accommodation need. David Gerry stated that proposal is too broad and it is impossible to cover every disability need. Danny stated that he prefers to have something in place assuming someone will have a need. Frank suggested that GRP obtain software that will accommodate if the need arises and that an email communication be sent regarding disability accessibility when planning a function.
Straw vote: 15
Wes – Amend proposal
Rick Purcell – Supports the proposal.
Wes – would like to see a meeting event statement include accessible statement on whether a building is accessible for any disability. First, a request will be sent to chapters to look at state policy. Second, there are ways state party can support chapters providing accommodations with disability accessibility. Third, require chapters to announce whether the chapter can make accommodation when planning an event.
A vote was taken after each proposal edit.
Merelice delete “all possible” and replace with “possible”
17: Yes
0: Oppose
0: Abstain
Add “meeting event announcements shall ask for accommodations requests”
17: Yes
0: Oppose
0: Abstain
There were some concerns about the proposal as a whole.
David Gerry elected to stand aside.
Budget Discussion – Ian
Ian explained spending priorities between tiers 1, 2 and 3 and budget highlights of tier 1 and 2.
The 2015 budget is divided into 3 tiers.
The Administer salary is split between tier 1 and 2, including a raise.
Ian added Facebook and Boston Pride expense as separate event expenses.
Membership includes tabling, outreach and other modes of attracting new members.
CDLC requested funds for supplies and materials.
Ian added $100 for training treasurer.
There followed a discussion about the 2015 budget:
Danny asked Sean the amount of funds in 2014. Sean estimated between $3,000 to 5,000.
Danny commented that Ian’s budget doubles or triples funds in budget.
David Spanagel stated that CDLC did not request funds and that Candidate School was self-funded. David S. commented that Line item E2 can be removed and that 2014 should show Actual expense.
Frank commented that Facebook advertising was good through campaign. One problem was exposure to “fake” people, such as “fake likes” from India. Frank recommends removing this line item.
Further comments were made regarding need to follow up calls on fundraising via administrator support.
Gus stated that advertising on some level is advisable. Gus noted that Boston Pride Parade has priority when Green Party should be statewide. He advised spending smaller amounts of money statewide rather than large amount of money in one location.
Sean commented that Facebook attracts young people and is critical for GRP growth.
Merelice stated that Boston Pride was isolated because deadline is coming up in early February and level of participation in this event needs to be determined. Merelice recommends that the Party purchase a computer as well as Facebook ads.
A comment was made that Membership will benefit statewide from chapters tabling support.
Joyce inquired if spending is contingent on fundraising? How are decisions made regarding how money is spent operationally?
Ian replied that bylaws state that the treasurer will create a budget and spending is contingent on funds raised.
Danny commented that GRP administration item is $3,000 and Membership is $2,000 which makes tier 1 the most realistic budget.
Sean added that target fundraisers are most successful and he thinks raising $13,000 is possible.
Danny supports taking half of the funds from tier 1 and adding those funds to tier 2 and move $3,000.
Mike had a concern about constrained budget.
John supports Danny’s view on budget to reduce tier 1 budget.
Merelice stated that tier 1 is basic expense to operate Party.
Frank asked StateCom members to donate $15 per month via NationBuilder or by check. He encourages chapter members to donate $5 per month.
Sean plans to send fundraiser mailer in April.
Danny suggested that Ian revise the budget per suggestions from StateCom.
John stated that Budget is an AdCom document.
Summer State Convention in Boston:
A discussion took place regarding upcoming Summer State Convention in Boston area. Joyce stated that is imperative that Greater Boston group find a venue in Boston for the convention. Roni announced that she notified Co-chairs and Nashua River chapter that she will not be coordinating summer convention. Merelice and Mel King are working on venue. Issue some Boston venues is limited parking. Bunker Hill or Roxbury Community Colleges are two possible options. Roxbury Community College appears to be best location, based on cost and location. Boston Chapter will coordinate summer convention. Danny, advocates holding convention while students in school. Great Boston Chapter meeting Tuesday evening and will discuss convention plans. Mike has concerns about workload for Boston Chapter. Frank recommends convention be held in March or late September or early October to attract Harvard, BU students. It was noted that a large population of students are enrolled in Roxbury Com College during summer.
