Establishment of a Participation Fund

TITLE: Establlshment of a Participation Fund

SPONSORS:  John Andrews (manager),  Isabel Espinal, Mike Heichman

CONTACT: John Andrews, [email protected], Tel. 781-862-6498

COMMITTEE VETTING: AdCom, Fundraising, Membership


State Committee endorses the creation of a special Participation Fund to defray the costs of participation for low-income members attending the Green Party national convention and possibly other future party events.



In order to assist our lower income members in fully participating in and representing our party at the upcoming Green Party national convention in Baltimore, we need some mechanism for defraying the expenses of attendance for those delegates who find the travel expenses to be a hardship.  Four persons who have applied to be GRP delegates to the Green Party convention in July have requested such financial assistance.  The minimum cost of attending has been estimated at $800.

To address the above issues, the Administrative Committee has established a Participation Fund that can be used to defray expenses for low income members who would otherwise be discouraged from participating in party activities.   This Fund is created as a bookkeeping entry in the GRP budget software.

The initial use of this Fund would be to support our delegation to the 2012 convention, but the Fund could continue to be used for future party activities.

Although AdCom has already acted under its normal budgetary authority, this proposal asks State Committee to endorse the concept of such a fund, and ensure that it would be given consideration as a continuing provision. 


StateCom endorses the creation of a Participation Fund to assist low income members for whom the costs of participation in Party activities could be a hardship.  This Fund should be managed as a bookkeeping entry within the GRP bookkeeping system.  AdCom is instructed to establish written guidelines for the use of this fund.  AdCom and the Fundraising Director are instructed to seek special donations for this fund and to place money in the Fund as appropriate after considering all budgeting priorities.  AdCom is asked to report to State Committee on the operation of this Fund and on how well this Fund is achieving its purpose.

BUDGET IMPLICATIONS:  AdCom will set the parameters that will determine the budget for the Fund.  Currently AdCom has set a target of $1600 to be available in July 2012, with much of this derived from special fundraising.

IMPLEMENTATION:  AdCom will announce the formation of the Participation Fund and will solicit matching funds.  The Treasurer will create a special entry in the GRP bookkeeping system.  CDLC will notify the delegates to the 2012 Green Party convention that some assistance will be available through the fund.


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  • John Andrews
    tagged this with No Concerns 2012-04-10 11:17:31 -0400
  • John Andrews
    published this page in 2012 Spring Meeting Proposals 2012-04-08 20:03:23 -0400