The Statehouse is Listening:


Come Tell Them Our Anti-Foreclosure Needs!






 Stop Homeowners Being Taxed for Foreclosure “Profits”


The IRS stopped, but Mass Dept. of Revenue stilltaxes homeowners on the “savings” when your debt gets erased by foreclosure!


 10amRevenue Committee Hearing Room B-1

Tax Relief of Mortgage Debt,S1464/H2607



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MA Should Make the Bank Sit Down with You!


Pre-Foreclosure Mediation in CT means 91% of Participating Homeowners Avoid Foreclosure!


Our Pre-Foreclosure Mediation bill requires that banks send an authorized representative to meet with you and a neutral facilitator face-to-face. The bank must give you an affordable loan modification if they show they lose more money foreclosing than modifying!

11amFinancial Services committee Hearing Room A-2




Facilitating Alternative to Foreclosure/Mediation, S482/H888


Act Clarifying Municipal Authority, S41




Cities/Towns Must Continue to Protect Us


from Foreclosure Damage




For more than 5 years, Worcester has made banks put $5,000 down for each home they start foreclosing. Lynn ran a very successful pre-foreclosure mediation program for months and made the banks rent to homeowners “post”-foreclosure. Springfield and Lawrence are ready. Other Cities/Towns want to pass protections for their residents too.




Please Join All of Us Fighting the Injustice of Predatory Lending and Foreclosure: Mass Alliance Against Predatory Lending 508-630-1686 or [email protected]



PS. If you don't know who your State Representative is, go to, enter your address, when the screen comes down, scroll down to "general court" and find your state Representative's and Senator's name there.

Then you can call the switchboard at 617-722-2000, press 2, then 0 and ask to be transferred to your Representative's office


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