- Called to Order 7:00 pm
- Attendance Take attendance/determine quorum. 5 min (7:00 - 7:05) Mark Connor, Eileen Sheehan (Communications Director), Zack Kontra (Membership Director), Brian Mulhearn, Brian Cady (GRP Treasurer), Maureen Doyle GRP SEcretary), Mike Pascucci (GRP co-chair) Quorum met. (Danica sent an email saying she would be unable to attend this meeting. Thanks Danica!
- Approve agenda. 5 min (7:05 - 7:10) No concerns. Approved
- Approve minutes from the previous meeting. 5 min (7:10 - 7:15) No concerns on the minutes from January 25, 2024. Approved.
- Next AdCom meeting: 2/22 at 6:30 pm. 0 min No concerns
GRP 2024 Goals. 10 minutes (7:15 - 7:25)
- Brian C. did a lot of research on the 2023 goals, that Mike P. wanted to acknowledge. Brian talked about his research and his interaction with the goals. We discussed how goals need to be in small steps. (i.e., CDLC set small goals of finding candidates by a certain date)
- Mark informed us that the MYG chapter has created an organizational chart of the GRP structure and it has spaces for vacancies (officers and candidates). Eileen commented that this is a vision, not a goal. Each goal needs a pathway to achieve it. Two things that HAVE to happen and are goals: ballot access and recruitment.
- There was a discussion of our local candidates NEEDING to be supported.
- Gloria Caballero-Rocas is considering running for female co-chair.
- Mark stated that Communications has a goal of more press involvement. It needs to be built up. Mark is working on getting press.
- Discussion of state goals ensued. Brian C said that he wants them presented as SMART goals -Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound goals-like they did last year. These smart goals and timelines can be brought to the chapters and working groups and a budget can be formed. Mike P. mentioned wanting an elections reference page with information such as what does a town council do, what is the difference between state rep and state senate. etc.
- Mark stated goals for outreach that MYG came up with. (The budget for these goals is on the next statecom agenda)
- Eileen asked about Zack’s capacity for literature. He said that he has material from last year that chapters did not use. He said that Danika is thinking of filing his spot and will continue Zack’s efforts.
- Let’s get a diversity working group and a reorganization of statecom. Mark stated that when he went to look at the diversity page on the statecom site, it was a blank page. How is statecom membership determined? Senate/congressional districts? Chapters? Appointment?
Annual Convention and Presidential Election Planning. 15 minutes (7:25 - 7:40)
- Nationbuilder Customer Supervisor Taylor Green met with Danica, Eileen, and Brian C. regarding the apparent loss of member email addresses. There is much more work to be done
- The GRP Convention will be held on May 11, 2024 in Worcester. Mike P. Sat in on the last convention call. He congratulated and was thankful for all the work going on about this but was curious about including David Barkley as a possible speaker.
- Zack asked if David B. would even want to be a speaker. Maureen brought up her attempts to read out to DB and how he insists that he is still the GBC co-chair. Mark pointed out that David B. is working around the party but he acknowledged that Jamie McLaughlin is correct in asking for us to meet our diversity goals. Diversity is something we need.
Winter StateCom agenda. 5 min (7:40 - 7:45)
- Should anything else be added? There is a proposal about streamlining the decision-making process. Brian C. pointed out that a similar proposal was passed several years ago in 2015.
- We talked about the importance of the Presidential Poll. (out of 2800 members, 2000 were sent the poll (via text or email) ) Eileen said that this is engaging our membership. Discussion about the 1% response rate: Brian M. tried to add some realism: is 1% response rate for a party without ballot status so bad? Zack added that 90% of the text responses he received were respondents asking to be removed from our contact list or they didn’t respond at all.
- Maureen questioned people misinterpreting the questions. Mark sees this as an educational opportunity to teach about RCV. He hoped that the GRP used RCV internally; Eileen reassured him that we did
Boston May Day Coalition endorsement. 5 minutes (7:45 - 7:50)
- Mike reminded us that endorsing this early means that we need to be involved in organizing.
- Approved by consensus.
- Uhuru National Convention's "No More Genocide in Our Name" endorsement. 5 minutes (7:50 - 7:55) we ran out of time for this agenda item
- Round Robin/Adjourn. 5 min (7:55 - 8:00)
- Maureen will compile the process to be on StateCom.
- Mike P will put #9 on next agenda (2/22)
For Reference:GRP Bylaws: GRP_Bylaws__Modified_January_26__2019.pdf
Respectfully submitted,
Maureen Doyle
GRP Secretary (2022-2024)
Additional Action items from last meeting:
Maureen: contact Mark about doing ‘Office’ DONE12/27
Brian: connect Mark with statecom- he will be an observer , on the discuss list
Brian M; contact lawyer friend to find out about this copyright issue; report back when he responds
Brian C: Send info about copyright to Brian M for him to ask his lawyer friend.
Maureen: send GPAX webinar to ad com
Mike: put approval of northeast Chapter on next agenda
New action items:
To do:
Brian: contact David Schwab; get future commitment in writing (What does he want to do for us now)
Brian C: send new memberships, interested folks to [email protected] and communications
Revisit issue about getting information about interested people for January 11th agenda (accurate append)
Mike: include Danica on the ad com announcement for January 11th ([email protected])
Statecom: include Mark Mailhot on the list for statecom ([email protected])
Communications: Youtube videos proposal
Zack: contact Rick Purcell ( 413-374-5118) and Mike Lavery
By Laws of Northeast chapter:
Respectfully submitted, Maureen Doyle GRP secretary 2022-2024
ReplyForward Add reaction |
ministrative Committee of the GRP MA
Thursday,30 Nov 2023, 6:30pm-7:52pm EST
- Take attendance/determine quorum. 5 min Quorum achieved.
Maureen Doyle (GRP Secretary), Brian Cady (GRP Treasurer), Mike Pascucci (GRP Co-Chair), Zack (GRP Membership Director); Mark Mailhot (member of the Young Greens; Northeast Chapter); Eileen Sheehan (GRP Communications Director), Brian Mulhern (Central Mass Chapter rep.)
- Approve agenda. 5 mins. Yes.
