FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: June 12, 2014 FROM: Green-Rainbow Party
Five-state alliance formed - Opposes electricity rate tariff for fossil fuel projects
(BOSTON, Ma) - Resistance to proposals to expand gas pipelines in Massachusetts is growing. The Green-Rainbow Party of Massachusetts has just joined a five-state Green Party alliance formed to fight the pipeline projects.
The Green Alliance to Stop the Pipelines (GASP) adds a new front to the pipeline battles by bringing together Green Parties in New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, and Massachusetts.
The Spectra pipeline and the Kinder Morgan ( Tennessee Gas Pipeline Northeast Expansion) project would spend several billion dollars to greatly increase the transport of natural gas through the region. Most of the transported gas would be derived from hydraulic fracturing (fracking) operations in the Marcellus shale deposits of Pennsylvania and New York.
"Massachusetts is facing a dire threat from unchecked climate change caused by fossil fuel consumption. This is not the time to spend huge amounts of money on unnecessary infrastructure projects that would continue our dependence upon fossil fuels." according to John Andrews, party co-chair. "If approved, these projects would make it almost impossible for the state to meet the pollution reduction targets called for in the Global Warming Solutions Act."
Danny Factor, candidate for Secretary of the Commonwealth, expressed opposition to the pipelines, noting that "Fracked gas should be removed from our energy portfolio, not slated for expansion. We should direct our investments into sustainable energy efforts such as conservation, wind, geothermal, hydroelectric, and solar power. Our goal should be to seek 100% of our electricity from renewable sources - and not to build power plants that burn fracked gas."
M K Merelice, candidate for State Auditor, commented that "The Patrick administration is pursuing an electricity bill subsidy to help pay for these two projects. This forces consumers to subsidize a venture that could inflict costly damage upon our environment as well as expose communities along the route to the dangers of pipeline accidents. That doesn't meet my test for a wise expenditure of funds."
Ian Jackson, candidate for State Treasurer, noted "The Commonwealth has an urgent need to upgrade our energy infrastructure to meet changing circumstances. We have to dramatically cut our emissions of greenhouse gases and make our energy sources resilient. Fracked gas fails to deliver on these points. Renewable energy delivers."
Greens are also working at the local level to support impacted communities along the pipeline routes who are opposing the projects. A Green-Rainbow town committee in the Town of Lenox was part of an effort that recently resulted in Lenox town meeting voting overwhelmingly to oppose the Tennessee gas pipeline expansion in their community.
CONTACT: John Andrews, GRP Co-chair, Tel. 781-862-6498, [email protected],
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