Massachusetts needs people in office who will put ordinary people’s interests front and center. We need a living wage for all, excellent public education for all, an end to mass incarceration and unfair taxation, and to have a livable planet now and for future generations. If you agree, we need you to help us put more Green-Rainbow folks in office!
Consider running for office yourself and/or helping us to find good candidates.
GRP candidates can run in local nonpartisan races such as Library Trustee, School Committee, Town Meeting Representative, Select Board, Board of Health, City Council, Mayor; or partisan races such as State Rep, State Senator, or even higher office.
Resources to help you think about running
Green-Rainbow candidates need to be familiar with and generally support the 10 Key Values .
Getting started guides to forming a campaign committee, from the MA Office of Campaign and Political Finance.
Some useful guides from the State Elections Division for any candidate for MA state or local office:
- "Don't just stand there, RUN!" State Elections Division Candidate's Guide to Running for Office
- Election Calendars for Presidential Campaigns and State Primary and General Election
- Organizing Ward and Town/City Committees
It's also important to connect with other Green-Rainbow folks in your town, district or region, who can help with your campaign and vote for you. Find a chapter near you or start one with friends and concerned neighbors in your area!
The next step: contact us
If you would like to propose a potential candidate (you or someone else), please fill out the form below. Please let us know what office and in what district or town the campaign would be, when you might run (e.g., Fall 2018) and why this person would make a good candidate. A member of the Candidate Development and Legal Committee (CDLC) will contact you.
We appreciate a lead time of at least 6 months for small local offices, and 9 months to a year or more for major city office, district, statewide or federal office.