2018 Spring Statecom Minutes

State Committee Minutes of April 7, 2018

Worcester Friends Meetinghouse, 901 Pleasant St., Worcester, MA

(Approved by StateCom July 14, 2018)

Voting Members Present:

John Andrews - First Boston Metropolitan Region

Matt Andrews – First Boston Metropolitan Region

Roni Beal – Central Mass Region

Brian Cady – First Boston Metropolitan Region

Sean Connell – South Coast Region

Brian Crawford – Western Region

Charlene DiCalogero – Central Mass Region

Danny Factor – Western Metropolitan Region

Josh Gerloff – North Shore Region

Daniel Kontoff - First Boston Metropolitan Region

David Rolde - Western Metropolitan Region

Ralph Walton - First Boston Metropolitan Region

Elie Yarden - First Boston Metropolitan Region



Established at 13 voting members


Facilitators: Brian Crawford and Joyce Palmer-Fortune

Notes: Roni Beal

Timekeeper:  Josh Gerloff

Vibes watcher:  Danny Factor

Stacker:  Brian Cady

Parliamentarian:  John Andrews



Brian Wheeler, graduate student at Boston University

Serena Newman & Larry Newman

Sean Connell – secretary, South Coast chapter

Justin Rocha – co-chair, South Coast chapter

Eileen Sheehan – secretary, South Coast chapter

Elizabeth Humphries – Pioneer Valley chapter

Tiffany Moncreaff & children



Danny Factor

Jamie Guerin

Yasmine Khdeer

Matthew Moncreaff

Juan Sanchez

Jed Stamas

Agenda concerns:

Matt – concern with time allowance for committee reports, some committees may need more time to report


Approval of Minutes from Previous Meeting:

Approval of January 20, 2018 StateCom meeting minutes.

Amendments :  

Membership merchandise is vegan and not wool.  Vegan relates to tee shirts only.

Assabet River Tar Larner is a member of Concord Housing Authority.

Minutes approved by consensus with amendments.


Approval of October 15, 2017 minutes in Holyoke tabled until July StateCom meeting


Fundraiser Director:

Joyce explained possible change in model for positions with added responsibility.  Joyce recommended that StateCom members speak with each other about paid directorships.  Advisory only – no proposal formulated.


Serena Newman, Fundraiser Applicant

Serena Newman lives in Bernardston, MA.  She described past experience in fundraising in business, not political.  Serena reported that she did fundraising for three animal rescue societies.  There will be a learning curve fundraising for a political party. She worked in an election forum in Brattleboro, Vermont and had telephone and mail contact with voters as well as selling Party merchandise to attract people.

StateCom Responses

Joyce - noted that experience with raising funds and website knowledge will be beneficial.  

Charlene - talked about working with Gretchen in communications.

John – noted that email fundraising important and added that the Stein campaign was successful raising funds via email that resulted in immediate feedback.  People with writing experience will be an asset with paper mailers.

Brian Cady - shared a vision of a strong fundraising committee with representatives from each chapter.  Membership committee has inventory of GRP merchandise to attract people.

Matt – suggested appealing to people on how their donations will help the Green-Rainbow Party and to develop outreach to people in multiple ways.

Charlene – reported that the GRP database needs to be updated.  Candidates are the best way to motivate people to donate to Party.  

Elie – suggested submitting a budget because the GRP operates under some constraints.

Brian Crawford – made a motion from the floor to nominate Serena Newman as fundraiser director.  Danny seconds the motion to nominate Serena.

Concerns:  There were no concerns.

Vote:  StateCom approved Serena Newman as Fundraiser Director by consensus.

Advice to StateCom about a Paid Fundraiser

Brian Crawford and Roni Beal agreed that fundraiser director should be compensated.

John Andrews and Danny Factor – noted that an executive director take on all tasks and assigned tasks.  They suggested a stipend and reimbursement for expenses.

Ralph Walton and Elie Yarden – agreed there are constraints with funds.

Charlene DiCalogero and Josh Gerloff – noted that fundraising and communications directors are in similar positions which could be an issue.  

Matt Andrews – recommended discussing other vehicles available to use for fundraising, such as a stipend option.  

Brian Cady and Justin Rocha – were favorable to compensation.  

Sean Connell and Joyce Palmer-Fortune – were favorable to pay, but had concerns with sustaining funds to pay.


