Statecom Minutes 2019-07-14

Whiteman Room of The Episcopal Church of Saints James and Andrew, 8 Church Street, Greenfield, MA 01301

Decisions Made:

Jasper, Jed and Garret accept nominations for Statecom.

Motion: Give Convention Committee, in collaboration with CDLC/Presidential Election Working Group, leeway to choose a date for 2020 GRP Convention at the back-up location Worcester First Unitarian Church. Approved.

Francis Jeffers, GRP Appointee to GPUS EcoAction Committee, has been notified of his waning appointment. He will  seek reappointment.

Motion: Statecom endorse the creation of GRP Retreat Working Group to look into this matter and report back to Adcom on progress.

Next Statecom Teleconference is August 29, 2019.

Fall 2019 Statecom meeting will be October 5 at the Worcester Friends Meeting House.

Fall 2019 Statecom Co-Facilitators will be Joshua Gerloff and Dan Kontoff.

Process To Join Working Committees. Charlene is tabled for next time.

Proposal: Violence to Animals Must End Now by Joshua Gerloff is tabled for next time.

Proposals: GRP Will Oppose Euthanasia and Doctor-Assisted Suicide and GRP Will Call for the Total Elimination of the US Military are posponed til teleconference.

Chapter Reports are tabled. Please send chapter reports to [email protected].


Attendance: Roni Beal, Hal Brown, Brian Cady, Charlene DiCalogero, Danny Factor, Joshua Gerloff, Dan Kontoff, David Rolde, and Elie Yarden. With 9 voting members in attendance, quorum is reached! Q: 9/7

Recognition of alternates: Jed Stamas and Priscillla Espinosa are seated. Q: 11/7


  • Jasper, Jed and Garret accept nominations for Statecom.

  • Jasper and Garret are now Statecom Alternates and are seated.

  • Jed accepts nomination for full Statecom Member. Jed is seated as full member.

Charlene: Statecom Alternate not required to attend Statecom meetings, but if you attend, we seat you and you may vote and have consensus power. Right now, there are no Statecom members from Pioneer Valley. We should be gender balanced and there should be diversity. Members are required to attend meetings. There are 4 seasonal meetings and 4 telecons.”

Assign Roles:

  • Minutes: Joshua Gerloff
  • Stacker: Hal Brown
  • Vibes watcher: Charlene DiCalogero
  • Timekeeper: Maha Gray
  • Parliamentarian: Danny

Approval of Agenda: Approved as amended by consensus.

Approval of minutes of previous meetings: Approved by consensus.

Greetings by Co-Chairs of the party

  • Charlene: This is a collective action issue. A political issue. This is why I’m a GRP. There are various groups. We have a critical role to play in recruiting and running candidates. Cannot allow all of this, the drivers of climate change. Major shift in how we do everything. How to put GRP front and center. We are the only party who can deal with this.
  • Maha Gray: Thank you for being patient with me. New to this. Maha joins the table.

Current Campaigns for Office

  • Charlene: No official announced candidacies. There are certain lines you don’t cross when running a campaign (there are rules). Campaign Development and Legal Committee (CDLC) makes sure you don’t have to shut down your campaign. Mistakes can be made so consult with us (CDLC).
  • David: Running for President.
  • Garrett: Running for District 1 State legislature. I’ve attended State Meetings, have contacted the FEC. He campaigns in Spanish. Have not raised money.
    • David: running in different district than where you live.
      1. Garret: Don’t have to live in the same district. You have to be 21 
        1. Jasper: Is it ethical to run in a district you don’t live in? Garrett thinks so.
        2. Danny: Is Garret in touch with CDLC? Charlene: yes.
          1. Garret: Brief communication to the State.
  • Danny: Applied to be on Assabet town governing body: the Planning and Development Committee, which is not interested in affordable housing and greenspace. First person to apply had a contrary position. The committee met outside of open meeting law. They had to apologize and had to redo Danny’s appointment. Filed Suit with Attorney Steve Ballard (member of GRP). 
  • Dan Kontoff: Want to run for Mayor of Boston against Marty Walsh.

