Title: Bylaws Revision of Chapters
Sponsors: Danny Factor and Elie Yarden
Proposal Shepherd:Frank Jackson (Party Secretary)
Contact info of Shepherd: [email protected] 339-707-5212 Committee's Vetting: Administrative and Membership
Background: In the fall of last year came the wish to form a student chapter, however the process for doing so was unclear. Chapters across the state are now defunct, such as the “Boston Chapter”, “Mystic River Valley Local” and “Amherst Chapter”, all of which are now represented by another local. However the current bylaws do not outline appropriate process for dealing with defunct chapters. As well, there are valid concerns that Political Action Committees formed by locals may be seen as “Coordinating PACs” with the State Party. Lastly, some members found the terms club awkward to use.
Summary: The proposal makes the following changes to our process:
All groups currently known as Locals will be known as Green-Rainbow Party Chapter
There would be 3 types of Party Chapter: School, Regional, and Local. Each serving a different
Party Chapters may overlap, as schools will be within Locals, and Locals within Regional
Chapters when seeking certification must provide contacts, minutes of the founding meeting,
and by-laws to the Secretary
AdCom certifies the chapters
Chapters must report to at least one statecom meeting, inform the secretary of changes in
officers/liason/bylaws and consult with the party treasurer dispensing funds for political use
(this is to ensure we are in accordance with election law)
All chapters will have only one vote. This encourages the forming of more chapters.
The Administrative Committee can recommend to StateCom to decertify a chapter if it has
failed to meet the requirements outlined above Financial Impact: None
Implementation: The bylaws must be updated, and both the membership and administrative committees must be aware of the changes.
Proposal Language:
All mentions of “Local”, “Local Chapter”, or their plural form, in the By-Laws, will be replaced by the term “Party Chapter”
Section 7 of the current Party By-Laws are hereby deleted and replaced by the following: 7 Green-Rainbow Party Chapters
7.1 A Green-Rainbow Party Chapter is a group affiliated with and certified by the Green-Rainbow Party. As long as the Green-Rainbow Party Chapter abides by the Massachusetts and Federal elections laws, and does not undermine the purpose of the Green-Rainbow Party as stated in Section 3 of the Green-Rainbow Party By-Laws, the Green-Rainbow Party cannot interfere with the Chapter's internal
affairs or decision-making process.
7.2 a Definitions
• “Green-Rainbow Party Chapter” This is the umbrella term for all chapters which consist of 3 or
more Green-rainbow members meeting regularly and affiliated with the Green-rainbow Party
• “Student Chapters” are operated by Green-Rainbow students within specific student bodies.
• “Regional Chapters” are operated by Green-Rainbow members that have some affiliation with a
group of contiguous communities that share regional concerns.
• “Local Chapter” are operated by Green-Rainbow members in a city, town, or neighborhood.
7.2 b Regional and Local Chapters may choose to operate as either a Political Action Committee, or Town, City, or Ward Committee as defined by Massachusetts General Law
7.2 c Regional, School, and Local Chapters may exist in overlapping geographical regions
7.3 Any Green-Rainbow party members can seek certification as a Party Chapter from the Green-Rainbow Party by submitting to the Party Secretary:
Minutes of the founding meeting.
Contact information of any officers and liaisons.
Party Chapter structure or By-Laws.
The Party Secretary shall submit to the Administrative Committee for approval the request for certification
7.4 Each Party Chapter must:
Report their activities at at-least one regular State Committee Meeting per year.
Notify the Party Secretary of any changes in officers, liaisons, By-Laws or structure.
Consult with the Party Treasurer when dispensing funds for political work.
Continue to have at least 3 members meet regularly.
7.5 Each Green-Rainbow Party Chapter will have one vote when voting on matters such as Article 6.6
(calling a state convention), Article 8.8 (overriding a state committee by-law change or decision), or Article 8.9 (calling a state committee meeting). It is recommended a Party Chapter abstain if its vote does not reflect a consensus or two-thirds vote of its members.
7.7 The Administrative Committee may recommend after reasonable efforts have been made to resolve the issue that the State Committee decertify a Green-Rainbow Party Chapter for failing to meet the requirements defined in Section 7.4, or failing to abide by Section 7.1.
7.8 In the event of a recommendation by the Administrative Committee to decertify a Green-Rainbow Party Chapter, the State Committee may disaffiliate a Green-Rainbow Party Chapter by first voting to post a public notice to members giving the reasons for disaffiliation, and include a statement by the affected Party Chapter unless the Party Chapter chooses not, or cannot, provide such a statement. At the next State Committee meeting, the State Committee shall vote on whether to disaffiliate the local. If a vote to disaffiliate passes, the Green-Rainbow Party Chapter will be disaffiliated from the Green-Rainbow Party, and will no longer be considered in the Green-Rainbow Party decision-making process, or allowed to represent themselves as part of the Green-Rainbow Party structure.
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Mike Heichman for the Membership, Diversity and Volunteer Recruitment Comm.