For Immediate Release 1/16/2021
Green-Rainbow Party Endorses Inauguration Day Demonstration
The Green-Rainbow Party of MA endorses the demonstration being held at the Boston Common Parkman Bandstand, on January 20, 2021, from 4-6 PM. On that day, a new President, Joseph Biden, and a new Vice-President, Kamala Harris, will take their oath of office and join the new 116th Congress.
GRP Secretary, John Andrews, said, “We are relieved to see President Trump leave office since he is one of the most incompetent and corrupt presidents in our history. However, we must now join with many other progressive organizations and individuals to say that there must be no honeymoon for Biden. Biden’s history stands in opposition to core principles of progressive values. He and his party support an overblown military budget, denial of ballot access to undermine democracy, corrupting levels of private money in elections, avoidance of effective action against climate change, and continuation of a failing profit-driven health care system. Our party is speaking up for new priorities that truly promote People, Planet, and Peace. The needs are urgent and we cannot afford to slide further behind as we watch President Biden lead us backward.
Lois Gagnon, Co-Chair of the Green-Rainbow Party said, “We support this demonstration because it is essential the progressive community demand a positive agenda that addresses the multiple crises facing our Commonwealth, Country, and Planet. The incoming Biden administration has already shown us through its cabinet picks that it intends to continue the same destructive policies that gave rise to Trump and will not relieve the suffering of the people of the US or the victims of US foreign policy. Nor will it enact the bold policies needed to deal with the climate emergency as long as dirty energy companies fund political campaigns and are allowed to influence energy policy. Life on Earth can not afford a honeymoon for Biden.”
Specifically, the Green-Rainbow Party urges the following policy priorities:
- An immediate economic relief bill to restore economic security to working people and the oppressed without wasting billions on corporate welfare.
- A REAL Green New Deal that would employ millions of good-paying jobs in building a safe and clean energy system to replace our dirty fossil-fuel infrastructure.
- Urgent action by the Federal Government to provide universal free healthcare for all who reside in the US, regardless of immigration status.
- Immediate and effective action to eliminate racial disparities in America and end police brutality.
- The closing of the hundreds of U.S. military bases all over the world and major cuts to our overblown war budget so our tax dollars can be used to provide for our unmet needs here at home.
- The cancellation of all student debt, medical debt, and back rent owed by pandemic-affected renters.
The Green-Rainbow Party was founded in 2002 through the merger of the Massachusetts Green Party and the Rainbow Coalition. The GRP will join other progressive organizations on Boston Common to honor the swearing-in of Joseph Biden as President and call on his administration to adopt a truly progressive agenda for the nation and all its people.
For more information, Contact:
John Andrews
(781) 382-5658
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