- Approve previous minutes (from October 29 ,2023):Brian added some suggestions previously that were incorporated.Both Oct 29 and Nov 9th minutes approval were postponed until the next meeting- Dec. 14th at 7pm
- Next meeting. 5 mins. There was some discussion of whether we should skip to December or do it next week. We decided on:12/14/2023 at 7:30pm EST
Statecom is Dec 9th 10am-12pm
- Treasurer issue (5 mins):
As we had discussed at a previous meeting, regarding the Young Greens chapter, we debated whether each chapter needs its own treasurer or just having a state treasurer is enough. This is from the last meeting:
“Eileen suggested having ONE secretary and ONE treasurer ([and] not have them rotating). Brian C. added that John Andrews said to just have one treasurer for the entire party, as bookkeeping is tough, [and law prevents PACs which coordinate expenditures, IE party as PAC and chapter PAC]-there is more detail on video.”
“There was a discussion of whether it should be a treasurer in each chapter or just one in the GRP. Young Greens should talk about this issue with John Andrews. Brian will work with John A. and Roni Beal and Eileen (from Finance Committee) to clarify. Mark, from the YG , weighed in: having been doing the duties of the treasurer, they are not ‘double dipping”.”
We tabled this issue until 12/14
- Person to 'man' office email; are there other offices that need this (suggested person to read office email and delegate); history is that Violet sent an email to office that no one responded to.
Brian and Zack said that this should be a secretary duty. Eileen said about us all being a little overwhelmed with email and that it would help if one person responded and disseminated ‘office ‘ email; this would be an assistant to the secretary. Mark Mailhot said that he would take this on. Maureen suggested Charlene D. because she knows the party very well. Brian thanked Mark for stepping up and volunteering and suggested that Msureen take Mark ‘under her wing’ (a nice chicken reference!) Mark has a lot of experience scheduling so this will come in handy. Eileen asked about phone messages; Brian said that this is separate and Eileen said that she will keep doing the phone messages. (most of which are commercial). Maureen defended herself about ‘office’ email; she disregarded all the ones that said, Instagram
Conversation about FB, Instagram, Twitter-important for new young members. This falls under communications, Mark feels. Like a deputy.
We discussed the need to attend to the “office” email more diligently
There was a volunteer who reached out to Zack who wants to help with Communications.
- Member to ad com:
Mark will be the ad com rep.; he put his email in the ‘chat’:[email protected]
The northeast Chapter is in the process of being certified now.
8..If someone reaches out to be nominated for the GP President, who sends the form to them? Also, we need to pick electors (who does that)? (10 minutes 6:55-7:05p)
Brian asked if this is a GPUS issue not GRP.. Maureen explained that people reached out to us.
Mark suggested redirecting them to run for a local office. After much discussion, we agreed to send them to CDLC (of the GRP). Specifically for state offices not president (President that is GPUS). Eilleen pointed out that since we are the ‘boots on the ground’ we need to be responsive and not just shuffle them off to national. Zack has a candidate for the northeast chapter.
Mark suggested consolidating communications.
- Committee Reports. (10 minutes 7:05p- 7:15p)
Membership:Zack working with Young Greens and certification of Northeast Chapter
Communication:newsletter to be released tomorrow; she applauded two chapters doing protests about Gaza.Mark spoke out about it being great. Brian C. relabled a bunch of mislabeled people on pictures.
CDLC: No liaison present. Eileen mentioned that they diod a Presidential plan labeled confidential; eileen didn’t get a clear answer about whether it is still confidential. It should be statecom’s agenda.
StateCom: this PEP is not on the agenda for the agenda in two days. So it can be added.
Zack brought up the lack of activity in Western MA (he spoke with Kate Hammel of the YG). He wants to contact them.
- GRP copyright issue (10 Minutes 7:15-7:25pm)
Once again, Brian reported that Danny Factor said that he had not found a copyright there was no lawyer yet. We will discuss this at the next meeting. It would be good to get a recommendation from a copyright lawyer. They have not spoken in several weeks. Brian has not heard from Higbee and Associates. Maureen expressed her fear that the GRP will be spending a lot of money on this.
Zack recapped the situation to Mark. Is this threat credible. Mark suggested that we retract the image but Brian said that it was removed but they still want payment about the time it was up.Maureen asked for clarification about how much contact has been had.
If Highbee doesn’t go away, just tell them we are a non-profit organization. Brain said that Mike P. and Maureen were supposed to get together.
Maureen said that she invited Danny Factor with the link to this meeting.
Brian M. suggested that we take this more seriously. We should pay off Higbee; this will not go away. He said that hiring a copyright lawyer would be about $200 anyway. There was a discussion.
Pickrights wanteds $250550. Higbee wants $1250250.
Discussion will this be the death of the party or not. Mark got a lawyer ;previously he got a lawyer and it was $300. Brian M. said this will snowball very quickly and he encouraged action.
Mark suggested talking to a paralegal instead.
- Young Greens : clarify waiver issue and ad com rep (Kate) (5 minutes 7:25-7:30pm)
Mark said that, in conference with Kate, they will take waiver out of by-laws.
Mark will be the Ad Com rep.
- Statement about Gaza (10 mins) (7:30-7:40p)
The GPUS has taken a very general position and Eileen encouraged a strong position on this issue.
Brian M. found this:https://www.monabaker.org/2015/12/07/text-of-green-rainbow-party-of-ma-statement-on-palestine/ I guess it is originally from 2005.
This is our statement if it hasn’t been overruled.
- Round robin. Adjourn. (5mins)7:55-8:00pm
Brian C congratulated us on getting through the agenda. Eileen said that Mike P. should have Veto power over what we decided. Maureen said he shouldn’t have ultimate veto power. Mark admitted his learning curve. Brian M. said it was a good meeting and he apologized for not being here. Maureen apologized for being discombobulated and a wish to get back to stacking and timing.