Reports from working committees:

    • AdCom: Participation Fund Task Group: Proposal supported by Adcom. Needed communication with ANM. Given some support to 7 GRP Members to attend ANM. Support from National on registration costs.
    • Communication & Media: Hal: Trying to figure out how Nation Builder works. Email blast. 
    • Legislative: David: Meeting monthly on the phone. Discussing bills before the state legislature. In May, endorse a bill for non-resident people to get a drivers license, endorse bill to change Columbus Day to Indiginous Peoples Day. How do we go about getting on the Adcom agenda and endorsed? June meeting endorsed more bills that will notify GRP. Endorsed more indigenous. How to proceed?
    • Convention Planning: Roni: Joyce Palmer-Fortune resigned. Roni prepared to resign, would continue to support new people. Minutes criticizing Joyce and Roni. Convention is a lot of work. We do not have a venue for 2020. Need to book First Unitarian Church in Worcester as a backup. Need a fallback place. Today would be a good day to plan the day and book Worcester. Don’t scramble at the last minute.
      • Motion: Give Convention Committee, in collaboration with CDLC/Presidential Election Working Group, leeway to choose a date for 2020 GRP Convention at the back-up location Worcester First Unitarian Church. Approved.

        1. Charlene: second.
        2. Jasper: Why take decision from Statecom?
          1. Elie: this is a presidential year, things are required of a convention, rules to satisfy, necessary to follow certain rules. We don’t have the  info in our hands.
          2. John: involved with delegate selection. The connection to convention is loose. Our presidential campaign involves decisions by Adcom and statecom and will happen before march 3. These are not important restraints.
            1. Elie: What are the state rules that need to be followed , special rules?
              1. John: There are rules imposed on GRP, require statecom to make some decisions, and Adcom, GRP must send in an official letter to the state, etc.
        3. David: Local chapters might want to host in their area. And Convention Committee excludes people.
          1. Danny: David asked to be on convention and was excluded, and how do excluded members involve themselves in decision of where and when convention?
            1. John: Statecom can delegate final decision re all conduct of convention. Statecom is required to approve the fact that we are having a convention. Convention Committee should bring rules before Statecom.


  • 11 yes. 1 opposed. 3 abstain. The motion is approved by a majority vote.


        1. David: thinks it’s too early to book. The date should be decided by statecom.

Secretary Report: Josh:

  • Francis Jeffers, GRP Appointee to GPUS EcoAction Committee, has been notified of his waning appointment. He will  seek reappointment.

Reports from local chapters

  • Matt: Meeting in Linda T’s house in Framingham. 5 people. Interested in forming a chapter. Dinner party. Immigrant rights stuff, etc. Framingham / MetroWest Chapter.
    • Move chapter reports to the end.

Presentation and discussion of plans for GRP retreat. Late summer or early fall.

