Green-Rainbow Party marches for Peace and Justice

by John Andrews
ph_2013_StPatrick01.jpgOn a sunny St. Patrick's Day afternoon the Green-Rainbow Party marched through the streets of South Boston in the St. Patrick's Peace Parade.  A dozen or so GRP members were joined by Greens from Maine and New Hampshire who brought their banners, their chants,  and their enthusiasm.   The Peace Parade is organized by each year by the Veterans for Peace to provide  a marching opportunity for groups such as GLBT organizations, peace organizations,  and social justice organizations that have been excluded from the original St. Patrick's Day Parade.

In addition to the usual Green-Rainbow banner,  the GRP contingent carried the banner used for the January Washington climate change demonstration.  It read "Political Change, Not Climate Change!".  GRP members Denis and Lois Melikan had made small green flags for each marcher saying "Vote Green Party".
Banners carried by marchers in the Peace Parade called for defense of worker's rights,  stopping climate change,  GLBT rights,  effective gun control,  stopping the Keystone XL pipeline,  stopping giveaways to Wall Street, and freeing Private Bradley Manning.  We thank Veterans for Peace for organizing the parade that gave voice to these worthy causes.



















Banners of the Greens assembled for the start of the St. Patrick's Peace Parade.

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