Initiatives Mini-Summit at Summer StateCom Meeting

Title: Initiatives Mini-Summit at Summer StateCom Meeting

Sponsors: Merelice, Isabel Espinal

Contact Info: <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>

No committee vetting


In April of 2011, the GRP held an initiatives summit. Individuals and Local Chapters had submitted lists of possible initiatives for the party to focus on statewide. While all the submissions were considered important, it was agreed that the GRP needed to set priorities. Four initiatives were selected: Better Budget, Green and Just Economy, Peace, Single-Payer Health Care. These were subsequently adopted by the State Committee and a fifth was added: Immigrant Rights and Civil Liberties.

One purpose was to help candidates and local chapters reinforce a statewide consistent image of the GRP and what it stands for. A “Guidance Document” was supplied to coordinators and local chapters by the Administrative Committee.


The State Committee would like to have an initiatives mini-summit (minimum of one hour) at its Summer 2012 meeting. The purpose would be to review the initiatives, what steps have been taken, and how they can be resuscitated and incorporated into the Green-Rainbow Party’s Local Chapters, candidate campaigns, working committees, etc.

Budget Impact: For the mini-summit, no impact.

The Administrative Committee and meeting co-facilitators will prepare this portion of the State Committee meeting, asking for any further thoughts from those who participated in the original initiatives summit and subsequent activities.



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  • Michael Heichman
    commented 2012-04-13 21:20:59 -0400
    I like the proposal. However, a lot has changed during the year. I suggest an additional possibility. Additional proposals can be submitted. However, for an additional proposal to be considered, the proponents must demonstrate interest in the party to work on this proposal (support from at least 1 local chapter or at least 5 GRP members)