Submit up to 8am Dec 10th, 2016
Comments and Vetting through 9am Jan 4, 2017
Amendments through 9am Jan. 5, 2017, Ranking begins.
Ranking closes 9pm Jan 6, 2016.
Downgrade of Inactive Working Committees
Downgrade of Inactive Working Committees
Darlene Elias, Western District Representative <[email protected]>
Roni Beal, Central District Representative <[email protected]>
Vetting Committees:
Administrative Committee,
Action Committee,
Fundraising & Finance Committee,
Legislative Committee,
Platform Committee,
Technical Committee
Many of the GRP working committees are currently inactive. While each committee plays an important function within the party some committees have a higher priority in the day-to-day running of the party.
This proposal is intended to focus the resources of the party where
best needed while leaving the party structure intact. Some of the
current inactive working committees can be changed to "ad hoc" meaning
they will only be called upon for specific tasks directed by the State
Committee. Committees whose status remains as "working" will be better
populated with State Committee members who will actively work on
committee business, help to grow the committees in order for them to become indepentntly active so work on revitalizing the other committees to change their status from "ad hoc" back to "working".
This proposal will change the status of certain committees (a recommended list is below) from "working" to "ad hoc".
Committees whose status will be changed to "ad hoc" will no longer function as a "working" committee but will be given specific tasks as needed and appropriate for that committee by the State Committee. When a task is assigned to an "ad hoc" committee the task's shepard shall send out an announcement to the committee's mailing list stating the task to be done and an e-mail to the general membership asking for anyone who wishes to participate in the task and how to sign up for the mailing list. When a task is complete a notice will be sent to the committee's mailing list informing people the purpose of the committee and inviting them to become an active member, thereby helping the committee regain "working" status, and instructions for how to unsubscribe for those not interested by the tast's shepard.
Committees Recommended for "ad hoc" status:
Action Committee,
Fundraising & Finance Committee,
Legislative Committee,
Platform Committee,
Technical Committee
Financial Impact:
Upon passage of this proposal all members of the State Committee will choose 2 "Working" committees, excemptions are noted in the GRP by-laws. They will fully participate in committees that are currently active and/or reactivate inactive committees.
Action Plan for 2018
Sponsor: Ian Jackson and Elie Yarden
Shepard: Ian Jackson
Budget Impact: 2018 impact will be discussed at a later time. For 2017, the Candidate/Movement schools will be funded in part by donations from participants with means, Stein Campaign, Green Party US. The hope would be that the schools would except for scholarships for participants from disadvantaged communities would fund most of the cost. Additionally, shared office space (virtual office) and subscription services will be considered.
Vetting Committees: CDLC, Membership, and AdCom
We are an electoral Party. The energy from the Northampton and Boston Rallies for our Presidential Candidate, Jill Stein showed that electoral action may be for the Party.
- CDLC will continue to make the races for the municipal elections in 2017 and State House of Representatives and State Senate in 2018, its top priority.
- Membership will explore methods to increase our enrollment which may increase our influence on GPUS committees and conventions.
- The 2018 Electoral Action Working Group will:
- Recruit a diverse slate of candidates for the 2018 statewide elections. This Committee will report to the CDLC, StateCom and AdCom.
- Initial focus of the effort will be on the positions that require 5,000 signatures (rather than 10,000). These positions are Secretary, Treasurer, and Auditor
- Because of the 10,000 signature requirements for Attorney General, Governor, and Senator, approval from AdCom (with consultation with CDLC) will be required before searching for candidates for these positions.
- The members slate will be approved by State Com
- Research a method query (poll) members (and not members) on issues.
- Strive to assemble a team of shared campaign managers, treasurers, volunteer coordinators, and media coordinators ready and willing to support candidates should they agree to run. Willing potential candidates may have invest time in
- Work with CDLC, GPUS Coordinated Campaign Committee (limited funds are available) , Stein Campaign, and Maine Green Independent Party (possibly other state parties) to have one or more Candidate/Movement schools in the area.
- Recruit a diverse slate of candidates for the 2018 statewide elections. This Committee will report to the CDLC, StateCom and AdCom.
- Consider based on funds a Party shared office space (virtual office) for phone banking and to receive inquiries about the Party for the fall of 2017 through the end of the campaign 2018.
- Consider based on funds, a subscription to State House News.
For more background see, A Bold Action Program for the GRP in 2014, minutes of the January 2014 State Committee Meeting, and the report of Electoral Action Working Group (EAWG).