GRP Statecom Minutes 2020-08-06
These minutes may not be available until approved by Statecom.
GRP Fun Fin Com Minutes 2020-08-05
Decisions made:
July FEC report done (Due Aug 20th)
July OCPF report done.
Brian will verify MAX amount we can give candidates as a political party.
Total assets: $13,284 includes federal and state accounts. Federal fund $3772. State $9512.
Convention is approved for $2150.
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GRP Statecom Minutes 2020-07-30
These minutes may not be available until approved by Statecom.
GRP Adcom Minutes 2020-07-23
These minutes may not be available until approved by Adcom.
GRP Statecom Minutes 2020-07-21
These minutes may not be available until approved by Statecom.
GRP Adcom Minutes 2020-07-07
Decisions Made:
2020-06-25 Minutes are approved by consensus.
Darlene, Eileen and Chris are approved by consensus to be GRP Alternate Delegates to the GPUS PNC. Josh will forward the minutes of this meeting to JPF tonight or tomorrow, so that she can send along to GPUS for PNC.
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GRP Adcom Minutes 2020-06-25
Decisions Made:
All: please forward Participation Fund applications to chapters.
All: Let chapters and committees know that if they want to be an alternate, we need to know soon!
All: Remind chapters and committees to pay dues!
Brian and Mike V volunteer to transfer Participation Fund applications into a spreadsheet and organize the info!
Josh will call SOC re that darn voter file.
David Keil volunteers to draft a 5G statement for GRP website.
Add John Blumenstiel’s letter re GRP Decision Making Processes letter to next Adcom agenda.
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GRP Statecom Minutes 2020-06-16 (Spring 2020 Part III)
Decisions Made:
GRP PNC Delegates are approved by consensus.
All Regional Conventions are approved by consensus.
All proportional representatives elected at approved Regional Conventions, plus GBC-recommended and approved other Statecom members and alternates, are seated by consensus.
David Spanagel will create the doodle poll for the Summer 2020 Statecom meetings, to be held over 3 dates as telecons.
With no concerns, Maureen Doyle is appointed to the GPUS EcoAction Committee.
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GRP Adcom Minutes 2020-06-11
Decisions Made:
The May 28, 2020 Minutes are approved by consensus.
John B letter tabled for next meeting.
Adcom supports asking GRP volunteers to collect signatures in Rhode Island to get the GPUS Presidential Nominee on the ballot.
Danny will get a name from the GPUS Ballot Access Committee. Let them know we will volunteer, try to get people.
Adcom approves GRP Listserv Observer Policy as amended. Proposal is actionable by Techcom but Statecom may comment on it in a future meeting.
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GRP MDVR Minutes 2020-06-01
Decisions Made:
May 2020 MDVR minutes approved by consensus.
John will ask Matt Andrews about being the Communications Director.
John: John will create and share Info sheet on local media to GRP chapters.
Dues Proposal discussion tabled.
Josh will call David Gerry, Techcom, re voter list. Brian can merge the files with Nation Builder when we get it.
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GRP Adcom Minutes 2020-05-28
Decisions Made:
5/7/2020 and 5/14/2020 Minutes approved.
Joshua G and Mike V will draft a policy re Observers on listservs.
Mike V joins the convention committee.
Cochairs will issue email blast statement to forward with GPUS National Black Caucus statement re the murder of George Floyd.
Maha will call Heather Ford.
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GRP Statecom Minutes 2020-05-19 (Spring 2020 Part II)
Decisions Made:
Approved by consensus: MOTION IN FULL: Appoint the top two vote getters (1 female and 1 male/non-binary) of each regional convention. New Statecom will assess the regional conventions and ask that chapters hold redos if necessary by the end of June 2020.
David Spanagel volunteers to facilitate the next Statecom meeting. Will seek female co-facilitator and send out Doodle Poll re: next Statecom meeting and time. Roni Beal volunteered to co-facilitate if another female facilitator cannot be found.
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GRP Adcom Minutes 2020-05-14
Decisions Made:
Reminder David Keil (and John Blumenstiel and Paula Charbonneau?) must be appointed by Statecom.
Approval of May 7, 2020 Minutes tabled for next time.
Minutes 2020-04-23 approved.
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GRP Adcom Minutes 2020-05-07
Decisions Made: None
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GRP MDVR Minutes 2020-05-05
Decisions Made:
All: Keep asking around for video production help.
All: Keep up the Green chatter/comments on social media. LTE and Opinion.
Check out
MDVR points of concern re Matt's 2020 Dues proposal: More work for burdened people. We should pay a person x/hours a week. Complicated: the more convoluted it gets, it bounces between chapter officers, party officers, committees, etc. a universe of moving parts? Will it generate dues or will it get lost in the shuffle? GRP has a human resource problem = less likely we will have a functional outcome from a complicated dues proposal.
