Pride Month Coming to an End

Pride month is coming to an end, but for myself and millions of LGBTQ+ people and their allies, pride is an everyday struggle for acceptance, equal treatment, and basic civil rights. I am so proud of our GRP chapters for stepping up this year for their commitment to supporting Pride events across the State of Massachusetts in Boston, Fall River, and Berkshire to name a few.

I was very proud to help organize and represent the GRP in my hometown of Holbrook for our local pride event. It encourages me as a gay man that so many in my local community care enough to dedicate their time and money to an event to show their love and support for the LGBTQ+ community and their families, especially our youth who are growing up in a difficult time where their right to be open about who they are is being challenged by homo/transphobic right-wing ideology being pushed into our schools and laws by right-wing state lawmakers.

Though there is still a long fight ahead let this month be a reminder that love is more powerful than hate and our commitment to a better and more inclusive society is always worth fighting for.

Showing 4 reactions

  • Elizabeth Humphrey
    commented 2023-07-02 08:46:06 -0400
    The “garble” at the end of my last comment was my attempt to add three hearts… LOL
  • Elizabeth Humphrey
    commented 2023-07-02 08:46:01 -0400
    The “garble” at the end of my last comment was my attempt to add three hearts… LOL
  • Elizabeth Humphrey
    commented 2023-07-02 08:44:04 -0400
    Through thick & thin, I am proud to stand with my LGBTQIA Siblings & have You to stand with me!
    We are stronger together! <3<3<3
  • Jack Swindlehurst
    published this page in News 2023-07-01 15:20:30 -0400