The location is:
Camelot Cohousing
Common House
69 Village Court
Berlin MA 01503
Contact # for day-of: 857-540-1183
Berlin is convenient to Rt 495 and Rt 290.
From Exit 26: Turn left onto Rt 62 W, go about 1/2 mi and take left onto Sawyer Hill Road up a steep hill, which levels out and then descends. Stay to the right, this road is narrow and winds around. Watch for oncoming traffic, and potentially horses on the road. Turn at 2nd right, onto Village Lane, go forward till road curves, which is Village Ct. Visitor spaces are just past the dumpsters on the right. The Common House is directly across from Visitor Parking.
Visitor parking includes two handicapped spots. If visitor parking fills up, please park along Village Court, which means going back down the street you entered, past the dumpsters, and park on the edge of the road nearest the woods (right side of Village Court as you originally entered). Do not park in numbered spots or in Mosaic Commons Cohousing lots, which is the first community you see as you enter Village Lane/Village Court.
Lunch: brown bag/potluck!
Given that we are far from vegetarian restaurants, please bring a potluck dish to share, or your own brown bag lunch. We will have cider, tea and coffee made in small drip pots
Charlene and Brian,
- January 28, 2017 at 9:00am – 5pm
Camelot Cohousing
Berlin, MA 01503
United States
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