Merelice stated that new Co-chairs will be required by July 1, 2015. Merelice suggested holding the convention in the spring to promote campaign support, including increased attendance. Democrats and GOP Co-chairs are elected by State Committees which eliminates issue of voting chairs at State Convention. Mike noted that CDLC provide calendar to StateCom prior to convention. Many legal docs required in late 2015. Joyce recapped discussion stating that first step is locating a venue and setting State Convention date for late May/June convention with help from Boston Chapter. The Convention Committee will take care of convention documents, emails, etc. The Greater Boston chapter will set the date for State Convention. (Side note: possible dates for convention are May 30or June 20).
Regional Conventions Maps: - Joyce
Joyce presented a short slide presentation showing regional conventions to elect StateCom representatives. Proposed map for adoption is based on an 8 regions map. District boarders were adjusted to make geographic sense. Further work to be done is number of GRP voters by town. There is a minimum of 2 seats per region, one female and one male. Joyce will send an alphabetical listing by town via email to StateCom.
Rick - inquired how county lines in Western part of state were determined. Joyce replied that lines were based on counties.
Merelice – map does not represent state senatorial districts and she proposes further discussion at April meeting. She also wants to know districts of candidates running in race.
David asked how StateCom will be elected. Merelice replied by using both regional and district maps.
Wes questioned how Districts 5 and 6 were determined. Joyce replied that these districts have double population.
Merelice had some issue with Metro North and South. She suggested dividing 5 & 6 and change from Metro to Greater Boston.
Gus inquired about Route 2 corridor orientation regarding Royalton. Joyce replied that this area was difficult to define.
Map is part of bylaw change.
16: Yes
0: Opposed
0: Abstain
Working Committee Reports
Communications – Wes, solicited help with links. [email protected] . Wes met with Dru regarding communications transition. He needs further help with Facebook and website, photography, Twitter posting, and phone calls.
Convention Committee
Roni willing to mentor coordinator of spring 2015 convention.
Sean planning a mailer for spring. He requested help.
Frank commented that Co-chairs have recommendations for fundraising.
No report
GPUS contacted Maureen about a facilitator.
Pioneer Valley
No meeting
9 people attended December2014 meeting.
Assabet River Valley
Chapter is focusing on racial justice issues and participated in rallies. They are working on a Homelessness proposal including Tar Larner, who serves on Concord Housing Authority.
Greater Boston
Mike reported there is no formal leadership for Greater Boston chapter. The next meeting will be held Tuesday and they will plan agenda for the year. Merelice reported that some new people attend meetings. Meetings are open to all.
The mayor was recalled in Fall River and that replacement mayor not a big improvement. The chapter plans to meet soon. Sean plans to run for school committee in November 2015. He also applied for Peace Corp. Average age of Southeast chapter is 21.
Wes, encouraged chapters to check website for chapter updates.
Elected Official Report:
Gus reported that Southbridge has issues about landfill coming up in a few months. A Charlton resident is opposing construction of a mixed recreational facility with motorcycle arena.
Merelice reported that at last Brookline town meeting opposed Kinder Morgan pipeline. Green caucus is holding a meeting tomorrow. There are race relation issues in Brookline and they are working on a Rainbow Coalition in town. Merelice is looking for support with Green caucus and race relations.
David Spanagel reported that two Lancaster Board of Selectmen dismissed the town administrator with no just cause. David wrote a letter to the editor of local newspaper about unfair treatment. There was a recall election and both select people were replaced. As town moderator, David was able to promote Green values. David may run for selectmen if the opportunity arises.
Joyce is working on no-pipeline opposition.
Round Robin:
Frank – sign up for monthly donations to GRP
Gus – N/A
Merelice – good vibes at meeting and we passed record number of proposals
Maureen – great meeting
Daphne – ditto
David G. – N/A
Siggy – hoped everyone had a good time in New Bedford
Sean – proud of StateCom members
Ian – donate to Green-Rainbow
Rick – state needs new high speed railroad
Danny – thank you to all
Wes – send information for website
David S. – join working committees
Roni – n/a
John – good meeting
Joyce – thanked Siggy for arrangements at the community development center
Meeting adjourned at 4:37 pm
Fall 2014 minutes
Minutes StateCom Meeting of October 5, 2014
Holyoke Row House, Holyoke, MA
John Andrews
Roni Beal
Mike Heichman
Scott Laugenour
David Gerry
Gus Steeves
Maureen Doyle
Wes Nickerson
Joanna Herlihy – Alternate (Middlesex County)
Brian Cady
M K Merelice
Joyce Palmer Fortune
Nat Fortune
Danny Factor
Daphne Stevens
Rick Purcell
Nat Fortune
Mei Hsu - Somerville
Bill Ashley – Campaign manager, Danny Factor campaign
Ian Jackson - Candidate
Vibes watcher: Mike Heichman
Parliamentarian: Merelice
Timekeeper: Wes Nickerson
Stacker: Rick Purcell
Call to Order:
Secretary confirmation of quorum: 15 members attended
Quorum was met
Approve agenda:
Concerns about agenda are:
StateCom meeting should not be secondary to a public event. Move 2:30 item to morning.