Adjourn: 7:52pm
Respectfully submitted, Maureen Doyle GRP secretary 2022-2024
Action items:
Mike: put the treasurer issue back on the agenda for 12/14
Brian: add Mark to receive Office email
Zack: Connect Volunteer for Communications with Eileen
Maureen: contact Mark about doing ‘Office’
Zack: connect candidate to Northeast Chapter
Mike: put the consolidation of communications on next agenda
Zack: contact Rick Purcell ( 413-374-5118) and Mike Lavery
Eileen: add PEP to agenda
Brian: connect Mark with statecom- he will be an observer , on the discuss list
Brian M; contact lawyer friend to find out about this copyright issue
Brian C: Send info about copyright to Brian M for him to ask his lawyer friend.
Maureen: send GPAX webinar to ad com
Mike: put approval of northeast Chapter on next agenda
Administrative Committee of the GRP MA
9 Nov 2023, 7pm-8pm EST
- Take attendance/determine quorum. 5 min Quorum acheived.
Maureen Doyle (GRP Secretary), Brian Cady (GRP Treasurer), Mike Pascucci (GRP Co-Chair), Zack (GRP Membership DirectorChair); Mark and Kate (members of the Young Greens); Eileen Sheehan (GRP Communications Director)
- Approve agenda. 5 mins. Yes.
- Approve previous minutes (from October 26 ,2023):Brian added some suggestions and corrections (indicated on Drive) .The group accepted the minutes.
- Next meeting. 5 mins. There was some discussion of whether we should skip to December or do it next week. We decided on:11/30/2023 at 6:30pm EST
- Young Greens application. 15 mins. Approved by vote.
There was a discussion of whether it should be a treasurer in each chapter or just one in the GRP. Young Greens should talk about this issue with John Andrews. Brian will work with John A. and Roni Beal and Eileen (from Finance Committee) to clarify. Mark, from the YG , weighed in: having been doing the duties of the treasurer, they are not ‘double dipping”(I didn’t understand this).
- Medicare for All hearing. 5 mins.
The group endorsed the legislation. It was noted that the deadline to speak at the hearing was that day’s afternoon but that written comments would be accepted afterward. There was a discussion of the need for Medicare for All. Passionate pleas were given by Mark and EWileen in favor of the legislation.
Brian C. asked if we should endorse the action. There was consensus to and it was decided that a letter would be written on the GRP’s behalf. (Who said they’d write the letter?)
Kate informed the group that she has sent the YG by laws and she summarized the changes (as they rewrote the majority of the by-laws). See attached.They added term limits, defined the recall process, and outlined the decision making process between the YG Steering Committee and the rest of the YG chapter. They also determined a schedule of meetings (monthly) and eliminated some language (about nominating a president, etc.).
Brian asked for them to clarify some of the bookkeeping and pools of money statements (in 7.8.2). Kate said that they would need to learn GRP bookkeeping methods; Brian said that he could teach them. Brian also asked for clarity about excluding a person who abstains (8.3.6) (I don’t understand this.)
In 3.3.2 there are membership requirement inconsistencies. In 2.5.1 they mention waivers for membership dues but it was unclear if these waivers were for the whole state or for the chapter. Kate will clarify.
Mike P. reminded everyone here that suggestions are fine to give to the YG but they are not needed for approval. He asked which member will be on Ad Com; they have not determined yet who that will be but Kate said that they will have a meeting soon
- Isreali/Palestian response. 10 minutes.
Endorsement passed.
There was discussion that included the fact that the MA GRP has not made a statement endorsing ceasefire and that is awkward. We agreed to endorse Ceasefire NOW ( https://action.cair.com/a/gazaunderattackI believe this is the correct link!) A statement must be well thought out and not be perceived as anti-semitic from any angle.
Brian C brought up the defense corporations in western ma and we discussed L3Harris ( https://www.l3harris.com) and Raytheon. L3 Harris creates electronics. The GRP statement should have a statewide angle. Mike P. pointed out that we should have a strategy and not just a name on an endorsement. Mark concurred. Presence at Boston rallies is one action. Our presence may attract new members. Eileen agreed and said that we should support other greens who go to places like Washington DC (Like Violet Zitola).
Mark asked if it is possible to set up an emergency/special meeting. Mike P. answered in the affirmative but admitted that it takes time to set up (email, a poll on the date, etc.). He expressed a wish for email voting. Brian C. pointed out that that is a proposal in the making.
- GRP Website Copyright Issue (5 mins)
Brian reported that Danny Factor said that there was no copyright lawyer that Danny’d found yet. We will discuss this at the next meeting. Back ground info (from previous minutes):Brian C. spoke to this issue and a meeting of officers was set up to discuss it further . The picture in question is one of people picking potatoes. (it was featured in a GRP newsletter article, Spring 2023, p.3).) Brian was contacted via email during the summer and requested that he then pay $250 to settle out of court. He also received a subsequentsubsequest paper letter . As a group, we decided to consult with lawyer and member Danny Factor. Brian will contact Danny and Jack to get more details. Eileen suggested that Danny could refer to a more appropriate lawyer also.
- Round robin. Adjourn. (5mins)
Respectfully submitted, Maureen Doyle GRP secretary 2022-2024
Action items:
Maureen: Correct past minutes. DONE
Brian, Eileen, Roni, and John: meet together and settle the treasurer issue (see issues above).
Kate: Clarify waiver information. Inform Ad Com who will be the representative to Ad Com (from the YG).
Mike: write endorsement of party for Medicare for All to send to the legislators of the panel.(included on this website:https://masscare.org/legislation/)
Mike : Include the GRP website copyright issue on the Nov. 30th agenda.
Administrative Committee of the GRP MA
26 October 2023
Take attendance/determine quorum. 5 min (6:30 - 6:35) Quorum acheived.
Maureen Doyle (Secretary), Brian Cady (Treasurer), Mike Pascucci (GRP Co-Chair), Zack (Membership Chair); Mark, Valieza O’Keefe (arrived a few minutes into the meeting), and Kate (members of the Young Greens); Eileen Sheehan (Communications Director)
Approve agenda. 5 min (6:35 - 6:40) Eileen asked if we can definitely discuss the Medicare for All legislative hearing. We discussed how the hearing will be after our next ad com meeting so it will definitely be on that agenda. We took a vote about including it tonight; Eileen said that she would stand aside about it’s non-inclusion.
