GRP Convention 2022
Once again, to promote maximum participation, the Green-Rainbow Party of Massachusetts will be holding its annual state convention via ZOOM. The Convention Planning Committee is actively putting the final touches on an exciting convention format. The needs of our time are great. The presentations will be timely--from Housing, Healthcare, Water, and Food.
The convention format will be to offer information as well as needed opportunities for building working relationships with activist organizations.
We hope you will plan to attend. More info and to Sign up go HERE
Rename Fanueil Hall
[[August 10, 2022, at 11 AM]]
Members of the Green-Rainbow Party will join others at the flag pole at Boston City Hall to convince Mayor Michelle Wu and the Boston City Council (then in session) to hold a hearing on removing the name of a major slave-holder, Peter Faneuil, from a major public building in Boston.
The group will then march to the Faneuil Hall Quincy Market Place (where the food court is). At this point, they will "sit in" for 45 minutes!
Building Back Better the Green Way
Though we are living in a time of great despair, political folly, and a rudderless direction, we as Greens have a positive message and a positive political direction essential to countering this despair.
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Requiem for Roe v. Wade
The shoe has DROPPED and now so should the curtain on the facade of the "Hope and Change" Administration. We got the "Change", but little "Hope". And for those who feel I am taking an unfair swipe at the Democrats, please read on while I share a piece of history: Barak Obama in a speech to Planned Parenthood (July 17, 2007, and reiterated in the 2008 presidential campaign)) said, "The first thing I will do as President is to sign the Freedom of Choice Act". In his first 100 days press conference in March 2009 with a Democratic super-majority control of the Senate and an 80+ majority in the House, when asked about Roe v Wade said: "The Freedom of Choice Act is not a high priority of my legislative agenda." Thank the "liberal icon" and the Joe Biden "kingmaker of the Democratic Party. This is what the Democratic Party has offered the people. No effort. No fight. and now No Choice.
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