Please enter proposals for 2021 Winter Statecom meeting below
Key Dates
- December 21st 11:59 PM Proposals Deadline (four weeks before meeting).
- January 15th 09:00 AM: Comments and Vetting close
- January 16th 09:00 AM: Amendments Due
- January 17th 09:00 PM: Rankings Close
Please enter, below, your proposals, including'
- TITLE: [Provide a short, descriptive title for the proposal.]
- SPONSORS: [List the sponsors of the proposal. Proposals must be sponsored by two StateCom members or a local chapter.]
- VETTING COMMITTEES: [List the working committees that the sponsor feels are relevant to the vetting of this proposal.]
- FLOOR MANAGER: [List the name and contact information for one person who will manage the process for this proposal. This person will be the single point of contact for receiving comments on the proposal and providing decisions such as whether to accept a friendly amendment. They must be in attendance at the StateCom meeting when the proposal is under consideration.]
- SHEPHERD: List one person who will serve as “shepherd” to monitor the implementation of the proposal after it is adopted.
- SUMMARY: [Provide a short (40 word) summary of the purpose and implications of the proposal.]
- BACKGROUND: [Provide the basic background on the proposal. What will it accomplish? Why is it written with these particular provisions? Is it critical that it be adopted?]
- TEXT OF PROPOSAL: [Provide the exact text that will be implemented if StateCom adopts the proposal. If funds are being appropriated, specify that here. Note that text that appears elsewhere in the proposal will NOT be officially adopted when StateCom votes on the proposal.]
- IMPLEMENTATION: [List the persons or committees that must act to implement the proposal. What do they have to do and what are their deadlines for action? This helps StateCom assess whether the party has the staff and volunteer resources to implement the proposal. It also alerts those persons who will be asked to act if the proposal is adopted. ]]
- FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: [Describe the impacts on GRP budgeting that are expected from this proposal. Estimate total expenses or income expected from adoption of the proposal. If this proposal will be funded through an item that it already in the GRP budget, so note. Note that any appropriation required by this proposal must be included in the TEXT OF PROPOSAL section.]
- REFERENCES AND ATTACHMENTS: [Provide references (with hyperlinks if possible) that assist StateCom in understanding and evaluating the proposal. Attach any additional explanatory information here as numbered attachment sections.]
Enter the Proposal Header and Preamble here (then a second text box will appear for entry of the rest of the proposal):
Initiating an update of the bylaws
Sponsors: Matthew Andrews, Lois Gagnon
Vetting Committees: State Committee
Floor Manager: Matthew Andrews
Shepherd: Matthew Andrews
Summary: The purpose of this proposal is to begin a process of reviewing and updating our bylaws.
Background: Our bylaws are a great document that represent a tremendous amount of work, but they need to be reviewed and updated. The bylaws were written before most of us were members of the Green-Rainbow Party. We are in a completely new political climate. Much of the bylaws were written based on theories about how the party would grow and operate that never materialized. In some places the bylaws are overly complex, while in others they are vague. The bylaws should be a living document that reflect the current membership and the wisdom of recent experiences.
Text of Proposal: Amend bylaws 15.1 which defines how we amend bylaws at state conventions by replacing “a vote of 2/3” to “a majority vote”. Amend bylaws 15.2 which defines how state committee may amend bylaws from “by a 75% vote” to “by a 2/3 super-majority.” State Committee shall create a Bylaws Review Committee and appoint a convener or co-conveners. Full members of State Committee are encouraged to volunteer. Chapters may appoint two gender balanced representatives. The Administrative Committee may appoint up to 3 more members at any time to represent the broadest possible diversity. The Convener shall keep track of committee members and host meetings to discuss the bylaws and develop amendment proposals to be referred back to State Committee. The Bylaws Review Committee may voluntarily disband if a majority feels the work is done, or by a later vote of the State Committee.
Implementation: A few people must volunteer to be in email correspondence and occasionally meet by phone or internet conference. These volunteers must be willing and able to propose, read, and edit amendment proposals. A report with some recommendations should be presented in time for the next State Committee meeting.
Financial Implications: None
References and Attachments: None
SPONSORS: Eileen Wheeler Sheehan, sponsor; David Keil, co-sponsor
VETTING COMMITTEES: AdCom; all chapters and working committees.
FLOOR MANAGER: Eileen Wheeler Sheehan
SHEPHERD: David Keil
The purpose of this proposal is to provide a context for the organizing and communicating of Green-Rainbow 2021 policy priorities including the focus of our effort and the importance of working with (but not working for) like-minded organizations.