Nomination to StateCom:

Danny nominated Sean Connell as a StateCom representative.  Sean will represent the South Coast chapter on AdCom. South Coast is officially approved as a certified Green-Rainbow Party chapter.

Vote:  StateCom approved Sean Connell to be both an AdCom and StateCom representative by consensus.


Report from Officers:

Co-chair, Matt Andrews – reported that AdCom is involved in upcoming state convention and Party candidates.



Brian Crawford reported tracking state limit of $500 compared to federal government view that the state decides contribution limits.

Brian is trying to convince OPCF to change state vs. federal limit.

Brian suggested that Party members donate money to candidates.

Joyce reported that the Pioneer Valley chapter formed separate bank account.  The Pioneer Valley PAC supports Green candidates.

Danny approves of $500 limit which he suggested discussing at another meeting.

Josh reported that North Shore chapter seeks advice regarding setting up a bank account.


Treasurer's First Quarter Report
1 January 2018 – 31 March 2018

Row Labels

Sum of total

Santander - State

$    6,671.54

Santander - Fed

$    3,260.92


$       125.05

Grand Total

$  10,067.51

2018 Budget




Pct %

Sustainer Donations

$  508.36

$    1,404.00


Bank Fees

$  (24.47)


Misc Donations

$   35.00

$       500.00


Candidate Contributions

$        -

$     (300.00)



$        -

$     (150.00)


Nation Builder


$     (700.00)


Office Supplies

$        -

$       (40.00)


Participation – Meetings

$        -

$     (500.00)



$        -

$     (100.00)




$     (200.00)


Web Domains

$        -

$       (60.00)


State Com


$     (450.00)


Merchandise - Purchasing

$        -

$   (1,000.00)


Merchandise - Sales

$        -

$    1,000.00


Convention - Donations

$        -

$    1,800.00


Convention – Rent


$     (400.00)


Convention – Speaker


$     (300.00)


Convention – Food

$        -

$     (420.00)


Convention – Supplies

$        -

$     (100.00)


Campaign School - Donations

$        -

$       260.00


Campaign School – Food

$        -

$     (100.00)


Campaign School – Rent

$        -

$     (100.00)


Campaign School – Supplies

$        -

$       (50.00)



Reports Filed


  • January 31 Year End - 03/30/2018
  • February 20 - 03/30/2018
  • March 20 - 03/30/2018


  • None

Important Things to Note:

  • Still in the process of changing our banks from Santander to Berkshire Bank. Both the state and federal accounts have been set up. In the process of changing getting them as depository accounts with OCPF and FEC.
  • The candidates fund has $565 in it.


Since the January 7 StateCom meeting, Roni reported that she took minutes at four AdCom telecon meetings, plus one StateCom telecon meeting on March 7.  She responded to several GRP office phone calls, including a call from a woman in San Francisco and forwarded two email messages to Committee directors. Roni notified AdCom that the South Coast membership submitted required documents to be certified as a chapter.  She invited South Coast members to attend the next AdCom meeting and notified StateCom to add South Coast certification to the April 7, 2018 agenda.


Committee Reports:

Candidate Development Legal Committee:

Charlene is recruiting members for CDLC.  She read CDLC report. Nine GRP candidates are running in 2018.  Seven of the nine candidates are collecting signatures.

Team Green-Rainbow Working Group:

Josh reported that petitions have been distributed to chapters, but some chapters have not appointed a team leader.  Kickoff for statewide candidates takes place on April 27 & 28. Gretchen Clarke is the point person for campaigns.

David Rolde noted conflicts with April 27 & 28 dates with other events in Boston area.  He added that Terra Friedrich is a candidate and that additional information would be provided later.


Communications & Media:

Gretchen was not present during committee reports.


Convention Planning:

Josh reported that Cindy Sheehan agreed to be keynote speaker.  She will address migration crisis as well as the October 21, 2018 Women’s March on the Pentagon.  Gretchen reported updating the GRP website and emailed information about Cindy Sheehan. Roni reported there will be three guest speakers, four workshops and seven tables at the convention.  She also reported difficulty in scheduling speakers and workshop leaders because the convention takes place during the Memorial Day weekend.


Fundraising & Finance:

Not active.  New director appointed today.



New GRP merchandise will be sold at the convention.  Mel King is donating books for sale. Membership may lead a workshop on how to form a chapter.  New membership brochures will be distributed to chapters at convention. Danny recommended that the Membership Committee track Party banners.  