Approve minutes from previous meeting. 5 min (6:40 - 6:45)
12 October 2023 Ad Com - Google Docs; see attached in email
Next AdCom meeting: 11/09/23 from 6:30 - 7:30pm (0 min)
MA Young Greens application. 25 min (6:45 - 7:10)
Zack introduced the chapter and co-chair Kate. They went through questions: [add questions here]
Mark and Zack are on the Steering Committee of the Young Greens. We discussed the Steering Committee as being a national GPUS thing -not state. They don’t want a ‘committee to go rogue” Mark explained how this by-laws is in a draft form now; Val backed up Mark’s comments. Maureen and Ellieen asked to see the by-laws. Kate explained how they have been working on the by-laws so that the Steering Committee does NOT have full authority.
The whole Young Green Chapter meets monthly (not just the steering committee) and they added traditional roles like a treasurer and a secretary: these will be filled as per the by laws. Eileen suggested having ONE secretary and one treasurer (not have them rotating. Brian C. added that John Andrews said to just have one treasurer for the entire party, as bookkeeping is tough, [and law prevents PACs which co-ordinate expeditures, IE party as PAC and chapter PAC]-there is more detail on video.
Mark and Val reiterated how they are trying to be aligned with the state GRP.
Mike P. questioned defining the roles to ‘10 hours per week’ and having indefinite terms for the positions. They have changed this from the original: terms will be 3 years and one person can only serve two consecutive terms.
They were asked to include a statecom and ad com representative to their assigned roles.
Maureen asked about making sure that other people understand the roles: Kate and Mark explained how the roles will be done to educate everyone how things are done. They will have a rewrite of the by-laws ready in a week or two
GRP website copyright issue. 15 min (7:10 - 7:25) Brian C. spoke to this issue and a meeting of officers was set up to discuss it further . The picture in question is one of people picking potatoes. (it was featured in a GRP newsletter article, Spring 2023, p.3).) Brian was contacted via email during the summer and requested that he pay $250 to settle out of court. He also received a subsequent paper letter . As a group, we decided to consult with lawyer and member Danny Factor. Brian will contact Danny and Jack to get more details. Eileen suggested that Danny could refer to a more appropriate lawyer also.
IF TIME: Medicare 4 All joint legislative hearing rep for 11/14
GRP Bylaws: GRP_Bylaws__Modified_January_26__2019.pdf
Definitely put the medicare for all legislative hearing on the agenda. Maureen has volunteered to speak on behalf of party at hearing (testify) but we need the exact language.
Maureen: Come up with language of support that we can decide on.
MA YG: Rewrite by laws in two weeks (for nov. 9th)
Brian: speak to Danny and Zack about copyright issue
Oct. 30,2023 quick meeting to discuss copyright issue
Eileen: please include the GP statement on Gaza in next newsletter
Round Robin/Adjourn. 5 min (7:25 - 7:30): 7:30pm
Zoom invitation:
28 September 2023
Take attendance/determine quorum. 5 min (6:30 - 6:35)
2. Approve agenda. 5 min (6:35 - 6:40)
3. Approve minutes from previous meeting. 5 min (6:40 - 6:45)
1. 14 September 2023 Ad Com - Google Docs
4. Next AdCom meeting: 10/12/23 from 7:00pm - 8:00pm (0 min)
5. StateCom items. 10 min (6:45 - 6:55)
1. Special StateCom meeting
2. Fall StateCom facilitators
6. MA Young Greens application. 15 minutes (6:55 - 7:10)
1. See application documents sent on 9/27
7. Chapter Updates. 10 min (7:10 - 7:20)
1. Western MA: Brian C
2. Central MA: Brian M
3. Southeast MA: Eileen
8. Fundraiser Planning Update. 5 minutes (7:20 - 7:25)
9. Round Robin/Adjourn. 5 min (7:25 - 7:30)
GRP Bylaws: GRP_Bylaws__Modified_January_26__2019.pdf
s that they can ask for : $10,000 is the federal limit (mike P. said that they will start at $10,000 and decrease to $5000 then do smaller amounts. Eilleen pointed out that transferring federal money to state coffers is illegal. She spoke to a staff at the statehouse about this and send it via email. She and Brian had a discussion about this. Trqansferring money between federal donations and state donations is NOT being done nor is it being proposed. People can ONLY donate to federal or state and one cannot designate funds to a certain campaign. Brian stated that he would put funds over $500 into the federal account; less than $500 will go to the state account. Eileen encouraged Brian to speak to Greg Burns himself after reading the email she sent. Brian replied that he would call Eileen to discuss this.
6. Committee Reports. 10 minutes (7:25 - 7:35)
- Membership: Zach: Zach is not here due to illness.
- Communication: Eileen: Mike Lavery did a great job sending out reminders to folks about the benefit.
Zoom invitation:
Topic: GRP Adcom
Time: September 28, 2023 06:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 897 5129 6371
Passcode: 191507
One tap mobile
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Take attendance/determine quorum. 5 min (6:30 - 6:35)
Eileen Sheehan, Brian Cady, Zack Kontra, Mike Pascucci, Brian Mulhearn (7:11p), Maureen Doyle
Quorum achieved
- Approve agenda. 5 min (6:35 - 6:40)
Maureen asked that Brian Mulhearn speaking at state com about his fall 2022 trip to south America be added to #5. It was discussed and people felt it had been presented.
Agenda approved via consensus.
Approve minutes from previous meeting. 5 min (6:40 - 6:45)
1. 14 September 2023 Ad Com - Google Docs
Corrections submitted.
Approved by concensus.
- Next AdCom meeting: 10/12/23 from 7:00pm - 8:00pm (0 min)
Approved by consensus. Times are okay.
StateCom items. 10 min (6:45 - 6:55) -
Special StateCom meeting
To call a special statecom meeting, with an agenda. We agreed that this did not need to be longer than ½ hour.
The information about this meeting will be sent to GRP Statecom members individually to maintain confidentiality. Next week, Brian Cady will send out a doddle poll. Mike P will send an email tonight or tomorrow with the doddle poll that Brian will send to him.
- Fall StateCom facilitators
Mike P and Laura Josephs are both super busy and request that others step up to do it.