  • Only preliminary discussion. Retreat about GRP Members coming together and discussing priorities. Idea stage.
  • Charlene: Need at least one other person who wants to be involved in the planning. Will need more people to help with logistics..
  • Elie: 1980, explaining the crisis we are in now. The ecological vision is missing from our party. People are afraid of thinking.
  • Dan Kontoff: Retreat would be more about building our community. No commitment to the rules. Will help us to grow.
  • Danny: Not calling it a convention, this body has no power to change our bylaws. We can call it a summit convention, it would have power. Otherwise it can only make recommendations. We must decide, plenty of reason to get together and meet each other. There is a lot of talent in this room. A program that id’s substantive issues. Danny: has concern, unless we approve by Adcom or convention, we are only laying down ideas.
    • Maha: culminate in decisions that will apply to that year, next year and 5 years. The retreat is not a decision making body.
    • Priscilla: Is retreat have to do with suggestions? A retreat for team building, and strategically plan and identify ourselves. Who are we as Greens?
      1. Maha: Direct response: Same concerns, same time, same discussion, strategic thinking, We feel adrift and need to latch onto something.
    • Matt: Making recommendations is underselling what happens at retreat. Need a space to create proposals. Sent an email: “Must have a process. 20 questions with what should we be working on?” A structured retreat that asks the right questions.
    • John: Maha and Matt make good points. A meeting with no results?!?! Our proposals pop out of nowhere and we must confront them vs. what proposals are important to us? Must poll our members. Online poll and get opinions to guide us.
  • David: Retreat is an informal gathering, getting to know each other, do we take stacks etc like Statecom, can the retreat be widely accessible?
  • Garret: “Bee Democracy” about Bees for how they decide things. They do it by enthusiasm.
  • Priscilla: As a new member, I have a pro background in human resources. Mentorship line. An onboarding process, where the elders of the party are developing the new members. Anticapitalist can learn something from business, keeping strategy alive, enthusiasm, with strategy, we look at the beginning of the strategy but not the middle and end strategy. We are a small group with people and human resource problems. SMART goals. Being inclusive.
  • Maha: What can we do today that starts the planning of the retreat?
  • Motion: Statecom endorses the creation of GRP Retreat Working Group to look into this matter and report back to Adcom on progress.

    • Jed: Second.
    • Charlene: Friendly amendment: can go to Adcom.
    • Danny: Adcom as caretaker/tracker of it. Adcom will track it.
    • John: Friendly amendment: Call it a working group. Every wg should have some entity they report to ?? Reports to Adcom. No concerns, approved by consensus.

Treasurer's report: Brian Cady 

  • Matt: accounting balance is under bank balance, did you not deposit a check? A missing deposit that BC didn’t report. Someone may not have cashed a check written by us.
  • Want to move to double entry accrual basis. Inherited Single entry.
  • We have already made a decision to spend $1398 on ANM Part Fund.

Ranking of Proposals, Discussion of concerns

  • Charlene: Ranking proposals. 4 proposals. When there ismore than one proposal, facilitators ask Statecom members to comment, voice concerns, and rank.

Urgent matters:

  • Charlene: Trump is a criminal. This is so egregious. Credible evidence that he is a thief, a rapist. We’re told there are 2 things you can do. Impeachment, or wait for the next election. It is not just this man alone. This is a women’s issue--men get away with sexual assault because of sexism.Third option, because country is being stolen: The GRP and GPUS should demandTrump resign. This body consense or vote as necessary on telling the national party that we should demand that Trump resign.
    • Jed: Research into sexual harassment etc re Trump, warrants more investigation. Media not covering these allegations. 
    • Frank Jeffers: Extreme emergency, the military would be in protective custody, and Pence would be president. Climate change is poised as  national emergency. Army corp of engineers. Major disasters.
    • David: Trump is not the problem. Focusing on trump as the problem, bad for grp or gpus. Republicans are always vilified as the worst person ever. Nixon worst person in  history.
    • Dan K: Two conversations. Asking Trump to resign. We lost respect all around the world. Get the ANM to make a statement and we would gain strength.
    • Maha: Asking Trump to resign because of his crime or policy. Focus on the crime, then we have scope talking about the resignation. Focus on crime of policy?
    • Jasper: 1. Huge problem: Gay and Trans people are also victims of sexual harasment and assault. 2 what can the gpus/grp do? He’s not going to resign just because we say so.
    • John: This is not a strong statement that will help the Green Party. Seem like we are not clued in to what's going on. Democrats have weaponized the impeachment process. Agree with David, not the personality, it’s the system. Dems will say we have to get rid of Trump no matter what. Strategic mistake. Making Trump the stand-in for evil. Must work on nuances.
    • Priscila: What can we do at National Level about Trump destroying. Put vulnerable people in a bad place. International violations and codes re agreements. International laws? Is this dilemma international? The Hague: he should be tried there. Crimes against humanity.
    • Roni: Let’s take a break….
    • Charlene: Appreciate the conversation. Especially Priscila’s ideas. Withdraw the motion. Everyone please think about this. This is about his crimes.
  • David: This is not appropriate for Urgent Matters. Inappropriate. Charlene: Not finished, and this is urgent.
    • Danny: is this an urgent matter? We need a much larger discussion. We are as against Trump as anyone else. We don’t fall for the idea that we should pass motions that would exonerate Obama for deportation. This needs more thought and is not an urgent matter.
    • Dan: Bring a draft statement to ANM. Statement as a party about this.
    • David: Urgent matters: criteria: legal matters, statecom as it sees fit. Motion that this isn’t proper. Danny: second. John: Would support that this is not proper. Inappropriate. Would have opinions if a proposal.
    • Jasper: Opportunity to run Dario Hunter against Trump. First time a candidate that will inspire the masses. He’s been elected before. I’ve been voting Green for a while. If we want to inspire people, Dario has charisma and more.
    • David: Should state what the urgent matters are. Decide what the motion is.
    • Charlene is first motion on the table. Disagree that there has been no new news. There are new accusations of rape against Trump. And continue news that men are in organizations where women are not being heard. This is urgent for women. Waiting for the fall? Missing the headline: Rape is a serious crime. 
    • Danny: I disagree with the call for resignation vs impeachment, which is the democratic process we have. The crime is that the Democratic party is not calling for impeachment. We must make procedural decision and call for impeachment.
    • David: Motion to table this item, not proper item for urgent matters. 5 yes for table. 6 for not tabling. 3 abstain. Move forward with Charlene’s urgent matter.

