Help spread the word about the Green-Rainbow Alternative!
Please consider sending an email to help your friends and acquaintances hear about our Green-Rainbow candidates. The corporate press refuses to give our candidates fair coverage. So many voters are still unaware that they have the choice of voting for candidates that truly reflect their values. Your Dear Friend email will inform friends of the the options they will have on November 4. And the fact that you are recommending these candidates might persuade your friends to join you in voting for the GRP alternative.
Here's how the Dear Friends effort works:
FIRST, WRITE YOUR LETTER. Look at the sample letters below. Pick the one that seems best to you and modify it as you wish. If you're mailing to friends with a special issue interest, mention that in the letter. Some of the policy positions that might be worth mentioning can be found at
Note that in the postscript at the end of the email, you should ask people to forward to their friends. Don't leave this out! It helps the mailing "go viral"
Proof read your letter carefully before going further.
SECOND, SEND THE EMAILS. OPEN up your email and pick the people who you think might be interested in hearing from you. You should not use emails that go to a government building or a public school (Often such emails end with ".gov"). You will probably get the best response by sending emails one at a time to each individual while putting their name in the salutation. But if you are sending to a lot of people you may want to send a bulk email. In that case, use the "bcc" addressing option to hide the email addresses.
DON'T DELAY! Many voters will be making up their minds this week. So go ahead and start getting your letters out!
If you prefer to send post cards rather than email, that's fine. Post cards don't "go viral" - but they can be persuasive. Unfortunately we are unable to help with purchasing the cards or postage. A sample text for post cards is provided below.
We'd love to know the total number of Dear Friend emails you send out. That not only makes us feel good, it helps us target our future efforts. Just write to us at
[email protected] and let us know.
Many thanks for helping get the word out!
John Andrews and Joanna Herlihy
Dear Friend Coordinators
Dear Friend Example - Short Email Version
[[Replace any text marked with "XXX".]]
Dear XXX,
I hope all is well with you. I'm writing because I wanted to tell you about three candidates on the November 4 ballot that have demonstrated a special level of integrity by refusing to accept any donations from lobbyists. They are not part of the big political machines on Beacon Hill. So they've pledged not to participate in patronage hiring, to cut corporate welfare, to fully fund our schools, and to protect the environment. Their names are
Danny Factor for Secretary of State
Ian Jackson for State Treasurer, and
M K Merelice for State Auditor
All are running as candidates of the Green-Rainbow Party.
We need to encourage candidates who adhere to high principles, so I hope you'll join me in giving them your vote on election day.
Thanks for listening,
(Your Name XXX)
P.S. More information about the candidates can be found at
Dear Friend Example - Long Email Version
[[Replace any text marked with "XXX".]]
Dear Friend,
I just wanted to make sure you knew about a team of three extraordinary candidates that are on the ballot November 4
You know about the way big money is corrupting politics with huge amounts of cash from wealthy donors, lobbyists, and PACs formed under Citizen United. To steer clear of the influence of big money, these three candidates are refusing donations from registered lobbyists or officers of corporations which hire lobbyists.
They are also supporting an end to the “all of the above” approach to energy policy – an approach that will surely destroy our climate. Instead they support phasing out fossil fuels in favor of clean, renewable energy.
They oppose the construction of the Kinder Morgan gas pipeline and want the governor to withdraw support for the new electricity surcharge that would pay for it.
They support a single-payer health care system ("Medicare for All") that includes everyone, excludes no one, and doesn't drive anyone into bankruptcy if they get sick.
They oppose the building of gambling casinos, insisting that needed revenues should be raised by fair taxation rather than exploiting people with a weakness for gambling.
They pledge to refuse to participate in the patronage hiring schemes on Beacon Hill, and will introduce legislation to require that all hiring to be done in an open and transparent way without secret lists of politically connected applicants.
They would end the big corporate welfare giveaways that send billions of our taxpayer dollars to the wealthy and well-connected. Their focus would be on eliminating unemployment with a one worker-one job policy that makes sure that anyone who wants to work can find a job. This would replace widespread economic desperation with economic security for all.
Who are these candidates? They are:
Danny Factor for Secretary of State
Ian Jackson for State Treasurer, and
M K Merelice for State Auditor
They are running as candidates of the Green-Rainbow Party, which is why they can be independent of the big party machines on Beacon Hill.
As voters, we need to show appreciation when candidates with these kinds of values step forward. I’m giving them my votes and I hope you’ll consider them on election day.
[[Your Name XXX]]
P.S. More information about the candidates can be found at
Dear Friend Example - Post Card Version
[[Replace any text marked with "XXX".]]
Dear XXX,
Hi! Please join me in voting for these three clean money candidates who stand for economic justice, peace, and saving our environment.
Danny Factor for Secretary of State
Ian Jackson for State Treasurer, and
M K Merelice for State Auditor