Winter 2015 agenda


9:00 am * Welcome / Registration & Credentialing / Tea & Crumpets / Recruit Timekeeper, Vibes Watcher, Stacker, and Parliamentarian (watch out for a tap on the shoulder!  Or send a note to the co-facilitators ahead of time if you wish to volunteer for one of these important roles)


9:30 am * Call to Order * Secretary’s confirmation of quorum * Identify and Confirm Timekeeper, Vibes Watcher, Stacker, and Parliamentarian, seating alternates if needed, elect new statecom members if any.


9:35 am * Approve the day’s agenda PLEASE REVIEW AND COMMENT AHEAD OF TIME


9:40 am * Selection of April 2015 State Committee date and co-facilitators (Saturdays in Jan: 5,12,19,26)


9:50 am elect diversity members to adcom

10:00 am * Co-Chairs & AdCom Report

10:10 am * Treasurers report

10:20 am * CDLC Report

10:30 am * Membership Committee Report


10:40 - 12:10 am * Proposals round 1

Expedited round:

"Growing the Green Rainbow Party"


over 2/3 with no concerns: in order of (highest to lowest ranked)

Growing the Green-Rainbow Party

Rapid Response Protocol

Adcom Chapter Alternatives


Less than 2/3 with no concerns:

Formation of an Action Working Group

Legislative Working Committee

Let's Ensure that All GRP Activities are Inclusive and Accessible To People With Disabilities


12:10 noon * Lunch


1:00 pm - 2:00pm * Proposals round 2    Continue where we left off in the morning.....  

2:00pm - 2:45pm Budget discussion


3:00 pm Summer Convention Discussion

Need to have a location and local arrangements contact person(s) decided at this meeting else there will not be a summer convention in all likelihood.


3:30 pm Regional Conventions Map

Need to adopt for next set of regional conventions to elect statecom.  Joyce will give a short presentation, to see the slides click here.  Copies of the final map will be at the meeting


Consider other proposals if there is time


4:00 pm  * Working Committee Reports  – Communications, Convention, Fundraising, Platform


4:30 pm * Chapter Reports – Berkshires, Pioneer Valley, Nashua River, Assabet River Valley, Greater Boston, Fall River

4:50 pm * Round Robin

5:00 pm * Adjourn



Showing 5 reactions

  • Brian Cady
    commented 2015-01-09 14:08:51 -0500
    Apologies to all: I mis-stated the number of MA Governor’s councilors as seven; there are eight councilors, from eight regions.
  • Brian Cady
    commented 2015-01-09 13:42:33 -0500
    I want to start by thanking Joyce for what I know from my own experience is the considerable effort of trying to form regions on the state map satifying the various desires for statecom members.
    It’s not an easy process, and there’s no perfect answer.

    On the other hand other groups have faced this problem and accepted solutions. For example the MA Governor’s Council is formed from representatives elected from seven statewide districts.

    Let’s consider using these existing districts as a basis for our own, as they are:

    1) already thoughtfully worked-out, and
    2) will be updated to remain proportional. Also,
    3) there’s at least some existing recognition among the public of these regions, so they’re easier to understand, and
    4) seven is a good number of committee members to have, in that it’s not too big and might avoid tie votes more often.

    Here’s a link to the map of the MA Governor’s council districts, which we might well adopt as our own districts:
  • Daniel Factor
    commented 2015-01-03 12:54:38 -0500
    9:40 a.m.— Change to “Sundays in April”.

    I suggest to end Working Committe Reports at 4:20 p.m.

    IMHO from 4:20 to 4:35 there should also be a report from the Lenox Town Committee and brief 1 minute reports (In writing if they cannot attend)from our dozen or so elected candidates holding office.

    Chapter reports would begin at 4:35.
  • Ian Jackson
    commented 2015-01-03 11:07:00 -0500
    I was hooping that suggestions for Structured Strategic Discussion might feed into lines in the budget even if we didn’t have figures.
  • Ian Jackson
    commented 2014-12-19 14:36:31 -0500
    Time should to be set a side during proposals or the Treasurer’s Report for a discussion of the budget. — Ian Jackson