Jill Stein and the Future of Third Parties


Jill Stein really needs our help. The FEC is demanding that she pay back $175,000. This was public funding used for ballot access during Jill's presidential run in 2016. Please read the story here and make a donation to fight this injustice.

Showing 2 reactions

  • John Blumenstiel
    commented 2021-12-02 11:06:40 -0500
    The progressive movement in unison must, as is often chanted “Stand UP! Fight Back!” This most recent assault on not just the Green Party, but clearly the peoples’ democracy , is only the latest in a chain of voter suppression efforts sweeping the country. Without any meaningful push back from either of the corrupted political parties of the American duopoly, it is an absolute neccessity for all of us to take a stand. We must defend the party, our party candidates and all who defend justice and democracy by running for political office.

    Please read the story in the above link to get further detail and learn how we can collectively “Stand Up! and Fight Back”

    John Blumenstiel
  • Jack Swindlehurst
    published this page in News 2021-12-01 08:10:57 -0500