Decisions Made:
- Approved by consensus: MOTION IN FULL: Appoint the top two vote getters (1 female and 1 male/non-binary) of each regional convention. New Statecom will assess the regional conventions and ask that chapters hold redos if necessary by the end of June 2020.
- David Spanagel volunteers to facilitate the next Statecom meeting. Will seek female co-facilitator and send out Doodle Poll re: next Statecom meeting and time. Roni Beal volunteered to co-facilitate if another female facilitator cannot be found.
Attendance: Danny Factor, Charlene DiCalogero, StateCom members (by ballot)
John Andrews, Mike Vaglica, Mike Heichman, Brian Cady, Joshua Gerloff, David Gerry, David Rolde, Dan Kontoff, Elie Yarden, Dick Vaillette, David Spanagel, David Kiel, Elizabeth Humphrey, Roni Beal, Maha Vishnu, Lois Gagnon, Mark Laserte, Barbara Clancy, Linda Thompson, Uchenna Carson, Ralph Walton.
Minutes taker:
Timekeepers: Dick Vaillette
Agenda Approval:
Danny : Propose to hear from the secretary (Josh) and see what they think about the agenda, and then move to discuss different motions on the floor based on their response.
David Rolde : Where are the MetroWest's Delegation Documents?
Charlene : Documents are required (as previously discussed on adcom meetings), from every regional convention to get on statecom. Agrees with agenda as presented.
Danny : There is a disagreement about how accreditation takes place, and is moving for a discussion about it, due to its vagueness. I Want to listen to everybody on the call. Danny and Charlene will have 30 seconds to speak on accreditation. Proceeded.
Barbara : Sent a report of the MetroWest Convention on March 30th to the list, convention was held on the phone (documents are sent)
Maha : Bylaws specificity concerns, about accreditation. Disagrees with Danny. Did not mention 9 4 in specific
Charlene : Where in the bylaws does it say that the Secretary decides on accreditation? Direct argument about how section 9.4 in the Bylaws is written. Danny Disagrees. A definition of valid documentation includes a record of the zoom call participants, emails sent, emails responded to, new / old member nominees, etc.
John A : Argues Charlene's point about section 9 4 in the bylaws, different interpretation.
Maha : Bylaw reconstruction should have been handled before the pandemic, but this is not the appropriate time to revise the bylaws. The conventions have been done.
Danny :Urges to move to his proposal, since there was a debate as to going region by region, or have Josh review the accreditations.
Charlene : Would like to offer an amendment to Danny's proposal, and allow a 10 min discussion. Addressing motion to seat the reps from each region who were listed as being elected with the proportional requirements
Charlene : Amendment : stick to the people who were elected with documentation from presumed "conventions" from each region. We appoint the top vote-getting woman and the top vote-getting man from each region. The larger statecom would then review the documentation, and decide whether or not a region or regions should re-hold conventions by the end of June.
Danny : Concerned about the amendment, about redoing conventions that were done democratically
Roni : Are we going to be able to seat people today?
Linda : Agrees with Danny, wants to deviate from complications with the bylaws, Danny's is a simple motion.
Charlene : Further discussion over Danny's concerns on the amendment
Danny : Wanted to ask people on the call for a straw poll on Charlene's amendment. Charlene agreed,
Straw Poll on amendment
stick to the people who were elected with documentation from presumed "conventions" from each region. We appoint the top woman and the top man from each region, and the larger statecom would review the documentation, and decide whether or not the regions should re-hold conventions by the end of June.
John A : Yes
David G : No
Dan K : Abstain
Mike H : No
Mike V : Yes
Ralph : No
Elie : Abstain
Charlene : Yes
Roni : Yes
Dick : Yes
David S : Yes
Linda T : No
David R : No
Danny : No
David k :
Josh : No
Uchenna : Yes
Liz Humphrey : Yes
Lois : Yes
Brian : Yes
Maha : Abstain
19 - 10Y - 6N - 3A
Danny : Is in favor of the polled amendment
Charlene : Moves to vote for the motion, and by consensus passed
Approved by consensus: MOTION IN FULL: Appoint the top male/non-binary and female vote getters of each regional convention to StateCom 2020-2024. New Statecom will then assess the regional conventions and hold redos if necessary by the end of June 2020.
AGENDA was changed to be to discuss and consense/vote on Danny Factor’s motion as amended. No other business could be taken up, as the meeting was 15 min over its ending time.
Next Meeting : David S. as co-facilitator will do a doodle poll that will send it out as soon as possible
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