Put Our Green-Rainbow Team on the Ballot!

Join Us As We Declare Our Independence from Corporate Rule

Good News! We are already well on our way toward putting our team of activists on the ballot! We have collected 6,646 signatures, but we need at least 9,000 by July 27, to avoid having our signatures challenged by the Democratic and Republican parties. Now is the crucial time for everyone to pitch in. Help put us over the top! Join our team of signature collectors!

It would be wonderful if you could pledge to collect 100 signatures or more. July signature collection will take place in the Greater Boston Area, Metrowest, Fall River/New Bedford, Worcester County, Pioneer Valley and in the Berkshires.

Let's put the Green-Rainbow Party in the State House! Contact Mike Heichman at 617-265-8143 for Greater Boston or Siggy Meilus at 508-373-8322 for the rest of the Massachusetts.

Make your dream work with teamwork. Join the Green-Rainbow Party team of statewide candidates, as we work for economic and environmental justice in Massachusetts!

Danny Factor for Secretary of the Commonwealth

Ian Jackson for State Treasurer 

Merelice for State Auditor

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