Platform Com:  not active


Green Party United States (GPUS) National Committee:

Elie reported a National Committee discussion about amendments, which is a six week process for the GPUS platform committee.  The chief problem is disregard for formatting. Dealing with chapters and submissions totals about 40 amendments. Elie will add to GRP website how to participate on National Committee.  John Andrews reported four active delegates. The Election National Steering Committee led a terrible campaign with misinformation and lacking insight. They endorse a counter rally to Trump’s military parade in the fall.  People will demonstrate against glorifying militarism. John Andrews, Elie Yarden and David Gerry plan to attend the upcoming National Committee meeting. John has an email invitation he can send to StateCom.


Elie commented that the Green Party is flooded with members who are not well informed about Green Party politics, causing factions within the Party.  There is no mechanism to deal with new ideas. Danny commented that these issues warrant a larger discussion. Anyone who wants to attend the Salt Lake City convention and requires financial assistance from the Participation Fund should contact AdCom.  Sean inquired about the Youth Caucus. John reported that all caucuses are an issue because of mixed opinions and misunderstanding about what the Green Party stands for. Charlene recommended additional help to orient new people about what the Green Party stands for and have conversations.  Matt commented that he feels disconnected from the GPUS and internal debates. Dan Kontoff commented that attending the National Conference helps build the Green Party and networking.


Chapter Reports:

South Coast – Sean reported working on networking and holding regular meetings.  Alan Silvern (?) recruited Ian Tompkins to challenge the GOP incumbent.  Last year the South Coast chapter helped Sean with his campaign and working on Ranked Choice voting.


Pioneer Valley:

Joyce reported that Pioneer Valley chapter members focused on candidates in Pioneer Valley area.  The chapter has also been tabling with Voters Choice Mass. The next meeting takes place in Holyoke.


North Shore:

Josh reported that the founding co-chair, Bea Reardon, is stepping back.  Chapter members elected new co-chair, Deb Dell Piana. Residency now includes a few more surrounding towns.  The chapter formed a petitioning team and will table at the Salem State Environmental Fair and Voter Choice Mass event on April 21.  Two members are active with the March on the Pentagon. Brian Cady questioned tracking chapter funds and suggested following up with OPCF for guidelines.


Greater Boston Area:

GBA chapter is planning a Boston May Day event.  David Rolde reported holding a chapter movie of month, ongoing coalition work and national coalition activity, plus activism.  GBS now has three co-chairs in chapter. Danny inquired on number of people who attend meetings. David reported about 12 members per meeting.  Danny inquired about chapter discussions about running candidates for office? He noted a lack of interest in members running for office.


John noted that members can decide which chapter they will join, not by region.  Charlene added that some chapters are covering a large area. The Party should help grow each chapter so new chapters can be created.


Central Mass Green-Rainbow:

Charlene read chapter report.  Two new members: Yazzy Khdeer and Matt Moncreaff held standouts in May.  


Assabet River Valley:

Danny reported that Assabet River Valley chapter meets once a month at the Acton library and holds one teleconference.  They now have six active members who are out petitioning today. The chapter endorsed Terra Friedrichs, registered Independent who runs on the Green Party platform.  Tar Larner is organizing tenants at Concord Housing. Members were involved in the last town meeting and voted for water conservation. Acton received new sanctuary town status.  Sean inquired if a chapter is allowed to endorse Independents. Danny responded that it is okay on a municipal level, but not for state house. John added that GRP can endorse Independents, but it is questionable whether it is worth the time to endorse candidates in another party.  


Lunch break - noon


Endorsement and Nominations of Candidates:

Danny Factor – is running for state representative of 14th Middlesex County.  He has a background in activism and serves on the Board of Directors for Green Acton.  He promotes a message of dignity, inclusion and love. Maximum donation is $88 per person, which is the average daily wage of workers.  Goal is to end poverty by 2030. See Danny’s handout for details.

Q&A:  Elie – what does Danny propose about taxes, free university education, infrastructure, roads?  

Danny – loan forgiveness, all deserve safe infrastructure, end corporate subsidies, tax burden on carbon emitters, pay at federal level, cut military spending and work on peace spending.  

Sean - are there political opponents?  

Danny – this is Danny’s second run as state representative.  The incumbent is retiring and three democrats running.

Donations go to “Factor Committee”

No concerns nominating Danny Factor as candidate.


