2023 October Special State Committee Minutes

2023 October Special State Committee Minutes

10 October 2023 6:30 PM 

  • 6:30 PM Call to order/take attendance/establish a quorum-yes, quorum achieved

  • 6:35 PM Seat alternate delegates- none here or needed. One person called in but the Parliamentarian said that her vote via text was not necessary. Allowing it would set a precedent which is not necessary at this time.

  • 6:40 PM Announce/confirm meeting roles: stacker (Lois Gagnon), notetaker Maureen Doyle as GRP Secretary), vibes watcher (Brian Cady), and parliamentarian (John Andrews).

  • 6:45 PM Approve agenda- approved unanimously

  • 6:50 PM Discuss Gloria’s campaign endorsement request and invite her to answer any questions. Gloria Caballero Roca was not in attendance.

  • 6:55 PM Invite a motion for consensus. If no consensus, call for a vote on the motion.

  • The motion was passed unanimously based on a roll call vote.

  • 7:00 PM Adjourn 


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