Stay In Touch

We encourage your feedback and hope you'll continue to keep in touch!

Contact us:

Email us at [email protected]

Call 413-650-6542

Join online email discussions of political issues and strategies by GRP members by subscribing to the GRP-discuss listserv.

To get the latest news about our party, candidates, and events, Subscribe today to our website. Help us grow the party, Spread the Word to friends and family here!

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Showing 6 reactions

  • Elie Yarden
    commented 2016-11-05 19:41:21 -0400
    How many times in the course of a session need one sign in?
  • Elie Yarden
    commented 2016-11-05 19:40:38 -0400
    Where on this website does one get information about an upcoming state committee meeting? Where is this announced? An acquaintance is seeking my support in seeking public office. I do not wish to respond without finding out whether he is or not a registered on the rolls as a GRP member. Where do I get this information? Who actually reads the “Stay In Touch” page and responds?
  • Elie Yarden
    commented 2016-11-05 19:30:35 -0400
    I just did.
  • Elie Yarden
    commented 2016-10-14 21:52:23 -0400
    Please put the Matthew Andrews Pledge prominently on the Home Page design so that anyone curious about the Green-Rainbow Party can know that Pledging ones vote is the way to go.
  • Angel Ayala
    commented 2016-03-16 08:42:35 -0400
    I agree its great to know in near future the rainbow party will be available to all Americans god bless America.@@
  • Angel Ayala
    commented 2015-11-18 01:44:44 -0500
    It be nice if they can put more informational video on this web site thank you .@@