Structure of the GRP

After becoming an official political party in 2001 (as the result of Nader/LaDuke attaining almost 7% of the vote for President and Vice President in Massachusetts), the Green-Rainbow Party had to change its organizational structure to handle the responsibilities of an official party according to Massachusetts law. Here is a summary of the groups that make up the Green-Rainbow Party.

Party Members
You are automatically a member of the Green-Rainbow Party if you are registered to vote as a Green-Rainbow (designation letter 'J') in Massachusetts. You can also be a member of the party if your voter registration is not in another Party designation (that is, you're registered as "Unenrolled," also known as independent) and pay dues.
Read this page on how to donate and pay dues.
Read this page on how to get more involved and take action.
Local Chapters
The Green-Rainbow local chapters are at the core of the grassroots organizing principles of the Green-Rainbow Party. Local chapters are groups of Green-Rainbows who meet on a regular basis to promote Green-Rainbow issues and Green-Rainbow politics. Local chapters can be formed around universities, towns, regions, or other interests. As the Party continues to grow, some of these local chapters will become the city, town, and ward committees of the party as recognized by state law.
State Convention
The Green-Rainbow Party holds an annual state convention to elect the officers of the party and representatives to other Green organizations, and to endorse and nominate candidates running for governmental positions. The state convention also serves as the highest decision-making body of the Party
State Committee
The State Committee, which meets quarterly, sets policy and makes major decisions for the Party. The State Committee consists of representatives elected from Mass. State senatorial districts at the time of presidential primaries; and of regional delegates elected every two years from the 12 regions as identified by Party bylaws. Any decision made by the State Committee can be overturned at the state convention.
Administrative Committee
The Administrative Committee meets in person or by phone at least monthly, and often weekly, and handles the administrative matters of the Party. In administering day-to-day operations, this Committee interprets the policies and platform of the Party but does not set them.
Working Committees
The State Committee has created several working committees for the purpose of carrying out specific tasks. Working committees can be created and disbanded by the State Committee as necessary.
Other Green Organizations
The Green-Rainbow Party is affiliated with the national Green Party, called Green Party of the United States. As a member of the national party, the GRP elects formal representatives so as to participate in decision-making at the national level.

The Green-Rainbow Party Bylaws are linked here.

Showing 9 reactions

  • Jack Swindlehurst
    followed this page 2020-09-10 23:17:45 -0400
  • Elie Yarden
    commented 2015-06-28 11:13:09 -0400
    NO! I just had occasion to direct someone to the Bylaws of the Party. This is a central fact for people new to the party as well as older members who have occasion to refer to the rules. Why is this concealed?
  • Elie Yarden
    commented 2012-04-21 13:42:26 -0400
    This works beautifully and should greatly assist productive communication.
  • Isabel Espinal
    commented 2012-04-21 13:28:13 -0400
    OK, Elie. I think we have all the committee info linked. Take a look and let me know what you think!
  • Isabel Espinal
    commented 2012-04-20 17:51:41 -0400
    Yes, Elie. I have more to do. In addition to the listserv, I also want to link to more information about each committee. I will work on this little by little as I can take the time. Right now I’m gonna go make dinner!
  • Elie Yarden
    commented 2012-04-20 17:34:50 -0400
    Thank you. This now takes one to the list of working committees. The last step is to get the committee names to take people to the listserve of the committee that they may wish to join or of which they are members
  • Isabel Espinal
    commented 2012-04-20 16:46:31 -0400
    Ok, Elie. I’ll work on that!
  • Elie Yarden
    commented 2012-04-19 22:25:01 -0400
    Please try to fix the “Working Committees” heading on this page to work as a button to the various committee contact listserves.
    Elie Yarden, co-chair
  • Isabel Espinal
    published this page in About Us 2012-04-03 08:37:47 -0400