The new American president drew millions of disenchanted voters to the Democratic side of the ballot in 2020. His history and campaign oratory promise a return to “normal.” This proposal will directly attack the inadequacy of his “normal” for the majority of voters. Especially in Massachusetts, where a Biden win justifies the conservative style of most Democrats on Beacon Hill, voters need a progressive alternative. The GRP can offer that alternative if we remain focused on the causes of voter disenchantment. It is not enough to be “progressive”. Many groups and candidates claim that mantle. The GRP needs to focus on how Joe Biden’s promises are a toxic stew for poor and working people. We believe that this proposal offers diverse party members the chance to stand up for their own priorities under a common party vision.
The goals of the Green-Rainbow Party, together with fellow Greens nationwide, are ambitious and yet essential to the existence of people, planet, and peace. We will accomplish our goals by electing officials at all levels of government and by supporting those officials through coalitions of like-minded activists. Officials without movement support cannot implement radical change, nor can movements without elected representatives. A longer GRP "Party Agenda" (2015) appears at
Our 2021 actions will focus on social justice, planet justice, and peace. They will support the working class, the racially oppressed, and the poor via specific demands that lead to healing and progress. Importantly these demands include:
- Enhanced ‘Medicare for All’ (universal single-payer coverage for physical health, mental health and dental) recognizing that healthcare is a human right.
- Total Forgiveness of rent, mortgage and utility payments for those unable to make payments, and cancellation of all student debt.
- An eco-socialist Green New Deal bold enough to halt climate change, end the climate emergency, and create a green sustainable and just economy.
- Demanding racial justice and justice for immigrants, calling for community control of the police, citizenship/right to vote for undocumented immigrants, ending the incarceration epidemic, the school to prison pipeline and ending prisons as we know them, recognizing that Black and Brown Lives Matter.
Our goals will also include
- Bold reform of the electoral system through instituting public financing of campaigns, lowered signature thresholds for ballot access, inclusion of all candidates in debates, Ranked Choice Voting and hand counted paper ballots.
- Labor and family protection in the time of the COVID pandemic including the right to be paid a living wage to stay at home if the workplace is unsafe due to COVID.
- Calling for a ban on all new fossil fuel infrastructure in Massachusetts, bans on the production, sale and use of polystyrene and unnecessary uses of plastics and toxins, in order to protect our land, our waters and all living things.
- Defeating the war machine by making the connection between the bloated military budget (which the Green Party calls to be cut by at least 50%) and lack of funding for domestic needs. We will demonstrate the moral implications of war by exposing the massive loss of life from illegal interventions as well as the enormous carbon footprint by the Military Industrial Complex. We will protest the massive influence of the weapons manufacturers in Massachusetts’ economy.
At this time in history, our party will stand as the real alternative to the destructive duopoly. We will let the reigning powers know that the status quo must go.
Action priorities
The action priorities of the Green Rainbow Party are to apply our platform and values by use of our membership and resources; by running election campaigns wherever possible; and by participating in movements for peace and equality. Our message is based on a common understanding of the current situation. We seek to build chapters throughout Massachusetts. Our election work will include recruiting and training well as supporting Green aligned legislation.
Social movements in which we participate include the current massive movement for racial justice; efforts by labor for safety and relief in the Covid period; resistance to war; efforts for women's rights; and efforts against deportations.
Reducing and eliminating abuses of women, immigrants, and Black people will require sustained actions in the streets, independent of the two parties. We will participate in such movements and use our election campaigns to advocate for them. In doing so we will make alliances with groups like unions, community groups, and other organizations. We will build our party and its membership by recruiting activists. Green candidates can build mass movements and gain a positive hearing from their participants and supporters.
Mass actions built by broad action coalitions can stop US aggressions in places like Venezuela, Iran, and Asia. The Green Rainbow Party can play an initiating role. We can play an initiating role in ESL classes for immigrants, challenging support of our congresspeople for Indonesian and Thai dictators. We can challenge the national support for Israel. We can initiate a call for condemnation of the US role in the Saudi attack on Yemen, the worst humanitarian crisis in the world according to the UN.
White-supremacist groups felt a boost with their invasion of the Capitol, incited by the former president and many members of Congress. We can expect more ultra-right-wing violence and must prepare for defense against it. Our goal in this would be to build mass actions to limit the intimidation of targeted groups by these racist forces.
A climate movement and a housing movement that are independent of the duopoly will be part of our work. Our concerns include pipeline construction, state control of local school boards, and eviction of working-class tenants and homeowners for unpaid rents and mortgage payments. We can support the Day of Mourning actions in Plymouth and work for statewide recognition of wrongs done and the need for reparations to indigenous nations. Part of our responsibility is to counter health misinformation that is contributing to the spread of the Covid virus.
