- Male “Co”-chair Joshua Gerloff.
- Treasurer Patrick Patterson.
- Secretary Hal Brown.
Since the September 30, 2018 State Committee meeting, the Green-Rainbow Party North Shore Chapter has met seven times, with an average attendance of 4.
- Members have stood out with signs in support of GRP Statewide Candidates;
- Hal Brown made calls for Freedom for All, a campaign working toward a Yes on Ballot Question 3 victory.
- Bonnie Caracciolo and Gail Gouveia serve the WMOP campaign.
- Bonnie, Gail, Hal and Josh marched in the WMOP on October 21, 2018.
- Members are partnering with Chelsea Uniting Against the War (CUAW) to stop military recruitment in high schools.
- Fed the homeless with March On Pentagon (MOP) and Food for Activists.
- We removed treasury from our bylaws. We don’t collect money.
The NSC has representatives on GRP Working Committees:
- Adcom: 1 member (Secretary of the GRP); No voting rep from the chapter.
- MDVR: 1 member
- Comcom: 1 member
- TGR: 1 member
- ANM WG: 2 members
- GPUS ANM Com: 1 member
- Statecom: 2 members
- Total of 2 individuals on 6 state-level committees.
- Total of 1 individual on 1 national-level committee. Yay Hal!
Respectfully submitted,
Joshua Gerloff, North Shore Chapter “Co”-chair
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