Female Co-Chair Lois J. Gagnon
Thank you for electing me to a second term as your female co-chair. I promise to work hard on preparing our party to run candidates for statewide office next year.
I will also do my best to help our chapters and working committees attract new people by establishing better communication with the Administrative Committee.
I believe strongly in our platform and 10 Key Values. Let us all keep our values in mind as we seek to show the people of this commonwealth that electing GRP candidates to government is essential to meeting the challenges we all face. I look forward to working with all of you.
We can do this!
Male/Nonbinary Co-Chair Rick Purcell
I look forward to working hard throughout the year with Lois Gagnon, as Male CoChair of the Green-Rainbow Party I want to get things done. I will not as Co-Chair be on a computer keyboard typing long essays about the problems facing the State of Massachusetts, the United States, and the world. I will however take to the streets to try and solve the problems. Believe it or not, we already know the answers on how to solve the problems of Climate Change, Stop participating in Wars, Universal Health Care, and raising up Humans to their full potential. We just have to stop the individuals and Corporations that are not allowing us to implement the solutions.
I urge you all to be part of the solution and not the problem that slows us down. It all starts with us working as a team. Adhering to our Ten Key Values should be our driving force. Thank you for your votes.
Peace and Love is the answer
Secretary Sean Connell
Thank you all so very much for your vote of confidence. I am deeply honored and humbled that I have this opportunity to serve as the GRP’s new Secretary.
I look forward to being a very active member of this party. I will do all I can to streamline services and help make us a real force to be reckoned with.
I intend on serving with honesty, transparency, and integrity. I am going to bring all of the skills I’ve learned in my professional life into the fold.
I look forward to getting started and meeting all of you along the way.
Treasurer Brian Cady
Thank you for the honor of receiving the opportunity to serve the Green-Rainbow party again as treasurer for 2021-22.
Communications Director Eileen Wheeler Sheehan
It is exciting and rewarding to build such a vital piece of the Green-Rainbow Party with such an outstanding Communications Team, especially our Co-Chair, Jack Swindlrhurst. I look forward to expanding our reach in the coming election year.
Fundraising Director Mike Vaglica
Thank you all so much for your votes, but even more importantly for your commitments and advocacy for strengthening our state party. Our numbers are small, but the work still needs to be done so that we can stand up against the big corporations.
I like to work, and I’m pleased to be surrounded by comrades with similar political interests, and since I’m new to the party as a young person, I’m learning! I also like numbers and have special ways of interpreting them, which polishes my position as the fundraising director.
I’m, also working as a sidekick, on coordination with our treasurer, Brian.
Membership Director Juan Sanchez
I am humbled by your trust in me as your next membership director. My goals this year include changing the party narrative around being a third party, empowering the diversity committee, and working closely with comcom to come up with a doable strategic plan to grow our party. Being Bilingual latinx and a member of the lgbtq+ community places me in a unique position to reach communities that are marginalized and underrepresented and I will bring all my years of relationships building and networking to reach these communities and more throughout the Commonwealth. We aren't a third party we are a party of firsts. Let's reenvision what being a member means and re-engage our neighbors in our message of people planet and peace.
Female GPUS Delegate Jamie Guerin
Thank you for electing me as national Delegate. I am honored and grateful for the privilege of working with this excellent and inspiring team of delegates and officers as we move the GRP and our society forward and out of these dark times.
I promise to represent the GRP well on the National Stage and serve with compassion, integrity, transparency and courage in order to be an example of the type of leadership we wish to see in government.
It's been so amazing getting to know the many members and candidates who have been diligently volunteering their time and working with me in my local chapter, in coalitions, in campaigns, on the streets, and on various GRP committees. I'm excited to work with you ALL as we carry this party into the future and become an effective force in opposition to the status quo. I've got your back!!!
Female GPUS Delegate Carole Oyler
Thank you for having the trust in me to represent our Green Rainbow Party at the national level.
I am humbled and honored. I will bring transparency, desire of The GRP members input on national issues and the value of cohesiveness while working with my fellow Green Rainbow Party delegates.
Female GPUS Alternate Lois J. Gagnon
Thank you for electing me as your alternate delegate to National Committee. I will be sure to stay on top of news and votes and report accurately to the GRP. I take this position seriously and will always keep in mind that I represent not just myself, but the party as a whole at the national level.
I am deeply grateful for your vote of confidence in my abilities to represent you and will do my best to continue to earn that trust.
Female GPUS Alternate Elizabeth Humphrey
Thank you for your vote of confidence!
I am honored to have the opportunity to represent the GRP on the GPUS national committee and collaborate with other Greens around the country to continue, strengthen and grow our GPUS.
I promise to be forthright and transparent in my dealings and communications as I support my fellow GRP delegates and will endeavor to make the GRP a shining example of an accredited state party in the GPUS Federation of States.
Thank you again and I hope to see you all on the GRP campaign trail next year!!
Male/Nonbinary GPUS Delegate Mike Pascucci
Thank you for your vote of support in electing me as one of the male / non-binary delegates to the GPUS National Committee! I promise to approach NC business with compassion, integrity, and intelligence for fact-based problem solving.
I also want to reiterate my strong commitment to the oppressed and marginalized. Putting people over profit must include ensuring that targeted communities have a home in our party as we work toward a
more just and equitable world.
Male/Nonbinary GPUS Delegate Maha Visnu
Maha Visnu Gray, having complete his term as CoChair of the Green-Rainbow Party has accepted the role of National Delegate to the GPUS.
Male/Nonbinary GPUS Alternate David Gerry
David Gerry, after serving as Treasurer of the Green Party of the United States, has accepted the role of Alternate Delegate to the National Committee.
Male/Nonbinary GPUS Alternate Elie Yarden
I am grateful for the permission to continue the research into the problems of Green Party praxis (‘ecological politics’) in the political structures peculiar to the USA. The successes of the Greens in Germany, and elsewhere threaten the rigid and fragile duopoly, its market control of media, and claims to hegemony backed by military force. I will be fully available together with David Gerry to fulfill the duties of the office, and seek the participation of Maureen Doyle
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