Letter from our Secretary June 2023

Thank you for electing me your Secretary at our May 6th Green-Rainbow convention. I would like to expand a bit on my acceptance remarks.

After thanking John Andrews and MK Merelice (now deceased) for their GRP Secretary's handbook and for the help and advice given to me by John Andrews and Josh Gerloff (both past secretaries) and oodles of help from Brian, Lois, and Eileen, I want to build on the foundation of record-keeping that has happened as the GRP has evolved (since the early 2000s). When I worked on my town's bicentennial, I realized how important it is to keep accurate and well-maintained documents for the future.
Having a "10-key Value" plank against corporations, I am encouraging the GRP to use software such as Etherpad (which is independent and open source). I like how the previous secretary John Andrews did his minutes on one link that was added to each State Committee meeting. It was accessible to anyone with an email address. This leads to minimal time searching for minutes to approve, post, or for reference.
As a member of the National Committee, I like to bring information from the national GPUS to our state affiliate GRP. My other MA National Committee members can contribute info as well, to make us all better informed about the Green Party.
I would love to begin a book club. One emerged out of the GPUS Annual National Meeting last year and I think that is a great way to share ideas/thoughts.
If you have suggestions for me (or voted NOTA or for another person), please tell me what I can do better or differently. (doylemaureen3@gmail or 508-764-8042). Or, let me know if you share an interest in a book or media club.
Looking forward to a peaceful, ecologically sound 2023-2024!
Maureen E. Doyle

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  • Jack Swindlehurst
    published this page in News 2023-06-01 22:24:17 -0400