Truth & Transparency: Leading with Lavery

In a time when Berkshire County faces unparalleled challenges, the 3rd Berkshire District needs a tough, but fair representative. Michael Lavery, a seasoned public servant, has stepped up to bring new energy and concern for Western Mass's constituents to Beacon Hill.

Mike Lavery needs the active support of Greens this election season to mount a serious campaign against an establishment Democrat who has been the State Representative for 19 years. For five years, Mike has promoted the environment. He has helped install Electic vehicle charging stations at Town Hall. He has successfully won a ban on single-use plastic bags in Becket. Additionally, Mike has championed protections for small businesses against the well-connected corporations that would destroy the character and environment of the small towns and rural areas that characterize this unique district.

Mike cannot do this alone. He needs boots on the ground. He also needs financial contributions and volunteers who can phone bank from the comfort of their own homes. Contact Mike's office to volunteer or to donate. GRP_Logo_LEAF_20.png

Showing 3 reactions

  • John Blumenstiel
    commented 2022-08-09 17:03:29 -0400
    What we need across the country are political challengers like Michael Lavery. He has worked at the grassroots to create real change and adderss the real problems left unattended to by our “for profit political class”. We know where “top-down” political process leaves us—right where we are today. Let’s send a Green to the Massachusetts State House to challenge the status quo.
  • Michael Lavery
    followed this page 2022-08-01 13:44:02 -0400
  • Jack Swindlehurst
    published this page in News 2022-08-01 11:52:14 -0400