State Committee Organizational Meeting
State Committee Meeting
Spring 2020
Registration & Credentialing
- 9:00 Registration Opens
Organizational Meeting
- 9:30 Call to Order
- 9:35 Appointments
Reappoint party co-chairs, secretary and treasurer.
- 9:40 Adjourn
State Committee Meeting
- 9:40 Call to Order
- Co-chairs Welcome Message
- 9:50 Appoint Proportional Representatives
Proportional representatives are elected at the regional conventions held every four years to reflect the proportion of Green-Rainbow Party registrations in each region.
- 10:00 Preliminaries
- Secretary's confirmation of quorum
- Identify and confirm:
- Parliamentarian
- Stacker
- Timekeeper (two if possible)
- Vibes Watcher
- Alternate minutes taker (1st person in am, 2nd in pm)
- Seat alternates
- Appoint new State Committee Representatives
- 10:20 Approve Agenda
Please review and comment ahead of time.
- 10:30 Choose Summer 2020 State Committee Meeting:
- Location
- Co-facilitators
- Date (weekends not including PNC in July are Sunday 7/5, 18/19, 25/26)
- 10:40 Approve 2020 Winter State Committee Meeting Minutes
Please review the draft, any posted comments and make comments online prior to arrival.
- 10:50 Introduction to the State Committee
- What is State Committee?
- What are the responsibilities of State Committee Representatives?
- GRP Bylaws and Standing Rules
- 11:30 Break (10 minutes)
- 11:40 Appointments & Confirmations
- Appoint Diversity Representative(s) to Administrative Committee
The Administrative Committee can have up to two Diversity Representatives appointed by State Committee. Diversity Representatives are to increase the diversity of the Administrative Committee when needed.
Note: Adcom is down to 7 members; 2 women, 5 men, with some diversity.
- Confirm Chapter Representatives to Administrative Committee
GRP Chapters may choose a representative to serve on the Administrative Committee with full voting rights.
- Appointments to GPUS Committees
Many GPUS committees can have up to 3 members from state party. GRP members can apply for these committees through the GRP State Committee.
- Appoint Diversity Representative(s) to Administrative Committee
- 11:50 Officer Reports
- Co-chairs
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- 12:05 pm Committee Reports
- Candidate Development & Legal
- Communications
- State Convention Planning
- Fundraising & Finance
- Legislative
- Membership, Diversity & Volunteer Recruitment
- Technical
- Presidential Campaign Working Group
- GPUS National Committee
- 12:30 Lunch
There are a number of eateries in downtown Natick. If you have dietary restrictions you are encouraged to bring your own lunch.
During lunch will be a good time for members to meet with people on working committees that they are interested in. - 1:30 Sign-up to Committees
Sign-up sheets will be passed around for members to join a working committee. State Committee representatives should serve on at least one working committee.
- 1:40 Regional Convention Summaries
- Western
- Central
- West Metropolitan & Northeastern
- First & Second Boston Metropolitan
- South Coast, Cape & Islands
- 1:55 Chapter Reports
- Assabet River Valley
- Greater Boston
- Central Mass Green-Rainbow
- Metrowest
- Pioneer Valley
- South Coast
- 2:10 Proposal
- 3:10 Break (5 minutes)
- 3:15 Strategy for 2020: Supporting Presidential Nominee and State Candidates
A discussion to plan a coordinated strategy to have successful campaign 2020, supporting our Presidential and State Candidates. What will be common threads in this campaign? What is our message? How will we generate enthusiasm and excitement??
- 3:50 Round Robin
- 4:00 Adjourn
- 9:40 Call to Order
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