Context of this proposal
Mass protest actions by women, immigrants, African Americans, and their allies were high points of the last four years. The "Black Lives Matter" protests challenged racist local police and Trump's federal marshals in the streets. The former President, with support from the majority of his party's Congress members, attempted to nullify the Presidential elections by illegal bullying tactics. A period of widespread Trumpism may continue in the form of bullying, voter suppression, and rejection of democratic election procedures. While the Democrats were the intended targets of Trump's coup effort, Democrats have also led the way in suppressing the voices and ballot status of third-party alternatives, a permanent coup against free elections. Neither side of the two-party duopoly has any solution for the problems of the society, including the problem of street violence and autocratic power grabs.
The Covid pandemic has shown the danger of a profit-based health system and a public-health system tied to the whims of politicians.
The Biden administration poses a significant danger of war in the Mideast, Latin America, and Asia. Threats loom against Iran and Venezuela.
The climate crisis remains with us, worsening yearly. Significant actions initiated by young people filled Boston City Hall Plaza, where indigenous leaders from Boston and New England were part of the speakers list. The climate strike movement must be revived.
Organizational goals
- Increase active membership to 100 - 120.
Active member is defined by the following together:
a. registering to vote as Green
b. membership in a chapter, or a willingness to maintain contact
c. willingness to do work for building the party in accordance with needs
d. willingness to participate in decision-making. - Repair, augment, or replace the NationBuilder software.
- Develop an attractive, accessible website
- Set fundraising goal upward of $10,000.
- Improve effectiveness of working committees by testing new methods of work.
Political goals
- Increase the number of GRP holders of local government office by 10.This is meant to refer to both elective and appointed seats. Since many offices of local government are ’non-partisan.’ Some who dislike Dems, might be pleased to run as Green, and especially so, as Green-Rainbow,
- Develop and file a House Bill on Climate Change, possibly through a House member might be sought to submit.
- Supporta bill that establishes health-care for all persons residing in Massachusetts as a legal right
- Develop webinars on the subject of Green politics.
IMPLEMENTATION: All committees and chapters need to have a consistent overall message to deliver. This proposal envisions asking each working committee and each chapter for their primary targets, for developing relevant materials, and for hosting discussions on how to target the specific audiences. If we can develop some basic literature for the first quarter, we will need to assess and improve our messaging for subsequent periods. Brian’s feedback surveys can greatly assist in that.
FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: We do not have direction from working committees and from chapters as to marketing materials. Should materials be requested, we would expect the costs to be under $1000 for print materials and would expect to raise said costs through voluntary donations.
Green-Rainbow Polling Group Proposal.
CO-SPONSORS: Brian Cady & Elie Yarden
SUMMARY: Create an in-house telephone, etc. polling organization of volunteer active members to serve our campaigns and party regularly and consistently.
BACKGROUND: The lifeblood of politics is knowing our constituents’ wants, needs and understanding. Regular and consistent polling can provide us with both a better understanding of our immediate base as well as improved knowledge of those just beyond the party’s edge – the next to recruit as we grow. And it could be a great service for our candidates. We could, through polling, keep abreast of our constituents’ top issues in life, as well as learn the level of Green understanding of both our immediate base, our broader green supporters and the Massachusetts general population we intend to serve. In this way we can understand what to learn next, what to teach next, and how we should represent our base and constituency. Polling samples would be selected randomly from each database; members, 'U' voters, general public - as far as is possible, as limited by phone numbers available.
- Grossman Solutions will be approached to help establish the polling group, and help train staff.
TechCom will co-ordinate the group, supplying one co-ordinator to build the monthly question bank, set up the software, answer questions and guide poll operation.
Each chapter will nominate a team of members to poll their own region’s constituents, in collaboration with the other chapters’ teams polling their own constituents. Teams would be invited to telephone poll together with the rest of the polling group once a month for overlapping six month intervals. In this way pollers will get to know their direct constituents and build local relationships.
As co-ordinator, Brian Cady will build each month’s question bank in consultation with CDLC and ComCom, to serve both our candidates and party and will analyze results.
Once a month at a regular time, group members will meet via Zoom while telephoning either GRP members, ‘U’ voters or people in general in their chapter’s region of the state. Pollers will poll about two hours per month.
Each polled person will only be asked six questions so as not to annoy our respondents with unnecessarily long polls.
As these questions may be randomly selected each call from our questions list, through an evening’s polling, we can learn answers across the many topics selected for that month’s poll and record them. By examining answer correlations statistically, we will learn how different issues or understandings accompany each other in our constituents’ minds.
FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Callhub / Hubdial subscription payments of ~$300/yr. Also, professional consultation by Grossman Solutions during establishment is expected to cost $2,500.