Community Uplift Initiative (CUI) - John Andrews requested Party endorsement as a Party initiative and stated that after November election is over the Party will continue with this message. Mike Heichman inquired if CUI is for candidates or the Party? Will there be changes? Joanna commented that CUI is an ongoing document. Merelice approves of this concept.
Selection of next co-facilitators and Statecom meeting:
Dates selected: January 10, 2015 with a snow date of January 24 in Worcester area.
Frank Jackson volunteered to co-chair January 2015 StateCom meeting at the July 12, 2014 StateCom meeting. Joyce Palmer Fortune offered to be co-facilitator.
Approval of Minutes of Previous Minutes:
Corrections: Merelice preparing to give a speech at the tax date event to prior minutes.
Report from candidates – one campaign stop – go to one location with a total of six stops with meaningful region.
Minutes approved as amended.
Co-chairs & AdCom Report:
John clarified function of AdCom and explained that AdCom’s role is to look at all committees of the Party to ensure they are:
- Functioning correctly, ensure decisions made by StateCom are implemented,
- State convention takes place,
- FEC status is in process of being restored,
- AdCom will introduce a budget for 2015 with a guideline on how money should be spent.
- Current cash on hand estimate is $1,600. Fundraising appeal will be mailed soon. Encourage monthly donors at State Convention. New officers will be elected at State Convention.
Scott inquired about FEC and John responded that Sean had some issues making contact with the correct office at the FEC and there are plans in place to transfer some responsibilities to Siggy. It is critical that GRP reports be submitted by the end of 2014.
Status of Lowenthal court case: John reported that no Party funds were spent to help J.P. Lowenthal’s court case. GRP did issue a press release that drew national attention by National Greens.
Sean will email treasurer report to StateCom. John stated that Siggy will be assisting with treasury responsibilities until a new treasurer elected.
Working Committee Reports
Membership Committee – Brian reported that GRP currently has 6,935 registered voters. The count is down from previous estimate of 7,000 voters. Recent updates: New flyers are available and several new members have joined GRP. Scott reported that there was some loss of Green voters because of Don Berwick campaign. Maureen noted that it is important to vote and there still exists an issue about “J” registered voters not being able to vote in a primary. Merelice inquired if any solution has been made to change G voters to J voters. She further commented that G Voters believe they are GRP registered voters and they are not.
Candidate Development & Legal Committee (CDLC) - Maureen Doyle reported that CDLC is holding monthly teleconference meetings and that candidate listserv is sent to David Spanagel, Chair of CDLC. Recent updates: David Spanagel attended a National Green Party teleconference meeting and CDLC implemented Question & Answer section on website to assist potential candidates.
Platform Committee – Joanne reported that Platform committee met once last month. Wayne is willing to be a co-chair of Platform. Merelice thanked Platform for their help with campaigns.
Communications Committee – Ian Jackson announced that he has donation forms. Merelice reported that Dru is updating website. She reminded everyone about ballot questions and inquired about status of ballot write-ups from volunteers. John followed up with comments about position of ballot question for the website. AdCom made a special recommendation to give authority to Dru to update and revamp the GRP website. Brian requested that a Volunteer category be added to website. Mike recommended that a site be created to archive questions and “how to do things” for future candidates.
Diversity Representation Nomination – A nomination was made by Mike to nominate David Gerry to AdCom as Diversity Representative. John seconded the nomination. Nomination means that David would be a voting member of AdCom. There is a possibility for other nominees for diversity position.
Fourteen (14) StateCom members voted for David to be Diversity Representative to AdCom
No abstentions
Nominate Nat Fortune to StateCom
StateCom voted by consensus for Nat Fortune to be seated as a StateCom member.