Yasmine Khdeer – is running for state representative in the 2nd Worcester district.  Yasmine lives in Winchendon.  She expressed the need for true grassroots party that will listen to what people have a say about policies that affect their lives.  She promotes running clean campaigns and that are not beholden to corporate funds. Yasmine is an advocate of campaign donation reform.  She is passionate about public education. Wealthy communities benefit because of high tax rate. All schools should be publically funded.  School choice is reliant on providing transportation. Poor children are victims of lack of school funds and choice options.

Q&A:  Sean - asked for Yasmine for more background.

Yasmine was a teacher in Kuwait.  

David Rolde – curriculum is also an issue.

Yasmine – need reform for funding and let teachers be the leaders.

Charlene – working women have a struggle balancing work and family life.  Will she address Muslim religion during campaign?

Yazzy – she does not consider religion to a problem.

David Rolde – what about Middle-east issues?

Yasmine – she is against corporate power that affects people in Middle-east, i.e. corporate take-over.  Mine team vs. your team.

Motion to Nominate Yasmine – any concerns?

Dan Kontoff – current policy in Middle-east.


Yes – 13

Opposed – 1

Abstain – 0


Ian Tompkins

7th Bristol – Ian was unable to attend meeting and can wait until convention or July for endorsement.  Sean is Ian’s campaign manager.


Juan Sanchez – is running for Secretary of State.  He was born and raised in Holyoke. He is involved in community projects.  Last election he ran for state representative and received 30% of the vote.  This election is running against an incumbent. Voter education is key – bi-lingual information.  He promotes Ranked Choice Voting, overturning Citizens United and buying votes. He supports recording corporate crime.  He cited a long political dynasty in Boston that affects the underprivileged.

Q&A: John Andrews – what can he do first week?

Juan – translate handbooks in other languages.

Elie – will he promise to debate any future opposition?

Juan – has taught opposition response

Donation checks to “Committee to Elect Juan Sanchez”.

No concerns in nominating Juan as a candidate.


Jamie Guerin – is running for State Treasurer.  Jamie grew up in western Mass. She now lives in Northampton.   She has been a life-long activist for peace. She cited a corporate stranglehold in Mass.  Independent watch-dogs are accountable to people, not the 1 percent. She promotes building healthy green communities and is a public banking advocate.  North Dakota has a state bank. Jamie supports public bank Mass that will invest back to people and includes citizen participation. She supports health care for all; student loan forgiveness; clean renewable energy; and pro-peace.  Shift power to hands of people and invest in ourselves.

Q&A Sean – how qualified is she to be treasurer?  What are her credentials?

Charlene – Jamie is a mother of five and knows how to manage funds.

Jamie – I know how balance household – she always in invests in her children and she will invest in you.

Joyce – donate to “Friends of Jamie Guerin” and give checks to Elizabeth Humphries.

No concerns in nominating Jamie as a candidate.


Jed Stamas – is running for State Auditor seat.  He has been involved in activism and human rights all his life.  He is an educator and teacher and lives in Northampton. Jed cares about people, future generations and wants to provide children with healthy planet.  He sees an economic decline and government service decline for low income. He wants to give people another choice as state auditor. There is a need for new leadership in this position.  He promotes an internal audit of the state police, as well as child abuse incident audits that are currently inadequate. He cited ongoing DCF problems. He would be independent watch-dog to oversee that Democrats & the GOP do not misuse tax payer dollars.

Q&A:  David Rolde – does the DCF audit abuse in foster families?

Jed - responded that the current auditor made recommendations that were handed over to Baker administration.  The current auditor is not working with the administration to resolve issues. Auditor Bump only looks for financial issues, not the realm of issues.

Elie – would he favor continuous audit of state agencies to avoid waste?

Jed – the auditor has limited funds.  He would advocate ongoing audits of agencies that have had issues.  Community college audits are not as urgent as other agencies.

John – auditor audit programs – what about tax expenditures or tax breaks?  Would Jed consider auditing to insure programs use funds appropriately?

Jed – Absolutely

Charlene – How would he audit tax breaks?

Jed – state auditor oversees state agencies, tax breaks are more of a DOS job.  

Jed requested that donations be withheld until he contacts OPCF.

No concerns in nominating Jed as a candidate.


Matt Moncreaff - Lives in Princeton and runs a yoga & martial arts studio in Acton.  He is running for state representative. He cited that the two party systems represent the 1 percent.  Matt holds corporations responsible. For example, major incentives are given to doctors who prescribe opioids.   Tax money should not be paid for a problem not caused by citizens. Private equity companies drive struggling companies into the ground.  Two party systems did nothing to eliminate private equity firms from reaping wealth from bankruptcies. Matt will run for the 99 percent.