Set date and location of Fall 2019 meeting

  • Next Statecom Teleconference is August 29, 2019.

  • Fall 2019 Statecom meeting will be October 5 at the Worcester Friends Meeting House.

  • Fall 2019 Statecom Co-Facilitators will be Joshua Gerloff and Dan Kontoff.

  • Maha might get his Temple Cafeteria Sundays up to 4 PM. Cost not sure.

  • John will send out facilitators manual.
  • Charlene: Some things in there that are out of date?
  • John: Process for ranking proposals.
  • Recruit more women, non-binary.
  • More mentoring

CDLC Presentation on plans for Presidential election year. Actions required of state committee

  • John: Someone appointed as co-chair of this group. No telecon yet. Joyce can be contacted about where we stand.
  • Legal requirements to get someone on the ballot. Stuff we must do.
  • Delegate selection plan.
  • Presidential nominating conv
  • Selections of names for primary ballot.
  • Encourage participation by members.
  • Recruit delegates.
  • Assign delegates to the candidates.
  • 11 votes from massachusetts.
  • These people are electors for the GRP.
  • Fill out a form, with a certifying form by that person's town clerk that they are GRP registered.
  • Accreditation Committee vets our delegates.
  • Deadline for submitting delegate selection plan is October 1, 2019. Next important thing on the schedule.
  • Charlene: Joyce felt like if she had the people  on her committee, she could have had info for this meeting. Yasmine has volunteered.
  • John: John and Joyce have experience. Our current feeling, is we don't have to change too much, just change the date, little modification from 4 years ago.
  • Elie: When is reapportionment due? Geographical apportionment..
    • John does not apply to this
    • Charlene: We lost party status. Does it still apply since we gained and lost party status. 
    • John: Spend money on printing these ballots. Assign delegates to candidates based on this. Assign geographical delegates in proportion to vote. 
  • Danny: When submit list to Secretary of the Commonwealth? John: Early January
    • Danny: Clear who the candidates were. This election is not so clear. Requirement of raising so much money. Are we revisiting these requirements?? GRP should err on the side of inclusiveness.
    • Charlene: I encourage people to run for Statecom on the ballot. Can be elected on the Presidential Primary Ballot, Regional Convention [ roni elected at a regional in 2016], or elected and appointed at Statecom.

Process To Join Working Committees. This proposal is tabled for next time.

