You probably have some good ideas about what government should be doing to help people struggling in this unfair economy or to preserve a livable environment on this planet. But rather than hoping that someone else will take action, why not run for office yourself? The Green-Rainbow Party sees a critical need for candidates who are thoughtful, compassionate, and independent of the entrenched power structure. These qualities are often found in Green-Rainbow Party members like you. Maybe you are what voters have been looking for.
We believe that a tremendous amount of good can be accomplished by getting honest and principled people to run for municipal boards, town meetings, or legislative seats. If you win, you will be the voice for your fellow citizens who are usually ignored by conventional politicians. And no matter the outcome of the election, running for office is a golden opportunity to create meaningful public dialogue on the issues while pressuring incumbents to do the right thing.
Elections will be held in 2023 for local offices all across the state. And these local seats have proven to be winnable for GRP candidates.
GRP member Nat Fortune serves as Town Moderator in Whately, MA. He says, "Few people are aware that the Whately Town Moderator appoints residents to the town Planning Board (which handles zoning) and the Finance Committee (which recommends how the town’s financial resources should be allocated). Being Town Moderator these last 3 years means our Planning Board now considers climate change in zoning decisions; our Finance Committee now has the first women members in years, with more members with backgrounds in municipal government. Our boards better represent the varied backgrounds of town residents, and residents are being informed about what is going on during town meetings."
The GRP’s Candidate Development Committee wants to hear from potential GRP candidates from across the state. We can help you decide whether to run this year. And we can tell you about how the GRP can help you get organized. You will be surprised to find out how many of your fellow citizens will be grateful to hear that you are in the race. Please write to [email protected] to get the conversation started.
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