The Stakes Are Earth Shattering

<By John Blumenstiel>

With the coming critical election and the stakes being so high, let's return to the foundation of our 10 key values as we explore our options in the coming presidential election.  We seek to support a candidate with total commitment to these values AND with the integrity, stamina, intelligence, and ability to communicate them to the general population.  There is no doubt that alternatives to the corporatist political parties must be found and supported.  Getting lost in the fog of "lesser evil voting" will only continue our increasingly rapid decline while taking the rest of the world with us.

What is the role of the Green Party/Green-Rainbow Party in all this? 

  1. We know our strength as an honest, uncompromised political voice for the working class, the poor, and the disenfranchised.  We are not perfect, but our politics is committed to bringing democracy and justice to all.
  2. Greens must engage in our internal democratic process, which is, in its essence, Grassroots Democracy.  We must pick the best candidate who is steadfastly committed to our 10K values.
  3. But before we can do that, we must review the democratic selection process of our party.

The role of the Communications Committee (Comcom) is to promote this democratic process so that our party demonstrates a commitment to the principles of democracy that are absent from the Democratic and Republican parties.  We must be cognizant of the fact that the process is early, there will be contenders within our party and we must keep an open selection process. Until this process unfolds and a selection is made, the role of Comcom is to provide information, present the candidates, and keep our readership informed as to the process moving ahead. This we will do in the subsequent issues of “Green Voices”.

As Greens, we are committed to an open nominating process.  As you can see from the list below,  many candidates are taking out papers indicating their interest in running. As the process is just beginning, democracy demands patience and thoughtful evaluation of all candidates before selection is made. We will remain committed to an open, honest, and unbiased position as the election process unfolds.

Current candidates seeking the nomination of the Green Party of the United States for President, per the Green Party

Jasmine Sherman

Randy Toller

Cornel West

Jorge Zavala

As additional candidates file for the GPUS nomination and their campaigns pick up momentum we will begin to list them and over the course of multiple "Green Voices" issues provide basic information regarding them.

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  • Jack Swindlehurst
    published this page in News 2023-10-01 23:23:38 -0400