Donate Online!

Please consider donating $30 or more.  This will help us reach our goals. 


To become a sustaining donor schedule a small, automatically renewing monthly contribution here.


Please note: These donations go to our State account, and, by party policy, we don't accept contributions from state or federal registered lobbyists, no matter what the issue. We want you to be sure that when we speak, we speak for the people of Massachusetts — not for special interests seeking sweetheart deals. Our support comes from you.

Prefer to pay by check, or to our State account? No problem! Just fill in the needed information (including employer and occupation), print out the completed form, and mail it along with your personal check to the Green-Rainbow Party, 152 Westbrook Rd. So. Deerfield, MA 01373-9657


$3,642.00 raised
GOAL: $12,120.00