Carbon Tax Forum – Brian Cady
Brian presented the benefits of implementing a carbon tax in Mass. There followed a discussion about on best way to pass carbon tax legislation. Danny voiced a concern about GRP’s wide breadth view concerning the environment and other factors such as poverty, etc. He inquired if there is a national plan for climate and economic justice? Danny commented that problem is that legislators dictate how legislation will be implemented. Scott stated that many non-profits work on environmental issues but cannot be political and he advocates that members of non-profits register for Green Party. Mike expressed concerns that as the Party moves into 2015, this issue should become part of the broader discussion at State Convention and framed in a broader context. John stated that GRP is endorsing carbon tax and it would be informative to have one person from each political designation speak on where they stand. Filing deadline for carbon tax is in February. Next step:
- Vote to initiate and co-sponsor this proposal and
- Vote that GRP co-sponsors a Mass state carbon tax and policy forum
Right to Feed One’s Family – Gus Steeves
Gus presented a proposal to amend legislation for five acres to raise food. Legislation requires approval at state level. Scott commented that legislation has been helpful for Pittsfield and right to farm community in Egremont, MA. Laws differ from town to town. People in Berkshire County will be favorable to amendment. There are many reasons to help people be self sufficient, such as concerns about –
- Ethical humane treatment of animals
- Large agricultural farm issues
Massachusetts is not the top state for farm animal protection law because of space requirements for animals. This legislation addresses both issues. Mike’s concern is that strategy for GRP is not complete. He suggested more clarification as part of a broader discussion. This proposal is in the discussion stage only. Gus asked how GRP will approach legislators so that legislation can be filed in February. John stated that emphasis on humane treatment of animals is a GRP value. Proposal will be discussed further at January 2015 StateCom meeting.
Break for lunch 11:50 am
Meeting reconvened at 12:48 pm
5 Hampden Street – Lyman Terrace Press Event
GRP Endorsement of Community Uplift Initiative (CUI)
John stated, “Recognizing that the statewide candidate’s outlining a Community Uplift Initiative (CUI) is a living document and that the CUI itself is dynamic and flexible to accommodate the recommendations of the targeted communities, the StateCom endorses the CUI. After the election season, the GRP will urge members and chapters to consider ways in which the CUI can be integrated into the GRP’s core message and serve as means of engagement with a broad constituency, including civil and human rights groups.”
2:30 pm Resumed meeting at Row House
Mike inquired about setting aside some time to address leadership and direction for 2015 at upcoming State Convention, such as public banking, CUI, etc. Danny stated that CUI originated from candidate campaign. Recommendation is to create a sub-committee strategy for the Party leading into 2016. In addition, form town and ward committees statewide for 2015 and run six candidates for state representative and six for state senate for 2016. Focus is on running candidates. Joanna commented that it will require concentration in communities and recruiting people to serve on committees. David Gerry stated that goal is 5% of state representation. Merelice stated that working as a team and learning to work together will help move toward communities working together. Issue is that resources are very limited and GRP wants to endorse candidates, but how can we attract people and support them? Scott stated that GRP needs to increase membership which is imperative to attract candidates. Carbon tax is the right issue and Brian is passionate about this issue. GRP must educate voters in non-profit groups. GRP should invite all political groups and non-profits to join GRP. John stated that GRP is in need of more organization, staff, and funds. John voiced concern on how Party will grow when there are a limited amount of people to do work.
- Form more local chapters, and build chapters so that each chapter can run someone for office. Rebuild chapters at universities and focus on student issues such as tuition debt, the environmental with a goal of registering 30% college graduates as GRP.
- Gus stated that nominated Greens on CDLC list are now holding public office. He recommended focusing in areas where there is the most need such as, Holyoke, Boston, Webster, etc.
- Merelice noted that there is a lack of continuity in community colleges because students do not stay in the community. Another issue is a huge number of un-enrolled voters.
- Scott commented that there is an absence of candidates at GRP meetings who are committed Greens. There are people representing GRP that have no interest in attending meetings.
John recommended forming a Strategy Group and present to at January StateCom meeting. Mike volunteered to serve on committee after election. The next step is to prepare an agenda item for next StateCom. Merelice stated that we know the “what”, but now need the “how”. There is a need for a Tactical Committee. The plan is to hold strategy discussion. Daphne is working with SWAT list strengths and will begin strategic plan. Roni will add Joanna Herlihy to convention email list.
