Can "Lesser Evil Voting" Save Our World?
Many liberals feel obliged to vote for Democratic presidential candidates even when they profoundly disagree with them. They're just "better" than the alternative.
A question to consider: Does "lesser evil voting" produce positive outcomes for the people or just slow down the speed of decline?
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Rethinking Biomass
Biomass is any substance that is living or that was once living. Wood, animals, microbes, fungi, and peat are all biomass. The energy in biomass comes from the photosynthesis of sunlight in plants. Except for the direct warmth of sunlight, waterwheels and sailing ships, biomass as food or fuel has been the predominant source of energy for humans until the last century or two and still is for half the human race.
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As the presidential campaign season gears up, it is more important than ever that progressives start to unite against the corporate interests’ groups and their complicit allies Republicans, and Democrats. That is why we are calling Mass voters to give a truly progressive alternative a try and register Green-Rainbow Party.
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State Committee Meets July 8th at 9am
Nominations for open GRP leadership positions will be considered at this meeting. Strong leadership is crucial for this upcoming election year.
GRP members who are not State Committee members may submit nominations for any GRP member in good standing. Only State Committee members present at the meeting may vote for the candidates.
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