Q&A:  Dan Kontoff – how will Jed run against opposition?

Matt – this is the first time in 8 years the incumbent has an opponent.  He is a Boston insider. He would hold constituent meeting in the library rather than a restaurant.

Danny – Democrats may be deterred from voting for a Green as opposed to a GOP.   Will he reach out to Democrats?

Matt – He will work with Democrats.  He has received positive feedback from Democrats.

Charlene – How will he support small business owners in the state?

Matt – small business loans will be set up if not already available.  

Matt – it is possible that a Democrat may run, but time is running out.

Juan – how long has Matt been a GRP member?

Matt – responded that he voted Green for years, but recently got involved in the Party.  Both Matt and his wife are environmental advocates.

David Rolde – will Matt encourage more business and corporations including military contractors and other harmful industries? Will Matt try to close military bases?

Matt – he runs a family business.  He supports less Walmart stores and more family run operations.  He researches issues carefully.

Any concerns?


Yes – 13

No – 1

Abstain – 0


Break: 2:15 pm



Team Green

The Statewide Candidate Recruitment Working Group (SCRWG) was established to recruit candidates.  SCRWG will retire and a new working group and Team Green is proposed to be established.

StateCom members break out in groups to discuss the proposal.

Quick summaries of proposal:

Sean – approved the proposal.

Charlene – is unclear on fundraising criteria – criteria of who candidates will receive donations from.

Josh – name of committee – consider adding Rainbow.

Ralph – better option than “scrooge”.

Danny – John approves the proposal.  3D. Coordinate slate efforts with local GRP candidates.

Team Green and GRP, separate entities.  Gretchen and other directors are for the Party, not the candidates.  Danny is involved in his campaign. The remaining members are John, Josh, and David.  

Brian Crawford – continue Green Team, there is no need to terminate.  

David Rolde – working groups may or may not have another SWCRG.  

Josh – working group could begin work earlier, if it doesn’t have to re-establish.  

Charlene – proposal is a Google doc proposal and will be activated based on calendar and need to populate the working group.  CDLC will manage.

Matt – clarification about Green Team working group – who has authority to make decisions?

Danny – during campaign some activities were a joint venture.  He had his own campaign, but participated in joint efforts.

John – encourage candidates to work together.  Report to Team Green regarding resources. Team Green is a volunteer organization.  

Sean – the working group helped campaigns run smoothly.


Concerns with passing proposal:

Matt – Funds – specific funds for candidates.  Do all candidates agree with arrangement?

John – Team Green will decide how funds will be disbursed in place of CDLC.  Team Green will take care of details and inform CDLC.

David Rolde – had a concern with name of the committee.

John – the name is internal – friendly amendment add Rainbow.  

Number 5 – shall become inactive until further action is required.  Proposal most likely will be re-written.

Elie – wanted to be politically sensitive by adding Rainbow

Vote:  No concerns – approved by consensus.


Proposal to Change Website Home Page to Promote Candidates

Gretchen proposed changes to website – join the GRP party revolution.  The next item will be an ad for state convention. Gretchen will list state candidates with links.


David Rolde – had an issue with the four pillars and requested focus on GRP key values.  

Gretchen - will send out two proposals for review.  

Matt – suggested adding a “Join the Party” button.

Gretchen – when update is complete improvements will be made.

Joyce – send any suggestions to the Communications Committee.


John Andrews made a motion to approve members of AdCom.  He requested a receipt from South Coast chapter approving Sean as the South Coast representative.  David Rolde had a concern with backing a Democrat candidate which was mentioned earlier.

Vote:  Sean approved as AdCom representative after receipt of South Coast approval.

ABC’s of Signature Collecting:

Joyce explained signature collecting process.

  • May 24 is the half way target.
  • July 29 deliver sheets to town halls – check with town clerks before the 29th.
  • Gather and certify June through early July.
  • Campaigns go into high gear.
  • Team coordinators:  each region has one coordinator that oversees other helpers.
  • Designated drivers to drop off petitions at clerk’s offices.


  • Can collect signatures on public property.
  • No writing on side of petition.
  • Write and print formal name with home address – no PO Box – only the address where you are registered to vote.
  • Any registered MA voter is okay.
  • Strategy:  Grocery stores - go consistently every weekend.
  • Outside of a town meeting is okay.
  • Goal is collect signatures – don’t waste time arguing with people.


