With all MSM eyes focused on the Presidential election, Greens know that solving the existential crisis of People, Planet, and Peace starts at the local level. The Green-Rainbow Party welcomes you to our October Benefit to discuss and share plans to build democratic structures reflecting the people's will from the bottom up.
<The magic happens at the Pakachoag Center, 203 Pakachoag ST, Auburn MA on Saturday, October 14th from 1 - 4 PM.>
First, the music
- The evening will be kicked off by Green-Rainbow’s own singer-songwriter Jack Swindlehurst.
- Tom Neilson, the acclaimed social change musician, will demonstrate the power of song to inspire us as we take the crumbling electoral system of government into our own hands and elect Green leaders. Tom provides a voice for those who believe in the power of folk music to effect change. His award-winning songs of humor and compassion have been performed in 22 countries on 5 continents. His lyrics are celebrated for their sophistication, political astuteness, and wit.
Then, the electoral steps we can take this year. This is where the rubber hits the road.
- Mike Pascucci, Co-chair of the Green-Rainbow Party, will interview two party members who are very experienced in running for office and spreading the message.
- Gloria Caballero-Roca, an esteemed social activist, and international trainer, will share her movement-building insights from her dynamic campaigns for State Auditor and Mayor of Holyoke, as well as her current run for Holyoke School Committee.
- Michael Lavery points to the two-party system’s political brinksmanship keeps us “dancing on the edge of an environmental precipice”. He believes that real action begins with local action such as installing EV charging stations at the Town Hall while he was on the Select Board in Becket, MA. In last year’s race for State Representative Mike exposed the state’s lack of transparency with votes cloaked in secrecy.
Where do we go next?
- An open discussion on how to win locally in 2024 will be led by former Co-Chair Lois Gagnon. All attendees will be encouraged to help develop the vision and the plan to elect Green in Massachusetts in 2024.
How do we create Green Prospects in 2024?
- Co-chair Michael Pascucci will share the plan and invite all Greens to help build the funds to make real change in the coming election season.
- Please RSVP
Throughout the Benefit, GRP Secretary Maureen Doyle and her assistants will help us celebrate our state’s vibrant local agriculture with seasonal snacks and cider from surrounding orchards, and farmers’ markets.
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