  • Most committees will accept members, but felt like codifying the process. There may be a reason to decline a member. Need to give working committee a process. Respectful disagreements, vs disruptive members.
    • Questions?
      1. David: working com has the right to accept or decline. Must there be a reason for declining? Consensus process.
      2. David: Are all com meetings open to the public? So declined can still watch/listen?
      3. Dan: Work things out in a peaceful way.
      4. Danny: Opposed to this proposal, but a lot of it is well intended. What I like: listserv guidelines, which already outline unacceptable behavior, no insulting language, a list of 10 things: we should look at that and extent these guidelines to include the in-person part of working committee meetings, statecom, etc. We need rules of conduct re personal insults and harassment. We would have this and listserv guidelines. 2. This may require a bylaw change. 3. Concerned about a new rule that we may exclude someone who may not have served before.
      5. Elie: Concern: GRP Inclusiveness. Ecologically sound politics. Access to private information. Software: that is secure and allows a committee to access private info and only accessible to people who are responsible. Allows us to do research. We don't want to share this info with anyone.
      6. John: If person is rejected can appeal to Adcom and be appointed to the committee. Forced into committee, encounters hostility. There must be provision, can appeal to Adcom. The Working Groupmay not have had a good reason. Process for removing a member after they have been a member, add: “An appeal can be made to Adcom to appoint/reinstate to a committee.” Under 5, it says it must submit a reason to Adcom. Right of appeal. Adcom can appeal in a timely manner.
        1. Friendly amendment under 5.
        2. Friendly amendment that an appeal can be made.
        3. Adcom may invite a person to discuss whether they thought this was fair?
        4. Maha: Agree with John there must be a way for redress. Adcom has a lot to do. Spending a lot of time on process. Lose time in meeting. Judiciary committee to handle redress.
        5. Charlene: this proposal is focussed on membership, does not handle who can be on the phone call and on the listserv. Committees have a time aspect, a committee can’t take on new members when they are busy, explaining things, etc. Some of the things that have nothing to do with the person applying for the membership. Can’t get anything done. Trying to address issues that don’t come up every time.
        6. Elie:  Committee has criteria for membership, a level of security of responsible people. Can we do the research under confidentiality? A commitment to not sharing important info.
          1. John: We say that this is private and don’t share, etc.
        7. David: Opposed to proposal. No good intent. This is about cliques in coms.
        8. Matt: The committee should post its vacancies/no vacancies because they can just decide they are full on the spot if someone they dont like and block them.
        9. Straw poll: With mods: whether the member shall be accepted in point 3 . Add appeal to Adcom if excluded and Adcom make a decision to ask the committee to accept the member. 7 in favor. 5 opposed.

Proposal: Violence to Animals Must End Now by Joshua Gerloff is tabled for next time.