Petitioning volunteer form goes to point person in each chapter.

Elie suggested making copies of petitions before submitting to town clerk.

Joyce advised to get receipt from town clerk for submitted town clerks.

Will need a statewide coordinator soon.  Joyce is interim coordinator.


Next StateCom Meeting:

July 14 or 15, 2018 North Shore – Lynn – Josh will find location

Co-facilitators:  David Rolde and Josh Gerloff


StateCom telecon:

Wednesday, June 6 at 7:00 pm


Send feedback about meeting to Brian Crawford.


Meeting Adjourned at 4:22 pm

PROPOSAL:  Team Green-Rainbow 2018


[Adopted by consensus of State Committee,  4/7/18 ]


TITLE: Team Green-Rainbow 2018


SPONSORS: John Andrews, Josh Gerloff






SHEPHERD: Josh Gerloff


SUMMARY: This proposal establishes a new working group, Team Green-Rainbow, to ensure success of the slate effort that is running three 2018 statewide candidates.




On January 20 of this year, StateCom established the Statewide Candidate Recruitment Working Group (SCRWG) to recruit GRP candidates for statewide office in 2018.  On March 7, StateCom approved a petitioning effort on behalf of a slate of three candidates recruited by SCRWG.  StateCom also asked SCRWG to plan and launch the petitioning effort and to report back on April 7.  Because the recruitment phase of the 2018 effort is completed, this proposal dissolves SCRWG and establishes a successor working group to complete the petitioning effort and to support the slate campaign.




1) StateCom thanks the SCRWG for their successful recruiting effort and hereby dissolves the SCRWG. 


2) StateCom hereby establishes the Team Green-Rainbow Working Group ( “TG” or “TGWG”).    StateCom asks that TG be supervised by the Candidate Development and Legal Committee (CDLC), subject to the provisions of this proposal.


3) The charter of the TGWG shall be as follows:


  1. a) To manage and coordinate the 2018 slate effort for the GRP.  Slate candidates are asked to work through the TGWG whenever possible rather than independently setting up lines of communication with the various party entities.  This is intended to ensure fair treatment of candidates, to promote coordination, and to allow proper reporting.


  1. b) To manage and coordinate the petitioning effort required to ensure that the names of the slate candidates appear on the ballot in November 2018.  The TGWG shall hire and manage any staff recruited to coordinate the petitioning effort or to collect signatures.


  1. c) To manage disbursements from the GRP Candidate’s Fund to the slate candidates or to the petitioning effort.  This shall be done in consultation with CDLC to ensure compliance with campaign finance laws and to ensure that only funds designated for the slate campaign are disbursed for slate purposes.


  1. d) To coordinate the use of GRP resources by the three campaigns, including the GRP website, GRP mailing lists, support from GRP working committees, and support from local GRP chapters.  To coordinate slate efforts with local GRP candidates.


  1. e) To develop and communicate a common slate campaign message that builds positive awareness of the Green-Rainbow Party among the voters of the Commonwealth.  Each candidate may have their own unique message elements, but the candidates are urged to take advantage of the synergism of having a consistent GRP message underlying their campaigns.


  1. f) To work with the candidates to develop a common set of fundraising criteria so that it is clear that the slate upholds a clean money standard that contrasts with our opponents.


  1. g) To build the electoral strength of the slate candidates with the objective of having at least one of the candidates receive more than 3% of the statewide vote, thus restoring party status to the Green-Rainbow Party.  To this end the TG may work with the candidates in several ways, such as assisting in message development, fundraising, press, social media, and Get-Out-The-Vote efforts.


  1. h) To ensure post-campaign integration of campaign databases into the GRP databases.


  1. i) To provide a post-campaign assessment of the slate races to State Committee.


4) All members of the SCRWG who wish to serve on the TG are hereby appointed to that working group.  In addition, the three slate candidates -Juan Sanchez, Jamie Guerin, and Jed Stamas -  are appointed.  Additional members may be appointed by a 2/3 vote of TG members in any meeting that has quorum or by appointment of the Administrative Committee.  Members may be removed with a 2/3 vote and concurrence by the Administrative Committee.


5)  The TGWG shall become inactive on the day after the winter 2019 StateCom meeting and shall be reactivated by decision of either StateCom or CDLC. 



The approved text shall be implemented by the TGWG with assistance as required by other party entities.




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