MA Young Greens (YGs) application. 15 minutes (6:55 - 7:10)
1. See attached documents
There was discussion about the language used, particularly the word 'Transphobes'. Brian M. was at the meeting at which Zack was saying that the YGs membership wanted transphobes to be included; he upheld that conversation. Other members of Ad Com said, "We cannot demonize people" and "we need to talk about opinions not about people" and a call for a need for civil discourse. There was a recalling of past times when misperceptions and misunderstandings severely divided both the national Greens and the state GRP.
There was a question about a 'steering committee' on the YGs. There was discussion of whether this needed.
7. Chapter Updates. 10 min (7:10 - 7:20)
1. Western MA: Brian C
they are seeking a female co-chair as Jamie Guerin needed to step down. Mike Lavery has agreed to co-chair with Rick Purcell.
2. Central MA: Brian M
There has been a lot of action supporting a school committee candidate and supporting her campaign.
3. Southeast MA: Eileen
update on Boston: Dan Kontoff dropped out of the group. Mike HiechmaN STILL WANTS TO BE THE POINT PERSON OF THE UNOFFICIAL GROUP. dAVID bARKLEY OFFICIALLY LEFT THE grp AND IS LEADING THE NOW-DEFUNCT gREATER bOSTON cHAPTER. It is reported that he thinks the GRP has been "infilltrated".
Zack is planning on running for selectboard in the fall in Holbrook.
Fundraiser Planning Update. 5 minutes (7:20 - 7:25)
Brian C. spoke to this . He reported that there are presently 16 RSVPs to the Benefit. Zack explained why the Facebook page is still not attended to.
Round Robin/Adjourn. 5 min (7:25 - 7:30)
we adjourned at 7:31pm ET
To Do:
Brian: Send Doddle poll DONE
Mike P: send email with doddle poll DONE
Everyone: we need Fall StateCom facilitators
Mike P. please include the YGs aplication on the next agenda
GRP Ad Com
14 September 2023
Attendees:. Brian Cady (GRP Treasurer), Eileen Sheehan (East Coast Representative and Communications Director), Mike Pascucci (GRP co-chair), Maureen Doyle (GRP Secretary), Zack Kontra (Membership Director), Brian Mulhearn (Central MA Representative)
Zack forwarded the by-laws for the MA Young Greens. The acceptance of the bylaws need to be added to the next ad com agenda.
Acceptance of last minutes: 1 concern about discussion of whether co-chairs should be voting members in Ad Com (because that might make the demographic/regional representation too weighted to one side. There was discussion of this. There needs to be clarification of the mailing information (for the ballot access mailer). Zack pointed out that we need to say something that Ad Com can do.
Cornel west Campaign: Zack spoke about the enthusiastic volunteers and encouraged connection with them. AD Com does need to remain neutral as there are other candidates Who have reached out on office.org The PCWG needs to reach out to other candidates as well as Cornel West. (There are 6 total.)
Eileen asked about the ballot access conundrum and Zack responded thusly: encourage people to register GRP (for our ballot access) and then those individuals can help for whichever candidate they chose.
Reminder that the limit to donate is $500 per individual donor (because we are a PAC) but each person can donate to a candidate individually also.Individuals can donate $2900 to the federal funds and $500 to the state fund. These amounts need to be tracked. The GRP CANNOT take donations for just one candidate!!
Brian suggested that we have a table set up at the Fundraiser(?) Maybe with brochures from everyeach candidate and also provide a place to donate to just the GRP.
AD COM needs to contribute liasons/co-chairs to the PCWG. They need a liaison from Communications, AD COM, and Fundraising (1 liaison each). Eileen suggested that the co-chair be from CDLC and Ad Com members can make the body.
What to tell CDLC: David Spanagel would be ideal to run this group (PCWG) and the Ad Com, Communications Com., and Fundraising Com will fill it out.
CDLC PEP (presidential Election Plan): overall, we thought this was an organized, well written document.
Comments on the PEP are due on 9/15/2023 to CDLC.
THE PEP is a tall order. Eileen feels that this is a wish list for the Communications Committee with regard to press support for candidates since we don’t have the capacity for this at present.
Committee Reports:
Membership (Zack): They met last evening (9/13) The Greater Boston Chapter is NOT happening right now but he is hopeful that the Young Greens will set up chapters on campuses and fill in that void.
Eileen asked if all the YGs are on Nationbuilder (NB). She asked how many members there are now. Zack answered that there are 6 members and it is a good team. The Young Greens are meeting next week also.
Eileen reported that they have been working on texting (immediately for the upcoming Benefit (10/14) and also for the October 1st Green Lines edition). They would like a better mailing and texting list from which to work. Eileen reported that David Schwab is sick and now Mike Lavery is doing all the texting. Mike shortened the message to be sent out. He has 2 NB lists: one from Brian and one from David S. Brian asked that he use the list from David S. Eileen explained that there is a problem with the list of people who received the Benefit postcard. She asked that we be able to integrate the returned postcard info back into the NB list. Brian reported that very few RSVPs have been received to date. Maureen offered that this may be the slowness of the post office and may not be due to the lists being in error. Eileen explained that the GRP must maintain a record of all donations by individual donorhow these lists are a legal requirement and Brian encouraged all donations go through NB. He feels that the two lists (Nationbuilder and GPUS) can be integrated easily if they are combined.
Zack encouraged us to boost our FB outreach.
There are presently 13 RSVPs to the Oct.14 benefit. There was discussion about why people should attend this benefit. Is the entertainer a draw? Is the speaker a draw? Is the food a draw?
8:00PM EST next Ad Com meetingis on 9/28 at 6:30pm.
Action Items:
Mike: Place on agenda : acceptance of Young Greens chapter
All:Comments on the PEP are due on 9/15/2023 to CDLC.
Mike: Please tell CDLC: David Spanagel would be ideal to run this group (PCWG) and the Ad Com, Communications Com., and Fundraising Com will fill it out.
Mike Lavery: Use David Schwab’s NB list when Texting.
Brian: integrate the 2 donornational address lists (?)