  • I was appointed to animal rights com of GPUS. This is about our platform, our values; non-violence, but we use animals; about animals, all violence must stop.  We believe we need to eat them, but it is not necessary. That we do is wrong. Reasons: wrong to eat or use; all use of a human would be wrong; animal does not make it ok.  All of the reasons are legit. Nutrition -- we don’t require any nutritional component from animals. Eating animals is bad for us. Children of 10 have fat in arteries. Can cause heart attacks.  Harming children. Seafood tainted with microplastic, like velcro. Microplastic is a chemical cocktail. 2: plastic bag bans; half of plastic pollution in ocean is fishing gear. We have environmentalists.  Evidence against animal ag contributing to Global warming is large. Rainforest--for grazing; methane emission from cows, methane worse than CO2. Scientists put together animal ag generate 51% of greenhouse gases.  Greens and liberal democrats -- say they agree with science; we should not stick head in the sand; we believe in science. Look at numbers. Convergence of emergencies -- top 15 causes of death are preventable with a plant based diet,like heart attacks.  UN climate change report--deadline of 12 years to prevent 1.8 C increase; otherwise, species doomed; we use concern for planet as a talking point. Are we only going to accomplish if we win an election? This statement -- we oppose violence to animals. We need to address this.  Paris accord not going to do anything.
    • Maha -- I am Hindu; Hinduism and non-violence; ok with vegetarianism, but not veganism.  Hindus eat butter. We recognize veganism is better, but vegetarians/Hindus may not be into that.  Don’t push too far into veganism. Violence against animals is bad...I grew up on a farm, we treated the animals well.  Industrial farming is horrendous, but the traditional way of Hindu farming is different. A lot not like that, even in India.  We should reword it. We can say veganism is the best way to go, but vegetarian is still improvement. Ahimsa butter, means cows well taken care of.
    • JASPER -- bad health, bad policy, morally off the rails.  I eat cows, cows are plant based. Human beings designed to eat meat.  Lots of bad ways to eat animals. We should take a position against cruelty.  Americans consume too much meat. There are ways of farming that are better for the environment; there are animal products produced without coercion.  Some farms the cows milk themselves. To say no animal products is the only way to avoid violence against animals-- not true. Pitting constituencies against each other.  Only vegans should be in the Green party. Vegan couple talked to me for hours.
      1. Danny--don’t stereotype.
    • Priscilla -- I am plant based; but veganism has become a belief system.  Veganism has risen. There is a large number of people who don’t believe in concern is putting animals equal to/over people, whose human rights are not considered.  Pets have become social cause...some people support animals but ambiguous about people...even at a local level, like access to jobs. I think veganism is also not sustainable, because plastic clothes--fast fashion.  Vegan clothes do not last long. Focus on nutrition, environment. Putting veganism as a moral choice is not new. Old traditions, Jainism, etc.
    • Garret--GCC has spent years trying to teach the younger generation to become food self sufficient.  I am a retired farmer. My son, now an educated farmer. I was shocked when he started adding animals to the farm.  The people from Europe destroyed indigenous ag; meat was involved, but not heavy meat. Fields in trouble---used to not know--you put out sheep to eat scrubs, then cows, then chickens, etc. This should be rewritten, not as veganism, but as ag policy. 
    • Dan Factor -- I support this proposal.  We draw a line when inhumane behavior is protected by religion.  Feminism, women’s rights; religion does not trump human rights. We are not for genital mutilation just because religion supports it.  Stereotypes against vegans are wrong, like vegans yell, don’t support black lives matter. If we vote no,we should change our key value from non-violence to non-violence against humans.
    • Matt -- beyond the scope of the proposal.  There are vegans that don’t support the Green party.  I would be more comfortable if it said promote vegan-based policies.  Right now, meat based policies, creating poor health. We should be promoting vegan-based policies. I don’t see anybody else going into this. Worth supporting, but messaging is important.
    • Dave Rolde -- I have four concerns; I agree with Jasper and Priscila; I like non-violence; some counterfactual claims;  animal ag is not the #1 force behind climate change, other causes of pollution/climate change (GMOs, etc); animal ag could be done sustainably; counterfactual claim that meat is unhealthy; propaganda by sugar industry; sugar a bigger problem. 3rd--this is a class issue; wealth interested in vegan, poor eat meat. Disabled people may be discouraged from bringing service animals.
    • Dan K--there are some things I learned;  some people are more educated. Poor people don’t have education to eat healthy; could be cheaper to eat meat. Red meat causes health problems; I have cut back my red meat. Alternatives to milk: soy and rice milk.
    • Elie--I have been studying this proposal for a month.  Over time, it has changed. Current version: attack on the political agenda of the party.  Can’t say animals look for meaning in their lives. Implies humans are not animals. Are we opposed to other animals hunting? Vibes--personal statement.
    • Charlene--I appreciate Maha’s statement as a way to go; as someone not from Protestant background, I’m sensitive to you’re bad, we’re good.  Maha made a good suggestion, veganism is something we want to promote, support; hard to say what percentage of global warmingis animal ag vs. other contributors Food is deeply cultural; 90s in Pittsburgh--African heritage people asked me to a meeting--wanted to know if they could buy chicken. I told them it’s their community. I think we need to be a lot less judgmental.
    • John--I think we have to message it; there is an absolutist/moralistic thing to it. We need to avoid; it would be bad for our party’s progress.  Politically it doesn’t win friends. However, if it is said we need to reduce our meat consumption, I would sign up for that. Some of our candidates won’t support. I realize some people do see it as moralistic...some people say, if you’re not a socialist, you’re not a green...but this is absolutist, way of rejecting people.
    • Priscila--I support this in intention, but I have a problem with the language.  To force the philosophy...hurtful to 70% of the population. To say this the only way to have a Green lifestyle...broaches on a lot of people’s belief say my belief system is better than your belief system.
    • Josh--I don’t know if I can speak to everyone, but...over a trillion animals we kill annually want to live; they value their lives. Humans--are certain amount care about animals, some don’t. I listed the reasons; like all animals if you were to kick them, they would avoid pain.  Asks for straw poll.
      1. Josh--table and rework.  Difference between tabling and vote. Should there be a vote.
        1. Danny F - formal motion to table, which means it would come back next time. Concerns with tabling.
        2. Vote on tabling--automatically comes back without resubmission.  Vote to table passed. 11 yes, 2 no, 1 abstain.

