Email Listservs, Etiquette, and Observer Policy
Email Listservs
GRP Chapters and Working Committees communicate amongst themselves via our email listservs. (A listserv is basically an email newsletter - responses are distributed to subscribers by email messages. A listserv subscriber can see archives of each listserv through the listserv sign-up page.) To subscribe to any of the Green-Rainbow Party listservs, please go here to sign up:
Email Listserv Etiquette
We value diversity of opinion.
We confirm that the Green-Rainbow Party as “owners” have scope and purpose of the listserv, to determine who is eligible to subscribe and post, and to unsubscribe persons who do not cooperate when asked to observe posting guidelines.
Green-Rainbow Party Guidelines for Use
Adopted by the Green-Rainbow State Committee 10/22/11
(# 9. Amended Summer 2024 by Tech Committee chair Brian Cady)
- Know the purpose of the listserv or site you are using. Keep your postings relevant to that purpose.
- Use descriptive subject lines for postings. Switch to a new title if you want to change the subject completely.
- Keep postings short and to the point. Try not to post unless you have something new or useful to add to the discussion. Avoid repetition.
- Don’t carry on extended conversations that are of interest to only you and one or two others. Use direct emails for such conversations. Whenever appropriate, use “Reply” instead of “Reply All”.
- Be constructive. Indicate where solutions may lie. The communication channels have been created to move us forward, so make your postings serve that purpose.
- Show respect for differences of opinion. Avoid name-calling, insults, intimidation, scatological, profane, racist, sexist or dismissive statements. Remember that calm and thoughtful replies are almost always the most convincing way to get your point across.
- Be willing to move a discussion to another channel if the discussion goes in a direction that makes it unsuitable for the channel on which it originated.
- Realize that discussions on open channels do not constitute official business and may not accurately represent the actual balance of opinions within the Party or within a committee. People who do not at all agree with the statements being made may simply refuse to be drawn into the conversation. [Hence, it is usually inappropriate to write things such as “I’m glad we all agree that this proposal should be withdrawn.”]
Suggested listserv emailing method:1. Click 'reply all', or 'compose' a fresh note,2. Delete all but one listserv's email address from the recipient box, and all other email addresses, (like that of the original sender),3. Delete all CC and BCC recipients' addresses,4. Write your message,5. Double-check that the only recipient is just one listserv,6. Send.Why: Our ancient 'Mailman' app settings sometimes hold mail when we send to multiple addresses. This behavior is an enthusiastic spam and cross-posting control measure which we can keep from interrupting our conversations through the above guidelines.
- Cooperate whenever possible with other suggestions provided by the channel administrator.
When postings are made that appear to be in violation of the list guidelines, the administrator should call the violation to the attention of the persons who made the posting. The administrator may decide to post a public comment to the entire list if several persons are involved or if the impacts of violations seems to require a public statement. The administrator may suggest changes that would restore compliance with the guidelines.
GRP Listserv Observer Policy
- When a Statecom or Adcom member signals their departure, or when the GRP Secretary sends Techcom an updated Statecom list, Techcom will send an Observer Opt-In Email to the outgoing committee member.
- Once a year or when email bounces are hitting our email/month limit, Techcom will issue an opt-in email to the observers on the lists. Observers who do not opt-in to continue will be removed.
- In the interest of transparency, the general public may view the public GRP archives, but only GRP members may participate on the listservs, and only past Statecom / Adcom members may subscribe as an Observer to the corresponding listserv.
- Any GRP member should be allowed on the listserv upon request, absent a valid security concern about the person.
- Tech Com will periodically email blast a best practices for using the GRP listservs, etc.