Topic: GRP Adcom
Time: August 31, 2023 06:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 897 5129 6371
Passcode: 191507
- Take attendance/determine quorum. 5 min (6:30 - 6:35)
Brian Cady (GRP Treasurer), Eileen Sheehan (East Coast Representative and Communications Director), Mike Pascucci (GRP co-chair), Maureen Doyle (GRP Secretary), Zack Kontra (Membership Director), Brian Mulhearn (Central MA Representative), John Andrews (invited guest and GRP member extraordinaire!)
Quorum met.
- Approve agenda. 5 min (6:35 - 6:40)
Approved by consensus.
- Approve minutes from previous meeting. 5 min (6:40 - 6:45)
One comment: to add that Zack is the membership director to minutes.
- CDLC's Presidential Election Plan. 20 minutes (6:45 - 7:05)
This document is confidential so i have not included it here. They have been sent via email to members of this body on August 31st. John Andrews was present at our meeting to discuss the process. He informed us that there are two documents: The presidential Election Plan and the Delegate Selection Plan. The DSE is shorter. The PEP needs to be sent to the Secretary Of the Commonwealth (MA). This legal document needs to be sent to SOC to show that we are a doing a truly democratic process as the GRP.. The PWG needs to figure out who will be on the ballot in 2024. And they are doing that through the Presidential Preference Poll. This will be online.John and Dave S. have discussed security -should there be a ballot id #?
11 electors will be picked in the chance that the GP gets elector votes and needs to represent at ______. The CDLC is working hard on this but they do not know the location and date of the in-person GPUS presidential convention.
On the PEP, there is a Master Calendar (Appendix A) which shows the important dates leading up the election.
At the recent Communications Committee meeting, they decided to send a liaison to the Presidential WOrking Group (PSWG) but they were wondering about the time commitment. John A answered: it may just be 1-2 times a month most times. It could be as much as 1-2 X a week, if it is really busy. What about the time of day; Jon said that the meeting members decide on a time that is convenient to them.
Mike P asked a question about having the candidate’s name on the ballot access petition. John said that the PCWG has discussed this and came up with three options: (1) to collect signatures for all five candidates at once (2) wait until february 2024 to determine if there is a ‘front runner’ and put their name on the ballot (3) run a write-in candidate (which would be each signature collector
There was discussion about a postal mailing on this. The PCWG could appropriate $ or fundraise for their mailing. John said that a rough estimate of their mailing would be: $1.50 to 2000 GRP members=$3500. The purpose of this mailing would be threefold: a fund raising appeal to members, to inform about which candidates are running (since we lack MSM attention) , and to have contact with our members
- Fundraiser Planning Discussion. 15 minutes (7:05 - 7:20)
Brian Cady updated everyone on the upcoming fundraiser/benefit at https://www.pakachoagcenter.org/ on October 14, 2023 from 1p-4pm. Zaqck is working with David S. on the design for postcards and social media. There was discussion about the designs. Zack and David Schwab will coordinate to have social media, postcard, banner, and website to inform people of dates and events.
The event requires people setting up and breaking down also, baking, other details.
Mike P. brought up that we are 6 weeks from the event and asked if we felt confident in completing it.
Brian c answered that 6 weeks is better than 3 and he feels there is enough time for promotions, etc.
- Committee Reports as needed. 5 minutes (7:20 - 7:25) Zack reported for Membership and the Young greens. He sent an application for the YOung greens and the by-laws to the GRP Secretary for this new chapter. The co-chairs who were elected are Kate hamil and valley Osa Okeefe.
Zack Kontra sent a proposal to GRP co-chair Mike P about co-chairs being voting members of Ad Com.
- Next AdCom meeting: 9/14/23 from 6:30pm - 7:30pm (0 min)
And 9/28/23 after that (if you want to mark your calendar)
- Round Robin/Adjourn. 5 min (7:25 - 7:30) Maureen asked about Laura Josephs ; Mike P said that she has withdrawn her application for co-chair at this time. Laura was suggested as being the liaison from the Western MA chapter to Ad com so she can get to know us that way.
Action Items:
EVERYONE: read the Presidential Election Plan (PEP) and send comments to John and David ([email protected] or 781-382-5655; and [email protected])
Maureen: Look at by-laws Zack sent
Maureen: assemble old “to dos” and see if they are done
EVERYONE: Ad Com needs to send a representative to the PCWG; their next meeting is September 19th. Report back to ad com on 9/28.
Brian C: please let John A. know if there is funding leftover from the fundraiser/benefit for the PCWG to use for their mailing
John A: please send link to the CDLC meeting on Sept.19
Zack and David Schwab: coordinate postcard and social media (website, FB, twitter, etc) and update dates and events
Administrative Committee (Ad Com) of the MA Green-Rainbow Party
10 August 2023
7pm -8:05pm EST
- Attendence and Determine Quorum. 5 Minutes
5 min (7:00 - 7:05)
Brian Cady (GRP Treasurer), Eileen Sheehan (East Coast Representative and Communications Director), Mike Pascucci (GRP co-chair), Maureen Doyle (GRP Secretary), Zack Kontra (Membership Director).
Quorum achieved.
- Approve agenda. 5 min (7:05 - 7:10) consensus.
- Approve minutes from the previous meeting. 5 min (7:10 - 7:15) consensus pending a change from corrections sent via email from Mike P.(see last meeting minutes on this Goggle Drive) : CDLC did not ENDORSE Gloria Caberello-Roca’s candidacy; they just accept the application, find it complete, and pass it on to the GRP state committee. The co-chair(s) of the party will post a SPECIAL statecom meeting for the delegates to endorse.
- Laura Josephs, Female Co-Chair discussion. 15 minutes (7:15 - 7:30)
Laura was not present so we discussed a few other things namely that Jill Stein is no longer the campaign manager of Cornel west. She will be CW’s senior advisor.
- Chapter Reports. 15 min (7:30 - 7:45)
- Central MA: Brian M.
They will hold their monthly meeting on Saturday, 12 August. The chapter is working on Nellie Medina’s campaign. The other candidate (against Medina or with?) dropped out of the race due to an unspecified issue with the GRP. This issue will be discussed at their meeting on Saturday. The Central MA Chapter is planning some near future tabling events such as at the Orange, MA Garlic Festival. Western MA will join them in this venture. They will need materials and information to distribute.