Local Chapter Reports
- Mike Heichman reported that Greater Boston Chapter suspended meetings until after campaign on November 11.
- Scott Laugenour reported no meetings held in Berkshire. They have set up Ian Jackson headquarters for election night. Tim Wright will help arrange events. Scott announced that he is resigning from GRP because he is moving out of the area for the winter and plans to become an ex-pat. Scott has been recruiting other Greens in the Berkshires to take leadership. Two possible GRP leaders are Jeffrey Wield and Sonya Bykofsky is another possibility.
- Joyce Fortune reported that Pioneer Valley has five active members. They have not met, but stay active. Merelice expressed hope that Pioneer Valley chapter will help with events in area.
- Rick Purcell reported that he remains active in community events in Holyoke. The coal plant in Holyoke will close next month and they are looking for alternatives for energy sources.
- Roni Beal reported that Nashua River chapter meets once a month and is committed to writing letters to the editor in behalf of the campaign.
- Danny reported that Assabet River Valley chapter meets monthly, and has been very supportive of his campaign. Danny and three chapter members attended the Climate Convergence march in NYC. Danny reported that South Coast local had four people attend climate march.
- Quinebaug Valley – Gus, Maureen, Daphne are not meeting.
Campaign Mechanics Workshops
Merelice reported that candidates have attended good events that are geographically confined. Candidates want to add events to their calendar. She inquired if Pioneer Valley wants a campaign event, such as farmer’s markets. Merelice commented that candidates would like to have GRP elected representatives join the campaign.
Ian recommended contacting local people about lottery distribution formula.
Danny stated that he is running 9 points behind GOP opponent. Danny emphasized that candidates are open to meet people in groups that will attract press coverage.
Merelice stated that parts of the state that voted green in the past are Boston, Cambridge, Worcester, Lowell, Pittsfield, Leominster, Berlin, etc. Some of these communities are targeted for CUI. A discussion will ensue on how regions should be defined.
Brian Cady is in charge of volunteer recruitment. Send email address to Brian and will return recruitment form.
Danny reported that Bill Gavin is making rare public appearance. Danny and David Arcangelo will be present and confront Bill Gavin at Framingham town hall on Monday at 6 pm.
John presented a slide show about ways to promote candidates, media releases, twitter, etc.
Joanna sent Letters to the Editor to five people on StateCom. She advised to direct letters to newspapers outside usual areas. Many papers are owned by one corporation. Sample letters are available. Political letters generally stop one week before election. Some papers limit number of words in letter, otherwise they will not print.
Twitter Team
NoFrackedGasinMass hash tag leads back to Facebook that contains article about candidates. GRP account is central account. Follow GRP and candidates via Twitter and re-Tweet to other people. Scott reported that GRP currently has 800 to 900 followers.
Follow@GP_Party, @FactorForSOC, @ElectMerelice@johnA1. Scott advised that people read some Tweets before sending a Tweet. Scott is committed to send a Tweet every morning. Wes will Tweet a few evenings a week. John Tweets almost daily.
Online Posting Team
Monitor online blogs, websites, not many people signed up for this posting mechanism.
“Dear friend” effort – email version to forward to friends. All three candidates are included in Dear friend mailers.
Mike – Post letters on website and send email blast about forwarding messages and keep message short.
Graphic design
Facebook/Google targets groups
Wes inquired about video – he videoed Lyman terrace meet for YouTube. Editing skills important – add music, polish for final product. Translate some videos in Spanish, Haitian, Creole, French and people with hearing challenges. Stop-the- Pipeline in northern tier of Pioneer Valley and identify a day Pioneer Valley can arrange a day to rally. Holyoke, possible block parties – this area is not political and candidates are looking for media coverage.
John suggested going to the press, for example, (Valley Advocate) editorial office and hold meeting outside.
Merelice inquired if candidates are on their own to arrange events? Gus suggested riding through small towns for visibility. He said weekend coverage not available and that weekdays are best.
NRGR asked to arrange a meeting with one of the Green or Rainbow awardees. Roni will contact David Spanagel about meeting at café in Clinton that received Rainbow award.
Merelice expressed need for donations to candidates.
Mike announced need for Election Day signage and victory parties. Berkshires and Boston will hold an Election Day parties. Mike wants a sign with all three candidate names. Big email blast is planned to encourage people to stand out at poles. Mike will send literature to volunteers standing out. Merelice said that if weather is good candidates can generate a sign with all three candidates.