Proposals: GRP Will Oppose Euthanasia and Doctor-Assisted Suicide and GRP Will Call for the Total Elimination of the US Military are posponed til teleconference.

Report of work group on Salem ANM

  • John: July 25, 2019: Register for this thing. Very important. GP ANM. 36 or so workshops. Lee Camp of Redacted Tonight will be at the fundraiser. and you will see agenda, workshops, location, reg. Please reg in advance. Reduced rate for registration and you can still apply for waiver. As low as $25. Friday evening pres forum. Free lunch on Saturday.
  • Hal Brown: ANM probably won’t come back anytime soon.
  • Elie: Salem has more registered GRP than any other town on the North Shore.
  • John: meet fellow greens.
  • David: There is criticism about Howie Hawkins getting unfair attention about ANM. David wanted to do workshop on suicide from disability rights perspective.
  • Josh re transportation. Looking for drivers.

Chapter Reports are tabled. Please send chapter reports to [email protected].

Round-robin feedback on meeting

  • Elie: More efficient Statecom meetings. Think politically not personally.
  • Roni: Thank you for your help.
  • Hal: very intense.
  • JOSH: Lively conversation. No proposals passed.
  • Jed: Divisive start. Confusion about what the vibes watcher works. The role of vibes watches for resolving conflict.
  • David: Unpleasant.
  • MA: How to control the vibes. Outsourcing a single person to jump in a referee after problem. A choice to respect the rules. Set the tone. Strong conversation, debate is healthy but reserved for political, not personal.
  • John: Thank you for copies and flyers. Proposals/presentation should have names to indicate who. Print language re expectations of behavior. Better process for getting proposals ready for Statecom: must go through committees beforehand. GRP should think about how proposals: Is there another way to get more 
  • Dan: MASSHOLE!!!  Facilitate things in the real world, There is more than facilitating. Always here to learn. Make mistakes.
  • Danny: Thank you Roni! Thank you Elie! And Secretary! Thank you people for food etc. A lot of statements about vibes. Good meeting. 1. Let’s continue to remember we are statecom reps, we rep a region. Talk to people about our proposals, etc. Let’s stay in touch with our electeds.
  • Priscila: vibes got out of hand. The second half was better. Commend people for being conscientious and mindful. You can about values. Some kind of pledge to behavior expectations at meetings. Reminder: a reiteration. People learn in different ways, visual cues. Have to hit these ruts and misunderstandings to learn.
  • Charlene: A lot of good work. Let’s focus just on the political things.
  • BC: Discussion  far reaching. Heated at times. How to avoid that. Thank you all for participating.
  • Garrett: Appreciate being here. Wonderful. Variance in philosophy, felt included.
  • Jasper: There is a learning curve. Not a bad thing to on the fly appoint people to committees. 1. This graphic about consensus is good. 2. Experienced members need to explain things, this will encourage more participants.

Adjourn 4:27 PM

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