- Southeastern MA: Eileen
Eileen reported that they are working together with Our Revolution in Fall River to get a plastic bag ban for the area
- Western MA: Mike / Brian C.
Gloria C-R and her opponent are both certified for their fall race (2023); she still has no treasurer or official campaign structure
Jill Stein asked Jamie Guerin to led the CWMA24 group. She suggested two other new people: Sheryl and Henry. Rick Purcell also volunteered and Zack said that he thought he would . There was conversation at this Ad Com that such a statewide conversation was happening at ONE chapter meeting (but no others)
- Greater Boston: Zach / Mike
Zack reported that he and the Green Caucus are working with Holbrook selectboard to protect the town’s forest. Maureen suggested instituting Article 97 if it isn’t already in place (look on Mass.gov)
- Young Greens: Zach
- Communications: Eileen reported that the Communications Committee is staying neutral. She asked about and we had a conversation about MA endorsing Cornel West BEFORE the GPUS does. We talked about needing a more involved conversation , including CDLC. We discussed this and how previously, MA had voted at the PNC for Dario Hunter and Darlene Elias but MA ended up in the Howie Hawkins column. Maureen agreed. Mike said that statecom would weigh in on this issue. Zack wondered if MA waited for the GPUS to decide a candidate in May 2024, would it be too late for MA? We wondered if there is precedence? Should this issue be on the Special Statecom? Invite John Andrews to next Ad Com meeting.
- Membership: will meet on Aug 15th(after a month’s reprieve).
- Fundraiser Discussion. 10 min (7:45 - 7:55)
Brian spoke to this; in the absence of a fundraising director, he has been doing a lot of the work on this. He said that there are many balls in the air: accommodations for Jack, parking for 75 folks, engineering needs, sound for the event. There was a suggestion to postpone the event but Brian disagrees with this thinking. There was a suggestion for Ad Com to be more involved in this event. There was a discussion about the hired organizer for this, David Schwab. He has not cashed the first upfront check (the contract dictated that he would be paid one third upfront and the rest upon completion). He gets paid no matter what the outcome of this fundraiser is so several voiced, “where is the incentive?”. The original contract was for 2 months and this has taken far longer. Eileen spoke as a business person; “This is not working.” Due to the distance that Dave Schwab lives , he is unable to check out locations personally. We discussed the # of things he has NOT done that other people HAVE done: the banner (Zack); looking at venues (Mark Lacerte, David Spanagel), countless things (Brian) and that we , as the GRP, could not make up the money we invested.It is on David Schwab to prove that this event can happen. Mike P. defended David S’s work and added that he did sign a contract and we need to follow through with it. Mike talked about the process that occurred to come up with this position(MA has never done this before). At this point Zack asked about a previous comment that the venue might not work out. He asked because the promotional information has been sent out via the newsletter. Brian responded that he would talk to Karen Sargent about the parking issue (he reached out to her once and she has not responded; he will try again.)
- 2024 Election: Statecom should organize a regional convention. Zack attended a meeting for Presidential signature gathering (CWMA 2024). Gathering signatures for the CW presidential run could combine membership and ballot access goals. At this meeting, they suggested that if each GRP member were to bring in 12 people (have them registered GRP) , we will achieve ballot access! When gathering signatures, have a QR code (to SOC websiteand ballot forms available for folks to take /use. (https://www.sec.state.ma.us/divisions/elections/voter-resources/registering-to-vote.htm)
- Next AdCom meeting: 8/24/23 from 6:30pm - 7:30pm (0 min)
- Round Robin/Adjourn. 5 min (7:55 - 8:00)
Respectfully submitted, Maureen Doyle GRP Secretary 2022-2023
Action Items: Mike P: set up special statecom meeting to endorse Gloria C-R
Next statecom co-facilitators: put a regional convention on the agenda
Green Lines: request official staff for Gloria’s campaign?
Maureen or Mike: invite john Andrews to next meeting
Mike P.: reinvite laura Jacobs to next meeting (8/24)?
Brian: reach out to karen Sargent about parking
Administrative Committee (Ad Com) of the MA Green-Rainbow Party
27 July 2023
- Take attendance and determine quorum. 5 mins.
Brian Cady (GRP Treasurer), Eileen Sheehan (East Coast Representative and Communications Director), Mike Pascucci (GRP co-chair), Maureen doyle (GRP Secretary)
- Approve Minutes from Last meeting. 5 mins.
No Concerns. Approved by consensus.
- Approve agenda. 5 mins.
No concerns. Approved by consensus.
- Next ad com meeting. 5 mins.
August 10, 2023 from 7p-8pm EST.
- Committee Reports 15 minutes
Membership: New members of the Young Greens. He does not have much to report since the last meeting. Eileen asked if he would put the new members on Nationbuilder. Eileen wants to prevent a situation that happened previously in which there was a mix-up where one person was recorded twice (making a membership talley inaccurate).
Communications:The newsletter of the MA GRP will come out on August 1st. She is hoping for information about the fundraiser/benefit. This mnth there was an action alert from Mike P. and nationbuilder asked the Com Com to approve texts by July 30th. 4 are already approved. There are many email duplications; Mike Lavery has been helping to consolidate the list. They have discovered that Nationbuilder and the state elections department have different requirements
Fundraising: Zack finished the promotional banner for the fundraiser. It is verynicely done featuring a speaker and the entertainer. There was a discussion of the logo and branding. Having a logo of just one color is easier to print for buttons and bumber stickers.
CDLC: Mike P. was unable to attend their meeting but he is reporting on the meeting from the minutes. At the last CDLC meeting (date?), Gloria Caballero-Roca was accepted as a candidate; the information will be passed on to statecom for endorsement from the GRP. (she is running for Holyoke School Committee).
A special statecom meeting needs to be set up for the GRP delegates to vote on that.
Whose name should go on the petition that we need to generate a list of signatures. Zack pointed out that Cornel West has the most name recognition and we all agreed.
Policies and Procedures: nothing new to report. Brian has had no contact with Josh G. about this.
Technical: Brian reported that their last meeting was fraught with technical difficulties and did not have a quorum. Mike Lavery and Eileen Sheehan showed up though.