Meeting adjourn 5:15 pm
summer 2014 minutes
Draft Minutes of StateCom Meeting, July 12, 2014
Timekeeper: Daphne Stevens
Vibes: Frank Jackson
Stacker: Gus Steeves
Parliamentarians: M.L. Merelice and David Spanagel
Quorum met with 18 attendees
Approval of Agenda:
Concerns: John GASP change time for presentation to 30 minutes
StateCom members will gather signatures from 1 to 3 pm in Worcester at specified locations and reconvene at church at 3 pm
Joyce will redistribute agenda time before and after lunch
Elie approved reducing his breakout session to 30 minutes
Next StateCom Meeting
Next StateCom meeting scheduled for Sunday, October 5, 2015
Location: Western Mass, Rich Purcell will arrange – location to be determined
Southeast Group offered to host January StateCom meeting – Frank Jackson volunteered to be a co-chair for January 2015 meeting
Facilitators: Maureen Doyle and Gus Steeves for October 5th meeting
April Minutes
Concerns: Suggest listing name of County for new alternates on minutes. Add Robert Rosa (Bristol County) to April minutes.
Add Nomination contingent on Endorsement conditional upon getting on ballot
Change that Final vote was not consensus
Merelice was organizing signatures on taxes
Minutes approved with amendments
Co-Chair & AdCom Report
John – AdCom announced that David Spanagel is GRP Representative for GPUS
Pipeline – two additional states plan to join GASP. Massachusetts Liaison is Jane Winn, Pittsfield, Executive of Berkshire Environmental Action and David Rohrlich is Alternate Liaison for GASP.
Municipal elections: Congratulations to Gus Steeves, Town Council, Southbridge and Damon Jespersen, Select Board, Newbury. Both GRP candidates won elections in their towns with majority of votes.
There is statewide support for GRP candidates.
AdCom – Monthly financial report due on the 8th for previous month
GRP is encouraged to build on successes – document on how to achieve success, rather than repeating mistakes.
AdCom minutes in arrears because of lack of quorum – minutes will be forthcoming
Treasurer Report
See attached report
Sean reported that NationalBuilder cost $60 to $90 per month. Sean noted prices have increased and further discussion is recommended.
PayPal report has changed and Sean is now unable to physically sort categories.
Danny – Requested that Treasurer show current balances along with last year’s balances on report for comparison.
Merelice – Commented that candidate websites on NationalBuilder may be cause of higher cost – maybe campaign expense? Sean will investigate. Fundraiser effort compare cost of effort with contributions received.
Legally, registration fees must be counted as donation and notify donors when they reach max $500.
John – Asked that discretion be used when reporting donor information on treasurer’s report. Sean noted that donations are public information. John requested that caution be used when reporting donor information in the future. Wes stated that monthly donation data is not published on NationBuilder.
CDLC report
David Spanagel distributed a quarterly report – see attached
Frank requested that current and past candidates help 2015 candidates.
David recommended adding end date of incumbent’s term of office to determine if and when they will run for office another term.
CDLC member term average is four years. David made a plea for a few more volunteers to help CDLC and added that average time spent is 1-1/2 hour meeting per month.
It was noted that School Committee is an elected position
List Serve was established for candidates and can deliver information to candidates. David recommended that candidates check List Serve few times a month.
Elie commented that elected GP in minor offices is critical.
Merelice – informed StateCom that a woman in Marblehead who is a GRP member is a trustee on library in Marblehead and not listed on CDLC report.
Danny – requested that report distinguish status between elected candidates or appointed positions. CDLC will meet with Frank and write document on elected GRP.
Elie – commented that appointed or elected GRP – good to list everyone in office
Gus – add links to GRP website where articles about candidates are located in the state.
Brian – noted there are 5,209 GRP members
Danny –stated that one request of voter report allowed by candidates listing registered GRP voters. Ian requested a list. Danny is in process of making request for a voter list.
Brian – informed committee that updated Comparison sheets are available now.
Merelice –requested that symbols on Comparison sheets be blue for Democrats and red for GOP.
Danny requested that 1000 copies of Comparison sheets be printed with color change for Dem & GOP.
Sean stated that budget lists $250 for literature, plus $50 = $300 available for printing Comparison sheets
Merelice commented that the Comparison sheet is Communication Committee’s responsibility and no further input is required from AdCom is required.
