Jan 25, 2024 AdCom Minutes

  1. Take attendance/determine quorum. 5 min (6:30 - 6:35) 
    1. Mike Pascucci (GRP co-chair), Eileen Sheehan (Communications Director), Mark(NE Chapter Representative), Maureen Doyle (M GRP Secretary), Brian Cady (MA GRP Treasurer), Danica Lima-Bybell (MYG), Brian Mulhern (CMGR representative), Zack Kontra (GRP Membership Director)
  2. Approve agenda. 5 min (6:35 - 6:40) No concerns. Agenda approved.
  3. Approve minutes from the previous meeting. 5 min (6:40 - 6:45) 
    1. The December 14, 2023 minutes were postponed due to several comments not being addressed.
  4. Next AdCom meeting: 2/08 at 7:00 pm. 0 min
  5. Copyright issue update. 5 minutes (6:45 - 6:50) 
    1. Brian M. will reach out to his friend again; he explained that his lawyer friend has a practice in CO.
    2. Discussion about "TV Eyes" email.  “ You recently played some of our clips.TVEyes is an internet-based tool for monitoring and managing broadcast TV coverage.TVEyes watches TV and listens to the radio all across the country and sends you an e-mail alert as soon as your watch terms are mentioned. You can view the video segments in real-time, and instantly share those results with an unlimited number of recipients.  You may monitor an unlimited number of terms, and download an unlimited number of digital clips and transcripts, for a flat monthly or annual fee.”
    3. Danica goggled them and it appeared to be scamish.
  6. GRP contact list / Accurate Append update. 5 minutes (6:50 - 6:55)
    1. Brian looked at another service called Data Zap. They had lower prices than Accurate Append (~$183). Danica will work with Brian on this. Eileen asked Danica for assistance entering new names on Nationbuilder. (Email interactions with NB officers (Secretary, Treasurer, etc. are generating new profiles.) We need to identify what is generating these inadvertent people Mike said that he will add this matter to the next Adcom meeting.
  7. Presidential Election Plan. (PEP) 10 min (6:55 - 7:05)
    1. Mark talked to Violet Z. today about an  RCV ballot for our internal primary. Eileen said she spoke to the MA Secretary's Elections Division today:
    2. By February 12, 2024, we NEED 11 electors for the petition. By 30 July, we NEED 10,000 signatures to put a candidate on the ballot since we do not have ballot status. We also NEED a Vice Presidential candidate. The VP and the electors CANNOT be replaced (even if they die!).
    3. Brian C. asked if we can pick our electors and Mark answered that we can use our internal primary/straw poll to allocate electors (using Proportional Representation).
    4. Brian brought up what happened 4 years ago: MA voted to support Hunter/Elias but Hawkins went on the ballot for MA. Maureen brought up how Alaska GP voters went for Jesse Ventura.
    5. Voting platform is Condorcet NOT Civitas! (as i previous said; Civitas cannot be done on line). Condorcet can be done on line-one vote per IP address [in public mode - we used private mode, which has tighter controls - one vote per email address]. (https://civs/civis.us/) (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Condorcet_method)
    6. Mark suggested that we spend next ad com meeting on this. Danica suggested using access codes (even if we have to write them on the postcards) so people will only vote once.
    7. Postcards need to go out on Feb. 1; email out by 1/28/2024. Brian said he would send an email.
  8. Brian and Eileen began to speak about ??
  9. Winter StateCom. 5 min (7:05 - 7:10)
  10. Gaza / Israel petition (South Africa's case at the ICJ). 5 minutes    (7:10 - 7:15)
  11. GRP 2024 Goals. 10 minutes (7:15 - 7:25)
  12. Round Robin/Adjourn. 5 min (7:25 - 7:30) Adjourn: 7:35pm


  • Next agenda: Vote on December 14 minutes 
  • Eileen- please send corrections again as Ii do not see them on Google Drive (other comments are there but not yours)
  • Danica: work with Brian on Data Zap.
  • Danika: assist Eileen in entering new members' names in Nation Builder.
  • Maureen: Find John Cleese video:  Done https://www.bing.com/search?q=john+clease%2C+proportional+representation+explaination&qs=n&form=QBRE&sp=-1&ghc=1&lq=0&pq=john+clease%2C+proportional+representation+explaination&sc=3-53&sk=&cvid=03E35E35678C410A9A981CA9C9690479&ghsh=0&ghacc=0&ghpl=
  • Mike: plan agenda for Feb. 8 solely around the GRP presidential straw poll nomination
  • Mike: place #8-11 of tonight's agenda on next time

respectfully submitted,

Maureen E. Doyle

GRP Secretary 202-2024

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