Action items (for 7/27):
Zack: put new members on the Nation Builder website.
Mike: set up a SPECIAL statecom meeting
Respectfully submitted,
Maureen Doyle
GRP Secretary 2022-2024
My proposed agenda for tonight's AdCom meeting is below, and the Zoom link
is below that. I have CC'd Laura Josephs who may or may not be able to make
it tonight. Laura, you may not be able to respond directly to this email
because you are not yet on the AdCom list. The meeting is scheduled for one
hour from 6:30pm - 7:30pm.
1. Take attendance/determine quorum. 5 min
2. Approve minutes from previous meeting. 5 min
3. Approve agenda. 5 min
4. Next AdCom meeting. 5 min
5. StateCom Report: Mike / Maureen / Brian, 10 min
6. Chapter Reports. 10 min
- Southeast Mass: Eileen
- Central Mass: Brian M.
- Western Mass: Mike or Brian C.
- GBC / Boston City Committee: Zach / Mike
- Young Greens: Zach
7. Fundraiser Update. 5 min
8. Emanuel Pastreich inquiry 10 min
9. Round Robin/Adjourn. 5 min
Zoom invitation:
Topic: GRP Adcom
Time: May 25, 2023 06:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
My proposed agenda for tonight's AdCom meeting is below, and the Zoom link
is below that. I have CC'd Laura Josephs who may or may not be able to make
it tonight. Laura, you may not be able to respond directly to this email
because you are not yet on the AdCom list. The meeting is scheduled for one
hour from 6:30pm - 7:30pm.
1. Take attendance/determine quorum. 5 min
2. Approve minutes from previous meeting. 5 min
3. Approve agenda. 5 min
4. Next AdCom meeting. 5 min
5. StateCom Report: Mike / Maureen / Brian, 10 min
6. Chapter Reports. 10 min
- Southeast Mass: Eileen
- Central Mass: Brian M.
- Western Mass: Mike or Brian C.
- GBC / Boston City Committee: Zach / Mike
- Young Greens: Zach
7. Fundraiser Update. 5 min
8. Emanuel Pastreich inquiry 10 min
9. Round Robin/Adjourn. 5 min
Zoom invitation:
Topic: GRP Adcom
Time: May 25, 2023 06:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
8 June 2023 Administrative Committee of the MA GRP
!. Take attendance and determine quorum. 5mins.
Eileen Sheehan, Maureen Doyle, Brian Mulhearn, Zack Kontra, Mike Pascucci, Brian Cady
Quorum achieved.
- Approve minutes from May 25, 2023.
Approved by consensus.
- Approve agenda.
Endorsing May Day event on July 4th with the May Day Coalition.. There were no concerns. Eileen added that we should co-sponsor so our name will be out there. Brian M. looked at their social media page and reported to issues with endorsing/co-sponsoring.
- Chapter Reports. (10 minutes)
Central MA: Brian M: their meeting is on the 17th. On Juneteenth they plan on flyering they have been door knocking for candidate Nellie medina.
Western MA: Zack: They have planned on with merchandise and voter registration at Holbrook Pride Day. Jamie Guerin got elected co-president of her housing complex.
South Eastern: Eileen: Working on a plastic bag ban
North Eastern: Mike P.: mentioned issues with Ebony that he hopes will resolve soon.
- Party Coordination 10 mins
Mike sent an email to David Spanagel suggesting someone from Ad Com go to CDLCs meetings (Mike volunteered to be the liaison). The Mass Young Greens is also trying to send a member to CDLC.
Mike P reported that he might have a lead on female Co-chair of the GRP. Her name is Laura Josephs and she was recommended by Jamie Guerin.
Action items:
Mike P. (co chair) will reach out to Mike H. (MDC) about endorsing.
Maureen: reach out to western ma about a representative to ad com
Eileen: for communications: reach out to Lois Gagnon about female co-chair. Start wirth a website description!
Maureen: attend the fundraiser meeting on JUne 16th with David scwab and report back to Ad Com.
Respectfully submitted,
Maureen Doyle
GRP Secretary 2022-2024
Topic: AdCom
Time: Apr 27, 2023 08:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 854 7546 1421
Passcode: 777115
- Take attendance/determine quorum. 5 min
Lois Gagnon, Eileen Sheehan, Brian Cady, Maureen Doyle, Mike Pascucci, Zack Kontra
2. Approve minutes from 4/13. 5 min
Approved by consensus
3. Approve agenda. 5 min
Addition of the May 3rd webinar “Follow the Money”-maureen
Agenda is approved with that addition; added to other endorsements
4. Chapter reports. 10 min
South Coast (Eileen): 4 members at last meeting; planned on leafletting with students in SE MA; John B has done a bit of this previously
Western MA (Lois and Brian): 6 members at last meeting; focus on meeting the groups’ goals, we have candidates. Update on jamie’s health: she is recuperating at home and doing fairly well. Talked about Gloria’s run for school committee; she does not have a website yet and there was a request to help her.
5. Convention planning:
Who is running-Filling vacant seats. 15 min
Treasurer: Brian
Secretary: Maureen
Co-Chair: Mike P. yes, I want to run; it is difficult with the kids but there are still things that I want to do , though. He admitted that a co-less chairship is intimidating.
Lois brought up asking someone to take the co-chair. Zack said that some young people have joined but it might be a hard ask to hope that new members would want to do it. Lois wonders if an interim would be good. Eileen pointed out that we should advertise the duties of the co-chair. Dis cussion of co-chairs jobs and duties.
If no one volunteers for co-chair, Statecom can appoint.
Eileen suggested having a process started NOW so we have a plan when the time comes
6. Update on fundraising with David Schwab. 10 min
7. Endorse New Democracy Coalition’s reading of MLK’s speeches on 4/30. 10 min.
8. Endorse Warheads to Windmills webinar on 5/7. 10 min.
9. Next AdCom meeting. 5 min
Round Robin/Adjourn
The western MA chapter needs a new ad com rep as Lois is done.
Action items:
Maureen: send No Mow May -done
List job descriptions on website (secretary, co-chair, treasuser)
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