Reports from Candidates
Merelice reported that campaign objective is to build team spirit in party and with voters. Campaign launch in Berkshires was a listening effort and candidates found one meaningful stop proved more successful than multiple campaign stops. The overall working theme is asking people what are your dreams, what will it take make these dreams a reality and can you be part of the GRP team.
Danny said “the voters are most important part of the team.” This is a listening campaign. The candidates want State Committee’s suggestions and ideas about the potential of spending full days campaigning in the Berkshires, Central Mass, Greater Boston, the Southeast, etc. from now to end of August after petitions are turned in to state level. The focus is on region by region or activity and entails field organization, literature, list management, messaging, etc. Recruiting volunteers for specific tasks is essential.
Comments from StateCom:
John commented that candidates need to talk about what galvanizes their campaign.
Danny explained that people want to explain their specific circumstances and this often dovetails with candidates’ stance if they take core beliefs and relate them to circumstances.
Mike Heichman commented that Boston Greenfest, NOFA conferences, Pride Parade, etc. are venues where Greens are well known and candidates can engage an audience Bottom line, candidates need to raise money.
Wes commented that common talking points are important for all candidates.
Elie went on to say that the Berkshires well organized group. He pointed out that Scott contacted local press and people to organize in Berkshire area. Scott was the manager and he made it clear when candidates needed to move to next stop.
Gus suggested that volunteers should be recruited to hand out Comparison sheets to people at campaign stops.
John recommended media blitz at every stop such as pictures in newspaper, television coverage, and interviews.
Merelice added that social media is key – Facebook, Twitter, Instagram
Sean volunteered to help with social media and post articles with links for candidates.
Danny stated that what they need are subgroups to report to campaign managers. They also need field organizers, literature, bumper stickers, fundraising, and emails sent out on a regular basis.
Merelice added that List management should continue building the campaign.
Sean will create a Twitter account for Merelice – mini blurbs that create trends that show up in people’s Twitter feeds – these messages go to young population.
Frank – Pioneer Valley campaign stop the big issue is the gas pipeline.
Gus stated that in Southbridge, key issues are youth needs, agriculture, landfill, job and health care. He added that Romanian fest good venue.
Worcester foreclosures and store closures are a problem. Northern Worcester County includes towns and cities that were manufacturing areas.
Roni suggested “Neighbors helping Neighbors” in Westminster on August 10. This is fundraiser to help people in Westminster who are faced with tragedy and financial difficulties beyond their control.
Danny suggested the Peace Vigil in Concord as a venue.
Frank inquired about Fall River area and Cape. Gus will contact Silent Spring at Cape, a nonprofit organization.
Sean commented that education and public transportation are ongoing problems in Fall River and since industry collapse in this area there is a need to find uses for Mills. Recommend two days for Southeast – Attleboro and Umass Dartmouth.
Northeast is weakest area, Lawrence and Lowell. Spanish speakers would be helpful.
Maureen stated that in Southbridge flyers should be in both English and Spanish.
Mike said that in Boston there are three Latino fests August 15 – 17. There is a charge for a table – good location for campaign literature in Spanish. Siggy has friend who can translate.
Merelice recommended that party brochure be translated in Portuguese, Creole, Spanish and other languages.
Frank added that there are immigration issues throughout state.
Elie will send ID card email to StateCom
Lunch and Signature Collection:
Joyce reminded everyone that apartment numbers are important, print name if signature not legible on petitions.
Break for lunch and signature collection
Two discussion/breakout sessions:
Ballot Questions – Mike Heichman
Mike presented a proposal to encourage public transportation and discourage more gas consumption. Portion of gas tax money be dedicated to public transportation. Frank had concern with why GP supports gas tax. Elie opposed to taking a position on issues that are not GRP. Danny is willing to take a position, but has no problem with not taking a position on proposed issues. John elected to take no position. Merelice elected to take a position because issues are political. Sean agrees with GRP taking a position and to work with organizations with same values. Ballot issues attract media coverage. John made a request for volunteers to write one article each regarding GRP’s stand on ballot question and submit to AdCom.
