GRP Statecom Minutes 2020-08-06
These minutes may not be available until approved by Statecom.
GRP Statecom Minutes 2020-07-30
These minutes may not be available until approved by Statecom.
GRP Statecom Minutes 2020-07-21
These minutes may not be available until approved by Statecom.
GRP Statecom Minutes 2020-06-16 (Spring 2020 Part III)
Decisions Made:
- GRP PNC Delegates are approved by consensus.
- All Regional Conventions are approved by consensus.
- All proportional representatives elected at approved Regional Conventions, plus GBC-recommended and approved other Statecom members and alternates, are seated by consensus.
- David Spanagel will create the doodle poll for the Summer 2020 Statecom meetings, to be held over 3 dates as telecons.
- With no concerns, Maureen Doyle is appointed to the GPUS EcoAction Committee.
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GRP Statecom Minutes 2020-05-19 (Spring 2020 Part II)
Decisions Made:
- Approved by consensus: MOTION IN FULL: Appoint the top two vote getters (1 female and 1 male/non-binary) of each regional convention. New Statecom will assess the regional conventions and ask that chapters hold redos if necessary by the end of June 2020.
- David Spanagel volunteers to facilitate the next Statecom meeting. Will seek female co-facilitator and send out Doodle Poll re: next Statecom meeting and time. Roni Beal volunteered to co-facilitate if another female facilitator cannot be found.
GRP Statecom Minutes 2020-04-29 (Spring 2020 Part I)
Summary: Statecom reviewed important parts of the GRP Bylaws and the Standing Rules. We ran out of time and no one was appointed. The Boston Regional Conventions are still in dispute.
Statecom Minutes 2020-04-05
Decisions Made:
- Joshua Gerloff is appointed GRP Secretary.
- Brian Cady is appointed GRP Treasurer.
- The next State Committee meeting is called for April 29, 2020.
GRP Special State Committee Minutes 2020-03-25
Decisions Made:
- The regular Spring 2020 StateCom meeting is postponed at least 1 month.
- The GRP State Convention is postponed to Sept 26, 2020.
- Josh will send Doodle polls to determine meeting times for 2 upcoming State Committee teleconferences.
GRP Statecom Minutes 2020-01-04 (Winter 2020)
Decisions Made:
- The GRP demands a moratorium on 5G implementation in MA until a full, extensive and independent assessment of the technology is completed and public hearings are conducted and that 5G is proven safe for people and the environment.
Statecom Minutes 2019-12-14
These minutes may not be available until approved by Statecom.