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GRP Adcom Minutes 2020-04-23
Decisions Made:
New Adcom/Statecom number: (978)990-5362 code: 4572343# Administered by the Cochairs
PNC Plan is approved. Make “Will Attend” column uniform.
Metro West Chapter Certification is unanimously approved. Josh will notify.
Danny volunteers for reader/speaker role on Statecom Orientation meeting 2020-04-29.
Charlene and Brian will draft an email re next meeting?
Brian volunteers to co facilitate. Wed April 29, 2020.
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GRP Statecom Minutes 2020-04-29 (Spring 2020 Part I)
Summary: Statecom reviewed important parts of the GRP Bylaws and the Standing Rules. We ran out of time and no one was appointed. The Boston Regional Conventions are still in dispute.
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GRP Adcom Minutes 2020-04-09
Decisions made:
Brian C will bring next $800 challenge draft to co-chairs for approval & email blast distribution
Josh and Brian will consult with others re Boston Regional Convention results.
John will bring the Covid-19 & Economic Collapse essay to Adcom list.
Joshua G will set up model of minutes blog.
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GRP MDVR Minutes 2020-04-07
Decisions Made:
3/16/2020 Minutes: Tabled.
Banners notification – John B will notify chapters and promote merchandise sales.
Video: Sharon Cable TV will help. Maha V, Joshua G, maybe Darlene E, will volunteer.
Dropbox: John B wants help to learn. Elie Y & Brian C can help.
John B will send Youtube versus Vimeo email to Elie Y., share Youtube resources venues to comment.
Elie Y will call Matt A. about Dues.
John B will draw up something on Covid -19
Elie Y will share National material on de-militarization.
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Statecom Minutes 2020-04-05
Decisions Made:
Joshua Gerloff is appointed GRP Secretary.
Brian Cady is appointed GRP Treasurer.
The next State Committee meeting is called for April 29, 2020.
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GRP Adcom Minutes 2020-03-26
Decisions Made:
Josh and Maha volunteered to work with Eilene Wheeler-Sheehan to help the South Coast Chapter organize their Regional Convention.
Charlene will ask CMGR members to contribute content to statement re: Candidate Signature Collection. Brian will also contribute and Maha will compile.
Everyone read the GRP Bylaws!
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GRP Special State Committee Minutes 2020-03-25
Decisions Made:
The regular Spring 2020 StateCom meeting is postponed at least 1 month.
The GRP State Convention is postponed to Sept 26, 2020.
Josh will send Doodle polls to determine meeting times for 2 upcoming State Committee teleconferences.
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GRP MDVR Minutes 2020-03-16
Decisions Made:
Still looking for video presenters.
Elie send Darlene’s email to JB.
Brian will use GRP Dropbox to open ANM videos.
JB call Priscilla E.
Brian will lobby for Merch email blast with Charlene.
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GRP Adcom Minutes 2020-03-12
Decisions Made:
Needed: New email blast for PNC delegates.
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GRP Adcom Minutes 2020-02-27
Decisions Made:
BC: can add tags on the webpage to track postcard effectiveness.
LG and CD will draft email blast re officer, director, and GPUS NC delegates.
EY will help JG with 5G email blast.
Regional Convention point people are urged to have spreadsheet downloaded and/or printed (vs. checking voter info on SOC website), in case the hosting facility doesn't have internet.
Adcom members communicate with chapters that PCWG is still accepting applications for PNC Delegates.
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GRP Adcom Minutes 2020-02-13
Decisions Made:
Unanimous: $1200 toward postcard mailings, divided by eight regions fairly = $150/region
Adcom endorses Work & Family Mobility Act by consensus.
Adcom vote unanimously to endorse the Safe Communities Act.
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GRP MDVR Minutes 2020-02-05
Decisions made:
$650 Banners. Divide between the GRP chapters who don’t have banners. They can order it.
ACTION ITEM: Josh clarify edit to script via email
Need stock pictures for video project. If members can contribute to this, please do.
Josh will forward the Bernie Comparison Doc task to the GPUS Outreach Committee.
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GRP MDVR Minutes 2020-01-07
Decisions Made:
Brian will resend budget numbers and priorities for fundraising.
Update on Video project: Everyone pitch in on the script!
Everyone: look into Progressive Campus Groups. Call universities for groups to target for mailing.
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GRP Statecom Minutes 2020-01-04 (Winter 2020)
Decisions Made:
The GRP demands a moratorium on 5G implementation in MA until a full, extensive and independent assessment of the technology is completed and public hearings are conducted and that 5G is proven safe for people and the environment.
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Statecom Minutes 2019-12-14
These minutes may not be available until approved by Statecom.