- Earned sick time – employees at companies with 10 plus works should earn as many as 40 hours of paid sick time per year – Pro - Sean will write article
- Prohibit casino gambling – No concerns - Wes will write article
- Expanding the bottle bill – Pro - Frank will write article
- Repeal of 2013 gas tax – No – Siggy will write article
Proposal – GASP – GRP Issue
John made a slide presentation about the Green Alliance to Stop the Pipelines (GASP) effort. What is the truth about pipelines? Six New England governors support the gas pipeline with “political spin” that project will create jobs, clean energy, and that there is a gas crisis. Gas is being promoted as “clean burning energy”. The entire project is a detriment to the environment. Construction unions are backing fracking support groups. Both federal and state politicians are influenced by pipeline money. Proposed electrical tariff on electric bills means tax payers will be burdened with cost of fracking project. Twenty communities oppose pipeline so far and there is strong grass roots resistance. There is an effort in Washington DC to lift export ban to allow gas to be shipped to Europe, and to raise natural gas prices for New England tax payers. Project favors gas producers, not consumers. Twenty senators oppose project.
Climate impact of gas pipeline is not abiding by Global Warming Solution Act. There are multiple dangers associated with fracking such as, cracked pipelines catching fire, workers accidents, fire-balls incinerating neighborhoods. Thirty-six inch (36”) highly pressurized pipes are used and homes up to 500 feet from these pipelines have been completely destroyed or seriously damaged. Kinder Morgan proposes that 50 feet right away is safe. Statistics show that 70 pipeline incidents occur per year; with only 45 permanent jobs generated with pipeline; and 3,000 temporary jobs. Is there a crisis? Energy efficiency results are in decline gas and electrical usage – wind, hydro, solar creates more jobs. Cost of pipeline project is estimated at 4 billion dollars. This money could best be spent on making homes and buildings energy efficient. Fracking fields last approximately 10 years. Money spent on fossil fuels exploration should be used on renewal energy. 2017 is approval date for pipeline.
Alliance of Green Parties in New England includes Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, plus New York and New Jersey. Pennsylvania may join the alliance. John will send a position statement to StateCom.
Attach copy of proposal
Approach for communities: People should not pay for gas pipeline by the way of tax tariff on electrical bills. Elie stated that the enemy of conservation is only way gas company can make a project pay and that is to decrease conservation land. Bottom line, ecological waste will damage the environment. Reduce consumption is best solution.
StateCom endorses GASP proposal with consensus
$2,105 raised from mailer
Mailer cost $200-300 dollars
September mailer planned – include convention info with incentives.
Platform Committee
Johanna - Requested more help with issues
Pioneer Valley – Joyce - new member Bill Ashley – big help, small group but actively engaged. Nat is Treasurer for Merelice’s campaign.
Nashua River – David - New officers elected
Assabet River – Danny - over 1500 signatures collected – get back to local issues – GRP issue as town meetings – healthy good, housing, public housing, town buy vacant condos for homeless. Local issue is school bus depot leaking oil into aquifer.
Boston – David Gerry stepped down as officer. Last meeting focused on supporting candidates. Signature drive very successful – 3,000 signatures included with Assabet River.
Southeast – no meetings – used time collecting signatures.
Round Robin
Joyce – thank you for local support for breakfast and lunch.
Wes – Boston chapter – good meeting
Roni – GASP presentation highlight
Mike – pleasure working with positive team
Sheryl – good meeting
Danny – echoed Mike’s comments
John – like to see some new faces at meeting
Daphne – educational meeting
Siggy – working on petitions
David – has 37 petitions to turn in for Worcester
Carlo – democratic meeting
Johanna – great content
Elie – list of towns to notify people along pipeline
Gus – great meeting – faces new challenges as town councilor
Maureen – is ready with buckets to take leftovers home for compost
Wendy – cohesive, moving forward group
Round Robin (continued)
Merelice – thank you to everyone
Sean – thank you to Joyce & Siggy
Frank – chart 6,650 raw signatures, 7,529
Adjourned at 5:30 pm
Attendees at July 12, 2014 StateCom Meeting
18 StateCom Members Attended
John Andrews
Roni Beal
Brian Cady
Sean Connell
Maureen Doyle
Danny Factor
Joyce Palmer Fortune
Mike Heichman
Joanna Herlihy
Frank Jackson
MD Merelice
Siggy Meilus
Wes Nickerson
David Spanagel
Gus Steeves
Daphne Stevens
Elie Yarden
Richard Vaillette
3 Observers Attended
Wendy Abeles
Cedric Flower
Carol Goegoazales
Food Provided by:
Karen Sargent
David Spanagel
Sheryl Vaillette